AS62: Showtime/El Califa/Celeste Crimson vs. Steven Holmes/Chris K.O/Drake Callahan

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
---------Team Showtime------------------VS.----------------------Team Holmes---------

Is there even a match description that can properly define what is in the works here? Think of a brewing storm of emotion filled with egos, conspiracies, and hate. On one side you have a team shrouded in secrecy, on the other side you have a team consumed by evil. In a Clash of Titans type of match, the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, Showtime, El Califa Dragon, and Celeste Crimson will take on the Number One Contender, Steven Holmes, Drake Callahan, and Chris K.O. What will be the result?!

Deadline is Wednesday, 10th of April - 11:59pm Central Time.
The elegant sound of a polished violin set the scene for us as music dances through the air. The ground is green with Mother Nature’s hair and it appears that winter has finally ceased. With Spring, fresh life will come and so will dawn a new era. The stage is set, but who are the players?

Cue the menacing sight of the ever regal Steven Holmes. One might usually find a scowl or grimace upon his face, but not on this day. Instead he bears a sly grin perched behind a clasped hand over a clenched fist. He may be dastardly, but the “Elite” is still a man of nobility and class. There is a certain way one must act around guest, especially dinner guests.

We switch camera angles and a white clothed table is revealed. The seating position is set up in a triangular shape. One point of course is the host of the fine evening, Holmes. Another point belongs to the ever frustrated Drake Callahan. He furiously cuts through prime rib on his preciously porcelain plate. The final point belongs to Chris K.O. who is sipping on some dry red wine.

The camera returns to a close up of Holmes as he watches his guest. Actually, he isn’t watching. He is dissecting. It was just a year ago that Holmes had a similar meeting with the upper echelon of WZCW. He looks to his right and he remembers where the WZCW Legend, Blade, had once sat. And on his left is the man who dethroned Ty Burna and now replaces him in the grand scheme of things. Holmes grins evilly as he reminisces and self-praises his own longevity.

With the faint harmony of the fiddle in the background and the incessant chewing coming from Drake, Holmes and Chris lock eyes as Chris sips on his wine. He immediately stops and holds his glass out as sign of gratitude to Holmes for his hospitality. Holmes responds by picking up his own glass and mimicking the notion in thanks. They both proceed to take a sip and then Holmes speaks up.

Holmes: My gratitude for the wine Christopher. Though I must admit that it is a tad bit younger than what I am accustomed to drinking. It is delicious all the same.

Chris nods. Holmes then turns his attention over to Drake, who has now finished his plate and is dabbing his mouth with his napkin.

Holmes: As delightful as this evening has been, let us cut to the purpose of our meeting.

Drake places down his napkin and gives Holmes his attention.

Holmes: We three are the three surviving elite amongst the atrocious state of WZCW’s current active roster. On this upcoming Ascension we find ourselves united against a common enemy. That enemy is the immutable class of hand-picked superstars of WZCW. It is those that have been given what we so rightly deserve and have earned. I tell you now that this enemy goes far beyond our own personal wants or desires.

So here I am asking you to set aside your own agenda on Ascension. Instead, lend me your complete and undivided energy and your strength to impair the leader of the ingrates. Let’s see to it that Showtime is not able to walk into our match at Lethal Lottery. Instead, he will have to crawl his way to the ring just to forfeit the World Heavyweight Championship over to me.

The sound of clanking can be heard as we see Drake laughing in a mocking manner.

Drake: Thanks for the meal Holmes, but I won’t be obstructing our plans just for you. If Cougar does happen to get in my way on Ascension, make no mistake about it, I will crush him, just like I did this past round, which validates my own claim to the World Title. So enjoy your shot at it while you can and should our paths cross...

Drake grins evilly as Holmes shoots him an amusing smile. Drake then proceeds to stand up from his seat. He does not finish his sentence as the words unspoken speak volumes themselves.

Drake: Once I am done with exposing Ty Burna, I will be looking to make a withdrawal in the form of gold. Now, if you will excuse me, I have my own matters to attend to.

Drake sports a smug grin as he walks away from the table. Holmes’ eyes follow him as he leaves. Now, it is just Chris and Holmes.

Holmes: And you Christopher?

Chris takes one last sip of wine before placing the glass down on table.

Chris: Make no mistake Mr. Holmes; I will be on your side at Ascension. However--

Chris pauses as he proceeds to stand up from his seat.

Chris: My agenda is much more pressing than the world champion at the moment.

With that, Chris walks away just as Drake did. Holmes watches him leave as well. When Chris finally escapes ear-shot, Holmes calls over a nearby waiter.

Waiter: Sir?

Holmes reaches across the table and grabs the bottle of wine chilling in a bucket of ice.

Holmes: Take this wine and pour it in whatever gutter you can find. Those men may eat and drink with me, but never will they be on the same level as I.

Holmes scowls as he hands over the wine to the waiter.


We cut to later as Holmes sits alone in his study a scowl continuing to adorn his face. The study is consumed in darkness bar the desk which Holmes is next to. It is lit with a single candle revealing parts of Holmes’ face as well as his hand which holds a quill. Next to that is a glass of ink which Holmes dips the quill into. He then puts his ink to paper as he begins to scribble something down:

Journal Entry 1094

Today’s meeting with the gentlemen Callahan and K.O. was all but a failure. After I had invited them to my table amongst the God’s they ate my food and drank wine at my expense and they in essence spat it in my face.

While a year prior the likes of Blade and Ty Burna gathered to hear my words, Callahan and K.O. did no such thing. Instead they had already devised their own plans and decided to lead me into a false sense of security. I hadn’t even brought Erik to stand alongside me and make sure I need not sully my hands. I was willing to allow them in that much.

However they did not return my courtesy. Ney, instead they chewed and butchered their meat like Neanderthals – or at least Callahan’s conspiracy spouting maw did – while I displayed complete class and dignity. They were embarrassing; much like a child embarrasses its parents upon misbehaving.

They were uncompromising and while many may see that as a sign of strength, I instead see it as but a sign of ignorance and arrogance. Understandable, after all Callahan is a former World Heavyweight Champion and Chris K.O. was the man who banished Ty Burna from WZCW so they are no doubt entitled to some snobbery, but they were fools to reject my brilliant ploys. They would have secured salvation and safety while I would drop WZCW into a new era heralded by my ascension to omnipotence.

Instead I must grin and bear their insufferable presence as my ‘partners’ (what fool invented that word? It would suggest equality amongst us). The bright side of this entire event is that both men said they were fully prepared to slaughter Cougar at a moment’s notice if he were to cross their path. Perhaps events could be constructed and manipulated to allow such events to transpire?

For now my preparation must change focus to other events. David Cougar has fallen into my traps, collapsing into a pit from whence there is no escape. He will succumb to his raw emotions and for that he shall suffer all the more as they watch on and I laugh, his blood bathing my skin, his corpse lain in front of their bare eyes.

Cougar’s own allies will be left with expressions of vacant awe and miserable pain. El Califa Dragon is a man who I owe a good thrashing to following his victory over me a few weeks prior to this match. While Callahan and K.O. refuse to assist me, I will help their crusade by slaughtering this masked miscreant like a spring lamb. They will thank me for this or else they will feel my wrath upon my coronation.

As for Celeste Crimson...

For the first time we break from Holmes’ notes. He looks away from the pager and into the light that his candle provides. He ponders, a look of deep thought and deadpan expression on his face. A moment’s pause occurs but then a light smile slinks onto Holmes’ face. He recalls Crimson’s fate being interlocked with his own over recent shows and he nods, knowingly. He resumes writing, inspiration having kicked in.

Celeste Crimson will burn. She will fall from the sky just as Icarus did. Her wings will fully melt and she will crash into the rocks below. She will finally fall from grace and never reach the heights she so hoped she could as the woman she is.

And now it shall happen...

The plan will move forward and it already has. Events are in motion that will secure my glory and grandeur upon Lethal Lottery. The ultimate betrayal has yet to occur and the master plan will become painfully clear to all, even those that make up the unwashed masses. You shan’t need to be an Elite to understand just how deeply powerful I am.

The end of an era is coming, but bits inevitable destruction will bring with it gold and silver, blood and war, chaos and clarity. It will be blindingly brilliant and above all else, it will be the end of David Cougar’s petty rise and the beginning of the true era of prosperity and omnipotence. The king will be dead, long live the king!

Holmes lifts his pen from his paper and he smirks. He puts his quill down before turning his head to the lit flame next to him. He takes a sharp breath and he blows the light out. Darkness consumes the room, but a sense of dread still fills us as a monster lurks within the darkness and his powers grow but greater.
I sped wildly down Interstate 80 as Stoya and I made the trek down from Omaha to Lincoln for the upcoming WZCW Ascension. It was still several days in advance of the show, but I found myself with little better to do these days than book a hotel room and hang around the city for a few days. Stoya made no objections. Our flight had come into Omaha, easier and quicker to book than one into the smaller Lincoln airport. At an hour's drive, I took the opportunity gladly to get behind the wheel of a rented Cadillac CTS and take it down the interstate. The landscape outside was about as dull as one would expect from Nebraska, but I couldn't help but feel a little bit freer as I drove. I knew it would fade soon, but I savored these few moments.

Stoya was in the passenger seat, lounging back with her eyes closed, but she wasn't sleeping. I let my eyes linger on her for a few moments longer than I rightfully should have, before wrenching them back to the road.

A few moments later, I felt her stir and heard her yawn slightly. I shot her a glance and watched her blink against the slightly red light of an almost setting sun. She stretched a little and half turned her head to me.

she said. "I'm just feeling tired lately."

I shrugged and turned my attention back to the road. "There's not a whole lot for you to do out here," I replied. "Get some sleep if you need it."

She shook her head. "No, I'm fine now." She looked out the windshield for a few moments before continuing. "I haven't asked you yet how your meeting with your partners went."

I ran one of my hands over my jaw before returning it to the wheel. "Fine. We're on the same page, mostly. Chris believes me, for what it's worth. Steven is out for himself. Fair enough, so am I. So is Chris, too, for that matter, no matter what he says. I'm not exactly counting him as an ally in this, just...not an enemy, exactly."

She nodded. "Have you gleaned anything new lately? Learning about Showtime's involvement in all this was pretty stunning."

I stopped myself before I raised an eyebrow. After swearing her undying loyalty to me, Stoya hadn't done anything but listen patiently and nod while I laid out the details of the conspiracy that I'd uncovered, only answering questions if I asked them. I realized she'd never actively offered her opinion like this before, as if she'd actually internalized my beliefs as my own. But then, wasn't that what she'd promised to do? Somehow, I hadn't thought about it. I was pleased that she was thinking like this, however.

"Not especially. I already made it clear to everyone that Showtime and Ty are in on this together; Ty publicly teaming with him isn't anything new. I'm not terribly surprised to learn that Celeste has been in on it with them the whole time, either. She's always been easy to get onto one side or the other, easily swayed to this cause and that. It also explains the demise of Team WZCW's efforts against the Apostles of Chaos, since there was a traitor in their midst the entire time."

Stoya was nodding along. "I wouldn't have suspected her, though, all the same."

I shrugged. "I suspect everyone. It keeps me from being surprised when they turn out to be on Ty's side. He's got his fingers in absolutely everything. Don't forget that."

We sat in silence for a few moments longer, before she spoke again.

"But we took a big step forward last time, didn't we? No matter what Ty did, you beat Showtime."

I couldn't help but grin wide at that. As trying as the last several months had been, that had felt fantastic. Just as it seemed Ty was boxing me out, forcing me to the edges, beating me at every turn, I'd turned the tables on him. I had beaten his champion and brought myself ever closer to the center of things. I'm sure Ty was furious, and that made me more pleased than anything.

"It was good. But I can't dwell on it. There's still too much to do. Winning on Ascension will be just as critical as beating Showtime was. We're facing the new Apostles of Chaos in this match, and we can't let Ty assert them as a force again. If I can take this one, then I'm on the offensive, forcing Ty to back down."

She smiled and put a hand on my shoulder. I turned to look at her briefly and met her gaze. None of the patronization that had been there a few weeks ago was there; now, it was real pride. I felt darkness cloud my mind as I thought that maybe she was just acting. I grimaced. A very real possibility. It was difficult to have faith in anything, even her, even after her oaths. I looked back to the road; she seemed unphased.

We again sat in silence. The GPS in the card indicated we were about twenty minutes away. I kept driving, before turning halfway toward Stoya.

"Get your phone out. I want to send a message."

She did so without comment or question. She was getting good at this, I remarked. Too good?

She fiddled with the screen a bit before pointing the camera at me. "Anytime you're ready," she said.

I nodded and kept my focus on the road, before beginning.

"This is a message to Ty Burna and the Apostles of Chaos. I was not surprised to learn that Celeste Crimson is a part of the Apostles; what does surprise me is that you would so blatantly reveal it after showing your trump card of Showtime last time. Are you desperate, Ty? Are you trying to scare me away? Because I'm not scared. I'll admit, Ty, maybe I was once. But I pinned Showtime in Denver, and I'm going to lead my team - the new Team WZCW, I should say - to a victory over your Apostles that's nearly a year in the coming."

I paused for a moment before continuing.

"That's what this is all about, in the end. We're all about to get what's coming to us. Ty, in Denver, you tried to put the nail in my coffin. Showtime beating me would have done that, and we both know it. But for the first time, you mastermind, you miscalculated. Because you didn't account for what would happen if I won that match. But I have, and look at where we find ourselves. You had me on the fringe, losing left and right, pushed into obscurity. You were about to do me in. But now? Now, I just pinned the world champion. I just pinned Apostle #1. And I'm at the center of attention once more, and I'm about to turn the tides. Because when the new Team WZCW beats the Apostles on Ascension, it's going to be you who starts getting forced to the edges. And I won't make the same mistake you did, Ty. When I get you on the ropes, I'm going to finish the job."

I grinned, knowing the camera would catch it sideways.

"When my knife is at your throat, Ty, I won't hesitate. I'll slice your jugular, let your blood flow over my hands, and rejoice. Because it's your blood on the stone that's going to redeem WZCW."


Not long after, we entered our room at an above average hotel. No penthouse - not in Lincoln - but something we could live for a few days, at least. I tossed my bag on one bed and laid down in the other. Stoya tossed her bag next to mine and went into the bathroom. I laid in silence for a few moments before scooting back a bit and sitting up against the headrest. I looked at the nightstand next to me and saw that someone had left the Bible out. I reached for it to put it away, but held onto it for a moment. I took it into my hands and, on a whim, opened it up to a random passage and read.

Now it came about after these things, that God tested Abraham, and said to him, “Abraham!” And he said, “Here I am.” He said, “Take now your son, your only son, whom you love, Isaac, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I will tell you.” So Abraham rose early in the morning and saddled his donkey, and took two of his young men with him and Isaac his son; and he split wood for the burnt offering, and arose and went to the place of which God had told him. On the third day Abraham raised his eyes and saw the place from a distance. Abraham said to his young men, “Stay here with the donkey, and I and the lad will go over there; and we will worship and return to you.” Abraham took the wood of the burnt offering and laid it on Isaac his son, and he took in his hand the fire and the knife. So the two of them walked on together. Isaac spoke to Abraham his father and said, “My father!” And he said, “Here I am, my son.” And he said, “Behold, the fire and the wood, but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?” Abraham said, “God will provide for Himself the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.” So the two of them walked on together.

Then they came to the place of which God had told him; and Abraham built the altar there and arranged the wood, and bound his son Isaac and laid him on the altar, on top of the wood. Abraham stretched out his hand and took the knife to slay his son. But the angel of the LORD called to him from heaven and said, “Abraham, Abraham!” And he said, “Here I am.” He said, “Do not stretch out your hand against the lad, and do nothing to him; for now I know that you fear God, since you have not withheld your son, your only son, from Me.” Then Abraham raised his eyes and looked, and behold, behind him a ram caught in the thicket by his horns; and Abraham went and took the ram and offered him up for a burnt offering in the place of his son. Abraham called the name of that place The LORD Will Provide, as it is said to this day, “In the mount of the LORD it will be provided.”

I was reading and mulling it over when Stoya walked out of the bathroom. She laid down next to me and smiled teasingly.

"Don't tell me you're going to turn religious on me,"
she said, light mocking in her voice.

I met her eyes and grinned briefly, closing the book and setting it aside.

"Not likely,"
I said, and leaned in to kiss her deeply. She kissed me back, passionately. I pulled back after a moment and she put her head on my chest, the two of us laying there together.

A few moments passed as I kept thinking about what I'd read. I wasn't a religious person, but something there had resonated with me. I couldn't figure out what it was, not quite. As I kept thinking, words came to my lips as if I was barely thinking of them.

"How far would you go?"
I asked.

I couldn't see her face entirely, but I was certain her brow furrowed as she considered that.

"How far would I go for what?"

"For anything. For something that meant more to you than anything."

She was silent for a moment, before answering. "I don't know. I've never really thought about it."

I nodded. "I would do anything. Give up anything. You know that, don't you? You've seen what I've given up, what I've sacrificed for what I believe in."

"I know. We both know you could have left this business a long time ago, but you didn't, because you believe you'll be world champion again."
She smiled. "That's one of the things I admire about you most."

I let the silence come back for a moment as I thought about what she said. I couldn't shake the feeling that she wasn't being sincere with me, even though everything she said was perfect, flawless. I still barely thought about what I was saying.

"I need you to think. About how far you'd go."

She shifted and then sat up, facing me now.

"Are you trying to ask me to do something?"

"No. But I need you to be ready. I told you; I don't know what's coming."

"But you're expecting something?"

"Maybe. When the time comes, I need you to be ready to answer me. I need to know how far you're willing to go."

She kept looking at me, confusion growing in her face.

"I don't understand, Drake."

I met her gaze and stared at her, stonily, impassive.

"I'm not asking you to understand. I'm telling you to be ready. Understanding is my job. Not yours."

She recoiled a little bit, as if she'd been slapped. She looked at me with the same bemusement in her face, and growing concern.

I reached my hand out to her shoulder and brought her back down to lie next to me, her head again in my chest. I put my head on her hand and smiled, not that she could see it.

"Just listen to me, Stoya. For the rest, I will provide."

With curly brown hair and deep breathing, a pasty-skinned man squeezes the rails on top of a wooden podium. He sports a light-brown suit with a cyan tie tucked inside his coat. We get a close up of his mouth as he leans his head over the wooden structure. He opens his lips and reveals an unnatural set of yellow teeth.

???: We must decrease so that he might increase!

Some mumbling can be heard from whoever he is addressing off-camera. The man proceeds to pull one hand off of the podium top and holds up a single digit on his stubby hand.

???: Man would not know the day or hour. This knowledge can only be revealed by the one who bore it all!

The off-screen audience perks up a little more.

???: Brother and sisters, our savior has come!

An eruption occurs off-camera and now we get to witness the glorious reveal of a humongous congregation. They are rabidly cheering as the brown-suit man shouts “YES!” and “GLORY!” continuously. As the camera pans around the congregation, we notice that it is primarily female-based. In fact, one of them is actually recognizable. On the front row in a sky-blue blouse is the woman known as Juliet (the one who called Chris her son from the snippet at All or Nothing).

???: Shout if you are glad that we are finally going to be saved!

Juliet burst up from her seat and raises her hands in praise as the rest of the congregation follows in mirrored action. We transition the shot to the man with the red scar on his face known as Ethan and the mysterious man with the black and white mask known as Regula. They are watching from above in what appears to be some kind of sound booth. Regular peers down from the dimly lit area.

Regula: Bringing in the evangelist, Eckhart, was not how I imagined you breaking the news Ethan.

The man with the red scar smiles as he looks down at the congregation.

Ethan: John the Baptist foretold the coming of Christ. So too will Eckhart foretell the coming of our savior.

Regula looks over at Ethan, who is still gazing down at his congregation with a smile.

Regula: Funny, I always thought of you as John in the scheme of things.

Ethan: Oh no Regula, not I.

Regula peers back down at the people shouting in mindless praise.

Regula: Well then, what role do you play?

Ethan: God of course.

Regula continues to look down at the activity.

Regula: Of course.

We return to the active sermon and Eckhart has now removed himself from behind the podium and is pointing strongly into the air.

Eckhart: I tell you all now that I have come today to tell The Light of great tidings! The time of salvation is closer than ever. Pastor Ethan has informed me that our savior is coming here in one week's time!

Shrills and screams of joy break out as Eckhart roars in jubilation. We quickly return to the upper-room.

Regula: I guess that is my cue.

With that, Regula turns and exits the room. Ethan continues to smile from above as he watches his people shout in joy. His eyes are specifically on Juliet. We get a close up of her with her eyes closed, a grin on her face, and her arms stretched out high. The screen goes black.


The scene is now drastically different. The setting appears to be a broken down convenience store. Everything is just...dirty. The floor, the walls, and even the merchandise. However, despite the establishment’s unkempt nature, a small line has somehow formed at the checkout counter. A large woman with the name tag “Rosy” is working the cash-register. However, that is not the woman that we should be focusing on. At the very end of the five-person line is little dame. She is sporting tattered jeans with a leather jacket/gray-hooded sweatshirt combo to finish the ensemble. On her face rests a large pair of thick sunglasses. She impatiently taps her foot on the ground in response to the length and duration of the line she is in. She peers up at the check-out counter to see if there is any progress, but she is disappointed. However, she does notice that a small TV behind the counter is playing an ad for a WZCW show that is hosted in the local area.

She mutters under her breath and reaches inside her jacket pocket. She pulls out a carton of cigarettes and a zippo lighter. The urge overcomes her and she lights one of those babies up. Rosy is quick to notice.

Rosy: Excuse me, you can’t smoke inside of here honey.

All eyes are now on the girl in leather. However, it appears that the girl did not hear Rosy, or perhaps she did, but just does not care.

Rosy: Honey!

The girl in leather finally turns her attention towards the plump worker. She speaks out from behind her shades.

Girl: Yes?

Rosy: You can’t smoke in here!

Girl: Well maybe I could wait to smoke if this line did not take so damn long.

Rosy is flabbergasted and begins turning red in the face.

Rosy: Get out!

Rosy leans over the counter and an exchange of profanity begins until the girl finally backs her way out of the store and out into the parking lot. She mutters under her breathe.

Girl: Bitch.

The girl proceeds to pull out a candy bar from her jacket pocket, presumably one that she stole. She walks off into the distance in what appears to be a very rough neighborhood. The screen goes black.


Chris: Today I ate with my brothers. I call them my brothers because even though they are ignorant, they still share common goals with myself. What kind of savior would I be if I did not sit with the people, eat with the damned, and converse with the lost?

We see a clip from earlier when Chris, Steven Holmes, and Drake Callahan were eating dinner. They are chatting as they dive into their meal.

And so I wash my brother’s feet. Not because he is above me or because I am his servant, but because I pity him. It is good to instill faith in those who share common thoughts, but I must always be leery of anyone who seeks to take my rightful position. It was I, and I alone, that bore the burden of WZCW on my shoulders. It was I who was placed upon the chaos symbol and hung high over Golgotha. It is I who will save this wretched company. I am the only way.

We see a generic clip of Showtime at a WZCW show.

A liar and and thief to say the least, but as I have already told Mr. Holmes, he is not a priority. His sin is greatly overshadowed by the bigger picture, the greater evil. He is just as lost as Titus is, so it will not do any harm to just let him wonder in the desert for the time being. Besides, Holmes and Drake will pay him enough attention in the match on Ascension. I am sure of it.

We see a clip from when Celeste and Chris feuded last year.

The widow. Not in the technical term, but in every way possible in relation with the WZCW. The company has long been dead to her. There is no longer support for her from the suits in the back. She has been cut off and left to die. That is the punishment she has received for squandering away every opportunity given. Team WZCW, an EurAsian Title shot, an Elite X Title shot, and even a World Title shot all fumbled. I pray that in this, your darkest moment, Celeste that you will see the truth.

We see a generic clip of El Califa Dragon

You... You remind me of everything bad. You remind me of everything dark. You remind me of everything that hurts. That is why I believe Drake Callahan. That is why I know you are Ty Burna, because you remind me of everything I lost...

We see a clip of what appears to be a cemetery. We see Chris at a tombstone. He kneels down and lowers his head.

It has been little over a year. I weep for my Lazarus. You robbed me of everything Ty. You robbed me of my time, you robbed me of my life, and you robbed me of my father! What I do in that ring on Ascension to you will be throttled by righteous anger.

Arrepiéntanse ahora. Mientras que usted todavía tiene tiempo. (Repent now. While you still have time.)
He who knows, does not speak. He who speaks, does not know.

The scene opens to El Califa Dragon sitting alone in the guest dressing room, mere hours from appearing on The Show. The lights are dimmed down, but one could easily see El Califa dressed in a suit, the top two buttons on the black coat and the white shirt underneath both undone. A black mask with golden trim adorns his face, and a rather nice gold watch i strapped to his left wrist. He gazes down at the face of the watch, checking the time before looking back up and staring into the distance. Just then a knock on the door breaks the silence of the moment, averting El Califa's attention to the sound. He clears his through briefly before speaking.

El Califa: Come in.

The door opens slowly, and into the dimmed room enters one of his partners, Celeste Crimson. A stoic look is on the femme fatale's face as she closes the door behind her. She leans against the door and folds her arms in front of her. Califa sits up straight and crosses his right leg over his left one.

El Califa: Buenas noches Celeste Crimson.

Celeste doesn't return the greeting, merely nodding her head towards the luchador, her eyes narrowing and studying the luchador intently. Califa tilts his head slightly to the right as he realizes what is going on. Before he can speak however, Celeste shakes her head.

Celeste: You are not Ty Burna.

El Califa: El Califa believes you are disappointed in this.

Celeste: I fought against Ty and his Apostles. He enjoys his mind games but he will openly play these mind games. He wouldn't just set something into motion and not reveal it to be him.

El Califa: El Califa appreciates that Celeste.

Celeste: Don't dare thank me little man. Even if you aren't, I have my suspicions that you're working with him. And if that's the case, maybe I should just put you down right now and save all of us the headaches!

The tension in the room ramps up immediatley, Califa's arm suddenly tensing up as Celeste takes a step forward away from the door. The two stare each other down for quite some time before another knock on the door interrupts them. Showtime's assistant Allen opens the door and peaks his head in, a wave of nervousness covering his face as he realizes what he's interrupted.

Allen: apologies for interrupting.

El Califa: ¿Qué es lo que quieres? (What is it you want?)

Allen looks up at Celeste who has turned towards him, her eyes staring a hole through him. He swallows hard and takes a deep breath before speaking again.

Allen: M.........Ms. Celeste, you're due in makeup.

Celeste: Fine, I'm done here anyway.

Allen breathes a bit easier as Celeste turns and begins walking to the door. As she holds the door open she looks back at El Califa, her eyes narrowing towards him once more.

Celeste: I'm watching you Dragon. Any funny business and I end you. Got it?

El Califa gazes towards her before nodding his head slowly. Celeste keeps her eyes on him for one last moment before exiting the room. Califa sits back and exhales deeply, placing his hands on his head.

El Califa: El Califa has not met such an intimidating woman. He is certainly glad she is on our least I hope that's the case.

???: Oh Califa.....

Califa stands straight up, looking back and forth around the room for the source of the becoming all too familiar voice. Just then the silver haired woman materializes in front of him, her eyes glaring through El Califa.

El Califa: And here El Califa thought he was done with getting that look towards him.

???: You are teaming with the Exalted's past enemies! You have angered us greatly Califa.

El Califa crosses his arms and begins laughing, for once he has become a nuisance to this mysterious woman, and he was not about to let it go.

El Califa: Good, El Califa hopes the Exalted bursts a blood vessel over it.

???: You know not who you are dealing with fool!

El Califa walks up to the woman, staring her down as he rubs his right forearm gingerly. The woman grits her teeth as she stares up at the masked man.

???: Do you wish to relive that Califa?

El Califa: Far from it. El Califa has finally healed from whatever it was you did. You tell whoever the hell the Exalted is, that El Califa fights this battle on his own terms and no one else's! The Dragon was battered on Meltdown last week but he was not broken! Now go away devil. Go tell whoever sends you that El Califa is not his to control!

The woman stares up at El Califa for a few moments before laughing loudly, stepping away from him as her face takes on a manic look.

???: If that is your wish Califa, but we will be watching.

The lights suddenly come back up to their dimmed status, and the door quickly swings open as Showtime walks in, he too wearing a suit and his blonde locks slicked back. He walks up to Califa and the two shake hands.

Showtime: Good to see you Dragon.

El Califa: And you as well champion.

Showtime smiles but quickly turns serious as he looks Califa right in the face as he speaks.

Showtime: Listen, how are you after that attack last week?

El Califa: El Califa is just fine Showtime. He has gone through worse hell then a mere brainbuster onto steel.

Showtime: Good, listen have you seen Celeste around?

El Califa: She was here a bit ago, your assistant...Allen was his name? He took her to make up.

Showtime: Ah great! I need to speak with her before The Show starts.

Showtime turns to leave but El Califa grabs his arm, Showtime turns back towards El Califa as the masked man shakes his head.

El Califa: Are you absolutely sure we can trust her Showtime? El Califa is not so sure of this.

Showtime: You saw what happened to her against Holmes, she was cheated of a win over him. I say that's incentive enough to go after him.

El Califa: El Califa certainly hopes so, she has shown though to not work well with others.

Showtime fully turns and pats El Califa on the shoulder, breaking out that million dollar smile, though with a slight hint of unsureness in the smile. El Califa tilts his head to the right being slightly confused.

Showtime: We can handle this Dragon. In the heat of battle she will have our backs, she wants to win just as much as we do against Drake, Holmes, and KO. You know the type of history she has with Chris, there's no love lost there between the two. Now I gotta go get ready, see you out there.

Showtime pats El Califa on the back before turning and walking out of the room. The luchador watches his partner walk out, his head lowered as he falls into contemplation as the scene fades to black. A few moments pass and it returns to El Califa standing on the rooftop of WZCW Studios, leaning against the ledge and staring out at the city below him. He looks up at the partially cloud covered moon, a sigh escaping him.

El Califa: That did not go as El Califa had hoped.

He turns and leans against the ledge, his arms crossing in front of him as he lowers his head.

El Califa: Drake Callahan and Chris KO. El Califa finds it fitting that you would find someone as delusional as yourself Drake. It changes nothing in the eyes of the Dragon. While Chris believe he has ended the Demonio del Caos (Demon of Chaos), he simply cannot stop the fire that roars in the soul of this Dragon!

El Califa steps away from the ledge, turning towards the camera slowly as his arms remain crossed in front of him. The wind picks up as this happens, storm clouds forming slowly overhead in the darkened skies. The light of the moon is extinguished briefly by the swirling of the clouds, leaving the masked man nearly invisible in the black of night except for the faint shimmer of the gold trim on his mask.

El Califa: You wear a white mask KO, but you wear it not with pride, but with an arrogance from your defining victory over the Demonio del Caos (Demon of Chaos). It's truly a shame in El Califa's eyes that you have decided that what Drake rambles on about is truth, but if you wish to believe me to be Ty Burna, then so be it. El Califa will bring an all new type of fear to your mind, stricken with paralysis as you realize it is not Chaos you should fear, but rather you should be afraid of the razor sharp fangs of the Dragon collapsing down upon you! A knight has no strength against the sheer willpower of a dragon KO. There is no princess for you to save, and WZCW will be better off with the scorched ground marking the fall of such a false hero!

Califa let's his arms fall to his sides as he begins pacing back and forth along the rooftop. Thunder cracks through the sky, lighting rolling throughout the clouds as well. Rain begins dropping from the sky, soaking the rooftop and the pacing luchador.

El Califa: Steven Holmes, I have defeated you once before, and Ascension will be no different. While Showtime and Celeste may have the most pressing issues with you, El Califa would take nothing more then pure joy to kick you square in the face once again! Does that loss still sting so badly? Do you feel that anger rising in you when you realize that you simply cannot keep up with him? El Califa has no need for mind games, his fists and his feet are enough for him to be victorious. While you plot and plan with hastiados idiotas delirantes (jaded delusional idiots), Showtime, Celeste, and El Califa walk in knowing that our own skills are enough to put you three in check.

El Califa lifts his arms up and rips off the coat and suit, tossing them off the side of building before tearing off his gold watch and dropping it on the ground. He stomps his foot onto the watch, shattering the glass. He brings his arms down and crosses them in an X in front of him as the rain continues to come down in torrents, soaking him from head to toe. The water drips down his chest and his arms while his breathing becomes heavier and deeper. The camera picks up the familiar scar running down the length of his arm.

El Califa: This suit is not El Califa! He is a warrior and he is prepared for war! The scars of my past adorn my body like the battle paint of my ancestors. And while this rain cleanses my sins as I atone every moment of my life, you continue on Drake Callahan, your own transgressions piling up day after day. You lack compassion or regret for your actions Drake Callahan, and you will pay back double what you have brought into this world. The Dragon will become the sword of karma, and you will bow down as the blade presses down on the back of your neck. And as you plead for forgiveness, your screams of pain becoming every apology you have owed in your life, the Dragon will come down, severing you from everything you hold close. The Demon, no the Harbinger of Chaos, he brought the word of Chaos and Destruction to WZCW. The Dragon shall embody that very Chaos you fear has returned, and you will tremble as El Califa unleashes the carnage and ruination upon you and your life Drake Callahan!

El Califa spreads his arms out, snapping his head up and staring into the sky as the rain continues. The thunder and lighting continue, and with one lighting strike behind El Califa, the screen goes white, but a black outline forms in front of him, a taller man with longer hair. Red orbs glow in the area where eyes would be before the brightness of the lightning strike goes away, leaving El Califa standing there. He grips his right hand, the wounds opening once more on his right forearm. He brings the arm up and runs it across his chest, blood smearing across his skin before he pounds on his chest.

El Califa: Chaos fills the Dragon's heart, El Califa will become the physical embodiment of the Harbinger, and just as he would want, instead of El Califa's blood across his chest, he will paint the sky with the blood of his enemies. Nothing will stop me now Drake Callahan. Not a knight, not a nobleman, and certainly not the likes of you. It is time for El Califa to embrace that which you claim him to be, the epitome of darkness!

Califa lifts his arms up to the sky as another lighting strike takes place behind him, the screen going completely white. Red eyes suddenly break through the blinding light, silver hair hanging down around the eyes.

???: But because you are stubborn and refuse to turn from your sin, you are storing up terrible punishment for yourself. For a day of anger is coming, when the Exalted's righteous judgement will be revealed!

The scene fades out.
Life wasn’t fair sometimes. There were moments where fate dealt you a bad hand, Stacey could recognize that. That’s why she wasn’t really mad; she was a tad disappointed watching her friend in such an emotional state, but she was sympathetic. She locked eyes with the blond as she walked into the room to give the interview, her eyes blazing with discontent.

‘I can’t even bring myself to face her,’ Stacey thought.

She knew she needn’t say a world; the woman’s body language was dripping with such emotion that the sensation of just being near her was suffocating. Stacey couldn’t blame her… she really couldn’t. That’s why she didn’t say anything and just handed over the microphone.

Celeste turned to face the camera, “Life isn’t fair. I know it; and all you fans know it. Week after week I have sacrificed to this company my body and my soul. Hard work and dedication should yield results, right?”

‘I can’t believe she’s being so calm,’ Stacey thought. ‘I was expecting heads to start rolling.’

“That’s a delusion!” Celeste said forcefully. “I have spent an entire year trying to make something of myself, and every time I get close I had it snatched away. And that would have been fine if I had support, but now even that’s gone...”

Stacey took a step backward and bit her lip, ‘I have my pride too Celeste, and I felt so disrespected by the way you treated me that I didn’t know if I’d be able to face you without losing my temper. But after hearing what happened to you...’

“… I look around me at all the people that have been successful and I realize that all of them are scum! Liars, cheaters, and deceivers; all of them!”

She watched as Celeste began to pace ever so slightly, “Those who are nice, who try and follow the rules, who are honest and decent never get anywhere in life, and it’s because they are too weak to simply reach out and take what’s in front of them!”

Stacey crossed her left arm over her right elbow, ‘I thought you of all people were stronger than this. Weak women crumble when they are betrayed by the people they love; I certainly would. But you’re stronger than me! I thought… I hoped… you wouldn’t turn your back on your own morals.’

“I want to finish what I started a year ago,” Celeste said.

“I swore I would punish those who didn’t follow order and that I would bring them to justice! And now I know that’s what my true calling is. I have been humbled by the injustice of others, and now it’s time that I sought retribution!”

“Those that have deceived to get where they are, those that have cheated to steal success from others, those that have caused others despair, and those that have lied to themselves will be dealt with!” she held up a finger for every reason that she could think.

“I am now the judge, jury, and executioner of your morality, and not one wrestler in this company is innocent!”

Stacey’s jaw dropped, ‘Draconian measures? I see…’

“No one in this company deserves to be happy, and no one in this company deserves to be successful. Morality is dead, and all I see in its wake are the sins of the unrighteous as they step over the broken dreams of others.”

Celeste stopped and turned to face the camera; her eyes darkened, “So I will take it upon myself to destroy all the insolence towards order, and only then through humility can they be purged.”

“And to all the fans that supported me, consider me a knight. Those of you who aren’t willing to accept harsh punishments for your actions needn’t even bother following me. I believe that those that are guilty should be punished to the highest degree; made to suffer before being broken.”

She took a step back and held the microphone up to her mouth, “I have a new mission now; and my goal is to see all of you humbled before my feet! That is absolute justice.”

Celeste took a step back as the promo faded into darkness. She turned around and saw Stacey standing off to the side, her eyes averted to the ground. Celeste stepped towards her and trusted the microphone into her arms. She turned to leave but Stacey stopped her…

“I heard what happened to you, and I’m sorry. No woman should have to go through that.”

Celeste turned; the two blonds now locked in eye contact, “What’s done is done. I can’t change what happened; all I can do is move forward. And serving justice is the path I want to follow.”

“But absolute justice isn’t real justice. Even I know that. Despite what injustice you’ve suffered it doesn’t give you the right -”

Celeste abruptly took a step forward and suddenly got in Stacey face cutting her off. The two women engaged in an intense stare down with neither yielding.

“How do you know about my personal life? I haven’t made the details about my divorce public yet, and I don’t intend to.”

“It was Sandy,” said Stacey. “Look, Celeste despite what happened between you two she still cares about you…”

“Our alliance is over,” said Celeste taking a step back. “I refuse to play second fiddle to her, and her arrogance is the reason why she will be brought to justice the next time we face off.”

Stacey shook her head as Celeste continued, “I know you are a very prideful person, so I figured you knew what had happened when you didn’t bite my head off for disrespecting you.”

Stacey opened her mouth but Celeste cut her off again, “I’m not sorry, and I know I deserved your wrath. However, I’m warning you to tread cautiously around me now – if you break the rules, I’ll have to punish you too.”

She growled, barred her teeth, and stepped forward, “You don’t have a right to judge me nor anyone else Celeste! I was hoping that you wouldn’t turn into a bitch because of this, but I guess I was wrong.”

Celeste frowned, “I may not be able to feel physical pain, but I feel it emotionally, Stacey. I’m human just like anyone else, and after all the injustices I suffered throughout last year finally being capped off by the sight of my husband in my bed with another woman and having to see my little boy for the first time in weeks under those circumstances would be enough to break anyone.”

Stacey backed down as Celeste kept talking, “I don’t care if you see me as a bitch, I never asked for your respect. If I can’t be happy than neither should anyone else; I’ll humble everyone in this company and bring them down to my level so that I can rise above it all…

“…That is justice,” she seethed.

Stacey sighed and shook her head, “I’m curious then, about your match this week. There’s something going on between you and Showtime, but I don’t know what it is-”

Celeste raised an eyebrow, “Showtime and I? What gave you that idea? Was it the fact that I didn’t rescue him from Holmes onslaught weeks ago, or that I stopped him from kicking the crap of Holmes?”

Celeste waved her finger, “Make no mistake Stacey, Showtime is just as guilty as everyone else and will be brought to justice eventually. But this week I have three potential victims instead of just one…”

She smiled, “… Drake Callahan, Mr. Conspiracy who believes that everyone is against him, how prideful is he to think he’s special enough to garner such hatred? Califa might just be an innocent bystander in all of this, but even he has secrets that he hides. I’ve heard the rumors about him – what Drake Callahan clamors on about. Even if Califa is a sheep in wolfs clothing it’s not my problem…”

“… Not yet at least,” she finished.

“And Chris KO – once a foe of mine, who discarded the shield of the Apostles and became a “knight” of order – he was never on the side of order, and was only interested in furthering his own malcontent. The sword he wielded wasn’t one of justice, but one of damnation. He’s a traitor to justice, and I’d gladly take his head except there is one more prize… Steven Holmes.”

Celeste turned, “And he’s the worst offender of all, Stacey.”

She began to walk away but not before leaving the reporter with one last tidbit, “The woman that I once was is gone. Showtime and Califa need to understand that they can’t trust me; no one can. Until my goal is finished, I will live only for justice.”


The cityscape was small, yet still quite busy as traffic hustled and bustled about. It was a little after sundown as a white sports couple pulled into the parking lot of a sports bar. Celeste pulled the rental car into a space close to the rear, cut the engine, and walked to the entrance. The bar was empty apart from a few of the locals playing pool. She walked over to the bar, sat down, and ordered a vodka martini. Perhaps she still emitted venomous intent because none of the men had made a pass at her yet. She crossed her legs and sipped her drink. A figure approached her and sat down on the stool beside her; it was a man, his face cloaked in shadows.

“You are looking quite lovely tonight Mrs. Crimson,” she said looking her up and down. Her satin black dress seemed to sparkle, as light gleamed off the fabric.

“You’re late Mr. Silver,” she scowled as the man ordered a drink.

“My apologies,” he said as he took a white envelope out of his pocket and slid it towards her. She opened it and pulled out a stack of one hundred dollar bills. She cut the paper band and quickly counted them before placing them back into the envelope.

“The money is all there,” he said as she stuck the cash into her purse. “My superior expects to see great things from you Mrs. Crimson. We are paying you quite handsomely to keep an eye on Showtime for us.”

Celeste took another sip of her drink, “I no longer have a choice; I need the money. Sometimes justice comes with a price – your boss should know that by now.”

Mr. Silver chuckled, “Indeed he does. Mr. Gold is a powerful and influential man, Mrs. Crimson. If you work for him, he can take you places that you could only dream of-”

Celeste scoffed, “Oh spare me! I’ve been everywhere and seen everything that my heart has ever desired. The only thing your boss could give me is a steady paycheck.”

She downed the last of her drink, and took a notepad out of her purse and scribbled down an address and handed it to the man.

“After the show I’ll be in Sacramento; tell Mr. Gold to meet me there face to face. I want to deliver my report personally.”

Mr. Silver smirked, “And what makes you think that the boss will lower himself to grovel before a mere grunt?”

Celeste laughed, “Are you suggesting your great and powerful boss is afraid of a little woman like me? I’m sure he’d be quite offended if he heard that.”

Not that she could tell by his face, but Mr. Silver did seem to tense up ever so slightly, “Tell Mr. Gold to meet me at this address. I’m not very trusting of men right now, and I refuse to be a puppet on a string.”

She pushed her empty glass forward and got up to leave as Mr. Silver eyed her carefully, “It was never our intention to keep you on a leash Mrs. Crimson. You are free to come and go as you please; provided you play by our rules.”

Celeste turned and began to walk away, “Sorry. The only rules I play by now are my own, but I’m a sensible woman. Tell Mr. Gold to rest easy – I will keep an eye on Showtime.”

The sound of her heels clacked rhythmically against the floor as she walked away,“For the sake of absolute justice there isn’t anything I’m not willing to do.”

She was an unwilling player in a plot set in motion by the devil himself. To give that man his due meant going against everything that she had stood against – but Laxus had taken her heart and shattered it. The only thing left was an empty shell, burned and crumbled into ashes. From those ashes something unholy had risen; a jaded phoenix riding on wings of blackened nightmarish flames.
Scene opens backstage at Meltdown. Showtime David Cougar is alone in his dressing room, slowly taking off his ring gear. He appears very frustrated following his loss to Drake Callahan and is throwing his equipment forcefully into his duffle bag as he takes them off. The door in the dressing room opens and Allen Lewicki enters the room.

Lewicki: Hey Show, I was able to retrieve your cell phone from Steven Holmes. Actually his brother Erik held it over my head and made me jump up and try to grab it. Luckily Ricky Runn stumbled behind him and knocked the phone out of his hands. Doesn’t look like they made any long distance calls on it, but Steven kept saying that he got what he needed from it.

Allen hands Showtime his cell phone. He spins it around and looks over the phone before scrolling through his calls made. As Allen stated, no calls were made on the phone, or Steven deleted them right after making them.

Cougar: Thank you Allen.

Showtime goes to put the phone in his duffle bag. Suddenly the cell phone rings, but Showtime doesn’t answer it.

Aren’t you going to answer it?

No, I’ve been getting a lot of prank phone calls of late. Some fans must’ve gotten ahold of my number some how. Allen you haven’t been posting it on my twitter or blog feed have you?

No, I haven’t done anything of the sort.

The phone rings again and this time Showtime answers it. He listens to the caller on the other end and then hangs up the phone.

Why don’t you try blocking the number, or getting a new number.

I tried getting a new number, but the calls still kept coming so I switched back to my old number. I have also tried blocking it, but every day my call blocker seems to be reseting itself.

Allen looks over at the cell to view the number. 364-896-4743

Have you tried looking up the number?

I did... it says there is no such number.

That’s weird.

The cell phone rings again. Showtime looks up to Allen and passes his the phone.

Here you answer it.

Allen grabs the cell and answers it. He waits for a few seconds and then hangs up.

Nobody said anything.

Didn’t hear anything?

Not a sound.

But you at least saw and heard it ring, right?

Yea I did.

Okay so it’s not just in my head.

David... are you having another mental breakdown?

I haven’t taken my medication for quite some time.

Perhaps we should seek the help of a professional.

Sounds like a good idea, let’s give our usual guy a call.

I’m afraid that will be impossible. Currently he’s somewhere in Arizona right now, but he’s also right now in the middle of an oath of silence or something like that.

Hmmm... well what about his assistant?

I think she’s not running the practice either. I think a Michelle Barnes has taken over all of Professor...

Look, I’m not seeing someone new. The only people I can trust right now are the people I know. You get me his old assistant and I’ll speak to her.

Allen nods his head and goes to walk away. Showtime’s cell phone rings again and Showtime tosses it to Allen.

Here, call her with this, I don’t want that thing near me tonight.

Allen nods and leaves the room with Showtime’s cell phone. Showtime continues getting changed in the dressing room when.

Ring.... ring.... ring...

The landline in Showtime’s dressing room rings. Showtime looks at the phone and shakes his head as the scene fades out.


Scene reopens outside an office building. Showtime walks in through the entrance door and takes a seat. The office in empty and only a few lights are one. After a few moments of sitting down waiting to be greeted, Showtime peers at a piece of paper on the desk, folded in half to face him when he enters.

I’ll see you in the back ;)

Showtime smiles and walks his way down the hall. All the rooms are dark and empty except for one near the end. Showtime walks into the room and sees someone sitting in the chair turned facing the other way. Showtime lies down on the cushioned chair in the room and then speaks.

Cougar: I always thought you looked much better up front than behind me.
The doctor turns around and is revealed to be Sandy Deserts.
Deserts: Mr Cougar, I must remind you that it is highly unethical for a patient to hit on his medical practitioner like that. If you continue further I may have to move our discussion to the harness chair instead, although I’m sure you would enjoy that far too much.
Harness? Isn’t that a little unethical for a trusted professional to do that to a patient?
It’s amazing what one can get away with in this profession. Let’s do something you may not be used to and let’s just take it slow. How are you feeling today?
Pretty good... I’ve had much better days, but so far today has been acceptable.
Good... you still receive mail at the address we have down for you.
I’m sure it would get redirected to me somewhere.
That’s okay, we don’t actual send any letters, this is just to appease my stalkerish nature. So..... how is your wife?
The question freezes Showtime, something he’s not normally accustomed to. He lets out a deep cough to clear his throat before speaking.
What makes you think I have a wife?
Showtime, Professor Kurtesy always preached to me about confidentiality with our patients. In your case, I couldn’t resist doing a bit of digging up into your past. I like to know a little something about everyone I know that very few people do, not that I would ever use it against you, but just in case you ever did decide to screw me over.
Showtime looks back at Sandy who smiles back at Showtime and bobs her head from side to side.
Yea... my wife, Brenna, she is doing alright... great I think.
That's great to hear, it was your anniversary not too long ago. Four years, correct?
That's right.
Did you go out or do anything special for it?
Showtime brings his hands together and cracks his knuckles.
It sounds like she did get something special, but it wasn't from me. I haven't seen Brenna in close to four years now.
Sandy stops her note taking and looks up at Showtime.
David I'm a little confused here, how about he go back to the very beginning. How did you meet Brenna and how is it that you two are married, but barely keep in contact?
Well... back when I was living in Winnipeg we were next door neighbours. Our moms would baby sit us all the time. We'd play games, climbs trees, take baths together, we were inseparable growing up. When my mom passed away and my dad moved us to California, Brenna and I still kept in contact. Every summer my grandparents would pay for me to fly up there for a week and we'd go play in the park or have sleep overs. When I wasn’t there, we'd write letters and try to talk once a month over the phone.
When I finally became old enough to leave California, I came back to Winnipeg to begin my training to become a professional wrestler. She was dating someone at the time, but we still hung out and stuff. I had bigger things on my mind than sticking around in WInnipeg for long. Eventually we became more serious and started fooling around behind his back. Before things had the chance to get really serious, I was given a huge opportunity to go on a big international wrestling tour and get some experience. I left Winnipeg barely saying goodbye and didn't return until years later once I received my contract to WZCW. I wanted to let my grandparents and friends know that I had finally achieved one of my dreams and that I was on my way to becoming World Champion. When I ran into Brenna, I found out that she was a new mother. I didn't need to ask because I could see it on his face, her baby was my baby. She named him Clayton.

I scolded her for not telling me sooner, but then I realized I had been blind about our true feelings for each other. I offered to stay and help raise him, but she refused. She told me I had a dream ever since I was a child and I was finally on my way to making it come true. The last thing she wanted me to do was for me to stop being who I was and stop living my dream. She told me to go, but I still wanted to help. She said that she could earn enough money to support her and Clayton, but the job offer was in the States. She needed a Green Card to go and work down there. I had duel citizenship, so we got married down there.

And you haven't had any contact with her since?
Well... we talk about once a month. It's become a bit more frequent of late, but I haven't seen her or Clayton in years.
She didn't want you in her or Clayton's life?
She had raised him without a father before I found out, she insisted that she wanted to continue that way. She always said she wanted me to live my life the way I wanted to, and I feel that I have, but I also wish I could've been there for them more. I bought the house that they live in and have always sent gifts for Clayton. She didn't want him to know that his father was a professional wrestler. She always refers to me as the special friend who helped make their life possible. I care deeply about them, which is why I'm so worried about their safety right now.
What do you mean, what sort of danger could they be in?
I wish I could know for sure. I've always tried to keep them a secret to protect them from my enemies, and believe me there are many. On Meltdown I received a call from her that said they received tickets to Lethal Lottery straight from England of all places. I have a good feeling I know exactly who they came from.

Tickets to Lethal Lottery? I wouldn’t be going around telling Triple X that Holmes was doing things like that to you.

If Holmes had his way he’d have stuck that million dollar bounty on me as well. He’s trying to get into my head and make this personal between us. He’s succeeding, and now I’ll I’m worried about is what he’ll do to my family.

Showtime’s cell phone vibrates in his pocket. He quickly pulls it out.

But enough about some English fly who’s bothering me. This is actually the real reason I wanted to speak to you.

Showtime answers the phone. A few seconds later he moves the cell away from his ear and turns on the speaker and waits a few seconds.

Do you hear that?

Sandy listens closely, and then responds.

Hear what exactly?

That’s what I thought.

Showtime hangs up the phone and slides it on Sandy’s desk.

But you heard the call being made right? And there is record of it on my phone correct?

Sandy picks up the cell and scrolls through the call information. She nods her head at Showtime.

Okay well that’s a relief. I’ve been getting a lot of prank calls of late from this number that keeps getting past my call blocker. Sometimes I get calls on landlines when I’m not near my phone. Sometimes I hear voices talking and sometimes I don’t, but no one else has been able to hear them yet.

The cell phone vibrates on Sandy’s desk, distracting her somewhat.

Do you mind if I answer it?

Please... go for it.

Sandy picks up the cell phone as it vibrates again. She answers it in a sensual tone.

Hello, this is Sandy Deserts, I enjoy warm baths, getting down and sweaty on the mat with a guy or a girl, and a little bondage, what do you like?

Sandy’s face turns serious after. She listens to the other end and then hands the phone back to Showtime.

I don’t think you’re crazy, and I didn’t hear anything.

You didn’t hear anything?

I think you’re scared about what this man might do with to you, beyond that..... hey we got a alien in WZCW, could me martians calling you.

What sort of medical diagnosis is that?

I told you, I haven’t done this for a while. I quit the practice you know, to pursue one last run in wrestling. I wish I was half as successful as you have been, so too does Celeste. Lately she’s been under a lot of stress.

I’m teaming with her and El Califa against Holmes, Callahan and K.O. on Ascension coming up. Those are three of the toughest wrestlers out there right now, and I’m going to need her to be at the top of her game. Do you think she will be able to do that?

David, I know that Celeste is more than capable of doing that. She is one of the strongest people I know, but she’s also the most fragile. A lot has happened to her right now and I feel her confidence has been shattered. She may no longer be the same person I once teamed up with. David, please keep an eye on her and make sure she’s alright out there. I’m worried she will do something she may regret later on.

Showtime nods his head.

What is your number? I'll call you by Ascension if I think things are alright between me and Celeste. Please try to make her feel welcome alongside you.

Sandy writes down the number 347-469-8463.

I will do my best, but I have a tendency to come off arrogant. Thank you for listening.

As an old friend would say, how does that make you feel?


Showtime: It feels pretty special being able to team with such international legends as Celeste Crimson and El Califa Dragon.

We return on the set of The Show. Showtime is seated behind his desk on stage. To his right also seated are El Califa Dragon, who curiously looks around the stage at all the lights and props, and Celeste Crimson, who has her arms crossed.

The three of us together on the same team, we’re like The Avengers of WZCW. The speed and agility of El Califa, the strength and experience of Celeste, and me, the leader and champion of the group. Our opponents are three mad men, who would stab each other in the backs at a moments notice to get what they are all after, this WZCW Championship.

Showtime places the belt on top of his desk. This does catch the eye of Celeste, who’s arms remain crossed.

Yes, individually our opponents on Ascension 62 are powerful, tough competitors, but put them together as a unit and their egos will collide and crush them. We on the other hand are all in this for the spirit of competition. Together we compliment each other and bring something to the match the others couldn’t. El Califa defeated Drake at All or Nothing, I have defeated Steven Holmes also. Celeste has been in WZCW longer than anybody else in this company. Together we are strong and at Ascension 62 we will be victorious over our opponents because we are better as a group than them, and better as individuals than they are.

The audience applauds as Showtime continues speaking.

Besides... here’s the real reason we will win. Our opponents think we have Ty Burna on our team. How could we possibly lose when Showtime and Ty Burna team up? Two greatest champions in WZCW. Am I right?

The audience laughs and cheers Showtime. Showtime smiles and stands up to quiet them down to continue speaking.

Celeste: Could you please just shut up!

The audience goes quiet as Showtime turns to his right at Celeste now standing.

All you ever seem to do is talk, talk, talk. Talk so much I’m starting to hear it out your ass. I’m done talking and listening to others talk. Is this really a team, or just your face plastered over it? I’ll see you both at the match, that's where I will do my talking.

Celeste storms off the stage, leaving Showtime and El Califa stunned. Showtime cues the band who start playing as the scene closes.


Scene reopens at the airport. Showtime David Cougar is staring out the window at the dark clouds and light rain. El Califa walks up behind him and places a hand o his shoulder.

El Califa: That didn’t go quite as planned, now did it my friend.

Cougar: No... I seem to have angered her already.

She is right you know, you do talk to much. We know you’re good, now lets just show it in the ring.

Showtime nods his head. He knew El Califa was right and that his team would be victorious if the match played out right. After all, he was the World Heavyweight Champion, Celeste was a warrior, always ready for battle, and El Califa was quite possibly the reincarnation of Ty Burna. What could go wrong for them. Suddenly Showtime’s cell phone starts vibrating. Showtime turns to face El Califa.

Hey... do you want to see if you can hear a familiar voice?
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