AS63: El Califa Dragon vs. Drake Callahan & Chris K.O. - Handicap Match

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the Frog
El Califa Dragon rushed to the backstage area after the sneak attack by Chris on last round's Ascension and demanded he got Drake Callahan and Chris K.O. this upcoming round. However, it wasn't until later that we figured out what he wanted because we had to find a decent translator. The main question is if El Califa bit off more than he can chew as he tests the devil dogs of Callahan and K.O. in the round before Lethal Lottery!​

Deadline is Wednesday, April 24th 2013, at 11:59 P.M. (Central Time Zone)​
I pulled into the parking lot of a shopping mall, piloting my rented Lincoln MKZ into an open spot. The lot didn't exactly lack for open spots, as only a handful of cars filled up a lot that could have accommodated thirty or more cars. I stepped out into the midday sun, what little of it there was. It wasn't much more than forty degrees outside, and the sun was weak, but at least there wasn't any snow on the ground. I took a look around at the mall - Village Square, as it described itself - and spotted the usual: a Subway, a Chinese restaurant, a small clothing store, a nail salon. Nothing particular exotic - except for a small store in the corner, lacking a sign on the main set of displays but with a logo on its window - Mercurio's Oddities. Not exactly the sort of thing you might expect to see in an otherwise completely nondescript shopping mall in the middle of Nowhere, Kansas.

It was, however, the only reason I was here.

The last round of television had been an utter disappointment to me. The loss was one thing - not that I put any stock into my wins and losses in six man tags - but it was more the feeling that I was being increasingly boxed in. Ty's ever present efforts to foil me were still existent, but it was as if a new force had arrived, threatening me as well. I'd come to realize how much I was allowing myself to stagnate. What had I really done in an effort to defeat Ty? Just gone from city to city, holing myself up in hotel rooms, planning, plotting, uncovering the conspiracy, but I was missing a vital element - how do I beat Ty? I realized more and more that was why I lost to him at every turn - not because I didn't know exactly what he was, what he was up to, and who his allies were, but because he still had one major advantage on me - he was just plain better than me. He had all the time and resources in the world to study me and figure out how to defeat me, while I was devoting so much time just to figuring out his plans. But the time was coming that I was going to face him one on one again, and this time, I intended to be ready.

I snapped back into the present as I closed the door of the car. I leaned back against it for a moment and waited as I had grown accustomed to doing, waiting for Stoya to join me and start walking toward me. After a moment I remembered she wasn't with me. Max had called earlier in the week and said that he needed her back for some annual - or was it biannual? - meeting that their corporation was having, to report on the status of her contracts. Or rather, contract - or, more specifically, me. It was critical, they'd both assured me, and so she wasn't at my side for the first time in a long time. It felt strange, but I was managing.

I straightened up and strode over to the door of the small shop. All of the windows were covered over with black curtains, making it impossible to see what was inside. I had found the place using the GPS in the rental car, searching for magic or illusion shops. This had been on the way to Keystone from the airport, so I decided to make a stop here.

I shrugged, and opened the door.

Stepping inside, the place was ill lit and gloomy. It looked more like a library than a magic shop, with a huge portion of the store given over to shelves upon shelves filled with books, some with modern paperback binding, some with old, thick leather binding. A small glass counter held an antiquated cash register. I thought that perhaps some of the "oddities" might be contained under the glass, but nothing of particular interest was there - just more books. I noticed a small bell on the counter, presumably for service, so I tapped it. The ringing sound went throughout the store and I waited. Soon enough, a short, bald man probably in his forties came shuffling over. He looked at me and smiled widely.

"Oh, welcome, welcome, how may I help you today?"
the man said, bobbing his head up and down as he spoke in a vaguely disconcerting fashion. He came to stand before me, so close that I took a step back for comfort's sake.

"I have a few questions for a man like you,"
I said, slowly, realizing I hadn't fully thought out my motives in coming here, only that I was looking for answers.

"A man like me?"
he replied, a half smile growing on his face. "I'm not quite sure what you mean by that."

I continued. "You're Mercurio?"

The man's smile grew wider and he nodded. "A nickname, but it's much more impressive on the sign than 'Jeremy's Oddities'."

I nodded and went on. "I...there's a man I know. Not a good man. But he's very wrapped up in..." I waved my hand around, gesturing at the shop. "Things like this. Magic, illusions. The...occult," I finished flatly.

Mercurio took a moment to think about that, staring at me as his smile dropped. "What you are discussing are two very different things. Magic and illusions are the purvey of parlor entertainment. The occult is where real power lies - or so its practitioners would have you believe. Rather, as they believe very strongly."

I thought about that for a moment. "He's a believer in the occult. I know that. But he plays with the parlor magics too. He likes Ouija boards."

Mercurio laughed deeply at that. "Ouija boards and a true practitioner of the occult? If your man is indeed a true practitioner of the occult, he has a deep flair for the theatrical."

I grimaced. "He does. But he's very good at manipulating people. Playing mind games. Getting into people's heads."

The man nodded slowly, but said nothing. A few moments passed before he spoke.

"What is it that I can do for you, then? A book on the occult? Your own Ouija board?"

I shook my head. "I want to know how to stop him. Get inside his head. Defeat him."

"A proper wizard's duel, is it?"

I laughed a little, despite myself. "Something like that."

He nodded for a moment and continued. "There's nothing I can sell you that'll help you. But I can give you a piece of advice, if you'll hear it."

I nodded and gestured for him to go on.

"A lot of people might have you believe that the occult fear God. That they're worshipers of the devil who derive their power from Hell, and are thus naturally opposed to the powers of Heaven."
He paused for a moment. "Are you a man of God?"

I shook my head. "Not especially."

"Good. Then you won't be offended when I tell you that's a crock of shit. The occult predates the origin of Christianity by centuries, if not millennia. It predates any religion. In some ways, it's the first religion. It's a religion of the self. Do you understand?"

I replied honestly.

"The practitioner of the occult is a worshiper of himself. He wants one thing - power - and he is convinced that its source is inside of himself. He has convinced himself that the place that power resides is in his own heart, or mind, or soul, or whatever he chooses to call it. And he spends the rest of his life trying to tap into it. The practitioners of the occult don't fear God, my friend - they envy him. And they do everything they can to become gods in their own right."

The air around us had started to grow uncomfortably hot for me. I tugged at my collar and asked, "Then what do they fear?"

"They'd tell you they fear nothing. But let me tell you the truth - they fear themselves most of all. They fear their own doubts, their own uncertainties. I've seen true power in this world, but for every instance of true power I've seen I've come across a hundred who've only convinced myself of it. And each and every one of them knows that they might be full of it. Each and every one of them is terrified that whatever they've convinced themselves of is false. Even the ones with true power are worried it's a lie. The greatest fear of a practitioner of the occult is that where he believes power resides is not where it is resides, that the carefully constructed mindset they've built that guarantees their eventual ascendance to godhood is a lie. They're terrified that the walls will come crumbling down from the inside. They're terrified of the voices in their own head, the little whispering words of uncertainty. They're worried that one day a crack will open they can't close. Even if they aren't lying to themselves, they're worried one day they'll find out they have been."

I let his words sink in, trying to process what I was hearing. It was a lot to take in at once.

"How do you know this?"

"Half of these books are journals of arcanists, wizards, and all sorts of their ilk. Read enough of them for long enough and you'll see that just about every one of them expresses this fear at some point."

We stood together in silence for a few moments longer. I tried to take it all in. I was beginning to think I saw the threads connecting. I looked at Mercurio and met his eyes.

"Thank you. You've been very helpful. Here,"
I said, reaching into my pocket for my wallet. He put a hand up.

"Not at all. I haven't done anything more than have a conversation with you. Nothing you need to pay me for."
He extended a hand. After a moment's hesitation, I took it.

"One more question. If you're a believer in all this, why help me stop a fellow believer?"

"We're not in a brotherhood, my friend. I told you because I never get to talk to anyone in this place."


"Bloody Mary, bloody Mary, bloody Mary ."

A lighter clicked and a small flame grew, lighting a candle that revealed my reflection in the mirror. I was recording with a small camera on the shelf behind me, invisible in the low light.

"Surprise, surprise, I'm still alone. Maybe some of you in the WZCW Universe played this game when you were children. Stand in front of a mirror and repeat the name three times, and she comes, right?"

I looked around the room dramatically.

"Well, no one's here now, just me. That's because ghosts don't exist. You can't summon things by saying their name in a mirror. There's no such thing. I can tell you that because I'm an honest man. I tell the truth. I don't speak in riddles, I don't play mind games, I don't pretend to be something I'm not.

"But Ty Burna is trying to do all of those things. He leaves little poems everywhere. He leaves his precious Ouija board lying around. He hides under a mask and plays games from the shadow. But in the end, he's a liar. He's a liar, a cheat, a fraud, the ultimate deceiver.

"What sickens me most of all, though, is that he's able to get away with it all. He comes out under his mask and you all cheer him, he pretends he can speak Spanish and you all gobble it up, he leaves his little clues and plays his little games and all of you couldn't be more thrilled to watch me suffer in confusion. Each and every member of the WZCW Universe disgusts me because of their continual support for the Ty Burna conspiracy."

I rubbed my hand over my chin, going over my next words.

"Ty, this is all coming to a head soon. You can run and hide all you want, you can play whatever games you want, you can use your illusions and your tricks but soon enough you're going to stand in the ring with me one on one and be out of places to hide. No more smoke, no more mirrors, just you and me in the ring. And I'm going to look into your eyes and you're going to know the truth once and for all - that no matter what you've built up in the minds of the WZCW Universe, you're not magic. You're just a man. You're just one man, you're a hell of a wrestler, but you're not God. You can surround yourself with Apostles, you can play magic tricks, but it doesn't make you anything more than a delusional maniac.

"The last time I faced you one on one I said you should find God. I should have known better - you already had. Your God is yourself. You've propped yourself up on a throne of lies, pretending you're the King of all Creation. The Lord of Chaos, the King of the Apostles, all hail to Ty Burna!"

The last I spat out, making my disgust evident.

"I told you to pray in your last moments, but what is prayer to you? Every action you take is prayer. Every move you make is an act of your own holy will, isn't it? You're wrong. You're not a God. You're not a King. In WZCW, there are no gods, no kings. Only men. And when I face you, whether with Chris K.O. at my side, or on that day I stand across from you one on one in the ring, we won't fight with supernatural powers at our backs or in our souls, we'll fight as men. So forget about God, Ty, and forget about prayer, and forget about your illusions, forget about your Apostles. Forget everything you think about yourself, because your greatest illusion is the only you've pulled on yourself. You've convinced yourself you're a god. For a time, you had convinced even me. But no more. I know you for what you are, and you're just one man."

I bent down and blew the candle out.

"And all men must die."

We apologize for the inconvenience, but the originally scheduled RP will not be airing tonight due to time constraints. Please enjoy Chris ranting on a microphone instead.

Chris: Shut up.

The crowd begins booing vehemently as the WZCW Savior stands alone in the center of a ring. He is sweaty and irritated.

Chris: You are blessed that I still do house shows. You are blessed that I did not forget about the poor people who can even afford tickets for live shows.

The crowd begins booing even louder. Chris proceeds to take a seat in the middle of the ring. Chris brushes a hand through his hair.

Chris: I'm sorry if I offended the ignorant sheep who pay for house show tickets to just watch warm-up matches. Don't worry, I will never turn away from those who are still willing to listen.

The camera shows some of the crowd begin to leave, but the majority remain in their seats so that they can boo Chris.

Chris: For a solid year I was pressed under the thumb of Ty Burna. He tried to brainwash me into thinking that it was I who always wore the mask. However, I quickly realized that Ty Burna was the one who was wearing a mask. He has been wearing a mask since the first time he stepped foot into this company. So really, him posing as El Califa Dragon should be no surprise to anyone.

The crowd boos.

Chris: Don't fool yourself into believing for one second that Ty Burna has ever cared about the people. Don't boo me when you know that Ty Burna would stand in this ring and spit in your face if he had the gall to take off the his current mask and show the whole world how much of a coward he actually is.

I don't know if Ty has ever conspired against Drake, but what I do know is that Ty Burna is afraid. Ty Burna is afraid of one the who brings the sword of reckoning. Ty Burna is afraid of the very one he mocked and crucified. Ty Burna is afraid of Chris K.O.

So, instead of facing his fears, he decides to play his hand like an old-time cartoon. I can see it now: Cat K.O. and Drake Callico running around the living room and trying to catch El Califa Mouse. The concept could give Tom and Jerry a run for its money. Well let me tell you something Ty, procrastination is a fool's game. You are only putting off the inevitable and prolonging your ultimate demise.

You want to run into the back office and demand a 2 on 1 handicap against the two most dangerous superstars in this business? You think that makes you look tough? You think that validates your lies? Think again!

The crowd boos.

Chris: It's time to put away the Rosetta Stone Ty. As long as you have that mask and as long as you fear looking me in the eyes, you are nothing. Quit acting like a poor man's Black Dragon and get ready for judgement.

In our upcoming handicap match, Drake and I will rip that disgusting cloth off of your head and then I will look at you and spit you back into the hole you crawled out of it. I will mutter these words as I send The Sword right into your throat, "Be gone, I never knew you!"

Chris drops the microphone and proceeds to stand up. His music plays as he exits the ring, and the crowd boos him up the ramp. Chris just walks up the ramp with a scowl on his face. He sporadically shouts out at the crowd, "I have righteous anger!"


The scene transitions to Chris in a small room. He is relaxed on a cushioned chair. The room is familiar and we recognize it as his dentist's office. In fact, his dentist is right next to him. The shady man smiles down at the WZCW Superstar.

Dentist: I am pleased with your dedication to keeping that mouthguard in Chris during your matches. In fact, I think after the Lethal Lottery that you will be as good as new. Hold on while I grab something, okay?

Chris just nods as the dentist leaves the room. Chris looks around the room and examines various charts and tools on a nearby counter. A door opens behind where he is sitting.

???: If you would, please raise your right sleeve up to your elbow.

Chris isn't quite sure why, who he assumes is his dentist, is asking for the required action, but he does it anyway. Chris hears a drawer opening behind him, but he remains seated in a comfortable position. The person proceeds to walk up and dabs a cotton ball with alcohol on the forearm of Chris.

Chris: What exactly is this for?

The person proceeds to stick the needle inside of Chris's arm and injects the content.

???: For The Light.

Chris grows a cold sweat and looks up at the person injecting the shot. It is the man in the white and black mask! Chris tries to speak, but he suddenly becomes very tired. The camera shot is now from Chris' first-person point-of-view. We slowly see his eye-lids close and then the screen goes black.
Apocalypse is a frame of mind. A belief. A surrender to inevitability. It is a despair for the future. It is the death of hope.

The scene opens to a clearing in a forest, the sky bleeding red and orange as the sun sets in the west. Smoke can be seen billowing up, the grey mixing in with the red and orange, nestling between the green of the leaves rising high above upon the trees. A jaguar suddenly runs across the screen, disappearing quickly into the brush. The camera zooms in, revealing a large camp fire centered in the clearing. An old man sits, with an Aztecan headdress sitting on top of his head with large and various feathers set into a specified patterns. Beaded knots fall down from the headdress, framing the old weathered face of the man. A hand sewn cloak wraps around the man's body as he sits in front of the fire, his eyes closing as he chants an unknown incantation. Sitting next to him is a rather large bag, hand sewn once again, filled with what one could assume to be supplies. The elder man suddenly opens his eyes and looks up and sees El Califa Dragon, wearing a red version of his mask and a similar colored cloak over his body. The two look towards one another before the old man gestures.

Elder: Welcome, my son.

El Califa bows his head briefly before taking a seated position, crossing his legs underneath him. He folds his hands in his lap as he stares across the campfire at the Elder, only the soft sounds of the forest breaking the silence between the two of them.

Elder: You have come to seek guidance from the Gods have you not?

Califa: Si.

The Elder reaches down into his bag, pulling out a rusted metal container. He takes the top off and pours the contents out, sand falling down into his other hand. Soon it overflows and falls through his fingers, The Elder chants again as El Califa watches intently. Soon the Elder holds his hand up, and with a gentle exhale, scatters the sand from his hand right into the fire. The fire suddenly flares green and blue, dancing as if a breeze had just picked up. The two watch the fire silently once more as the colors continue to change, suddenly the fire flares up in black and yellow, the flames contorting into a shape of a dragon, roaring up into the air before returning to normal. The Elder raises his eyes up towards El Califa.

Elder: Aura del Dragón te bendiga mi hijo. (The Dragon's aura blesses you my son.)

El Califa lowers his head briefly before shaking his head. He lifts his head once more, motioning to the fire once more as an indescribable image forms in the place of the dragon though the image certainly doesn't look pleasant. The cackling of madness fills the air before the image dispels once again.

Elder: I see. Persianas de una nube oscura viaje del Dragón. ¿Qué más te preocupa valiente dragón? (A dark cloud blinds the Dragon's journey. What else troubles you brave Dragon?)

El Califa: El Caballero corrupto y el Loco que creo que yo sea el origen de sus propios demonios. (The corrupted Knight and the Madman who believe me to be the source of their own demons.)

Elder: You are a warrior Dragon. A warrior of the ancient Aztec bloodline. Why do you fear the known enemies?

El Califa: El Califa fears that which leads him down the dark path. He fears the unknown entity, hovering just over his shoulder.

The Elder studies El Califa for a moment, Califa's words ringing out strong and calm. The Elder coughs briefly before reaching down into his bag once more, retrieving a wooden mask with a headdress attached to it. He beckons El Califa forward, who obliges the man. The camera position is behind Califa as he kneels down.

Elder: Usted usa esta máscara de vergüenza. (You wear this mask in shame.)

The Elder suddenly reaches up and rips El Califa's mask away from his face. He soon places the wooden mask over El Califa's head, his thumb running down the middle of the mask, grey ashes placed upon the light wood.

Elder: Usted debe llevar esta máscara con valentía. (You shall wear this mask with courage.)

El Califa raises his head as the camera rotates around, revealing the mask carved into the shape of a dragon, red feathers and various other beads adorning the mask. He nods his head as he stands up and soon the Elder stands slowly, grabbing his wooden walking stick as well.

Elder: Tonight you will sleep among the spirits of nature. Meditate upon your strengths and your weaknesses. You shall confront the demons inside of you Dragon. You and you alone will decide whether those demons will be of strength to draw upon, or to be dismissed. The Gods will look fondly down upon you warrior, your greatest battle and your greatest victory comes soon.

The Elder lifts up his bag and slowly walks away as El Califa looks up, suddenly realizing that night had befallen the sky. The stars sparkle with a rare brightness, away from the business of the city they are free to cast their enveloping light without hindrance. He turns towards the fire and sits down once more, folding his legs underneath him and his hands folded again. The flames have returned to normal. El Califa takes a deep breath as the scene fades to black briefly. The scene reopens a few hours later, El Califa's head now lowered against his chest as the fire has withered down. The howl of a coyote can be heard in the distance which draws El Califa's attention. He turns his head away from the fire briefly before looking back to the fire, nearly jumping back as the silver haired woman has suddenly appeared in front of him, hovering above the fire. He slowly stands up, his hands curled into fists as he stares down the woman.

???: Are you prepared to do what is necessary El Califa?

El Califa: I must end the Knight and the Madman.

The woman studies him intently before tilting her head and smiling maniacally, her silver hair just touching the tip of the flames, though no reaction is seen. She crosses her arms as she tilts her head back up.

???: And so it was written El Califa. The Exalted is not the demon you believe him to be. He is the one who steers the wheels of your destiny. He shall lead you to the glory you seek, and he will guide you to destroying our enemies.

The woman's eyes glow red as she floats forward right to El Califa, their faces mere inches from one another.

El Califa: El Califa shall be the Exalted's Champion. No longer will The Knight or The Madman attack me from behind. The Dragon will not be distracted by anything else. I will become the very thing they fear, the embodiment of Chaos!

???: No. Chaos is but only one part of the Exalted. You shall become the very weapon the Exalted wields at his right hand side. You shall break The Knight's Sword, and the Madman's tongue shall be cut from his mouth, silencing him once and for all.

El Califa and ???: For it is the will of the Exalted, that shall lead us to everlasting glory!

The fire behind them suddenly surges upward and outward, enveloping the silver haired woman. El Califa stands in front of the vortex of flames before walking slowly into it. The vortex intensifies before suddenly distancing itself from El Califa. He holds his hands out in front of him as the fire lashes his right arm, the kiss of fire branding an odd symbol onto his right arm, it appears to be a Yin Yang symbol with Celtic Knots tied into it. El Califa let's out a roar of rage before the fire envelopes him once more, and soon the screen is completely covered in flames. It fades to black once before returning, the glow of the morning sun reflecting off the morning dew. The Elder returns to the clearing, clutching his walking stick tightly. He stops and raises his eyes towards the sight in front of him, a man in a oddly familiar cloak standing where the fire has now become ashes. The man slowly turns his head, revealing it to be El Califa in a black version of his mask.

Elder: Go forth my son. You have made peace with your demons.

El Califa looks towards the Elder when suddenly a faint red glow could be seen behind the black fabric of his mask. He pushes the long part of the cloak aside, revealing the new symbol on his arm briefly before turning his head.

El Califa: The Knight and the Madman, they know not what they have awakened, but they will know the consequences of their actions. The Dragon rises and roars through the sky, and he will burn through the Exalted's enemies, the path of his return laid out in a river of blood!

El Califa begins walking away as the camera looks back towards the Elder, a grim look on his face.

Elder: Be at peace Dragon, for your soul trembles with the consequences of your own choices.

The scene fades to black.
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