AS65: Celeste Crimson vs. "Showtime" Cougar

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW

“Showtime” David Cougar makes his return to in-ring action on WZCW this round and he is hungry for revenge. Celeste Crimson played a vital role in costing Showtime the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion at Lethal Lottery V against “The Elite” Steven Holmes. Now, Showtime will get to sink his teeth into the mischievous Celeste Crimson in a one-on-one encounter. However, while Showtime was away, Celeste Crimson did play. She marched into this past round alongside her new beau and took down the winner of the Lethal Lottery, Drake Callahan. With Celeste Crimson being red hot and Showtime out for revenge; the question is who will give in this heated confrontation?

Deadline is Tuesday, June 11th 2013, at 11:59 P.M. (Central Time Zone)
A bright light shined in front of me. It was blinding at first, but as my eyes adjusted it became clearer and more inviting. I reached out with both arms to touch it, but then the light shook and suddenly darted away. I looked around and then I saw it again to my right. Once more, I reached out towards the light, but as I did the light moved around again. Impossible to grab, but still I kept trying to move towards it.

Scene opens inside a medical room inside the Allstate Arena. "Showtime" David Cougar is seated on an examination table as a doctor shines a flash light into each of his eyes. There is little reaction from Showtime as the doctor examines him and writes down on his clipboard. He asks Showtime a couple questions that draw little more than a nod of his head. The doctor gives his diagnosis to Showtime's assistant Allen Lewicki.

Doctor: It is definitely a concussion.

Lewicki: Oh no, will he still be able to compete in the Lethal Lottery?

Doctor: Absolutely not. He should not compete in any sort of match for at least a month.

Lewicki: Oh dear, he's not going to like that news.

Allen and the doctor soon fade out of sight, although I'm sure Allen was still with me inside the room. My body was covered in numbness, I felt empty inside. Medical professionals will tell you that Erik Holmes was the direct cause of my concussion. He did the damage alright, but my mind was very much in shock over the events that happened during the WZCW Title match that night.
Copeland: All Showtime has to do is get the referee up and he'll have this thing won!

Cohen: You don't know that! Maybe Holmes is just conserving his energy!

Connor: I think Holmes is knocked out! But, wait - what in the world is Celeste doing?

Celeste has made her way over to the timekeeper's table and...she's taken possession of the world championship belt! She's ignoring all the protests around her as she takes the belt and enters the ring! Showtime is having no luck with Akiyama, but his attention is diverted as Celeste calls his name. Showtime turns and sees her, stands up - AND IS KNOCKED OUT COLD WITH THE CHAMPIONSHIP BELT! The crowd is in total disbelief as Celeste Crimson stands above the world champion, bleeding openly from his forehead as she has just caved in his skull with an absolutely brutal shot with his own championship belt. Her face is totally expressionless as she surveys her handiwork and the crowd still has no idea what just happened here.

Copeland: I don't...I don't know what we're seeing here!

Celeste goes over to Steven Holmes, and unceremoniously drags him on top of the remains of Showtime. She then goes over to Akiyama and...she drags him over to what is apparently a pinning predicament! Akiyama is still so dazed that he apparently has no idea that any foreign interference has taken place in this match....but he sees the cover! Celeste quickly leaves the ring behind him and he never saw her! But he sees the pin! He counts!

ONE............................................... .....................................

TWO............................................... .................................


Akiyama signals for the bell! It's all over! 

Copeland: No! Not like this! 


Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen....your winner....

Harrys is hesitant and indecisive, but he knows what just happened.


Holmes appears barely aware of what's just happened as the entire crowd is moving from total disbelief to total revulsion. There's not a person in the arena not booing furiously and some are even throwing trash into the ring in total disgust of what they've just seen. Celeste Crimson returns to the ring with world title belt in hand and pulls Steven Holmes to his feet.

He looks at the belt for a long moment and then raises it above his head, grinning like a maniac. The ring is receiving more and more trash as security is trying to keep the crowd under control. Holmes is able to break eye contact from the belt long enough to share a long glance with Celeste. For the first time tonight, Celeste breaks into a smile as well and she leans in toward Holmes....for a long, deep, and passionate kiss!

We return to Showtime in the medical room. The sound of Celeste Crimson's music is coming from a small TV in the room as the Lethal Lottery match rolls on. Celeste is the next entrant in the match and is getting booed for actions earlier that night. Showtime continues to sit on the examination room, staring at the white wall in front of him, even through the TV is just to the right.
Time went by in no particular order. Minutes felt like hours, and sometimes they passed by like seconds. I was completely unaware of everything that was going on around me. I wasn't even aware that my own wife and son were now sitting in the room with me.
They had been there the entire time. Not once did they leave his side as Showtime was helped to the room. Brenna was now on the phone with the local hospital to get an ambulance to pick up Showtime. Clayton was sitting beside his father on the table, holding his hand. The Lethal Lottery match continued on the TV.
Drake runs across the ring and off the rebound hits a hard dropkick to the ribs on Ty, forcing Ty to relinquish his grip and lands on the outside!

Harrys: Ty Burna has been eliminated!

Copeland: I...I don't believe it.

Cohen: They've done it! Ty Burna has been eliminated! No repeat winner this year!

Ty Burna lies on the outside, his face squarely against the mat as he tries to push himself up. Chris taunts him from the outside as Ty slowly gets to his feet. He holds his midsection again as Chris continues yelling towards him. Suddenly Drake comes up from behind Chris and tosses him over the top rope! Chris is able to hold on, his feet nearly touching the floor. He starts to pull himself back up but Ty suddenly hops up onto the apron and with a running start he connects with Consecrated Banishment right to the side of Chris's head! The force of the blow sends Chris crashing to the ground below as the crowd cheers loudly. Ty brushes his hair back as he hops off the apron, walking backwards up the entrance ramp as the crowd cheers loudly.

Harrys: Chris K.O. has been eliminated!

Copeland: And with a little help from Ty, Chris K.O. has been eliminated by his own ally!

Cohen: It just shows how bad of a loser Ty Burna is. He was eliminated, he had no need to get involved!

Connor: Either way we're now down to two people, Rush and Drake Callahan to go to the main event of Kingdom Come V!

Rush immediately tries to toss Drake out but Drake is able to roll away. Drake goes to kick away at the knees of Rush, but Rush suddenly lifts him up with a military press. He tosses Drake across the ring but Drake grabs hold of the top rope before going over, wrapping his legs around it too. Rush tries to grab him but Drake holds firm on the rope. Giving up on prying him from the rope, Rush begins hitting open hand chops to the back of Drake, who yells out in pain with each shot. Drake shakes his head as Rush continues the punishment, before backing up. He goes for a big boot to the head but Drake pushes himself up to avoid the boot. He springboards off the ropes and hits a dropkick, sending Rush into the corner. Drake rushes forward and tries to lift the big man up, to no avail however as Rush hits a clubbing forearm to the back. A big kick to the midsection has Drake doubled over, and Rush sets up for the Rushing Powerbomb! He lifts Drake up and begins running but Drake grabs the top rope before being dropped down, pulling Rush forward with his momentum! Rush tumbles over the top rope as does Drake, and both men skin the cat, clinging onto the top rope as the crowd almost pops from what they thought was the end. Rush struggles to keep his feet up as Drake is able to pull himself up and over the ropes to the inside. Rush finally gets his feet on the apron and stands himself up but Drake comes flying off the top rope with a crossbody. Rush is able to catch him, but struggles to keep his balance on the apron as Drake grabs the top rope in desperation as well. Rush regains his balance and grabs the throat of Drake and lifts him up. Drake kicks desperately at the face of Rush, but Rush goes to release him, only for Drake to get his legs around Rush's neck and send him off the apron with his legs, clutching to the top rope as Rush crashes to the outside, Drake's feet mere inches from the ground!

Harrys: Rush has been eliminated, therefore your winner of the Lethal Lottery, Drake Callahan!

The crowd begins booing loudly as Drake continues to hold onto the top rope, staring down at Rush before sitting down on the apron, holding his head in his hands as he realizes he's done it.

Copeland: Drake Callahan has won the Lethal Lottery, and he now goes on to main event Kingdom Come V!

Cohen: No conspiracy needed tonight! Drake bested 29 other WZCW stars to earn his spot at Kingdom Come!

Drake slowly reenters the ring and the look of disbelief on his face forms. He gets to his feet and lifts his arms up in victory before running over to the corner and climbing to the second turnbuckle. He yells out at the fans, saying he told every single one of them he would win. He continues the taunting before lifting his arm up high into the air. He looks back towards the Kingdom Come V sign hanging up in the arena, and he slowly points up to it as pyro begins going off on the entrance stage. As the pyro ends confetti comes dropping down as Drake continues to celebrate inside the ring.

In one hard swoop, I had the WZCW Title taken away from me, and I was robbed of the chance to win it back at Kingdom Come. All of this was orchestrated by one man who out manipulated me at every step of the way. I was once the master of that sort of thing; always with an ace up my sleeve or a backup plan in case all else failed. My opponents hated me for it, but respected my ability to always find a way to come out on top. For years the fans despised me because of my actions inside the ring, and I in turn laughed in all of their faces. It wasn’t until I had won my first ever World Heavyweight Championship that I realized how alone I was in this business. When I lost the belt, I swore that I would change my ways and go out there each and every night and fight for the viewers at home and the fans in attendance. They deserved a champion who would fight for them, and I deserved nothing in return for them. They kindly forgave me and continued to support me in growing numbers as I fought off each and every challenge that came before me. For the first time in a long time, I was truly happy to go out and compete night after night. I wanted more than anything, to go onto Kingdom Come as champion and defend the belt in the name of every fan in WZCW who believed that I could change. At Lethal Lottery, I had let down all the fans who had supported me all through this time. I had let down my family who were there for me for the first time in person, who wanted nothing more than to see me come out on top against a man who had threatened our health and well being. I should’ve felt angry... I should’ve wanted nothing more than revenge against Holmes and his new found “family”.

Brenna gets off the phone and speaks to Allen who runs out to wait for the ambulance. She walks over to Showtime and hugs his head while Clayton hugs his arm tightly.

Instead... I felt nothing, which may have been much worse.


Scene reopens a few weeks later. Showtime is sitting alone on a park bench. The wind is blowing gently through the bright green trees. The sound of children running around playing is heard and Showtime looks up to the partly cloudy skies to see a plane flying over head. A smile forms on his face as he looks down in front of him to Clayton, who smiles having shown his daddy the plane and runs back to play with his friends.

Training was slow following the concussion. I have had a few documented concussions before, but none have had such debilitating effects on me quite like this one. I was literally unable to much beyond sleeping and eating. For the first time in my life though, I had someone who was there to help take care of me.

Brenna suddenly walks into the picture behind Showtime. She passes him a small coffee and kisses him on the cheek before she sits down beside him. Showtime smiles and takes a sip of his coffee.

Oh, of course Allen has always been there for me, willing to take a bullet or an unattractive friend on a double date. In fact both those instances happened on New Years Eve last year, but that’s a story for another time. This was different. For the first time since my mother was still alive I actually felt... loved. It was a strange feeling to accept at first, but the more time I spent around Brenna and Clayton, the more comfortable I was with it. I had always dreamed big about traveling the world and being seen by millions of people. Now my dreams were beginning to be taking trips to the park and having home cooked meals with my family. For once in my life I actually felt like I had everything. Maybe the reason training had been slow was because I didn't want to go back.

Cougar: This is nice.

Brenna: Yes, it’s a really great day. He’s having so much fun right now.

The two watch as Clayton runs around the park, chasing butterflies as they flutter by.

Cougar: No, what I mean is, these past few weeks with you and Clayton have been the happiest times of my life. I think... I’m ready to be done being Showtime.

Brenna holds the coffee up to her mouth and stops, surprised by what David had to say.

Brenna: You think?

Cougar: Well... I haven’t really been able to think 100% clearly these past few weeks, but I’ve done everything I can in WZCW. The fans... they’ll miss me, but that’s the wrestling business. Wrestlers come and go, the fans they never forget, but they move on, and I’m ready to move on with you and Clayton. There’s so much I’ve missed and so much more that I don’t want to miss.

Brenna sips her coffee before speaking.

Brenna: We’ve really enjoyed having you in our lives as well. Clayton was to the moon when he found out you were his father.

Cougar: I’m sure you told me, but how did you go about telling him?

Brenna: David, you boy is smart. Between you coming by our house, the TV cameras, and the frequent mentions on the shows, he was able to figure it out on his own.

Showtime smiles, feeling a sense of pride he had not felt before.

Brenna: But I think you’re foolish to walk away now.

Cougar: What left is there for me?

Brenna: Is that all WZCW is to you? A checklist? I thought when you left me your goal was to make it to WZCW. It was your dream job, and you made it there. Not only that, but against all odds, you succeeded and made it to the top. You are the best wrestler there, title or no title. You owe it to the fans to stay, the viewers you say you fight night in and night out for. Viewers like your son Clayton. They need someone to cheer for, to believe in. I’m not saying there won’t be another one to come along and be that person, but you are that person right now. WZCW needs you, and while you may be really happy now, you also need WZCW. I know how restless you can be, you will become board and miss it.

She was right. Her words hit me about as hard as a clubbing blow from Rush. If I left now, then I would be deserting the fans that I had been fighting for for so long. I’d be no better than Callahan, Celeste, or Holmes.

Cougar: You’re right, but I’m worried. I’m worried that every day that I’m back there on the road or in that ring, that I will turn back into the snake that I once was. I haven’t just been fighting others like that, I’ve also been fighting myself from becoming that monster again.

Showtime swears loudly and then smiles as he grabs his pick and slowly works his way up the mountain. He continues to make strong pace to the top and before he knows it he is on top of the mountain. Showtime removes his helmet and looks around at the view up top.

?????: I see you finally came.

Showtime turns to look towards the voice and his eyes show a look of recognition. Showtime is now dressed in his normal ring attire with the WZCW Title on his shoulder. He looks across the mountain top and standing up there with him is an identical "Showtime" David Cougar, also with the WZCW Title belt. The second Showtime opens his eyes, revealing them to be blood red.

Showtime II: There's only room for one of us up here. He says with a smile.

The dream is interrupted once Brenna grabs onto Showtime’s hand. He looks down at it and then back up to her.

Brenna: I know you’re worried, a little scared even. I also know that you are a good man, that wants to make everything right again. You have something that you didn’t have before. A family that’s there to support you no matter what now. As long as you have something good to fight for, I know that you won’t fall back down again. No matter where you go, or how long you continue doing this, we will be here for you know. I will be here for you.

Brenna kisses his hand. Showtime looks her in the eye and nods.

Brenna: Besides, there is one thing left unfinished you need to do. Steven Holmes and Celeste Crimson need to pay for what they did to you. They brought our family closer together through fear, I want to see you do the same to them. I want to see the fear in their eyes.

God how I loved that about her. Her blunt personality and twisted mind. She was right, I had to go back to WZCW. I had to for the fans, but also to make Holmes fear for what he had just started. At that moment, nothing was going to stop me.

Showtime and Brenna kiss as the scene ends.


Scene reopens at Ascension 64. We are inside the Xcel Energy Center when a black limo rolls up. Showtime David Cougar emerges from the vehicle and is greeted by Leon Kensworth.

Kensworth: Showtime? What are you doing here? You aren’t cleared to compete.

Showtime: Where’s Holmes?

Kensworth: He’s inside the ring now fighting Matt Tastic.

Showtime: Thanks Leon.

Showtime runs right by Leon before he can say anything else and races towards the seating area.

Rule number one when doing a run in. Tip off the sound guy.

Holmes is standing victorious inside the ring when Showtime’s music plays. The audience cheers as Erik and Celeste walk up the ramp to intercept him. Showtime instead is sprinting down the stairs and hops over the ring barrier and slides into the ring.

Rule number two, take him down to the mat and don’t show him any mercy.

Holmes turns around and Showtime spears him to the mat and rapidly fires off punches on him. Erik enters the ring to save his brother and Showtime immediately takes it to Erik and plants him on the mat with a Final Act. Holmes is pulled to safety by Celeste as both look on worried as the walk away to safety. The crowd cheers loudly as Showtime paces around the ring and gives equal parts attention to the fans and to Holmes and Celeste as they head up to the ramp.

I realized that this is part of my life, WZCW. The show, the drama, the fans, the fighting. I live for all of it and I wouldn’t give it up for anything. Right now, I have everything, WZCW Title or not. I have my loving family by my side, the respect of all my peers, and the fans behind me cheering my name. I do it all for them and nothing is going to change that, not Holmes, not Celeste, not anybody.


Scene opens up on the set of The Show. Showtime is seated behind his desk and continues speaking where his thoughts left off.

Showtime: At Ascension 65 this week, I begin my next chapter in my career. I won't say that it's the final chapter, but please be aware that the show will end one day.

The crowd lets out their disappointment.

Showtime: But it won't be today, and it certainly won't happen until Steven Holmes and Celeste Crimson feel the wrath that I am about to unleash upon them. They both took something away from me, and I'm not talking about the 10 lbs of gold that Holmes wears while he claims to be a God. Holmes is not a God, he is human just like the rest of us, but he doesn't deserve to be your World Champion. He does nothing for anyone but himself, and once Celeste regains the vision that Holmes has taken from her she will see the the wolfs true colours. What Holmes and Celeste took from me was my smile. My dedication and drive were put to the test recently and it took the love of someone close to bring me back to life. I'm not finished doing what I love to do, and I'm going to continue to fight for each and everyone of you.

The crowd cheer loudly and break out into "Showtime" chants.

Showtime: I may no longer be World Champion, but I am still your champion. I learned way back during my first World Title reign that I don't need to the title to fulfill my career, you all right here watching are what makes my career. I do it all for you and I will keep fighting for you. You all deserve a champion that respects you; you have my respect. You all cheered for me when everybody else said you should boo me. You all stood by me during my darkest hours. I thank you all for that dedication and I promise to use it to drive me in every match. At Ascension 65, in my first match back I get to put my hands on Celeste. To steal a line from Katy Perry, I hope her boyfriend don't mind it. Holmes is nothing but a rat, so that makes Celeste something much, much worse. I could go knee deep into trailer park and feces jokes, but I don't want to stumble upon any of their intimate details. What I do know is that me and Celeste have a match this week and I will beat her and make her pay for her decision to clock me in the head. I'm sure her little boy toy will be at ringside to prevent it, but if Holmes is as smart of man that he claims to be, than he knows he better be using protection. No I'm not just referring to condoms, what I also mean is that if I see Holmes standing near ringside, even so much as glancing inside the ring, I will jump through those ropes and kick his ass until you all stop cheering. I'm not playing games here anymore. At Ascension 65 I will beat Celeste inside the ring, and then it's on to Holmes, and there is not a damn thing that he or Celeste, or the Queen's Guard, can do to stop me.

The crowd cheers loudly as Showtime stands up from his chair. He raises his arms up high as the scene ends.


Showtime swears loudly and then smiles as he grabs his pick and slowly works his way up the mountain. He continues to make strong pace to the top and before he knows it he is on top of the mountain. Showtime removes his helmet and looks around at the view up top.

?????: I see you finally came.

Showtime turns to look towards the voice and his eyes show a look of recognition. Showtime is now dressed in his normal ring attire with the WZCW Title on his shoulder. He looks across the mountain top and standing up there with him is an identical "Showtime" David Cougar, also with the WZCW Title belt. The second Showtime opens his eyes, revealing them to be blood red.

Showtime II: There's only room for one of us up here. He says with a smile.

The two Showtime's lock up and battle on the top of the mountain. They spin each other around several times as they approach the edge. Showtime throws his double off the cliff and watches him fall. The wind blows across his face, his hair brushed forward blocking his eyes. He slicks his hair back and closes his eyes as the dream ends.
Perfect symmetry; a dance of intrinsic harmony pressed down upon layers of canvas paper. I had never learned to appreciate fine art before, but for some reason Steven did. It was a couple of days before the next show and he had dragged me to a galleria in the middle of nowhere Colorado outside Boulder. I wondered if all wealthy men were as eccentric as Steven. He had been brought up from wealth, had acquired it as a young man, and had come to enjoy the finer things in life. I tilted my head as I stared at the portrait in front of me – the beautiful lines depicting a starry night as the moon casted its warmth onto a medieval castle. The water was so clear I could see the reflection of the castle; mesmerized I approached the canvas, reaching out with a steady hand as if to caress the tempered glass when a voice stopped me.

“Do you like what you see?”

I turned around to see Steven behind me. He cocked his head to the side as if trying to capture the perspective.

“It’s beautiful,” I replied.

It represented more than just physical beauty; it was a manifestation of the goal Steven and I were trying to achieve – a utopia just for us; a reflection of all of our hard work as we gazed at all the trash beneath us as they tried to crawl forward. The castle was the fortress, the immovable object that Steven had since been transformed into after winning the WZCW title. The light of the moon was our will; the declaration against our adversaries, giving me the power to crush all of those in my path in his name. The reflection of the castle was essentially me; bound together with Steven by destiny.

“It’s just like us,” I mused.

Steven took out a coin and flipped it up into the air. I watched it tumble end over end as he snatched it out of the air as it fell into his hand. He opened his palm and then grasped it between his thumb and index fingers.

“I suppose it’s like this coin,” he said. “On one side you have the WZCW champion and the king of all the peons that gaze upon him with envy. And on the other side there is the queen; she who smites down the enemies of the king. The castle and its mirror imagine…”

“…Shall I buy this painting for you, my queen?”

I smiled brightly. It was my first gift, and a token of his love and admiration. Yes, my king. A thousand times yes. No price was too steep, for our love knew no bounds. I already had a place for it in the manor. I pictured it above the fireplace in the center of the mantle; the stone walls cradling it as soft light illuminated it from both sides. So that every time I saw it as I walked into the living room I would be reminded of what was really important. We continued to tour the gallery; it had everything from surrealism to modernism to impressionism to abstract. We stepped inside a room that was filled with many sculptures; most of them were metal and were twisted and deformed into different shapes and patterns. Holmes walked up to one piece in particular to take another look; it looked like an aluminum and chrome alloyed star with melting appendages.

“I like this piece. The way the star melts at its base reminds me of Salvador Dali’s The Persistence of Memory. It’s symbolic of the corruption that both of us have had to face in our careers, and will continue to preserve against.”

I shook my head, “I don’t know; it’s a little too chaotic for my taste.”

“But a little bit of chaos is good right? Let the insects squirm a bit before we squash them.”

“Chaos always leads to mutiny, which leads to anarchy. That’s been the mistake of all the former greats in the company. Ty Burna spread the Apostles of Chaos too thin and he lost the power he acquired in a heartbeat. Team WZCW crumbled because too many egos got in the way of what was really important, and it took you what must have felt like a lifetime to accomplish your dream. But now that the dream is reality you need a way to keep it alive…”

Steven smiled; I could tell he knew where I was going with this. Love was such a wonderful thing; not only did it bond people together, but it acted like a well of knowledge to drink from. It was obvious what we had to do. Our Garden of Eden wasn’t going to be built on corruption, or greed, or power, but the imitation of fear we would represent. Steven was a man that lived for discourse, but even he saw the benefit of manipulating others to the point where his name became an idea that transcended chaos, that transcended corruption, and transcended conspiracies. That wasn’t something that could be accomplished alone, and that’s where I would come in. Steven would be the Godhead at the top, but that fear that fueled the idea that he was unstoppable as a force was going to come from me.

“…And what better way to keep that dream alive than by controlling the masses and brainwashing them into believing that we are unstoppable. That’s the utopia that I see; full of love and happiness for us and misery for everyone else. The pain that brought us together would disappear and leave the path to our future open; isn’t that what you want? ”

I stepped forward and embraced him as he held me against his chest. Next to him I felt so much comfort. Everything that I had given him since we had been together, Steven had returned tenfold. If one of us fell, the other would rise and become the Godhead. The other would become the arm of justice, and the cycle would continue. Drake Callahan had been the first to feel the power of our family; and in his arrogance he made one critical error… he underestimated the power of devotion. The same sword that I wielded was the same one that Steven wielded; two sides of the same coin, the castle reflected by the light of the moon on the lake below, the king and his queen. Drake wasn’t just fighting me on Meltdown, and he wouldn’t just be fighting Steven at Kingdom Come; the two of us were kindred spirits, and even when we were away, we were really together, and that’s what made us truly unstoppable. We moved onto the next exhibit; I heard Steven praise an English artist that I had never heard of, a “revolutionary” as he put it.

“As I stormed the “Bastille” of WZCW at Lethal Lottery I found myself thinking only in terms of aristocracy; that this utopia that we will create needs to be self sustaining, don’t you agree Celeste? Let Callahan keep his conspiracies; we can use his prejudice against him. This power that we possess together is frightening. Quite frankly I have never experienced anything like it…”

I saw his face darken as we moved over to a velvet covered couch in the lobby adjacent to the exhibit we had just seen; I sat down beside him as he twiddled his thumbs and leaned forward.

“… We aren’t done with Drake, though, not by a long shot. He won’t be taking us lightly anymore. Let me handle him from here on out. Before we can enter the Garden, there’s one more obstacle waiting for us.”

I nodded; that obstacle was David Cougar, the former WZCW champion that Steven had pinned at Lethal Lottery, and I had screwed over by driving the final nail into the coffin of his reign by smacking him over the head with his own title. I recalled the night that I had first met Steven’s brother Erik who, disguised as Mr. Silver, had given me my first assignment… to keep an eye on David for his boss, Mr. Gold. At first I thought nothing of it and I shadowed David for the remainder of the week. We were tagging together, and I wanted to make sure we were all on the same page. My report when I met Mr. Gold face to face the following week had been nothing special; in fact, to my amazement he had even dismissed it.

“David Cougar,” I replied somberly.

“I remember the night that you spoke to me about the reasons as to why you wanted me to team up with you. To my shock you were just as vulnerable as I was. On the outside you hid your emotions so well; but on the inside you were falling apart. With everything that I had been through I was on a war path, but so were you.”

Steven nodded; like me he had also lost the people he had once considered family. Abandoned and tossed out like trash. Nothing to comfort him but a bottle of scotch as he slowly drank himself to death, and that seething rage helped fuel the fires of retribution. Watching Steven as he tormented David and harassed and his family I saw how fragile the soon to be champ really was – just like I was. And suddenly everything made sense.

“I understand the reason why you wanted me to shadow David that week; so that I could see what a happy life he led. After watching you try and ruin him, I began to feel the same way. I was so jealous and envious that he got to have the world handed to him while we watched ours crumble.”

I was shaking with emotion. I remember at Lethal Lottery when I grabbed that title belt and I entered the ring. All I could see before I nailed David between the eyes was Laxus in bed with that scarlet ****e. In one swift motion I unleashed that anger and that pain, and stared forward like I was caught in a trance as I watched the blood ran down his face. I smiled and leaned my head up against Steven’s shoulder.

“And when David lies defeated once again, the doors will finally open, ushering us both into that utopia.”

Like an unstoppable force of nature barreling towards an immovable object at break neck speeds, the collision course between the two of us was imminent. The question I asked myself was ‘which side of justice is going to prevail, mine or David’s?’ Would I break in the name of his revenge, or would I smite him in the name of my happiness?


The next few days rolled by rather quickly, and by the time I knew it I found myself In North Dakota at the Ralph Engelstad Arena waiting to step into the ring once more. The weather was crystal clear with some mild cloud cover when Steven and I landed at the airport along with his brother Erik. A private limousine carried us the rest of the way, where we grabbed our stuff and made our way inside. After we had changed into our gear, we tried our best to keep to ourselves. As we walked down the halls Steven in the center, with the title belt draped around his broad shoulders, I was on his right side and his imposing brother walked beside him on the left; albeit a step behind us. As we approached the end of the corridor one lone figure, another blond woman, stood blocking our path. I could hear the sound of heels clacking against the tiled floor as the figure stepped forward and pointed toward me.

“Celeste, you are needed in the greenroom.”

I turned and looked over at Steven, who nodded and kept walking forward. I would meet up with him later, but for now I had business to attend to. I followed Stacey Madison to the next room; the technicians were testing out the new graphics for Meltdown as the road leading to Kingdom Come continued to get shorter as every round passed.

“Ladies and gentlemen, fans of the WZCW Universe, I am Stacey Madison here with superstar Celeste Crimson. You shocked us all last week when you pinned the Lethal Lottery winner and current number one contender for the WZCW champion, Drake Callahan; but tonight you face an even bigger challenge. You’ll face off against David Cougar – the former WZCW champion, and the man you robbed of the title.”

I continued to remain stoic until she held the microphone up to my face. Gently I reached over and grabbed it out of her hand; I saw her open her mouth slightly to protest, but she quickly shut it as I brought the cold steel to my lips, and turned towards the camera.

“I know how much you must hate me right now David; all that pent up anger and rage knowing that the person that cost you the WZCW title was me. And at first you might have been thinking, ‘well Steven Holmes made her do it.’ But I see right through that.”

I started to speak faster and raised my pitch just slightly; I wanted David to know how I really felt. I walked over and grabbed a folding chair that was leaning up against the utility wall in the corner, and set it down in the center of the room. After shooing Stacey away, I sat down on it backwards and leaned my arms up against the back portion.

“You and I are very similar to each other David; at one point in time we were both considered terrible human beings, but then we changed when we learned to look past our arrogance. When Steven Holmes was shown tormenting your family in public I was going through my fair share of hardships as well. And after watching you the weeks leading up to Lethal Lottery, and watching you interact with your family at ringside and backstage, it was clear that they were never going to stop supporting you. And at the Lottery, I cracked…”

I paused slightly as the images of me smacking David in the head with the WZCW title kept replaying in my memory. I lowered my voice to keep the emotion inside me from churning and bubbling up to the surface.

“… I was so envious of you, and really Steven was too. When we came together we couldn’t stand the fact that someone like you, who was at one point no better than we were, still got to retain the things that mattered most in the world even after his crown was stripped away.”

I shook my head at the absurdity of it all, but I wasn’t finished. I couldn’t stop my emotions from overflowing.

“What you don’t understand is that when you face me later tonight I will not be that same woman that couldn’t live up to expectations a year ago, and if you get lucky enough to challenge Steven again he won’t be the same man that humiliated, and manipulated, and defeated you before. He and I are a family now, and our bond goes much deeper than any team or organization. We have given our hearts, our minds, and our bodies so intimately to each to each other that we have become mirror images.”

I stood and kicked the chair out the way. I raised my voice an octave, as I hung onto every word that I spoke in order to drive the point home.

“I didn’t defeat Drake Callahan to prove myself to anyone, nor did I do for Steven’s sake. When I defeat you tonight, David, he and I will finally be able to enter our utopia, and evolve into an idea that will shake this company down to its core. That’s what Drake has already learned, and what Barbosa will see when Steven pounds his head into the canvas. And you’ll be the key that unlocks everything."

I titled my head back and laughed before showing off a devious smile that hid a myriad of dark cosmic secrets yet to be revealed. I turned around and gracefully handed the microphone back to Stacey before exiting the greenroom. As I began to walk down the corridor to catch up with Steven, I would have liked to have thought that as the sun shone through the glazing, bouncing my reflection off the polished tile, anyone could have seen Steven’s reflection walking beneath me as they passed me.
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