As a child., what was the most shocking or disturbing thing you ever saw in Wrestling

I couldn't get the video clip to work, but hopefully the link does. Its of Kane lighting the casket that the Undertaker in in on fire at the Royal Rumble in '98. I remember watching this at my friends house and I was just freaked out. I was trying my best not to cry, but it really wasn't working too good. I was about 7 or 8 at the time. This gave me nightmares for a long time where Kane would chase me around backstage trying to light me on fire.

A close second is when Team America lost to Team Canada in a flag on a pole match on RAW. When the Canadian team grabbed their flag and won the match, I dropped to my knees and just did the dramatic "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!". My mom rushed into my room to see if anything was wrong, and I remember crying and just saying "Canada won". She convinced me that RAW was in Canada that night, and since it is scripted, they just wanted to make the fans happy. Even now when I encounter Canadians, which isn't often since I live in Florida, I think of this incident.
Well....Matt Hardy and Edge's street fight where they fell off the stage and it was an explosion scared me pretty bad. I was still a mark back then and I thought they were both dead. I just re-watched the match a few weeks ago and it's still pretty badass.
The only thing that really comes to mind is when Brock Lesner beat the crap out of Zach Gowen, He nailed him in the head with a chair and he F5'ed him into the ring post twice, It was the first time I remember seeing blood on wwe and thought he was seriously hurt.
I didn't like Zach, but I still couldn't believe that had happend to a person with one leg.
Wow dude, this thread really makes me show my age.

I first started watching wrestling when I was pretty young, I can't remember an exact age, but it was when Sting was doing the whole crow thing and trying to take out the NWO. I used to get so pissed and sad when they would beat him up. But man when he would get one up on them and lay like 8 NWO guys out with his bat I was pumped up!

Wow. So you started watching young, and the Sting Crow angle is what popped up? Man I am old.

My two answers were Jake's Cobra biting the arm of Randy Savage, and The Undertaker locking The Ultimate Warrior in an "airtight" coffin. I was 7 or 8 around that time, I think. And that's at least 5-6 years prior to Sting's stint as "The Crow."
Im gonna change things up from what ever else did and try to choose 3 real shocking events and 3 made up

The real shocking ones(that were seen live) are

1) I cannot say anything in wrestling ever shocked me like seeing Sid Vicious land awkwardly and breaking his leg.I remember that night and thinking damn as you knew it was real seeing the way the leg snapped then seeing how Steiner reacted by just pinning him to end the match before the finish that was in the process of happening.I dont even think Rick Steiner hit the ring to interfere before the ref counted Sid out but i cant remember.

2) Eddie popping his elbow out of socket.This was hard to watch and it cost Eddie a lot of time out but the way it looked just made me wanna look away.

3) Owen Hart.I remember it like it was yesterday.I was a teenager and knew it was all fake but being that the pay per view was on a school night and my mom was taping it for me i still remember her waking me up when i finally started to dose off to tell me about it.The next day after school the first then i did was finished the ppv where i left off the night before and you could just tell from the dead silence almost that something bad went down.The silence of the crowd and the announcers made it that much worse too.Later during an interview i think Foley talked about how hard it was to do the show knowing what went down saying the hed seen where Owen fell and seen small spots of blood.I bet it was Foley's hardest night to wrestler.

The things that happened that were meant to but still left you saying omg this cant be fake.

1) Nitro during an NWO take over when Nash caught Rey Mysterio and threw him head first into a trailer.I thought good lord Rey has a broken neck.Not sure how true it is but later on in interviews they said that the police had been called to the arena that night because people thought a real riot had broken out.

2)New Jack throwing the guy off the scaffold.He said in an interview later that he literally tried to throw the guy out of the ring because earlier in the week or month the guy purposely hurt him(forget who he was feuding with now but its on my best of new jack vhs i got from a live ECW TNN taping back before Vince bought it out).The way the guy hit the top rope and just flipped i thought holy shit hes dead lol.

3) Any combination of Undertaker and Hell in the Cell.I honestly think when Taker does decide to retire they should retire that match too as hes had more unforgettable memories in that match then anyone.Tossing Foley off the top and hanging Bossman have to be top two.
Nothing ever really freaked me out, but I was about 13 years old when Mankind debuted. It was common early in his stint for opponents to throw up when hit with the mandible. If I was eating when Mankind made his opponents throw up, I would feel sick too.
Simple for me, the most shocking thing I ever saw when I was young, Shawn turning on Marty. I was young and it broke heart as they were my favorite tag team. Me and my brother used to think we would grow up and be the Rockers and when Shawn turned(btw, the second greatest heel turn of all time) on Marty I was in shock for a long time and hated Shawn for many years.
Mankind scared the crap out of me, especially in that Boiler Room Brawl at Summerslam 96. That was an altogether quite scary match! The mandible claw was very disturbing, especially with the foaming at the mouth.

Another thing that disturbed me was the whole Jake the Snake story about his alcohol problem and how Jerry Lawler kept finding ways of chucking licquer down his throat. Again, at Summerslam 96 you thought Jake might get some revenge but it was the same farce all over again - there was something deeply unpleasant about Lawler humiliating Roberts...

Cue Mark Henry lol
i remember watching hulk hogan getting a beat down from hell from the big boss man on the brother love show. i was so shocked!! i got really upset ( i was a hulkamaniac) and about 10. anyway, i wrote him a letter expressing my grief to the hulkster, low and behold, 2 weeks later, i got a personal note from him telling me that he would be fine and he thanked me. he even sent me a personally autographed picturure and a bandana! i was soooo excited! i treasured that stuff, infact it think i still have it somewhere packed away! for a 10 year old little girl, that was the best!
oh i just remembered another one....during the nwa times...i remember road warrior hawk literally digging one of those huge spikes they had on their shoulder pads into dusty rhodes forehead! there was blood everywhere! i was like 7 at that time. tramatic i tell you, i thank my dad for getting me into wrestling lol

plus i was deathly afraid of kamala when he wore that scary wooden mask of his...gave me the hebbie jebbies

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