As a child., what was the most shocking or disturbing thing you ever saw in Wrestling


Getting Noticed By Management
This might be for the older fans. This isn't a most shocking ever thread, there is already one. Think back to when you were a kid, maybe before 12, 13. Back when you thought wrestling was real, dont lie, at some point you thought it was. Back when your parents said its fake, but you didn't care or didn't believe them. Back when you LOVED wrestling. What events made you sad, or angry, real emotion? Totally shocking then, but wouldn't raise an eyebrow now. Because it seemed so real.
-I mentioned this in another thread, but Earthquake "squashing Jake "THe Snake" Roberts snake. This was on Superstars of wrestling, on cable.I was like 10. We find out years later it was sausage or something, but the idea, with Roberts tied in ropes, and Earthquake doing the splash multiple times on Damien. Roberts afterwards opened up the bag, and the emotion on his face. This angle was unbelievable on both wrestlers. I was really upset.
-Hacksaw Jim Duggan getting sumo splashed 4 times by Yokozuna. The most we had seen up to this point was 1 or 2. Then the "blood flowing out of his mouth, being covered up with the american flag.
-Hogan losing the title to Taker at Survivor Series '91. The ultimate battle of good vs evil. Ric Flair, who was new at the time, when Hogan was winning, and interfered, putting a chair in the ring so taker could tombstone hogan on it. Taker was so evil, and he beat our hero. Then Hogan needing help getting back to dressing room.

Another thing. look at the crowd in these events, even they believed it, you could see hundreds, even thousands tearing up. And no, there wouldn't be that many actors. Today, you dont see that. Ever, excluding a death. Theres not as much emotion from the crowds, real emotion, thats what I miss.
At the great american bash 2000. i witnessed sting get lit on fire and thrown off/jupmed off 30-50 feet in the air to not get burnt. of course this isn't real and it actually wasn't sting but still it was very hard for me because sting was my favourite in WCW and just to see that happen to him broke my heart for some fucking reason!

Why was he lit on fire. well it was a somethign torch match and sting got all the gasoline put on him and then they climbed the titantron thing and got lit on fire. i am so glad it wasn't the real sting.
The first thing that popped in my mind when I read the title was when Taker put Warrior in the casket while he was being interviewed by Paul Bearer on that Funeral Parlor show of there's. I was such a Warrior mark at that time and I remember freakin out when I saw taker emerged from the one casket behind the Warrior and attack him. Then they threw him in the coffin and locked it. I remember hearing Piper and Vince calling the action and totally freakin out which made it even worse if you were a kid cause it made it seem more authentic. They had all the backstage people coming out trying to open up the coffin, looking back on it they all looked so incompetent, I remember some dude came out with a chisel and a hammer and looked like a goof trying to open it with that. But yeah seeing that was definitely kinda traumatizing as a kid. I was so afraid of the Undertaker the first year or so he was in the WWF.
Hmm, I remember some random WCW Thunder back in 98 or 99, where Scott Steiner caused chaos with a lead pipe, hitting a security guy on his leg several times, and the security guy had a fake leg or something, since they made it look like it snapped in half. Freaked me out, and made me hate Scott Steiner even more.

Ah the good old days, where you would cheer the faces and boo the heels, where you didn't care who was dominating backstage or who did drugs, and where in ring ability meant jack shit, as long as the company wanted you to like him, you did.

Good times.
I'm only 15, and I didn't start watching very long ago, so I can't mention something from far back. But there is one thing that sticks out in my mind, that happened not so long ago. Back at Armageddon 2006 (I had only just turned 13) I remember seeing Taker getting thrown off of that really high scaffolding. I thought it was real, I was like Holy shit how the fuck is he going to get up!!! Also in that show, they had Kane setting MVP's back on fire, which was another really shocking moment. And again in that same show, there was the spot in the ladder match where Joey Mercury got busted open by the ladder. THose three freaked me out, I thought they were seriously hurt. Turns out Mercury was.

But why hasn't anybody said Mankind getting thrown off the cell? Surely somebody must've seen that whent hey were a kid, and were freaked out by it. Just because its a really famous spot, doesn't mean you can't mention it here.
I would have to say that the one thing that always disturbed me when I wasa child was Papa Shango and his Voodoo stuff. I remember a particular one where he was feuding with the Ultimate Warrior and the Warrior all of a sudden went into convulsions and started throwing up for no good reason other than Shango's voodoo.

For some reason, Shango always had this disturbing stuff to me.
I can't really say anything about WWF/E from when I was little, because I was WCW growing up until WCW closed up then I stopped watching for a couple years.

I honestly did think wrestling was real back then, as I was only 7 and I remember my sister's boyfriend at the time got me WCW Fall Brawl 98 on VHS, which I still have to this day. In the War Games match when Warrior was trying to get Hogan and he was trying to break the wall of the War Games Cell to get at Hogan I could have sworn he actually wanted to kill Hogan and I wanted him to aswell and Warrior did get out of the cage but I'm pretty sure that there was some police (Can't remember it 100% so it could have been police or not) to break it up between the two aswell. I totally belived Warrior was trying to kill Hogan.
I'd have to say that the first thing that popped in my mind, was from 1991, I believe, and it was when Jake the Snake Roberts, as a heel, tied Randy Savage up in the ropes, and then proceeded to have his King Cobra snake bite the arm of Randy Savage, injecting his venomous death into Randy Savage. And all of this was right in front of Savage's wife, Miss Elizabeth.

I didn't cry or anything, but I do remember being incredibly shocked and scared. Luckily my dad was there to assure me that the snake had been defanged and there wouldn't be any serious harm to Savage. Still though, when Savage started to bleed, I wasn't so sure my dad was right.
Wow i got that has well. It was actually a surprise for me to see DDP win. another thing i found scary when i was a kid was the wall. he has this tank in WCW and he would just kill every one. i remember at WCW Uncensored 2000 he threw Cowbar and david flare i think it was off this bring titrantron thingy. i thought they died. of course i was only 8 but still.
The Big Boss Man being hung from the Cell at WrestleMania 15 I believe, I'm sure I'm right with that. I was young when I saw it and I remember it freaked the hell out of me. I needed to get reassurance from my brother that it was fake, because at the time I was thinking 'How the HELL do you fake that?!'. For me, it looked very real and just plain scared me.
you said you wanted the truth so here it is when hhh put cactus jack through the cell and then being pinned and retiered i was young then and was nooooooooo not cactus jack and was shocked and a bit upset but now i look back its a bit stupid but like i said i was like 6 or 7
I'm 13 and I've watched wrestling since I was 8. A few years ago I remember when Kane put the jumper cables on Shane McMahon's balls. I was so freaked out. I remember being grounded that day and I had to go to bed early, so I snuck out about 15 minutes after my dad put me to bed and watched a little of Raw on my tv. I saw Kane putting the cables on Shane's balls and turned it off and got back in bed. I was so scarred and freaked out. I got scarred every time Kane came out for the next few months and that was the only thing I could think of when I saw him.
er, duh. When Hulk Hogan turned heel. I was round about 9, and HUlkster was my hero all growing up.seeing him turn on WCW, on good, on the fans, on ME, totally crushed me. Also, when Bret Hart basically told all his american fans (me specifically) basically to fuck off. Bret was my other hero, along with Hulkster, and I just couldnt understand why he thought ALL his fans didnt respect him. It was a different day, when mere promo's and heel turns could crush kids phsyce, and you didnt need to see someone set on fire or hit with a vehicle to be disturbed.
Owen Hart's death.

With Pillman, it was different, as I remember talking to my friends at recess and saying "I feel bad for his family, but I have no sympathy for a guy who did drugs".

Hart was just doing his job trying to entertain everybody.

Even though I was born in 87, I was at that age where I knew it was scripted but still believed a lot in it. Its much easier to fall for kayfabe when you're younger as your imagination is in a much purer form and can withstand higher degrees of suspension of disbelief. So when that happened, it was one of those moments where the glass shattered, so to speak, and you knew it was real.
Randy Savage jumping off the top rope, with ringbell in hand, crushing Ricky Steamboat's throat. I was probably between 7 - 10 and, yeah, I still thought wrestling was real at the time. I was terrified that Steamboat was going to die. I remember being very shocked at the whole thing. I can remember moving off the couch to the floor and sitting as close to the TV as I could get. I remember women crying in the crowd and little kids covering their eyes.
Papa Shango. I was 3 and this guy scared the living hell out of me. I was at the house show where he and Warrior had their big blowoff match and he took the smoking skull and put it in my face. I had nightmares for a week. I was a Hulkamaniac but for the next 10 minutes, the Ultimate Warrior was the king of the world to me because he beat the scary man up. He was just such a creepy character for kids. Sure it's cheap heat, but when you're that small and a guy with a skull painted on his face comes at you, you would freak out too.
I guess when Jake The Snake had his cobra bite Randy Savage on the arm. At the time I thought it was scary but now I think it was pretty cool. There was blood and everything it was great and hilarious now that I think about it.
1) WCW Halloween Havoc, 1991. I was 9... Chamber of Horrors match. Rick Steiner reversed Abdullah The Butcher into the Electric Chair and zapped him... If you haven't seen this, youtube it. It's been years since I saw it, but back then, it was terrifying.

2) Big Bossman getting hung from the Cell. *Shudder*

3) ANYTHING involving Doink The Clown... I fucking hate clowns... They should all be shot and buried...

4) Papa Shango doing that voodoo on Ultimate Warrior... As a kid, that is some heinous, repulsive, terrifying shit!
The !st time I saw Sting as The Crow freaked the hell out of me. It was at the end of a Nitro n he was up in the rafters. Not Liked scared me n made me cry but just creeped me out. I was only about 12 or 13 so i knew wrestling was fake but something about it just seemed creepy. I had never seen or heard of The Crow n seeing Sting look like a demon quite frankly was wrong. i knew it was Sting he just looked so different n scary.
Well it may seem foolish but i first started watching wrestling in 2003. So the most real, and shocking, moment for me was when Batista returned and broke Goldberg's ankle.

I thought Goldberg was untouchable at the time and to see this giant Batista come in and just destroy my hero was a shocking moment.
Definitely when Papa Shango "cursed" Warrior and all that weird shit happened to him.

Jake Roberts' King Cobra biting Macho's arm scared the shit out of me too.

Another thing that scared me, that nobody mentioned. Is when Hulk Hogan was crushed repeatedly by Earthquake on the Brother Love Show.

That shot of him clutching his crucifix while being stretchered out and kids in the crowd were in tears, is something I won't forget.
I am 17, and only started watching wrestling regularly in about 2002 (before then, I only knew a few wrestlers, and everything my older brother told me).

Like most kids, I was told it was fake but I still treated it like it was all real, and the memory that sticks out to me is Kane's feud with Shane McMahon not long after being unmasked in 2003.

Kane was always this big scary monster figure to me, this was back in that time in 2003 when he would get up to something nasty every week on RAW. There is one point that I remember clearly though.

That would be a segment where Kane was hunting Shane backstage, and it ended with Kane being thrown into a flaming dumpster. Looking back at it, it is ridiculously fake, and to top it off Shane had a lame one liner to follow it ("Burn In Hell Kane").

But back then, I thought this moment was very real, I thought Kane had been killed and wouldnt come back, I remember telling Mum about it later on and telling her a wrestler got killed on tv. This is the moment that sticks out to me.
I going to something more recent because I just started watching wrestling Winter '07 but anyway the thing that creeped me out was Abyss's promos to return in TNA I had a TV in my at the time it was dadrk Abyss was creepy I was happy to see him return but scared due the asylum.
Another thing I saw on a DVD was Jeff being Speared in midair i na TLC match I was just O my God how can Jeff suvive that.
I dont remember what or when it was. I remember once watching a hell and a cell. After it was over, someone got hung. I was so young i didn't care who it was, or when it was. I just remember seeing him get hung. My dad made me leave the room once they dropped the rope, assuring me it was fake. But man, i was crying and screaming, it was right after my grandmother died. I just didn't understand the meaning of death, or why it happened so much. I was 5-6 give me a break? :D
Rock clobbering Mankind with a chair - I thought it was a great match, but I hope I wasn't the only one that cried during that. When I first watched Beyond The Mat, I had to fast-forward. It was too much to handle. I can watch it now, but at the time, it was fairly traumatizing.

Bossman being hung - I grew up as a Bossman fan, so even though he was a heel when this happened, it was pretty scary...It did so much for the Undertaker though

Sid Vicious's broken leg - No explanation needed. It was fucking nasty.

Ric Flair bleeding - Pick a match. Any match that he bled in. It was creepy. He bled better than anyone in wrestling, and knew how to sell it. In one match (I think it was War Games), he got his face raked over about 10 feet of cage, and you could see the blood flowing into his platinum blonde hair, and you knew it was nasty. He turned around, and it was all over his face, and his eyes told the story of how much pain it was.

Damien - I loved Jake Roberts, and loved the snakes, but whenever he pulled Damien out of the bag, it scared the crap out of me. I was at a meet and greet that he was at when I was 7 or 8, and I refused to go up to him, because I didn't want to be near Damien. On TV though, coolest fucking thing ever.

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