AS 29: Titus vs. Phoenix

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
Titus made his in ring return last week on Ascension, albeit to a disappointing loss alongside his partner and Kingdom Come opponent Everest. He will look to rebound against a changed Phoenix, who came off a very impressive win against the rookie The Agony. Phoenix looks to position himself for a match at Kingdom Come while Titus looks to shake off the ring rust and pick up his first win since his return. Has Titus returned to form, or is Phoenix simply too much for the Oscar Winning performer at this junction?

Deadline is Tuesday, March 15th at 11:59 PM EST.
The Sun is shining down on Keystone City, radiated in its beauty is non other than WZCW interviewer Stacey Madison who is stood at the bottom of a grassy hill with non other than Titus.

Madison: We're here in Keystone City, the sun is shining and I'm stood here with non other than Titus.

Titus: I think they knew that Stacey, but thank you as ever. How are you on this glorious day?

Madison: All is well with me, and yourself?

Titus: Pretty swell thanks.

Madison: You say that with some conviction, you were beaten on your return match, how can you be so swell?

Titus: Didn't take you long to make one of your trademark scathing attacks now did it? You're right, my team was beaten, yes it was Everest who was pinned and not myself but I can't justify that. Barbossa and Hunter are two formidable opponents, they are easily the future of the company. I won't come out and say we were bad, far from's just that these two, or six, men had the edge. When two former world champions struggle against you and you beat them cleanly you know you're good.

Madison: Well just like last week you're once again put in a random match-up with Phoenix. Is this how you saw yourself returning?

Titus: Again, good question...but I won't answer it. Infact I'll pick out something you said just there, you said it was a random match-up. This is far from that.

Stacey looks at Titus with a rather confused look on her face.

Madison: What makes you say that?

Titus: Everyone knows who they would rather I face, the person who's favourite for the King for a Day match, but you know what? There are bigger fish to fry. Phoenix isn't a random encounter and this I'll prove to you.

Titus points to his nose as though to say trust me on this one.

Titus: Though you will need to put the lens cap on the camera, we can't be giving away the location of ...

The screen goes completely black. You can hear talking but it's obvious that some time has passed.

Madison: Where on Earth are we?

Titus: The BatCave? The Fortress of solitude?

You can hear a big bang as though a huge door has shut.

Titus: Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to the Cave of Wonders.

The lenscap comes off the camera to reveal Titus with a huge grin on his face. Stacey Madison bursts out laughing.

Madison: Cave of Wonders? What was Pride Rock taken?

Titus: Well erm yes.

Madison: It's not even a cave!

Titus: I knew I should have brought Becky or Johnny.

The camera pans out to reveal a huge basement with super computers and books galore, it's all really state of the art. Exactly how you would have pictured the lair of Red Mask. Infact it looked like this:

Madison: So are you going to show me?

Titus: Ah yes oh rude of me.

Titus turns away from Stacey and shouts really loudly.


You hear a posh English accent off camera

AlfredGeorge Right away Master Bruce Titus.

AlfredGeorge arrives and he's an older man dressed like a stereotypical butler and is carrying a massive book, it's old and dusty kind of like the old Bibles at old churches. He places it on the desk and scurries off.

Titus: Thanks.

Titus turns towards Stacey and opens the book right to the middle pages.

Titus coughs

Titus: And so it was on Meltdown 21 that Garth Black fought against Titus and with him was non other than Phoenix. Shown on TV Titus defeated Garth Black by ankle lock. Not shown on TV was that Phoenix tried to attack Titus backstage and security had to pull him off Titus who was thrown offguard.

Titus: So you see Stacey this isn't a random encounter. There's a lot more history than people remember. So it's for that reason that I will put my all in this match, from the moment that music hits, to when the cheers chant my name, to when I go to the ring, point to the crowd and the bell goes...Titus v Phoenix will not be me thinking it's a throwaway match.

Madison: Why's that?

Titus: Phoenix has improved a hell of a lot whilst I've been gone, he's now his own person he hasn't anything to do with Black any more. He won that war. He's made small steps to that next level but has lacked that final jump to say I am Phoenix, look how great I am. What better way than against one of the most loved people in WZCW history? He'll come out guns a blazing knowing just how huge that chance is. For him it's to make that final step, for me it's to prove that I'm not past it and that history has a funny way of repeating itself.

Titus closes the book as a cloud of dust spurts out.

Madison: So we went through all of this for that?

Stacey pulls out her iPhone and types in something and then shows Titus it.

Madison: That took me 10 seconds to find that match and about the backstage rumours. Get me out of this dingy place.

Titus: AlfredGeorge please show Miss Madison on her way.

Stacey leaves as Titus sits down. He pulls out of his pocket six pieces of card. He ruffles through them and puts five back in his pocket. He takes out a pen and crosses on it. He leaves it on the table. The shot ends with a close up of the card.

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