AS 12 Garth Black vs. Doug Crashin

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Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!

Deadline for Ascension RPs - Tuesday 23rd March 23:59 EST
We find ourselves in the backyard of Doug’s home in South Hampton NY. The Backyard overlooks the Long Island Sound. As the camera pans we can see Doug’s martial arts equipment all set up by the ledge and a meditation circle also by the ledge. We can also see a standard ring set as the camera pans. There is also an Olympic sized pool with attached Jacuzzi. We see Jason sitting at a coffee table next to the pool looking at the laptop. Doug is by the martial arts equipment using the punching bag.

Jason: Mr. Crashin I know you won your first match but shouldn’t you be celebrating?

Doug: Yea I will. I just gotta focus on my next match. Which reminds me. Who am I facing this week? Killjoy? Baller?

Jason: Neither. A guy by the name of Garth Black.

Doug: ooo let me see. Alright, height is 6’4. OK he’s my height which should make for an interesting match. Weight is…… 168 pouds? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? He should be at least 200! I’m gonna break him in half at this rate! WALES!?!?! WALES!?!?!? IS that even a country?

Jason: Yes Mr. Crashin Wales is part of the United Kingdom but it is also a legal country under the U.N mandate.

Doug: Well, you learn something new every day. ANYWAY, so this guy is a luchadore. WHAT THE HELL IS A LUCHADORE?

Jason: In Lamens terms? A High Flyer.

Doug: GOOD GOD. I thought this match would be interesting but nooooo this guy HAS to be a high flyer. One of the WORST styles IN THIS PROFESSSION. Why should I even take this match seriously jay? With one submission move this guy’s arsenal is gone. Match over. Alright so this guy has a bunch of kicks. Big deal. I’m a martial arts expert!

Doug notices the camera.

Doug: I hope you’re watching Mr. Black because if you’ve noticed, I HAVE MOMENTEM. I am the best scientific wrestler this company has. If you think you can win with just your high flying moves YOU BETTER THINK AGAIN PAL! This is CRASHIN’S TIME! And THAT is a FACT!

The scene fades to black
We're at a lake, Garth Black is sitting on a park bench feeding some ducks, he is joined by Becky Serra

So glad you could make it

Thanks. Why are we here exactly?

We're here to illustrate a point. You're not intelligent enough to grasp metaphors, so I've brought you to the metaphor. What can you see?

A lake, ducks, bread.

Ducks and bread is the correct answer Becky. Now, if we weren't here, feeding these ducks, would they starve?

I...I don't know

Not if they had learnt find their own food. But yet, they still come over to us to feed. Why do you think that is?

They like us?

Even birds find you tiresome Becky, so no that's not the answer. The answer is it's easier.


Easier than you after two Babychams. The ducks let us feed them even though they could get their own food, because they don't want the trouble. But what happens to the ones that never learn to catch their food? What happens to the ones that expect me and you to be here every day?

They starve?


Right. But how does that have anything to do with wrestling?

These ducks represent people like Blade.


Yes Blade. He walked away from our match last week because it was easier than losing. He took the bread.

I suppose he did.

But that's when I realised it. As I listened to the referee count to ten, I realised that I had been taking the bread. I was just like Blade, just like the ducks. I walked away from my obligations to Second Coming because it was easier than dealing with the loss at Kingdom Come. What's worse, as I stood there, I realised that I needed to learn to catch my own food, I needed to resolve the issues, otherwise I'd regret it. Like the ducks would, and like Blade should. That's why I went to the ring last week, to resolve our issues.

He stops feeding the ducks

But you cost Phoenix the match?

Not deliberately. To be fair, he should have had Crashin beat anyway.

Still, he seemed upset about it.

He's a reasonable man, he'll get over it. The Second Coming will come again.

Wouldn't that be the Third Coming?

Semantics, Rebecca, semantics.

Onto Doug Crashin, he's your opponent on Ascension, any thoughts?

Not really. He has hardly been the world's greatest performer to date, and I think that he should prove to be nothing but a minor obstacle on the road to recovery.

Is that it?

What else is there to say? He hasn't beaten anyone, except Phoenix, and though he has as much heart as you have false chest, that isn't enough to beat me. Phoenix lost to him last week, but it will be me that raises Second Coming from the flames and takes us forward, just like it always is.


I've got some pressing issues to deal with right now, so I have to leave. You should stick around here though, you might finally grow into the beautiful swan. Unlikely though.

He walks off
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