Armageddon: Rey Mysterio Vs. CM Punk(#1 Contenders Match)


I can do whatever I want
Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk - Intercontinental Title Tournament finals

It's funny that they can have a #1 contender's match for the IC title on a PPV but the IC title itself rarely get's defended at a PPV. Anyways I think this is a pretty good match with 2 solid midcarders. CM Punk's title reign failed for whatever reasons and Mysterio has proven that he just doensn't fit into the mainevent scene so I like having these two vie for the IC title and make the belt mean something again.

Punk is the tag champ right now and has done nothing with it so I hope if he get's the IC title he loses it just so the tag belts can get defended more often. The match should be good since Punk & Mysterio can hopefully put on a fast paced match that the fans will enjoy. I see Punk winning from an interference from maybe Knox or just pinning Mysterio clean since they seem to be pointing in the direction of Punk vs. Regal. Anyways I think a Punk vs. Regal feud for the IC belt could be good so I hope he wins.
I'm really interested in what WWE has planned for this match...

From the beginning of the tournament, I figured they'd set up Regal/Punk. I'm thinking that Rey is only in this match to build his whatever with Mike Knox (is it even a feud yet?) at the PPV, and then Rey/Knox will have a "showdown" in the Rumble match, probably with Rey elimintaing the big man after Knox clears house.

I think Punk goes over clean with a GTS after ducking the 619, and I'm pulling for Punk to win the IC Belt from Regal, mostly so I look like a genius for predicting that it'd be him and RKO for the IC Belt at Wrestlemania 25...
I thought of a fantasitc idea for this. they should have the winner of this match vie for the title the same night, and loose. How awesome would that be??? How good would Regal look?? heat-a-mania. You could still do a title change later, with it being a rematch, with the face (whichever they choose to use) claiming that Regal couldnt beat them fresh. Then you have the face go over at Royal Rumble. Easy easy.

As for this match, I couldnt be more excited. These two's styles should go together fantastically, and should prove to provide a fast paced, high impact match up. Part of me thinks this shouldve been an ECW title feud some time in the past. I really cant decide who should go over in this. Both are fan favorites, both would (have) work a good match with Regal, both are former WHC's and would add good cred to the belt. Last week it seemed as if they were pushing Mysterio for the win, but Punk got heavily pushed THIS week. Which is another reason this match is so intruiging. I dont think its easily discerned at ALL who is going to win...
ZOMG, a number 1 contenders match for IC title on PPV? Clearly Vince has decided to boost the prestige of this belt. Badly needed. Should be a good match, too: Punk doesn't have to do any heavy lifting and Mysterio's moves might actually look halfway convincing on a smaller guy. Although I don't want to see either of them actually win the title. Punk already has a tag belt and Mysterio has a feud with Knox coming up: neither of them need it in the way that Regal does. They should have him keep it for a while longer to legitimize his reign and then eventually drop it to either Morrison or Manu.
I do not like the match itself because it is too obvious how WWE will book it. Both Punk and Mysterio are former World Champions and would bring the Intercontinental Championship some much needed prestige. The only way that WWE can add the prestige to the title is if the winner of the Punk/Mysterio match goes on to feud with Regal and have the 6 week build-up leading up to the title match at Royal Rumble.

WWE wants a Regal/Punk feud for some reason, but they have already had several matches. Rey Mysterio vs. William Regal would be something new and only done one time, when Regal was part of King Booker's court. The match should be even throughout and I really hope that Punk is able to sell Mysterio's moves better than I expect. Punk will win and go on to win the Intercontinental Championship from Regal, but that leaves me to think that WWE will do the horrible decision of moving the very talented Kofi Kingstion to jobber-status.
Right, so, the match, I'm pumped for. Two great midcarders who both have that weird title reign under their belt, neither of which where all that fantastic, but neither were complete squash champs like, say, Kane, so both bring a bit of that former WHC credibility along with them. I think it's fairly clear, whether it's rightful or not, that the winner of this tourney gets the title. I imagine the next night there's a match between the winner and Regal, and title changes. Interesting bit there is that either way, Mysterio or Punk, there's a new Triple Crown Champion as both have held the WHC and have had tag reigns. It'll be the first and, presumably, last Triple Crown winner of 2008, although another interesting fact is that Jeff Hardy has the potential in the incredibly odd event he wins at Armageddon. But I digress.

I believe Punk will win. He's been getting the promo time, he's got the tag titles, and this whole year the WWE has seemed fairly high on this guy. Meanwhile, Rey is embroiled in contract negotiations backstage and so forth, and hasn't touched a title this whole year. Furthermore, Punk deserves it. I truly believe Punk is a shining talent on the midcard, and he probably was not ready for the WHC, but it sets him up for a return in the future. A win for Punk here gives him a Triple Crown, with all 3 titles accomplished in one year. I believe the only man in history to have done that is Kevin Nash, and making Punk a Triple Crown inside of a year makes him a huge talent. Find me a Triple Crown champion who didn't go on to do great things. It's a list populated by Orton, Edge, Flair, Benoit, Jericho, Guerrero, Angle, Triple H, HBK, the list goes on. Punk would be made huge.

So Punk is probably going to win this match, win the title, establish himself a Triple Crown champion, and is likely on his way to becoming a powerful force in the WWE. I think great things are in store for him.

As for Mysterio/Punk, well, I'm not exactly looking forward to it. I'm rarely impressed with either, and if they're going to be building it around the angle that both have an injury, that's a little lame.

As for having the #1 contendership on the ppv, well, that's certainly a way to make it look like the IC title means a little more. Though I kind of agree with NorCal that they should have Regal defend the title on the ppv afterwards as well. Having the title be defended on the next episode of Raw might kind of undo all the good that the #1 contender spot is creating.

Regal himself...I don't have much hope that he'll be a great IC champion. Decent, sure. Just nothing wonderful. Punk has the tag team titles right now and isn't in a feud with that, so I don't think he should be IC champ as well...but he's who I'd bet on (when vBookie is up) to win this match since they sort of called for it. Mysterio, I feel, would be a good choice for IC champion to feud with Mike Knox and lose it to someone like Burchill or, well, idk, etcetera. He'd be much better suited to feud with those people than Punk, as Punk would just seem to fit better in world title chases than Mysterio. Mysterio, to me, is the perfect guy to be IC/US/ECW champion as he isn't a solid main event star but still could bring some legitimacy to whatever other division he'd be in. Might as well help the younger guys in the midcard, right?

So all in all, I'm a little confused as to why they chose these two to go against each other and why they aren't having them against Regal on the ppv itself...but I'm assuming that's cause he's still sick with the flu or whatever he had. I'll be voting for Punk to win, but I'd personally rather see Mysterio as IC champ as Punk probably wouldn't be defending it since he has the tag titles that he already isn't defending. Either way, I honestly don't see Regal lasting post-Royal Rumble with the title, no matter who he loses to.
Awesome. I love the thought of seeing this match, and I've waited for it a long time now. Punk is one of my favourite superstars and I like Mysterio too. These two could possibly even steal the show with this match up. I pray the WWE gives this match at least 13 minutes on the night. These two should put on a very entertaining match and the best thing about this match is that it's unpredictable. The Intercontential Tournament was a great idea and concluding it with these two superstars is an even better idea to raise the prestige of the IC title.

Whoever wins this match will obviously help raise the Intercontential Title to a true mid-card belt, because at the moment it just isn't a worthy title to hold. I actually see Rey Mysterio defeating CM Punk here. I only say this because Punk is already one half of the World Tag Team Champions and certainly doesn't need to hold another title. He should be busy defending the Tag Titles along with Kofi Kingston instead of trying to add another belt to his collection. But Mysterio seems to be ready to feud with Mike Knox, so he could lose this match and feud with him.

But I am going to predict that Mysterio will defeat Punk cleanly here in a long but an extremely entertaining match. Then at the Royal Rumble, Knox interferes in the IC Title match and costs Rey the belt. Thus leading to a triple threat match at No Way Out or something similar to that. While Punk is busy teaming with Kofi and defending the Tag Team belts against good quality opponents, like Cryme Time maybe. I am highly anticipating this match and it could be the match of the night, depending on how good the Batista/Orton match is though.
They might as well of put the Intercontinental Championship up for grabs in this tournament. It's sure as hell gotten more attention than the actual title, or current Champion for that matter.

Does anyone else fill ripped off from this Final? For once, I WANTED C.M. Punk to make it in something, but only because I wanted to see the Kofi Kingston/C.M. Punk possible match-up.

Sure, sure.. Mysterio/Punk is a great fantasy match-up, if Mysterio wasn't playing hurt. As a result, either Mysterio will win (injured) which will continue in making Punk look like he doesn't even belong on the damn roster.. or Punk will win, which will still make him look bad because he didn't beat a "health" Mysterio.

For once, I'm ashamed of how they're treating Punk.. because this is a lose/lose situation for him, and in the end he could even end up with ANOTHER title that could be contested under the "he didn't rightfully earn it" category. Albeit, I won't fight as hard.. at least (to my knowledge) he can't cash in this #1 contender's spot on a passed out William Regal... .. or.. can.. he?
This has the possibility to be the match of the night. Punk's and Rey's styles should blend really well and make for a fast paced, entertaining match. But why couldn't they have had the No. 1 contender's match on Raw, and had the actual IC title match on the PPV? UNless we wait til Royal Rumble and we get *gasp* AN IC TITLE MATCH ON PPV!!! I think the match will be put on Raw, but at least it shows that Vince is strating to care about the IC title a bit more.

As for the ending, I have the feeling Punk will get the win here. And hopefully he will help to lift the IC title belt back up to the standard it was before, when it actually mattered, with some good feuds over it. But isn't Punk the tag champ as well? Or are they actually going to keep Miz and Morrison as tag champs for Armageddon, and Raw? BUt anyway, Punk I see will win this match, but will not win his first match fo hte title against Regal, which will start a feud with Regal over the title. This will eventually lead to Punk winning the title however. But this No. 1 Contendership will hopefully start a time when the IC title is worth something.
This match should be decent. I don't think that anything that involves Mysterio anymore can be better than that. It doesn't really matter who wins. They'll go on to take the IC title then hold it for 6 months without defending it, further shitting on the belt. Hope I'm wrong. I doubt it, but I still hope so.

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