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Armageddon: Batista Vs. Randy Orton


I can do whatever I want
A rivalry’s Evolution
"For the first time since the days of Evolution, The Animal & Randy Orton meet one-on-one. Which top tier superstar will stand victorious at Armageddon? What role might the Legend Killer’s apparent cohesion with Cody Rhodes & Manu play?"

This is actually a pretty big match when you think of it. Randy Orton & Batista are two of the best today and have a history together because of Evolution. This is almost WM quality, but I think it's good that they are using it to make the Armageddon card solid.

As for the match itself it will be pretty good if both men give it there all. I see either Orton winning because of Manu/Rhodes or losing due to interference. I think this is a way to further cement the Priceless stable. I can't see either being pinned cleanly since both are two of the biggest stars today.
Well I think this could of been a Wrestlemania type match. We have all anticipated it for a while and now its coming to ahead. This should be an interesting match in what should be a very solid card.

With whats happened on RAW, it looks like Orton and his stable with Rhodes has finally formed and sided with Jericho. They are sure to play apart in this match and therefore i see either them getting involved and Orton winning or forcing a DQ, but either way i see a beat down of Batista following afterwards.

This match is all setting up for Batista siding with Cena and taking on Jericho and Orton. This will eventually tease a confrontation between Cena and Batista. Batista then wins the chamber or turns on Cena and the Wrestlemania match will be set up from there.

Anyway this match I feel has been teasing for a while and now its happening. This could of been at Wrestlemania, but i feel the WWE couldnt keep these two apart until then and it had to come and now it has.

The match outcome will be a Orton victory, or a DQ win for Batista followed by a beat down that sets up two sides on RAW. Jericho/Orton/Rhodes/Manu vs Cena/Batista
This is closer to having a proper build, but I still see it as being hotshotted. These two are 2 of the 5 biggest stars in the whole company right now, and could easily headline WM, or at least be the 2nd featured match. Why they're doing this at a more or less throwaway show like Armageddon is beyond me. However, it's still better than what was done with Cena and Batista. As for the match itself, should be solid. Batista has a reputation for being bad in the ring, but I disagree. When the spotlight is on him, he puts it into another gear. Dare I even say, he's a good wrestler. Orton is always solid, and I see him either winning, or loising by dq. Either way, I can't see him getting pinned.
I think this will be an excellent match, two stars at the top of their games and dare i say it, two crowd favourites. The feud upto now has been good and it was obvious we'd get a feud like this to cover for the Jericho and Cena one. I really have enjoyed this feud over the past few weeks and its been intresting viewing. I can't see this match being won by anyone, i belive something will happen. Be it Manu or Rhodes interupt costing Orton the match or Batista loses via an interuption from someone else. I also have a feeling Dolph Ziggler willl be involved some how....This is definently a WrestleMania type match, it has all the makings of a genuine classic.
Hopefully, this is just a match to start off the feud and it has a proper build, culminating in a Wrestlemania match. It would be a good enough match for Wrestlemania, andthey could build it up very well if they start now. These two are a couple of the top stars in the company, so if they just waste this match on a basically worthless PPV, they are stupid. What I see happening is interference by Team Priceless, leading to a DQ ending, or somebody winning because of the distraction. They could also play the evolution card, and have Flair and HHH come out, but there would be no point for that on a PPV like Armageddon. I think they might save that for Wrestlemania, if the feud continues til then. Either way, I think Batista will win by DQ because of interference.
This should be a pretty good match. They've been building for a Batista vs Randy Orton feud since 2005. I think now's a good time for the match to happen. They're both better than they've ever been in their careers. The match could go either way but i look for Orton to win by interference from Cody Rhodes and Manu. But Batista could win to set up a Cena vs Batista 2 a Wrestlemania 25. I expect whoever LOSES this match to WIN the Royal Rumble.
U heard a stupid stupid comment made about this feud being rushed. Madness. This feud has been building for a long time and is only finally starting to take shape towards a feud between two guys who haven't ever had the chance to feud since that moment Orton was Electric chair dropped by Batista following his title win.

This has all the makings of a great feud between two guys who have both made it big since the downfall of Evolution, and both guys have excelled at getting over as big names. This match at Armageddon will be the start of what I can only hope will be a very good feud
I still think this would be a better Mania match. WrestleMania 25 should be a big show, so that means, in my eyes anyway, new matches. So no Batista vs. Cena rematch. They can have that at Backlash, it stops it being a straight up rematch show. Cena should face Hogan, and Batista should face Orton.

This match has enough value to be a worthy mid card Mania match. It would make a great opener, better than that Money In The Bank bullshit.
Hmm. This is probably set up to a Triple Threat at WrestleMania over the WHC - Cena vs Batista vs Orton, the three best men on Raw. So Raw main evented last year with a Triple Threat, they can do it again. It really should have just been Cena vs Orton one on one, but I digress. This match has had the potential for years, but certainly the actual build up is a bit short, and seeing this as a match at Armageddon smells like a dirty finish to me. I can certainly see a DQ on one side or another, considering this is not going to top either of the title matches at Armageddon on the card. A DQ here lets both men continue in the Rumble match, followed by potentially in the EC match at NWO (assuming it is Raw branded, or multi branded - or if there's two again). Keeping them both out of PPV singles matches until WM, when you can set up a Triple Threat. I really don't think either Orton or Batista is the best man to win the Rumble, as it feels like SmackDown has a more interesting scene to take it, but I could easily see Orton or Batista taking the EC. Potentially some kind of obscure finish where they both win? I don't know how it could be done, but it's not impossible. Alternatively, of course, one wins the EC in dirty fashion (Orton, likely), setting up Batista's mumbling and grumbling, so he gets a qualifier match, boom, Triple Threat.

The match itself should be very good, these two being some of Raw's finest. This match will probably outshine Cena vs Jericho in terms of quality, honestly. It may very well be the best match on the card, although the SD main event should also be entertaining. It's definitely odd that WWE is stacking Armageddon like this. Can't say I'll complain about a good PPV to lead into the Rumble, however.

So all in all, this match has some interesting storyline implications, no clear winner, and the potential to be a really great match. All in all, definitely entertaining and should be Raw's best contribution.
I have seen many Orton vs. Batista matches since both of their debuts in 2002, and I think that I have never seen a bad match between these two, so I am obviously looking forward to this match. I am a fan of both men and I think that they are two of the most talented wrestlers in the business and will put on a really good show.

As for the match itself, I think that it will be very solid and could possibly be the best on the card besides the Triple Threat match for the WWE Championship or any other potentially good match added to the card later on. Now, the winner is a little hard to predict as was the Batista/Cena match at Summerslam was and I predicted both matches to end somehow as a No-Contest. Since the Summerslam match had a winner, I will pick a winner for the Armageddon matchup. I think that the loser will lose momentum, which is why I don't want a clear winner, but if I had to choose... I would say that Orton loses cleanly without interference with a possible Orton/Manu/Rhodes beat down to end that match.
Hmm. This is probably set up to a Triple Threat at WrestleMania over the WHC - Cena vs Batista vs Orton, the three best men on Raw. So Raw main evented last year with a Triple Threat, they can do it again. It really should have just been Cena vs Orton one on one, but I digress. This match has had the potential for years, but certainly the actual build up is a bit short, and seeing this as a match at Armageddon smells like a dirty finish to me. I can certainly see a DQ on one side or another, considering this is not going to top either of the title matches at Armageddon on the card. A DQ here lets both men continue in the Rumble match, followed by potentially in the EC match at NWO (assuming it is Raw branded, or multi branded - or if there's two again). Keeping them both out of PPV singles matches until WM, when you can set up a Triple Threat. I really don't think either Orton or Batista is the best man to win the Rumble, as it feels like SmackDown has a more interesting scene to take it, but I could easily see Orton or Batista taking the EC. Potentially some kind of obscure finish where they both win? I don't know how it could be done, but it's not impossible. Alternatively, of course, one wins the EC in dirty fashion (Orton, likely), setting up Batista's mumbling and grumbling, so he gets a qualifier match, boom, Triple Threat.

The match itself should be very good, these two being some of Raw's finest. This match will probably outshine Cena vs Jericho in terms of quality, honestly. It may very well be the best match on the card, although the SD main event should also be entertaining. It's definitely odd that WWE is stacking Armageddon like this. Can't say I'll complain about a good PPV to lead into the Rumble, however.

So all in all, this match has some interesting storyline implications, no clear winner, and the potential to be a really great match. All in all, definitely entertaining and should be Raw's best contribution.

If I could rep you for this post, I would. I went into this thread ready to post about how despite seeing a Batista/Orton match coming, I keep having a feeling that they're going to have a triple threat rather than just Cena/Batista. Now that the Cena/Batista match isn't on the Slammy nomination list for Match of the Year, it helps that theory out a little, as I think if they wanted to build towards #2 (which is a stupid thing anyway) they'd need all the fuel they can have, as we've already seen it before and it holds no extra excitement. Also, I couldn't figure out a way to get Orton on the WrestleMania card if it was just Batista vs. Cena.

Orton and Batista as the final two guys of the Elimination Chamber was another thing I'd be expecting, but you brought up a great point about the finish being off and that's why they get a triple threat match. Not sure exactly what they could do as a means of making the finish look like both need to win - maybe they both get knocked out by some bump and the ref counts 10 for both? Idk.

But anyway, for this particular Armageddon match itself, I have to say either Orton loses by DQ or he wins by interference/distraction. I don't think either man is going to get a clean straight-up pin over the other one.
I tend to think that Randy Orton is gearinf up for a solid run as champion, here before long, barring injury of course. The only other person to just come in from being obsolete for a period of time, and instantly become champion, is Triple H. I like to see variety, and while i know that the WWE is a business and popularity sells, I also think good matches should be put on. Cena isn't the greatest in the ring, most would agree I think. Orton is very smooth, can carry a match and has proven he can do work with the big dogs ie; Trips, Batista, Taker, Jericho, etc. Solely my opinon ladies and Gents!
Batista vs. Orton is a blockbuster match. I think it is a Wrestlemania type match. However with a Cena vs. Batista Summerslam re match on the horizon for Wrestlemania. The addition of Orton in that match at Wrestlemania would make that match unbelieveable.
I like Orton's character alot, go down as one of the greatest heel's ever. However, I just find Orton's character better when he is going after the title. Orton makes for better TV when he is chasing the title. When Orton is chasing the title he leaves a path of destruction and that is more entertaining then when Orton has a title. Orton seems boring to me with a title. Just my thoughts.
I doubt we're going to see a triple threat for the Raw title at Mania AGAIN! I hope to God we don't have Cena as the champ at Mania either. It's such a let down seeing him win at the big show when he's defending (but then for me it's disappointing seeing him win, period).

As for Orton v Batista, i hope Orton punts his mug all the way back to the stone age where it belongs. As i have expressed in the past, i am not a Batista fan. He's improved drastically in the last couple of years, but i hate the way that he's made to look as though he can just plough through anyone and everyone (unless they're Cena or Taker), and win with barely a mark upon him. I'm also sick of seeing him lose because he just didn't mind what was going on around him. How often have we seen him lose to Edge because he was too distracted by La Familia or someone made a blind tag, or pinned another opponent when he wasn't looking? The answer is.... repeatedly.

I don't want to see him lose with that 'Whaddya mean i didn't win?' look slapped across his face, i want to see someone beat Batista down solidily and emphatically, and the best person for the job is none other than the One Man Dynasty himself, Randy Kenneth Orton.

We all know he's the superior wrestler. He's more charismatic, he has better ring psychology, his offense is more varied and unique and he's just better. It's not arrogance, it's cold, hard, fact!

I hope Orton destroys Batista, but he probably won't. Batista's got to get his own back for the all the shit he's put up with building upto Armageddon, unless Priceless are going to do a run in, and then i still won't be satisfied......

...but then it's not all down to me is is?
I doubt we're going to see a triple threat for the Raw title at Mania AGAIN! I hope to God we don't have Cena as the champ at Mania either. It's such a let down seeing him win at the big show when he's defending (but then for me it's disappointing seeing him win, period).

As for Orton v Batista, i hope Orton punts his mug all the way back to the stone age where it belongs. As i have expressed in the past, i am not a Batista fan. He's improved drastically in the last couple of years, but i hate the way that he's made to look as though he can just plough through anyone and everyone (unless they're Cena or Taker), and win with barely a mark upon him. I'm also sick of seeing him lose because he just didn't mind what was going on around him. How often have we seen him lose to Edge because he was too distracted by La Familia or someone made a blind tag, or pinned another opponent when he wasn't looking? The answer is.... repeatedly.

I don't want to see him lose with that 'Whaddya mean i didn't win?' look slapped across his face, i want to see someone beat Batista down solidily and emphatically, and the best person for the job is none other than the One Man Dynasty himself, Randy Kenneth Orton.

We all know he's the superior wrestler. He's more charismatic, he has better ring psychology, his offense is more varied and unique and he's just better. It's not arrogance, it's cold, hard, fact!

I hope Orton destroys Batista, but he probably won't. Batista's got to get his own back for the all the shit he's put up with building upto Armageddon, unless Priceless are going to do a run in, and then i still won't be satisfied......

...but then it's not all down to me is is?

I really do wish it was all up to you though... I'd pay 40 dollars just to see Orton vs. Batista if the outcome involves Batista botching to death.

I really wanna see a punt here. But I know if we see a punt, Batista will no-sell it and be back on T.V within the next two weeks, bitching about it. I just wanna see Randy win in the same fashion Batista wins. That'd be a pretty good ending. Followed by a few hours of posing over Batista's lifeless body. And then he punts Cena too. Yeah... money well spent.
Having watched Raw again, this match is already losing the little luster it had. Yes they've kept them apart for about a month, but this match is still being hotshotted. What's the point to having them go this early when Priceless will interfere? Simply to have the big rematch at Mania where it's one on one? That doesn't work well for me, as it makes Mania feel like a secondary show. These two are easily big enough stars to put on the Mania either main event or secondary match. Armageddon simply isn't a big enough show to deserve this. Rumble would be, but surely they could stretch it out another 4 months. Imagine what the build up would be by then.
Why wait until Wrestlemania when WWE can make some money off this match up at a PPV, which the buyrate won't even come close to Wrestlemania? This is pretty smart from the WWE, really, just like it was smart to have Cena/Orton for the title at No Way out this year. See, no matter the matches, the Wrestlemania buyrate will still be tremendous. So why not stack a minor PPV like Armageddon (or No Way Out) with good matches so people will order that, too?
Yeah it will be, but it weakens the big show, which could weaken future revenue. Think about it. Yes people will buy WM, but if the matches are subpar, they might not keep watching, thereby hurting tv ratings and future buyrates. It's a classic example of WWE, or any company fot that matter, going for the quick buck instead of thinking ahead and planning out the way to maximize profits. It has its merits, but I think it could be done much better.
I would like to see this match at Wrestlemania also. One reason is that Batista has been looking a little sluggish lately and I don't think him and Randy Orton compliment each other very well. They can have a great buildup to Wrestlemania and while it probably won't be the main event, it would be one of the best matches on the card.

Since they're having it at Armageddon, Orton will win this one and hopefully Batista will sell the RKO better than he did at Survivor Series.
I love this matchup personally. I've wanted to see these two go one on one for a very long time now. This match had Wrestlemania 25 written all over it. It seems almost too big for Armageddon, in all honesty. I am aware the pay per view needs hype and this is possibly the most interesting match on the card, but I now have no idea what Wrestlemania has in store for these two. I say this because I just don't think a Cena/Batista rematch would be as big or as interesting as their first encounter, no matter if the title is on the line or not.

This should be one of the best matches on the night, and I am definately looking forward to it. Since Orton has formed a new stable called "Legacy", I am predicting that Cody Rhodes and Manu will intervene here and will cost Batista the victory. This match needs to end cleanly. There is seriously no point in wasting this big time match that has never took place before, by simply ending it in disqualification. That basically ruins everything good about this encounter.

So I think Randy Orton will defeat Batista in a very good 20 minute match due to interference from "Legacy" before hitting the RKO for the clean pinfall victory. For some unknown reason, I just can't see Batista winning here. But as long as it ends cleanly since it is a big time match, then I'll be happy.
Yes, im sure everyone can see the result of this coming miles away, as Batista just has too many things to focus on before succumbing to an out of nowere RKO. Highly interesting match, although it feels as if it has had a somewhat lackluster build. It almost seems like a side note to the rise of Orton, as if Orton is almost too big for this feud right now. Regardless, if they are smart, Batista succumbs to the numbers game in this one
From what I saw this past Monday Night on RAW with Orton pinning Batista and bear in mind Orton also pinned Batista back at Survivor Series, they may give Batista the win here. Otherwise, he may go on a roid rage backstage and Batista Bomb Melina through a table after having sex with her.

Seriously though, if Vince wants to keep his 'Animal' happy, I have a feeling Batista will go over Orton here which, really is a shame. Orton returned better than ever, showing no ring rust whatsoever and is in the prime of his life, whereas Batista, being the an unsatisfied jerk besides all WWE has given him (even though I think he hardly deserves it) may be on his way out.
I think that Batista will win by DQ here. I'm not sure what will cause that... It could be Priceless interference, Orton cheating, or something more creative. Sadly, no matter the outcome, Batista is still going to be made into an unstoppable monster type of thing. You know how like after he loses, he gets up all pissed and is like, "What?! I lost?!? Ahasdjfhaskjdhf!" <---- That.

I can see this feud going all the way to WM. There won't be a clean ending for this match tonight. Orton will eliminate Big Dave in the Rumble. Batista will pin Orton in the RAW Elimination Chamber. Then the two will face off at WM, unless one or both are going to be in the title match.

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