Can you make a sig of mac from "its always sunny in philadelphia" doing karate with the line, "I bring it"? Preferably in the nightman outfit (black karate gee with cat eyes).
Can you make a sig of mac from "its always sunny in philadelphia" doing karate with the line, "I bring it"? Preferably in the nightman outfit (black karate gee with cat eyes).

Man you need to read the first page with my rules :banghead::banghead::banghead:

I can't render images so it has to be of something broad. There is no way that I can find a picture for this request.

Sorry, take it to one of the other talented siggers.
Hey, man. You seem to really know what you're doing with these things, so can I please get one with Jeff Hardy (preferably during his recent time in TNA), Chris Jericho, and Rob Van Dam? No real specifications other than that, just whatever you think is cool. Thanks a lot, man.
Hey, man. You seem to really know what you're doing with these things, so can I please get one with Jeff Hardy (preferably during his recent time in TNA), Chris Jericho, and Rob Van Dam? No real specifications other than that, just whatever you think is cool. Thanks a lot, man.


Hey Arlo!! (:
Since I love you work, it feels right for me to ask you for a signature :D
And I would really fancy a Drew McIntyre signature, mine is already old and I can't get any idea for him :D
Make him look darker and as a credible main eventer guy!!

Please, I will credit and rep you, as you know :D
One side note: I will use two images in the signature, mine from Barret and yours from McIntyre (the script you know)
I would like a sig with 5 wrestlers standing next to each other in there stances to fill the signature. In the middle i would like Sting but black and white face paint black trench coat and baseball bat sting, to the right Kofi Kingston and Undertaker (Dead man verison) to the left i would like Christian (current) and John Cena (Cant see me stance). Any sweet ass backround that you think would look good is cool and at the bottom across the signature but centered I would like my name VentanA in the lettering that it is in my current signature. But of course not as big.

if possible thanks
Hey. Back for a request and I want a multiple man sig. I want Cody Rhodes ("Dashing" and not "Disfigured" on the right, Christian (current) on the left and in the centre, John Cena with the WWE championship. Above them should be Kelly Kelly and Randy Orton. The text should say "The Golden Ones". Please and thanks.
Arlo, I appreciate your help with the last sig, however I have another request. One with Chris Jericho, Ric Flair, and the miz, with stylin and profilin as its headline? Work you magic with the rest. Thanks!
Hey Arlo!! (:
Since I love you work, it feels right for me to ask you for a signature :D
And I would really fancy a Drew McIntyre signature, mine is already old and I can't get any idea for him :D
Make him look darker and as a credible main eventer guy!!

Please, I will credit and rep you, as you know :D
One side note: I will use two images in the signature, mine from Barret and yours from McIntyre (the script you know)



I would like a sig with 5 wrestlers standing next to each other in there stances to fill the signature. In the middle i would like Sting but black and white face paint black trench coat and baseball bat sting, to the right Kofi Kingston and Undertaker (Dead man verison) to the left i would like Christian (current) and John Cena (Cant see me stance). Any sweet ass backround that you think would look good is cool and at the bottom across the signature but centered I would like my name VentanA in the lettering that it is in my current signature. But of course not as big.

if possible thanks



Yours are coming soon guys, I've been busy. hang in there :lmao:
Hey. Back for a request and I want a multiple man sig. I want Cody Rhodes ("Dashing" and not "Disfigured" on the right, Christian (current) on the left and in the centre, John Cena with the WWE championship. Above them should be Kelly Kelly and Randy Orton. The text should say "The Golden Ones". Please and thanks.



Arlo, I appreciate your help with the last sig, however I have another request. One with Chris Jericho, Ric Flair, and the miz, with stylin and profilin as its headline? Work you magic with the rest. Thanks!



Hey can you please make me a sig of KB avatar with KB in bold talking down to me and saying be a good little Jimmy to my avatar with WMD in bold please.


Can you make me a signature with CM Punk, Chris Jericho, Kurt Angle, and RVD, with it saying my name?

I'm not doing this, Boondocks is doing this for you. If you want to request the same thing from multiple people make it it's own thread.

Come here and only here next time.
Didn't mean to take your customers, Arlo. :p In my defense, I took him up on it, unaware he asked you.
Didn't mean to take your customers, Arlo. :p In my defense, I took him up on it, unaware he asked you.

Not your fault bro :)
People never seem to read the art section rules these days. There is a code amongst us siggers.

Since you've started, the request is yours. Hopefully it kickstarts your new request thread :)
Hey... another sig request dude. I need a divas sig. A hot image of Candice, Trish and Lita each. Trish should be in the middle. The background should be pink. The text "The Hunk Magnets". And as you know, the "tinypic" thing. Please and thanks. As always, credit will be given. Rep will be given whenever I can.
Hey... another sig request dude. I need a divas sig. A hot image of Candice, Trish and Lita each. Trish should be in the middle. The background should be pink. The text "The Hunk Magnets". And as you know, the "tinypic" thing. Please and thanks. As always, credit will be given. Rep will be given whenever I can.



How about you just settle with the sigs you've got for a while? It's a bit rude asking me to do them, wearing it for a couple of days and then coming back for a new one.

or use this:
Hey man, could I get something to celebrate my coming out of Prison?

That's all I have to say, surprise me ;)

EDIT: Oh and the Tinypic link please.
Hey dude. Thanks for the sig. It's good. And yeah, I was a little absent-minded. But I'm sure the next request will not come up soon. Thanks.
ARLO - Just a little pointer, I just realised who you were making this sig for.

He's known for asking for many sigs in a short space of time. I didn't think he'd still be around, or maybe I was just hoping.
Man, it's cool.
Anyways, it's something I just want to have for a week or two, seeing as I just got out & that.
Thanks very much.
ARLO my buddy,
Theo, Dave, IDR, AD all used to make my sigs. Since all of them retired or stopped, and you started, I am adding you to my list.

I would like a Tara sig. Just a cool image like the one you did on my current one, with a image of her with the TNA KO TITLE and the WWE WOMENS title

Colors are up to you

Text: Tara Future Hall of Famer

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