Arguments with flat mates.


Master of the Aussie kiss
We all have them, any interesting stories?. Here's one I had today.
After having enough of my flat mates attitude I told her " It's just sometimes like living with a kid." Her reply, "I know you are but what am I." She was serious, it wasn't sarcasm or anything like that. I had to walk out of the room before I blew it. *facepalm*
I would have sexually assaulted her.

It's not like she'll dog you to the Old Bill, when you can just throw her out on her ear.
Yes that would of worked Macca... No if she shit's mme again I will just get my Fiance to bash her. Is that wrong?...
Better yet, demand she become the surrogate mother to your baby.

Or you'll turkeyslap her while she's asleep. And THEN, fling her out on her ear. She'll know who's boss.
I always seem to have some sort of clash with housemates during my time at uni but the main that stood out for me was in first year.

Basically, I had a tendancy to buy different drinks, Fanta, Sprite, Coke, now all these drinks I said to my housemates to freely have them, but that my Ribena was off limits as they cost quite a bit to get. I noticed my Ribena was dropping down rather quickly, so upon an idea from a friend, I put salt in it and kept a second bottle hidden because I told them not to drink it. When a housemate finally took a sip, she told me I was selfish to do that and had no right. Given I told them the Ribena was off limits, you think they know better.
Hmm not a bad Idea...

and that's not selfish at all, you brought it for yourself not to share.
Naturally I know I wasn't in the wrong, just the fact that it was implied that I was is unbelieveable.

I had a few other clashes with this same housemate, she gave a lot of hell that year, part of it sparking from sleeping with the other guy housemate within a week of knowing each other. Don't ever do that, trust me, been in that situation twice (living with not sleeping with), as well as living with a couple, it's not fun!
Yeah, this is an Ex that was going to be homeless so my fiance said she could live here until she found a new place... So I know what you mean. it's fucking awkward. I like the idea of a roommate just not this one...
Yeah, this is an Ex that was going to be homeless so my fiance said she could live here until she found a new place... So I know what you mean. it's fucking awkward. I like the idea of a roommate just not this one...

Sounds like a sitcom/romcom just without the com bit
Depends what you're into comedy wise Lee. I can make her cry with minimal effort. Like the time I said to my fiance that every girl between her ( we was together years ago) was a rebound girl. then remembered she was in the room. I had to carefully put the shovel up before I got the hole too deep.

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