Aren't we done hating Triple H yet?

I always thought that Triple H's legacy had been screwed up by many people's jealous tendencies. He might not have brought in as many outside viewers to wrestling as The Rock or helped change the way wrestling was viewed for a generation like Stone Cold but he definitely played his part. He was consistently the top heel during the WWF's heyday and there were numerous occasions where a multitude of fans would cheer for him then boo him shortly afterward.

The line between good and bad in the Attitude era was drawn very thin. And Triple H managed to remain a badass character who most fans admired while also hated for opposing their badass hero. It's no simple task to be beloved while ruining the night for the fans who paid to see their hero save the day. I remember countless times seeing guys wearing Austin 3:16 shirts screaming "SUCK IT!!" alongside Triple H even though they knew they had reason to hate him. Whether heel or face, people would go insane every time either his or Degeneration X's theme started off. That gets overlooked because of people thinking there's only room for The Rock and Stone Cold as the top dogs of that era but without Triple H, neither The Rock or Stone Cold would have had a true memorable heel nor a feud outside of each other to challenge themselves.
Read Bret Hart's book and you'll see how much power Hunter had when Bret was there. Bret was asked to put him over when Hunter was on the booking team. He went on to bury Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart on that DX segment after Bret left where they spray painted him. Then Hunter went over on Owen after Shawn buried his alleged (It was rumored and Bret also said in his book that Owen was promised a push after the screwjob) push.

And that's all BEFORE he started banging the boss' daughter.

Personally, I don't get why the guy was ever higher than midcard. He's boring, slow, and does nothing spectacular in the ring. I love how one of his best moves is a "high knee" and JR says, "Shades of Harley Race." You know who else did the high knee? The Booty Man aka Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake, they should say shades of Brother Brutti!

In conclusion, HHH was a bastard and so uncool it's not even funny. At least Hall and Nash are guys you can't help, but like no matter how douchey they are. I can't say the same for Hunter. Finally, I think Bret's quote says it best:

"Hunter dumped Chyna, became famous as Triple H, married Vince's only daughter Stephanie, and is poised to become the master and ruler of the wrestling world...I'll never forgive Shawn, or Hunter, for killing the business that so many of us gave our lives for. Although pro wrestling will never truly die, but always morph into something else, the business that I knew and loved and gave all I had to is dead and gone forever." -549 Hardcover

I agree, although you could probably add Vince Russo's name to that list.
The thing about complaining about "politicking" is that the politicker really holds people back (Hogan w/ Goldberg for instance) or simply refuses to lose and put people over ( Austin & HBK), literally refusing to wrestle if they dont get their way. That is not HHH.

HHH didnt put over Orton, Batista, HBK, Taker, Edge, Flair, Cena, & CM Punk only to quickly bury them in the mid card while he got all the main events (like Hogan & Goldberg, who spent July-Oct in 98 as WCW champ only to consistently see Hogan's feuds and matches promoted over him). In many instances, such as with Orton & Batista, HHH not only gave them credibility with their wins over them they got long, prolonged runs at the top of the card, runs that established them as legit main event stars. HHH is not too blame for Batista walking away from the industry or Orton having a drug problem.

HHH also was in the mid card during long runs by Edge & Cena, he did not promote his matches consistently over them to devalue their World Title feud. HHH has actually cleanly put over Cena at WrestleMania (Orton & Batista too). Not one person can logically explain to me how any of those people were held back by HHH. If anything he helped make their careers.

The Benjamin thing is a joke, fans yawned at The Worlds Greatest Tag Team with Charlie Haas so they split him off solo and introduced him to Raw with a clean pinfall win over HHH (w/ Ric Flair in his corner). This was not a Kevin Nash vs Rey Misterio moment where Misterio got one upset win only to get crushed moving forward. Benjamin was given multiple chances on Raw, he was a great athlete who had no charisma. Sometimes a guy needs a fresh start, a new gimmick to catch on, so they created a new chain wearing cocky heel persona and let him win the IC title off Flair. Still Benjamin managed only so so reactions. At some point the failure of a performer has to rest with them. Sure, Brett Hart sucked against Issac Yankem, the evil dentist, or the ridiculous vodoo mastes Papa Shango, but he was awfully good against Nash, HBK, Austin, and lesser talents like Luger & Sid. Shango & Yankem were lousy characters, thats why those feuds sucked. Hart was very good overall though, a big reason much of what else he did worked. Yankem ended up becoming Kane, proof sometimes you need the right gimmick to succeed. Benjamin had at least 3 incarnations, was IC champ, did Money In The Banj matches at Wrestlemania, had great moments against HHH, HBK, & Flair, Im not sure what more WWE could have done to elevate him more short of having him end Taker's WM Streak & win a No Holds Barred Submission Match vs Hogan & The Rock in the same night.

Who are these WCW people HHH refused to put over, that he buried ? Most of the WCW guys that came in after the merger were career mid carders (the biggest reason why the Invasion Angle failed). The only legit star who came over in the merger was DDP, who retired with chronic back issues shortly after he arrived. Booker T, who got a pretty good run as"King Booker" was a tag team wrestler and career mid carder who only made it to the top in WCW after everyone else had left. He wasnt worthy of beating HHH, though he was talented enough to deserve a solid push which he got and handled well. Of the WCW guys who came later he traded wins with Flair, traded the title with Goldberg, lost the title to Hogan. Considering that HHH was in his prime as the company's top star and Flair was on his last legs their feud, which included Flair going over clean in Hell In A Cell was fair. Hogan never returned the favor. Goldberg wasnt interested in a full time run and left quickly. As for Steiner, the crowds at their matches were cheering for Trips. Steiner couldnt keep up in the ring and never, not even in his 1999 heyday was as big as Goldberg, Flair, & Hogan. I have to wonder if his notorious short temper and difficulty working with others contributed to his exit.

If fans want to complain about Austin I get that, a guy with multiple legal issues outside the ring and a well documented string of incidents where he declined or simply refused to appear if he didnt get his way and look the way he wants. But HHH, a guy who has made more stars than anyone in the industry wrestling today, the guy who carried the ball when Austin was either hurt or just too busy walking out on the company when he didnt get his way, when Rock went to Hollywood, when HBK's back went out and he couldnt, before Cena-nation, when Orton couldnt pass a drug test, when Hogan & Flair got old, Batista, Goldberg, and Lesnar all opted out, HHH has been the backbone, the MVP, he's Flair, Sting, & Brett Hart. He deserves some credit.
I love the complaints from ppl saying HHH pedigreed guys who didnt deserve it. Apparently you guys must have hated Austin, that guy threw random stunners out to guys who didnt deserve it, often with no storyline value at all, just to make himself look good. Yep, I cant wait to read the upcoming "Why We Hate Austin" thread you guys are starting.

Sting didnt sign with WWE cause they wanted him to work a full schedule, he doesnt want that. In TNA with an easy taping schedule and almost no house show business he gets to come and go as he pleases, periodically main eventing, even grabbing a few titles. Prominent placement, light weight work schedule, almost no touring, it suits him much better than even what the "reduced legends" schedule Flair & HBK got when they came back.

Steiner was a malcontent who underperformed in the ring and didnt connect with the audience, at least as a face. DDP got injured and retired, HHH didnt ruin these guys or chase them away. Goldberg ? He ran through Evolution and won the title from HHH. How was he buried ? He didnt like the business, he has said so before, didnt like touring, wanted a quick pay day and left.

As for Lesnar, to the casual fan Lesnar is no big deal. He had a brief mega push to start his career, leveled off, then very quickly left. We see Cena & Punk all the time, we are attached to them, we buy their matches, HHH is a legend, we buy him. Lesnar, I couldnt care less unless he's facing someone like HHH or Taker. You really think casual fans are paying money to see Lesnar-Ziggler, Brock-Miz, Not happening. At least against a legend like HHH Lesnar, a part time guy with limited connection to a shrinking audience that only saw him wrestle years ago for a brief time, might pump up the buyrate a bit.
Triple H. Merely typing his name makes me want to kill my fingers for doing it. How anyone can defend this guy is beyond me. I'll give him credit for being a good in-ring talent (as well as being pretty damn good on the stick), but the man has done MUCH more negative for the business than positive. I remember when Punk started to get over last year. My friends and I were discussing exactly how angry this must have made Vince and Hunter, and what they were planning on doing about it. Then, as if brought to me from hell on a chariot dragged by buried wrestlers of the past, both Vince AND Hunter come to the rescue of mediocrity. A year later we have CM Punk Lite holding a belt that hasn't been a part of a main event since who the fuck knows, Triple H back in the spotlight for why the fuck knows, and a product that is as stagnant and unwatchable as I've seen in years. And if you think that Triple H has nothing to do with how bad things are right now, enjoy your damn Kool-Aid.
There's no hate from me. Personally, I wish HHH had been at the top the past few years instead of Cena. He still looks great, puts on a good show, and has a great character. He's called The King of Kings so he should have stayed on top and hogged the spotlight even longer than Hogan.
Triple H. Merely typing his name makes me want to kill my fingers for doing it. How anyone can defend this guy is beyond me. I'll give him credit for being a good in-ring talent (as well as being pretty damn good on the stick), but the man has done MUCH more negative for the business than positive. I remember when Punk started to get over last year. My friends and I were discussing exactly how angry this must have made Vince and Hunter, and what they were planning on doing about it. Then, as if brought to me from hell on a chariot dragged by buried wrestlers of the past, both Vince AND Hunter come to the rescue of mediocrity. A year later we have CM Punk Lite holding a belt that hasn't been a part of a main event since who the fuck knows, Triple H back in the spotlight for why the fuck knows, and a product that is as stagnant and unwatchable as I've seen in years. And if you think that Triple H has nothing to do with how bad things are right now, enjoy your damn Kool-Aid.

Ok, how is all that HHH fault?first, why would punk getting over would upset vince and HHH? they are selling more best in the world t shirt so more MONEY apparently..... How is HHH responsible for Cena being a bigger draw than Punk therefore Cena being the main event? Vince is in charge of the product not Triple H. HHH is one of the most over guys in the company right now, even if you dont like it or not HHH is a legend and people WANT to see Brock vs HHH since 2002.

If anything HHH being involved make things better, HHH Taker III (so far is the match of the year), HHH Lesnar is giving us a dream match, HHH is bringing back tag team wrestling, HHH is bringing in Sara del Rey to train divas and boost up the division, HHH has stopped short title reigns, HHH is in charge of talent relations and has put JR in a scouting position of FCW, what gives man?
Triple H. Merely typing his name makes me want to kill my fingers for doing it. How anyone can defend this guy is beyond me. I'll give him credit for being a good in-ring talent (as well as being pretty damn good on the stick), but the man has done MUCH more negative for the business than positive. I remember when Punk started to get over last year. My friends and I were discussing exactly how angry this must have made Vince and Hunter, and what they were planning on doing about it. Then, as if brought to me from hell on a chariot dragged by buried wrestlers of the past, both Vince AND Hunter come to the rescue of mediocrity. A year later we have CM Punk Lite holding a belt that hasn't been a part of a main event since who the fuck knows, Triple H back in the spotlight for why the fuck knows, and a product that is as stagnant and unwatchable as I've seen in years. And if you think that Triple H has nothing to do with how bad things are right now, enjoy your damn Kool-Aid.

Wow. It's almost sad how upset you get about Triple H when you clearly have NO grasp whatsoever on what matters in professional wrestling, starting with your accusation that Punk was buried by Triple H.

The idea that Triple H buried Punk is laughable. Yes, Triple H went over Punk at NoC, but if anything that just strengthened Punk's resolve. I think the fact that he went on to win the WWE Title a few months later and then hold that belt for eight months (and counting) is proof that Punk is doing just fine. Furthermore, he's the second most popular guy in the WWE behind only John Cena. By the way, that's why Punk isn't main eventing PPVs: it's because Cena is the top draw, and likely will be until he retires or gets to be Triple H's age.

The idea of the championship always having to main event shows is an old, tired, stupid idea. You can use Cena vs. Rock or Cena vs. Lesnar as a good example of why the belt doesn't have to be in the main event, and you can use Rock vs. Hogan at WrestleMania 18 as a good example of why the belt shouldn't have gone on last. So basically by citing the fact that Punk doesn't main event as evidence that Triple H buried him, you really just prove that you're out of touch and clueless.

Not to mention that Punk vs. Triple H had the internet BUZZING when it was happening. People were clamoring about how it was the modern era's Austin vs. McMahon, people were pumped that the two were working together.

All these Punk arguments are clearly just the IWC inventing another reason to hate Triple H. You know who hasn't complained about Triple H vs. Punk? CM Punk. Given his track record, don't you think he'd speak out if he had a problem with Triple H beating him at Night of Champions? Don't you think he'd speak out if he thought Triple H was burying him? The fact of the matter is that Triple H's win at NoC didn't do anything negative to Punk's career. If anything, he elevated it by allowing Punk to prove that he could hang with the big boys and wasn't another wrestler that benefited from working with John Cena.

Furthermore... I never understand what people mean with "how bad things are now." We are in the middle of one of the best eras of wrestling. Ever. John Cena will likely go down as one of the top 5 wrestlers of all time, every PPV for the last (more or less) year has been well worth the price of admission, and we have had some of the greatest programs (Summer of Punk), matches (Cena vs. Punk at MitB, HBK vs. Taker at WM25), and moments (HBK and Bret make up) in the history of the WWE. If you think that's bad, then you either have awful taste, or you're just looking for things to hate.

Pipebomb motherfucker. Everything you thought you knew is a lie.
We have so many people complaining about Triple H. Why?
First: WCW Talents
How many of you really wanted Scott Steiner as champion? And I do agree with Booker T being champion back then but that didn't happen. And after Kevin Nash's matches with HHH he was leaving the company soon.At least he pushed Goldberg.
Second: Politicking
People complain about him getting as many world title as he did get because he was married to Stephanie. It was a story line marriage. STORYLINE. They weren't even married until 2003! And by then a few months later he dropped the title to Benoit and then eventually Batista.
Third: Burying Talents
Ok, he did bury a few people, but without his help, where would Orton, Cena, Batista be? They would still be a big deal just not as big of a deal as they are now(now, not including Batista) Your World Champ Sheamus? He'd be in midcard or released if it wasn't for Triple H.
About the Summerslam match: Who do you want to be in a match with Lesnar? Cody or Ziggler? Come on, even the casual fan would know these guys wouldn't stand a chance against Lesnar. I mean do people want to see Brock-Cody or Brock-Ziggler? Sure the IWC would love to see that, but would casual fans want to? It worked d back then with Eddie Guerrero, but he was gold at the time and it was the right decision. And I'm not hating on Cody or Ziggler, it just doesn't look believable.
Wow, lots of butthurt Triple H fans all over the place. Stop getting so worked up about other people's opinions and start so many new threads, posting the same old points over and over again despite replies to it already.

Just to answer to a few points:

Yes Shelton was an uncharismatic wrestler, yes he did suck on the mic, but that does not give Triple H the right to humiliate the guy on live television, Which is the lowest point of burial.

CM Punk's pipe bomb promo was an "Austin 3:16" moment, he made the mainstream media cared about wrestling, he created a shockwave never seen before in the wrestling business for years. He could have become the biggest star the company has seen since Austin, but he did not. Why? Because his feud with Triple H made him look so bad that his momentum came to a screeching halt, and he never became as big as he was meant to. The loss made him look bad despite the 3 pedigrees and the Jackknife, because the whole feud made him look like a whiny bitch that couldn't get the job done. Sure he is the WWE champion now, but he is playing second fiddle to John Cena and being place on the hour mark instead of the main event. Which is a huge let down considering the momentum he had last year.

Yes Goldberg did go over Triple H in 1 on 1 matches, yes he did win the World Heavyweight Championship. But the whole feud with Evolution made Goldberg look weak, unlike the Goldberg we have come to know of. Evolution broke his leg and often outnumbered him and beat him down. The Goldberg character we know was mowing people down in seconds and was dominant. WWE got it wrong from the start and the Triple H feud did not help. Booker T will not have been a main event star, but he could have been a great supporting guy. Instead we had to wait until 2006 for his first reign in the stupid "King Booker" gimmick instead of having him as champion fresh from WCW acquisition.

The guy who quoted Bret Hart's book sums it all up, he was a massive politician back in the days and buried lots of people during then, but the Triple H fans somehow seems to ignore the fact that was placed in front of them.

I know he put over Randy Orton, John Cena, Jeff Hardy and such, which was why I said I appreciate what he has done for the business. But that does not give him free pass to be immune to hatred.
Wow, lots of butthurt Triple H fans all over the place. Stop getting so worked up about other people's opinions and start so many new threads, posting the same old points over and over again despite replies to it already.

More like a lot of butthurt Triple H haters whom are upset because they're reasons for hating on Trips are being dissected one by one.

Yes Shelton was an uncharismatic wrestler, yes he did suck on the mic, but that does not give Triple H the right to humiliate the guy on live television, Which is the lowest point of burial.

Wrong on all accounts. As a huge star working with a minor blip on wrestling's radar, Triple H has every right to say whatever he wants to Shelton Benjamin if it gets a reaction out of the fans. Those people paid good money to see Triple H, and if he needs to make fun of someone to entertain them, so be it. Also, the lowest point of burial is not cracking a joke at someone's expense, it's BURYING THEM. Triple H didn't bury Shelton Benjamin at all, he just didn't put him over. Shelton had a tremendously successful WWE career, so to suggest Triple H did anything to hold him back is preposterous.

CM Punk's pipe bomb promo was an "Austin 3:16" moment, he made the mainstream media cared about wrestling, he created a shockwave never seen before in the wrestling business for years. He could have become the biggest star the company has seen since Austin, but he did not. Why?

I'm going to stop you right there. CM Punk could never become the biggest star in the company for a few reasons, the biggest one being: he doesn't have the charisma that guys like Cena, Austin, and The Rock did. Sure, Punk can appeal to the outsiders, the deviants, the "other," but wrestling has always been and will always be about appealing to the largest possible audience. While internet geeks and indy fanboys love Punk, he simply doesn't have the look, style, or charisma that it takes to get over with the mainstream. He's also not as good as John Cena in any way shape or form.

Because his feud with Triple H made him look so bad that his momentum came to a screeching halt, and he never became as big as he was meant to. The loss made him look bad despite the 3 pedigrees and the Jackknife, because the whole feud made him look like a whiny bitch that couldn't get the job done. Sure he is the WWE champion now, but he is playing second fiddle to John Cena and being place on the hour mark instead of the main event. Which is a huge let down considering the momentum he had last year.

Yeah, and aliens shot JFK. :rolleyes:

Yes Goldberg did go over Triple H in 1 on 1 matches, yes he did win the World Heavyweight Championship. But the whole feud with Evolution made Goldberg look weak, unlike the Goldberg we have come to know of.

Goldberg was never booked properly in the WWE, something that isn't Triple H's fault.

Evolution broke his leg and often outnumbered him and beat him down. The Goldberg character we know was mowing people down in seconds and was dominant. WWE got it wrong from the start and the Triple H feud did not help.

Two points from this one...

1) Do you see how ridiculous it is to blame Triple H for Goldberg's lackluster WWE career when he was just one guy involved in it all?

2) Evolution kept Triple H's star alive, which was vital for the WWE, and put over Randy Orton and Batista, two of the WWE's biggest stars throughout the PG Era. So we got three stars in place of one, which I think is a pretty good payoff.

The bigger picture, you should take a gander at it sometime.

Booker T will not have been a main event star, but he could have been a great supporting guy. Instead we had to wait until 2006 for his first reign in the stupid "King Booker" gimmick instead of having him as champion fresh from WCW acquisition.

Yeah, nothing would make more sense than for Vince to put his belt on one of the guys he didn't even help create...

Why the hell would Vince put the belt on Booker T when there were no fewer than 6 better options in the WWE at that time? Austin, Rock, Jericho, Angle, Taker, and Triple H were all better choices for the World Championship belts, and Big Show and Kane were viable options as well.

The guy who quoted Bret Hart's book sums it all up, he was a massive politician back in the days and buried lots of people during then, but the Triple H fans somehow seems to ignore the fact that was placed in front of them.

I love Bret Hart, but he is one of the biggest tradition marks there is. In short, he can't put aside tradition and see wrestling as what it is: a business. Triple H may have politicked his way to some good places, but it was worth it. Sometimes the ends do justify the means, and if it means Triple H got the push over Owen Hart, a guy that was never going to be a star of Triple H's caliber, so be it.

I know he put over Randy Orton, John Cena, Jeff Hardy and such, which was why I said I appreciate what he has done for the business. But that does not give him free pass to be immune to hatred.

So let me get this straight... you HATE a guy who has won more fake fights than other people because he asked the boss if he could win more fake fights than the other guys? Then, as he got older and knew that there would need to be new guys to win the fake fights, he started to lose fake fights to them, and this is a man you hate? Why do you hate him again? Because despite everything he gave to the industry he broke a few eggs along the way?

Once again, you need to look at the bigger picture. Triple H might have played politics to make his way to the top, but I don't think it was all just self-interest. I think a lot of it was because he knew he had what it takes to be a huge star for the WWE, which he was. Triple H's politicking allowed him to become one of the top 10 performers in WWE history, something we may have never gotten if he didn't stick his foot in Vince McMahon's door and make his presence felt.

There's no reason to hate Triple H. You can accuse him of politicking and complain about all the times he didn't put someone over, but at the end of the day he gave the WWE one of the best careers it has ever seen.
The guy who quoted Bret Hart's book sums it all up, he was a massive politician back in the days and buried lots of people during then, but the Triple H fans somehow seems to ignore the fact that was placed in front of them.

Using Bret Hart's book to slam Triple H is lame. Bret also whined about Stone Cold Steve Austin, that Wrestlers were no longer heroes anymore, and that fans wanted to see middle fingers and half naked women.

People got tired of the colourful gimmicks. Vince changed the image of WWE and Bret didn't like it because fans were cheering for Austin (heel) over him (face). Triple H along with Austin and The Rock were the main reasons why Wrestling Boomed.
I try to stay away from the main page, I really do, but sometimes the little crawl at the top of my screen flashes an article with a sexy headline that I just can't help but click. Today it was, "Former WWE Writer Says HHH is the Wrong Opponent For Lesnar."

So I clicked it and read. Some guy I never heard of talked

I stopped right there because I never heard of you.

The fact that the guy wrote for the WWE and worked with Triple H gives him around 200% more credibility than anyone who tries to take a shot at some because they have never heard of them.

I dislike Paul because he is a douche with an inferiority complex. I find his matches to be boring and his promos even worse.

But to answer your question, no we are not done yet. Why would we be? I would never say I hated PL but I never saw the appeal either. But hey to each their own.
No hate from me. Triple H has been my favorite wrestler since his DX days (Well, next to Scott Hall and Bret Hart that is.) Never quit liking the guy, always enjoy his matches. I don't understand why he gets so much hate. Maybe the "haters" are just jealous because they're not banging Stephanie McMahon, ya know we all would love to be all up in that. :)

And for whoever that complained that Triple H pedigreed Brian Kendrick and Paul London for no reason. Really? I mean, how many times has Stone Cold stunned everyone for no reason but everyone cheered, you probably being one of them. What's the difference? London and Kendrick were jobbers anyway.
While I'm one to complain about HHH between 2002 - 2005 and maybe 2009 there is nothing to complain about what he is doing about now. He is a big name none the less, bigger then any of the active stars other then Cena. So of course they'd put one of the top names against another big draw who they only have half a year to work with.

There is only a small amount of names who seem like a credible threat towards Lesnar. The likes on Cena, HHH, Taker maybe Orton and Punk. But out of those two are barely part time, Cena's had his way with him, Orton's been suspended, they can't waste days with a WWE title feud this early so HHH is the only logical option.
The general hate some have for Triple H will never go away for any number of reasons, some of which are at least understandable if not agreed with.

For instance, I can understand if someone's just not a fan of Triple H's character or watching him wrestle or listen to him talk. That's completely understandable and has to be expected. There's nothing wrong with having that opinion whatsoever, but I think the problem that often arises is when someone tries to take that opinion and pass it off as the gospel truth and represents said opinion as how "everyone" feels. Let me give another example of that. How often have we read threads that've started out saying something like "So, everyone knows that the WWE's target audience is children" or "So everyone knows that the only people who cheer for John Cena are between the ages of 5 and 12". It's one thing to have an opinion and another to pull statements out of your ass for the purpose of furthering your own agenda while disregarding actual truths.

When it comes to Triple H, I've generally been a pretty big fan of him since his early days in WWE. Is he someone that's overrated? In my eyes, I have to say no because, again in my opinion, he's certainly delivered more often than not. He's been involved in some of the biggest & best matches, feuds & moments in the history of WWE. I don't buy into the talks of nepotism at all because Triple H has shown time and time again that he's not only a draw but is someone who can consistently command the interest of fans. If Triple H couldn't deliver, I don't believe he'd be where he is. Successful businesses don't make money and keep making money by putting people into spots, and keeping them there, that they can't handle.

Triple H is a great backstage politician and I've no doubt that he's uses his influence to probably hold some guys back. Some of the wrestlers probably should have been held back and some probably couldn't risen to the occassion. I don't think that it's fair to constantly demonize Triple H for this while ignoring the fact that MANY others before him have done the same thing and many others will do it afterward. Legends such as Sammartino, Race, Rhodes, Flair, Hogan, Savage, Lawler, Gagne, Von Erich and countless others all did the same thing to help keep them in certain spots or to put certain others into those spots. Triple H isn't a saint, saints don't get very far in pro wrestling.

I think a lot of people dislike Triple H because he had something do with their favorite wrestlers not getting pushed into the spot they think they should or used how they should've been used. Again, that's nothing new and Triple H is FAR from being the first to ever do this and he most certainly will not be the last. At the end of the day, it's not about being fair, it's about doing what you think will put asses in seats in both the arenas and in front of the television. Just because I might personally like to see a wrestler get pushed to a certain level doesn't mean that he necessarily should be. The wrestler might not have what it actually takes to handle that spot. Maybe Santino Marella is a nice guy, maybe he's the kind of guy you'd love to hang out with and treats everybody like family. That's great out in the world, but that doesn't mean he should be headlining WrestleManias and wrestling for World Championships.
No. Unfortunately people will never stop hating Triple H as long as the world turns and the sun rises people will always hate Triple H. He has had arguably, one of the most successful careers in WWE history. Now, on to the topic.

He buried Shelton Benjamin. Really? He put Shelton over several times before joking about his lack of promo skills. It's a known fact he sucked on the mic.

Buried Punk? Wait, you mean the WWE champion CM Punk, 2nd most popular guy in the WWE? Ok just checking.

He banged his way tot he top? Wait, hadn't he already been a champion before their marriage in 2003? Ok just making sure.

You know there's an old saying, Don't argue with stupid people or they will just drag you down and beat you with experience.
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The hate against Triple H is pretty warranted at times. Some (like myself) realize that its mostly based on some sort of jealousy of either him or the wrestlers he supported over the haters' personal favorites. This, I believe, is a legitimate reason to dislike him. However the one's who use reasons like "he was screwin' the boss' daughter!" are reaching quite a bit. I could see if Stephanie was unattractive, not interested in wrestling at all, and had a very noticeable shitty attitude. But that is obviously not the case. She's an attractive, intelligent, backstage-minded woman, who appears to have a really decent personality. All four of those qualities are very hard to come by for the average person let alone a man looking for love IN the business. Why wouldn't he want to marry her??

I do think that the idea that he swoops in to save the day in storylines is a bit annoying now because of how certain we are of his place in the company. Before there were just rumors of varying information of how much influence and power he had in the past 20 years but now through even more interviews and leaked information, we see that he really is essentially the sole "top-dog" of the creative team. Its hard for people to not their my eyes when he gets big matches, turns out to be the victor, and then has his involvement with the storyline ending there.

Even with Undertaker's victory at this past 'Mania, the match ended with Triple H being helped out the ring and up the ramp by The Undertaker. Things like that happen and its difficult not to further wonder if the idea to do that was a unanimous decision, another staff member, or simply Triple H's own doing backstage. The thing that really seems upsetting about it is that it almost feels like he's still trying to solidify himself as a legend when all along, he's been up there with the best after 2001. He has nothing else to prove yet he's still not using his star and his ability in the ring to put over other guys. Instead he uses his influence backstage to push them. Which makes it hard for me to ever hate the guy but I can see if some favor putting people over in the ring (since the guy's in good shape and not retired yet) as opposed to only through bookings.
HHH the character is not hated. Give credit where credit is due: he was and still is an amazing wrestler and in-ring personality. It's HHH the person/politician who is hated. If one was to actually go through HHH's track record of the stuff he did backstage (including the stuff we internet fans have never even found out), I'm pretty sure the general consensus would be that he seriously hindered the company.

The most viable complaint against HHH is his burial of other stars, which I've summarized in numbered points for those who hate cluttered paragraphs.

1. Regardless of who else did it back in the day or who else used politicking to their advantage, it doesn't make it right, and HHH is probably the worst culprit I've seen since HBK. Read Bret's book, look up interviews with former superstars and creative members, he abused a lot of power.

2. For all those saying that he got some superstars over, you're right, he did get SOME over (Sheamus, Batista, Goldberg and Benoit off the top of my head). But he's done more burying than elevating, and he's done a better job of that than putting over. and by the way, no he did not put RKO over. As soon as he won the WHC, HHH took it from him, had him chasing Evolution unsuccessfully, and sent him back to the midcard. And yes he did bury Shelton just as much as he elevated him. A promo like that was really unnecessary, especially from a student of the game like HHH. He's done it, to a lesser extent, to Masters too (YouTube it). And contrary to popular belief, he DID NOT get Hardy over. He beat Hardy multiple times prior, and he only dropped the belt when Hardy pinned Edge.

3. Speed round: He held back superstars during the Kliq days, he held the title way more than he should have during the Evolution days, he had no business walking out of WM2000 with the belt, and I'm pretty sure he would have had the Invasion angle centered around him if he wasn't injured (which would've clusterfucked it even more than it already was), He tried hard to bury The Rock to get himself over, he stole CM Punk's momentum last year, he (and the Kliq) screwed Mable out of a WWE title (which might be his only saving grace, because that probably would have sucked), only puts his butt buddies over in most cases (sans Batista and Cena) and finally, he buried the living shit out of Kane in '03/04, where Kane should have definitely got the WHC off of him.

4. The most popular grievance, and one I have personally hated him for, was him going over Booker in WM 21(?). Do some research: Booker was scheduled to win, then he fucking vetoes it within that same weekend so that he could have another boring program with his friend Nash. Booker was as over as possible at that time, notching wins over Rock, Flair and even HHH himself on a RAW. There is no justifiable reason why Booker should not have won. On top of that, he waits for-fucking-ever after the final pedigree in the match before pinning Booker, burying him even more. And for what? Some shitty feud that nobody would have remembered if Booker wasn't the collateral damage? This alone warrants a big "Fuck Hunter".
Here's something else to add to this. He put over Chris Benoit,Batista,and John Cena 3 years in a row at Wrestlemania. Two of them he lost by submission,if thats not putting someone over the Biggest PPV of the year I don't know what is quite frankly.

And did someone actually bring up the Pedgirees on London/Kendrick? Those guys were good but I wouldn't call them Future World Champions at the time and HHH got cheered for it after if memory serves. So get over it.
First off i just want to say...What the hell has happened to this forum?!?! Everyone just seems to disrespect each other on here now. It was'nt long ago that people on here took others opinions and respected them and politely gave their opinion in reply but all we seem to get now is people name calling, getting aggressive and talking down to anyone that tries to voice a opinion that they may not agree with and this thread is a prime example of that with the OP continually talking down and being rude to anyone with a differing opinion to his. Anywaaaay...

Personally i do not like Paul Levesque. I have never met him but there is just something about the guy i do not like. He comes off as arrogant and a bit of a bully more often than not and his noted history of being a bit of dick doesnt help change my opinion. Triple H however is a different matter, I enjoy his in ring work very much and he always has and always will put on great matches. His stick work is a bit cliche and tired but hey it still works on the majority so fair play.

As for the "haters"...You may love HHH with all your heart but nobody can argue the fact that these "haters" dont have a right to dislike him. HHH has done a hell of a lot in the past to garner his share of hate so you cannot blame people for disliking someone.

Threads like these are so pointless and usually i dont waste my time with them but i had to comment when i seen how aggressive everyone was being. To complain about someone complaining about someone (wow, i think that makes sense...)is stupidity and hipocracy at the highest level.

If people want to hate then let them hate, If people want to appreciate then let them appreciate! You know the biggest problem in this world is the fact that nearly everybody feels the need to change others opinions, beliefs and what not instead of just letting them get on with it. You dont have to agree with someones opinion but you can sure as hell respect it for what it is...their opinion (not yours!)

Triple H has had a great career. Very few people have accomplished even half of what he has, he does have a following and he is very passionate about the business.

I personally can't stand him. He's overly promoted. Overly praised for every injury he comes back from, the overpromotion of him just turns my stomach. I find him to be a middle of the pack main eventer. He doesn't have the in-ring ability of a HBK, he doesn't have the star quality of the Rock, he didn't carry a federation and/or an era like Hogan or Austin. He is good, maybe even great but among the greatest I've described, he has no place there. There have been better who never got the shot.

What burns me the most is the political games he plays with performers. He's not the only performer who has done this. It just seems when he does it, he gets a pass, or people want to ignore it as though it has little impact on his career outcame. That's a lie. He isn't where he is based on just his ability, he used the backstage game to his advantage and at times abused it to the detriment to the company. Just on this site there were reports of him screwing Jericho out of winning RRumble. Right call ? Possibly. But have the tv ratings supported that? Jericho's return should have been a lot more eventful than it has been and his interference is a huge reason why it hasn't been. This isn't the only time he's done this. Booker T, RVD,Cryme Time to name a few. . Edge went through hell with Triple H and his disdain for him. Add to that now we have his favourites being at the top of the roster. Sheamus is with the company for five minutes gets the win against the golden boy while others who are better in the ring and on the mike are future endeavoured ? It's a joke. Mess with his favourites, you get canned, ask Kennedy about Orton. Ask Kingston what happens when you mess up in the ring against Orton. He's created a hierarchy in the lockerroom (they've existed before I'm sure) and it's gotten out of hand. If this helps business it's wise, if it hurts business it's a problem and the fact that this company has a had a downturn for a little while before the Rock came back, is something Triple H must be held partially (if not completely) accountable for.

As long as Triple H is with WWE, doing business the way he does, he will receive hate, and it will be justified. But don't cry too hard for him. He couldn't care less and he isn't changing to please us anyways.

BTW, Shelton Benjamin wasn't great but after the number of MITB matches he had, he should have gotten the suitcase at least once. If Batista , who can't work or talk can be a multiple champ, and Khali who can't work or talk can be a champ, Swagger can win it and become a champ, there is no way Benjamin couldn't have at least won the case and been a short time champ. If not a champ, at least win the case and not win the belt after cashing it.
i have no problem with HHH, never had. yeah, he worked the system but so did every other champ. my issues is guys like him and Taker only working 1 or 2 matches a year and them being big deals. if Hunter is supposed to be management now, then he shouldn't be getting into the ring anymore. the bigger problem is that they storyline is just weak. yeah, Brock is going to drop a lawsuit where he would make a fortune just because HHH called him out? maybe it is just me but if Brock fell for that, i would have him see a doctor because that is the stupidest thing to do and obviously he has some sort of brain damage.

imagine this happened instead - Brock comes out and says he quits but HHH comes out and tells him "no, you have signed a contract and you are required to fulfill it." then over the months, HHH puts Brock in low end matches, denies him title matches and generally screws around with him. Brock gets so frustrated that he goes on a rampage when HHH comes out and says "you want out, you want title matches? beat me a SummerSlam and you get your wish." to me, that is more believable because there is something for Brock to gain. in the current storyline, what does he gain? a win over HHH? no title, no extra money, nothing other than beating HHH. :shrug: big deal.
I never really hated HHH. Don’t really care what he has done, did or will do. I enjoyed seeing him on TV and still do. (I didn’t really care for him when he first came on the scene though, didn’t like the character) Anyway behind the curtain who cares? He's not the only person to step on people and won’t be the last.
More like a lot of butthurt Triple H haters whom are upset because they're reasons for hating on Trips are being dissected one by one.

Yeah, Triple H haters sure are the one who made threads like "what's up with elevation?" to bitch and cry about points from this thread. :rolleyes:

Wrong on all accounts. As a huge star working with a minor blip on wrestling's radar, Triple H has every right to say whatever he wants to Shelton Benjamin if it gets a reaction out of the fans. Those people paid good money to see Triple H, and if he needs to make fun of someone to entertain them, so be it. Also, the lowest point of burial is not cracking a joke at someone's expense, it's BURYING THEM. Triple H didn't bury Shelton Benjamin at all, he just didn't put him over. Shelton had a tremendously successful WWE career, so to suggest Triple H did anything to hold him back is preposterous.

Wow. That comment itself made you seem like an arrogant prick, no wonder you're a fan of Triple H. No one has the right to bury a performer of the same company in the lowest form possible and get away with it. Eric Bischoff did it with Stone Cold when he was in WCW and it came back to bite him in the ass. Also, I think you have problems differentiating "humiliating" and "joking". What Triple H did was far from a joke.

I'm going to stop you right there. CM Punk could never become the biggest star in the company for a few reasons, the biggest one being: he doesn't have the charisma that guys like Cena, Austin, and The Rock did. Sure, Punk can appeal to the outsiders, the deviants, the "other," but wrestling has always been and will always be about appealing to the largest possible audience. While internet geeks and indy fanboys love Punk, he simply doesn't have the look, style, or charisma that it takes to get over with the mainstream. He's also not as good as John Cena in any way shape or form.

Which was why CM Punk was the most talked about superstar at that point of time, mainstream medias dying to get him on their shows, he outsold Cena in merchandises for a period of time and is generally cheered by all sections of the crowd even till today. Appeal to outsiders alright... Talking about look, style for a wrestler, that was what Eric Bischoff thought Stone Cold was lacking when he fired him and he became the most popular wrestler in wrestling history. And Punk is certainly pretty damn charismatic to stay this popular despite being treated like crap for a the past few months since TLC.

Yeah, and aliens shot JFK. :rolleyes:


Goldberg was never booked properly in the WWE, something that isn't Triple H's fault.

Two points from this one...

1) Do you see how ridiculous it is to blame Triple H for Goldberg's lackluster WWE career when he was just one guy involved in it all?

2) Evolution kept Triple H's star alive, which was vital for the WWE, and put over Randy Orton and Batista, two of the WWE's biggest stars throughout the PG Era. So we got three stars in place of one, which I think is a pretty good payoff.

The bigger picture, you should take a gander at it sometime.

You must be delusional if you think Triple H didn't had a hand in it. He had backstage power for a long time and the situation affected him directly.

Sure, it was a pretty good trade off, but look at it another way. Triple H was a big enough star to stay on top without Goldberg being fed to him. Evolution helped established Orton and Batista, but it certainly didn't make them. Orton was kicked out of Evolution by Triple H, became a terrible face, was fed to Triple H multiple times after that and killed all his momentum. He didn't become really over until his Legend Killer persona and his match against Taker at Wrestlemania. Batista was a sidekick for Triple H for quite sometime and didn't truly get over until his Royal Rumble win and turning on Triple H. Theoretically they could still been big but WWE lost a face of the company material and a top superstar in Goldberg.

Yeah, nothing would make more sense than for Vince to put his belt on one of the guys he didn't even help create...

Why the hell would Vince put the belt on Booker T when there were no fewer than 6 better options in the WWE at that time? Austin, Rock, Jericho, Angle, Taker, and Triple H were all better choices for the World Championship belts, and Big Show and Kane were viable options as well.

Look at the post from Da Solo, explains everything.

I love Bret Hart, but he is one of the biggest tradition marks there is. In short, he can't put aside tradition and see wrestling as what it is: a business. Triple H may have politicked his way to some good places, but it was worth it. Sometimes the ends do justify the means, and if it means Triple H got the push over Owen Hart, a guy that was never going to be a star of Triple H's caliber, so be it.

So what if he was a traditional mark, what he said was completely true, that Triple H was a scumbag backstage and politicked his way to the top. Which itself is a justified reason for people to hate him, which is the whole point of this thread. There is no justification for that no matter the result. Who's to say Owen was never going to be a star like Triple H? He was massively over at that time compared to Triple H who got fed to Ultimate Warrior. Hindsight.

So let me get this straight... you HATE a guy who has won more fake fights than other people because he asked the boss if he could win more fake fights than the other guys? Then, as he got older and knew that there would need to be new guys to win the fake fights, he started to lose fake fights to them, and this is a man you hate? Why do you hate him again? Because despite everything he gave to the industry he broke a few eggs along the way?

Once again, you need to look at the bigger picture. Triple H might have played politics to make his way to the top, but I don't think it was all just self-interest. I think a lot of it was because he knew he had what it takes to be a huge star for the WWE, which he was. Triple H's politicking allowed him to become one of the top 10 performers in WWE history, something we may have never gotten if he didn't stick his foot in Vince McMahon's door and make his presence felt.

There's no reason to hate Triple H. You can accuse him of politicking and complain about all the times he didn't put someone over, but at the end of the day he gave the WWE one of the best careers it has ever seen.

What? The "fake fights" affected careers of people, TALENTS. Not just some worthless eggs that are on the way. He started to lose fake fights but it's still all about him looking good, it's still ALL ABOUT THE GAME.

Why are there no reasons to hate Triple H again? No matter what the reasons are he still politicked his way to the top, destroyed careers on the way, and put all the spotlight onto himself. The justification are all excuses that doesn't change what he had done.

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