Aren't we done hating Triple H yet?


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I try to stay away from the main page, I really do, but sometimes the little crawl at the top of my screen flashes an article with a sexy headline that I just can't help but click. Today it was, "Former WWE Writer Says HHH is the Wrong Opponent For Lesnar."

So I clicked it and read. Some guy I never heard of talked about how Triple H is only a part time wrestler, and Lesnar should wrestle a full timer. He said mechanically he and Brock won't mesh in the ring, and that the WWE would be better off using this opportunity to give a younger guy some exposure.

And then I looked into the cesspool that is the comment section, where people that were rejected from community college go to spew all sorts of garbage. They say things like, "Well, Hunter has to be in the spotlight again. He has to take away time from younger guys. He HAS to be bigger then anyone else." They say, "Its all about the EGO! And how you play it!" They diss and destroy a guy that has been wrestling for their entertainment across three decades.

I guess for some people, the fact that he's been part of some of the biggest match and best moments in WWE history isn't enough. We might be tired of their reunions, but Triple H was part of one of the most successful stables this side of the Four Horsemen in Degeneration X. He took part in one of the greatest segments when DX invaded Monday Nitro. He had a great feud with Shawn Michaels upon HBK's triumphant return to the WWE, and he has put on phenomenal matches with the likes of HBK, Cena, Taker, and so many more.

He's given us so much, yet some folks still can't seem to get over their hatred of how he got to the top. They accuse him of banging his way to the top or politicking his way there. They accuse him of holding back the younger talent and keeping anyone else out of the way.

They neglect the fact that he's put over Edge, Cena, Randy Orton, and Batista. They neglect the fact that there were times during his career that he "allowed" the underdogs like Jeff Hardy or CM Punk to hold onto WWE Gold when he was easily the better candidate for the belt.

But more than anything else, they forget that Triple H deserved everything he got. For a long time there wasn't anybody better than Triple H. There were a few guys that could keep up with him in a sprint, but not in a marathon. Triple H was the man for those wayward years between Stone Cold/The Rock and John Cena because he needed to be. There was nobody else that had the following that Triple H did, and with the exception of Brock Lesnar, a man whom abandoned ship before he could achieve the accolades he was capable of, there was nobody who was going to come close to it.

But when John Cena came along, Triple H knew that his time on the top was nearing an end, and he made way for the new top guy. He knew what Randy Orton and Batista were capable of, and he made way for them too.

Despite all the theories of how Triple H politicked and fucked his way to the top, he's actually had a very typical career for a WWE Superstar (and I mean SUPERstar). He started off kind of humbly, made his way close to the top, was the top guy for a few years, and then started putting over the guys that he knew would replace him at the top.

After a career of great matches, moments, feuds, and promos, doesn't Triple H deserve what he gets today? To wrestle a few big matches every now and then while he heals his old body in the months that separate them? He delivered a MOTY candidate at this past WrestleMania, who's to say that he won't do the same at SummerSlam?

The fact of the matter is that Triple H is in a very unique state right now, one shared only by The Undertaker and The Rock. They're too old and too removed from wrestling to be the top guy anymore, but they're still insanely popular because of what they've done for the fans over the past few decades. Additionally, while they're too old to wrestle full time, they are young enough to give us a match every now and then, and when they do, they always get a hero's welcome.

That's why Triple H deserves to face Brock Lesnar at SummerSlam: He's still a huge draw, he consistently delivers a good match, and he'll have the crowd roaring.
I thought the hatred was over with. Maybe the hatred was reignited when Triple H defeated CM Punk at Night of champions last year. I really don't understand that booking decision. I don't understand why CM Punk should've feuded with Hunter.

But there is always haters out there. When Sin Cara was signed there were many comments about how Hunters big signing would fail. IWC has rooted against Sin Cara from day one.
Personally I disliked him when he was a full timer and sometimes he took an extra step to bury new up and comers. When he was dissing Shelton Benjamin and group for not understanding how to cut a "promo", Pedigrees on Brian Kendrick and Paul London unnecessarily when they came to help him, even last year's Wrestlemania build up when he commented on Zack Ryder's fanbase as "How many people? you mean the 100 fans on the internet?" Things like these are just unnecessary and he comes off as arrogant and egoistic because of them.

To others, what he did Punk last year and Sheamus dominating the World title scene this year are the main reasons that people still hate Triple H to this day. Can you blame them? CM Punk's momentum was destroyed because of him, Sheamus is regarded as Triple H's buddy and the reason he got pushed so hard.

I appreciate some of the contributions he has done for the business in overall, also lately such as the new NXT and the signing of great talents such as Sara Del Rey. But don't kid yourself here and think he is some saint and did nothing terrible. He did bury some of the best talents and that includes half of WCW signings they had. He did massive politicking with Shawn Michaels back in the day, and while being with Steph didn't contribute entirely to his rise as he had the talents to get there eventually, but it did speed up the process by a whole lot.

I don't think any of the community would hate him out of nowhere, there are reasons and I think they are justified with their opinion, such as you with yours.
Ive never hated Triple H and I really don't understand why the "Smart" Marks have such disregard for him. I mean people seem to forget during the Curtain Call in 1996 he was the scapegoat for that when Hall & Nash left for WCW. Hell even he has come back from 2 Career ending injuries which should count for something.

Him getting the push he had came WAYYYY before he married into the Mcmahon Family when was in DX and then winning his 1st World Title in 1999. Him "burying" the Steiners,Booker Ts,RVDs,etc is just the IWC looking for excuses to hate on the guy and anybody who thought Scott Steiner was going to carry RAW in 2003 is kidding themselves,he could barely carry WCW in its final days. Im not hating on Steiner but go back & watch his Matches and tell me he could have been the Champion.

Also the whole he buried CM Punk is crap because Punk has gone on to have one of the longest WWE Title runs in recent memory,is still mega over and puts on the Best Matches night after night. So no I have never hated him and I respect the hell out of the guy. He is still over and im glad that pisses off the idiot IWC Marks.
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It is clear that the line has been drawn. One (the OP) champions Triple H for putting over talents including but not limited to: Edge, John Cena, Randy Orton, Batista, Jeff Hardy.

Meanwhile, responding commenters cite the failed careers of Shelton Benjamin, Brian Kendrick, Paul London, and currently Zack Ryder as reasons why Triple H should be hated.

Who do you think has the better judge of talent?

You can make the argument that Triple H's comments towards certain superstars ie. Ryder are unnecessary but how do you know they AREN'T necessary? What we see on-screen are characters. Backstage, you have a locker room of alpha males, all with egos and agenda, etc. How do you know this wasn't a way of Triple H, as a locker room leader (albeit in a grey area due to his role as both talent and corporate member), enforcing some justice? I don't and neither do you. And we never will. but its something to consider.

I agree, HHH is likely no saint, but I think he understands what he's doing - his track record suggests as much, anyway.

My conclusion is those who don't like him, Triple H probably didn't put over "their guy" and therefore HHH is a dick. Which is teenage fanboy logic and will be mocked. Good day.
Personally I disliked him when he was a full timer and sometimes he took an extra step to bury new up and comers. When he was dissing Shelton Benjamin and group for not understanding how to cut a "promo", Pedigrees on Brian Kendrick and Paul London unnecessarily when they came to help him, even last year's Wrestlemania build up when he commented on Zack Ryder's fanbase as "How many people? you mean the 100 fans on the internet?" Things like these are just unnecessary and he comes off as arrogant and egoistic because of them.

Shelton Benjamin couldn't cut a promo. He never could. On top of that, he would never, ever be at Triple H's level; he simply isn't as talented as him.

Pedigreeing Kendricks and London? Oh lord, how dare he build his own character by hitting his finisher on two totally inconsequential wrestlers! You act as if his Pedigree is what finished their careers. The fact that they weren't that good is what killed their careers.

His comment about Zack Ryder's fanbase being small was a passing joke. He's actually put Zack Ryder over on television several times if my memory serves me correctly.

To others, what he did Punk last year and Sheamus dominating the World title scene this year are the main reasons that people still hate Triple H to this day. Can you blame them? CM Punk's momentum was destroyed because of him, Sheamus is regarded as Triple H's buddy and the reason he got pushed so hard.

You mean CM Punk, the second most popular guy in the WWE and current WWE Champion? Yeah, Triple H really fucked him.

And Sheamus deserves to be in the title picture. He's extremely over, one of the most talented in-ring performers, and people love the guy no matter what he does. Whether or not his original push came from being a buddy of Triple H's is irrelevant when he continues to be one of the WWE's biggest draws.

I appreciate some of the contributions he has done for the business in overall, also lately such as the new NXT and the signing of great talents such as Sara Del Rey. But don't kid yourself here and think he is some saint and did nothing terrible. He did bury some of the best talents and that includes half of WCW signings they had. He did massive politicking with Shawn Michaels back in the day, and while being with Steph didn't contribute entirely to his rise as he had the talents to get there eventually, but it did speed up the process by a whole lot.

What "best talents" has Triple H ever buried? And which WCW signing did they get that should have gone over Triple H, probably the third or fourth most popular WWE star in the 2000s?
There is all the reason to hate on HHH.

His biggest knock as a wrestler was putting himself in positions he didn't warrent.

And in the last year he interjected himself into the single 2 most talked about storylines in the WWE.

He had zero business putting himself in the Summer of Punk storyline, but that's what he did.

Then the return of Brock Lesner. He did it again.

How? Why? Who cares about HHH. It's frustrating seeing "creative has nothing for you" then HHH given angles. How did it benefit anyone for HHH to fued with the former UFC champion. Why isn't that spot given to someone who can benefit from it?

I don't swear too much, but FUCK HHH. It's insane to me that he keeps doing this. As my non-existent pappy use to to say, "shit or get off the pot" Either wrestle or get out of the ring. If he was active, cool, go for it.
There is all the reason to hate on HHH.

His biggest knock as a wrestler was putting himself in positions he didn't warrent.

And in the last year he interjected himself into the single 2 most talked about storylines in the WWE.

He had zero business putting himself in the Summer of Punk storyline, but that's what he did.

Then the return of Brock Lesner. He did it again.

How? Why? Who cares about HHH. It's frustrating seeing "creative has nothing for you" then HHH given angles. How did it benefit anyone for HHH to fued with the former UFC champion. Why isn't that spot given to someone who can benefit from it?

I don't swear too much, but FUCK HHH. It's insane to me that he keeps doing this. As my non-existent pappy use to to say, "shit or get off the pot" Either wrestle or get out of the ring. If he was active, cool, go for it.

Zero business putting himself in the Summer of Punk storyline? Oh wait, you mean to put Punk over? To give Punk something to do?

Do you realize how stupid of a statement that is? Almost ALL of the reasons for feuds starting in the WWE start with someone having "Zero Business" being there.

I don't care what any of the HHH haters say, he PUT PUNK OVER.

HHH is one of the greatest wrestlers of all time, and people hate on him because he apparently has "disregard" for the "ICW". Guess what? Zack Ryder has less moves than John Cena, and half the promo value (don't take that the wrong way, I like Ryder).

Also, if anyone knew their two cents about the Lesnar situation... people are scared to work with him and the company is nervous to have their young talent work with him because he's so stiff, much more so than his first round in WWE. Triple H has got some freakin' Kahunas if you ask me.
Shelton Benjamin couldn't cut a promo. He never could. On top of that, he would never, ever be at Triple H's level; he simply isn't as talented as him.

Yeah sure he couldn't cut a promo, it's a known fact. But humiliating him on live television is another thing altogether.

Pedigreeing Kendricks and London? Oh lord, how dare he build his own character by hitting his finisher on two totally inconsequential wrestlers! You act as if his Pedigree is what finished their careers. The fact that they weren't that good is what killed their careers.

Build his own character at others expense? Also Paul and Kendrick were pretty hot with the crowd back then so I wouldn't call them inconsequential. And yeah, his pedigree didn't finish their career, I get it. But it was totally uncalled for, which was what I was saying.

His comment about Zack Ryder's fanbase being small was a passing joke. He's actually put Zack Ryder over on television several times if my memory serves me correctly.

He also pedigree him, and again totally uncalled for. Those were just examples and I'm sure you can find many more if you look hard enough which is my point.

You mean CM Punk, the second most popular guy in the WWE and current WWE Champion? Yeah, Triple H really fucked him.

Punk had the potential last year to become much more than he is now. He was the hottest thing in wrestling in many years. Unlike now where he plays second fiddle to Cena and being placed in mid-card place.

And Sheamus deserves to be in the title picture. He's extremely over, one of the most talented in-ring performers, and people love the guy no matter what he does. Whether or not his original push came from being a buddy of Triple H's is irrelevant when he continues to be one of the WWE's biggest draws.

I agree that Sheamus deserves to be where he is now. I am just stating the fact the Triple H is the reason why he was pushed so hard in the first place.

What "best talents" has Triple H ever buried? And which WCW signing did they get that should have gone over Triple H, probably the third or fourth most popular WWE star in the 2000s?

Booker T, Scott Steiner, DDP, Goldberg and etc? I didn't say that they would have gone over Triple H. But Triple H certainly made them look terrible. They could have been so much more than they were. Also, Sting didn't sign because of how WWE was burying the WCW talents. If not, we would have Sting vs Taker and many other great feuds out of Sting. Just a food for thought.

Again, I understand your opinions and I was just stating mine. I have no intention to make this a long drawn out argument. Thank you.
How? Why? Who cares about HHH. It's frustrating seeing "creative has nothing for you" then HHH given angles. How did it benefit anyone for HHH to fued with the former UFC champion. Why isn't that spot given to someone who can benefit from it?

So who should Brock Lesnar be given, he is a freakin animal both in and out of the wrestling ring. Should we give him Punk, seriously it does not look realistic at all, Lesnar would destroy him. Thats the whole point of Lesnar, he destroys everybody and everything and occasionally comes up to someone who can match him (Big Show, Angle, Goldberg). HHH is perhaps the only one of the roster who looks credible in challenging him, who's name isn't Cena (even then he had to do the Superman act) or Undertaker. Why waste the limited opportunities with Lesnar to give him wrestlers who aren't going to be the biggest draw. Like it or not HHH still sells.

HHH hating is old, full of arguments filled with holes and lacking the actual truth. For example the WCW guys were brought in to give HHH a challenge, not to take the title but to make HHH look like he did something to keep the title rather than rely on the upcomers who weren't in HHH's league at the time (who were later helped by HHH himself)
That is laughable, i will stake my life on it, 90% of the locker room would line up to be in a high profile story line with Brock Lesner.

And how exactly did HHH put Punk over? By having a part time wrestler beat the hottest act in wrestling in the past 5 years, at NOC. If HHH put Punk over, he would have been staring at the ceiling that night, hearing the ref pound that mat 3 times!

Then HHH and Punk teamed at Vegeance and lost. Even being associated with HHH was such a momentum killer. It killed Punk!
How? Why? Who cares about HHH. It's frustrating seeing "creative has nothing for you" then HHH given angles. How did it benefit anyone for HHH to fued with the former UFC champion. Why isn't that spot given to someone who can benefit from it?

So who should Brock Lesnar be given, he is a freakin animal both in and out of the wrestling ring. Should we give him Punk, seriously it does not look realistic at all, Lesnar would destroy him. Thats the whole point of Lesnar, he destroys everybody and everything and occasionally comes up to someone who can match him (Big Show, Angle, Goldberg). HHH is perhaps the only one of the roster who looks credible in challenging him, who's name isn't Cena (even then he had to do the Superman act) or Undertaker. Why waste the limited opportunities with Lesnar to give him wrestlers who aren't going to be the biggest draw. Like it or not HHH still sells.

HHH hating is old, full of arguments filled with holes and lacking the actual truth. For example the WCW guys were brought in to give HHH a challenge, not to take the title but to make HHH look like he did something to keep the title rather than rely on the upcomers who weren't in HHH's league at the time (who were later helped by HHH himself)

Sheamus? Ryback? Many more wrestlers in the roster who could have gave Lesnar a challenge without needing Triple H. Why waste the limited opportunities? Putting Lesnar against Triple H IS a waste no matter how you look at it. The slot could have been given to someone on the roster who will get elevated and be there for many years to come instead of putting him against Triple H who already has one foot out of the wrestling door.

So they signed a HUGE star like Goldberg just to give Triple H a challenge? Surely that can't be right, Goldberg would have been MASSIVE if they did it correctly.
Couldn't agree more JGlass, I'm damn tired of people bitching about H and his role. Personally I've always been a fan and recognized that while he enjoyed being on top(who doesnt) he's always been one of the guys who cared about the furthering of the company and other superstars as much as himself. Also since he landed his management position I've loved it, there were one or two decisions I didn't agree with but for the most part he's excellent at it because he knows what it's like to be out there. He's got a great mind for wrestling and I think if he wants to be in there with Lesnar at Summerslam it's because he thinks it will do well, not because he wants more glory. If there were one guy in the WWE right now who fits the mold of the perfect superstar/management figure he's the man, nothing but respect for Trips and I'll back him til the day he leaves.
I really can't stand people who say triple H steals the spotlight etc etc. He's been loyal to the company for many years. He could of went to WCW after the MSG incident with his buddies Nash and Hall but he stayed and took his punishment with no complaints. He stayed and arguably could be the reason why the WWF won the Monday night wars due his sucess in DX. Although he had won the WWF title beforehand it was only when rock and austin left that HHH became the top dog for a few years. He was part of evolution and he helped establish the carrers of Orton and Batista (Orton will be in the hall of fame when he's older Batista would have been if he didn't leave). He then Put Over Batista when Batista won his first world title and I don't think triple h beat batista in his carrer (don't quote me on that).

He then put over John Cena and he also tapped out to the STFU which in my opinion made it seem like a much more impressive finisher. He had a few more title reigns but that was only because people were getting bored of always seeing orton or edge or cena with the belt. He put over Jeff Hardy for Hardys first world title and made Sheamus seem more dangerous when Sheamus put Triple H out of action.

While all the old stars of the past have moved on Rock has went to be a movie star, Although stone colds injured he could still show up more Kurt angle has moved on to TNA . It leaves just Triple H and Undertaker as the Stars from the past and with Undertaker only wrestling once a year it is nice for the older fans to see Triple H wrestler a few times a year just for memorys of the old days.

People say he is stealing the spot light from the younger guys at the last few wrestlemanias was there really anyone who could have been a big name for the Undertaker to Have a match with? He may have slowed down Punk's momentum last summer but I blame that on the creative planning for the storyline as I feel they didn't have really anywere to go with the storyline. People say that Triple H shouldn't face Brock Lesner But why shouldn't he? Their is no one else to do it. Big show and brock ha been done to death. Chris jericho was suspended for a while which would have slowed the storyline down. Punk is theWWe title and i don't think Brock will lose twice in a row and they wouldn't give brock the belt a that would de-value and value the belt had a it wouldn't be seen for months. Kane maybe could have worked if Kane had come back as a monster Heel and had a lot of momentum going into the match. I don't see Ziggler at a level were he could provide a serious threat to Brock and The Rock's filming fast 5 so he couldn't appear. So Triple H is the only guy that could provide a serious challange to Brock and back when Brock was first in WWE it would have been a dream match.
Im sick and tired of people hating on Triple H.............

As far as the WCW assasination goes........they are just buthurt wwe won at the end... who was going to carry raw if not triple in 03? the man with the brocken back scott steiner (who kicked HHH ass at the rumble and then who was beaten at no way out by the whole of evolution?), booker t(great supporter player not the guy you base a promotion around), Kevin Nash? (he went out with injurty AGAIN after summerslam 2 months after hhh barely beat him) HHH NEVER BEAT GOLDBERG ONE ON ONE..... Triple H was only able to retain at ss because of evolution, then LOST the title to him, got his ass whopped by goldberg at survivor series even though goldberg was "injured" and took the title at armageddon because evolution helped and kane finished goldberg.... and someone said sting didnt signed with wwe because of how triple handled wcw? UMMM ARE U F¨N HIGH? Sting has publically said that the reason he didnt signed with WWE its because of how THE ROCK asked Booker T who he was during the Invasion Angle.....

Burying careers? tell me who has he buried? Paul London and Brian Kendrick? bunch of potheads who never did anything meaningful? they couldnt even cut it on TNA.....

Shelton Benjamin CANT cut a promo.....

Sheamus was pushed because HHH saw something in him ....and he was RIGHT.... Sheamus currently carries smackdown on his back....

Puts down young talent? so HHH putting over Batista, John Cena, Randy Orton, Edge among others is what?

HHH had nothing to do with Punk? Punk was anti-establishment and who was the boss during his early run? TRIPLE H..... he buried punk at night of champions? Kevin nash was supposed to face him but he couldnt wrestle so they had to move ahead their Survivor series 2 months early..... and since when is being defeated with 3 pedigrees, 1 jacknife powerbomb and outside interference burying? if anything it showed how strong punk is...... cm punk and triple h later teamed up.....he was buried cause they lost against miz and truth? hhh was jacknifed and his neck was kayfabe injured so he took the pin and not punk......
HHH did a lot for the Wrestling business and is hated by a large group of people. I really don't understand why they hate him other then who he married while still being in the main event picture. People look at that and say hey that's why he gets what he gets. HHH was already a world champion before that point. He was already at the top level. People didn't like that so they called him out for "His politics" well folks that's wrestling. Politics is part of the business. RVD himself once said in a shoot that politics is the way you get over in the WWE. Is HHH guilty of it YES but so are some that everyone loves. Stone Cold once took his ball and went home when he didn't like what was going on. Yet there's not near the same level of hate for him. To hate on HHH for politics is like hating the president for politics it's just what happens in that world.

HHH put a lot of people over and doesn't get the credit But there are people who are being pushed well more then HHH ever got pushed. John Cena has been the main even of just about ever ppv this year over the WWE championship. When did HHH ever do that for the same amount of time. HHH was once the top guy and got pushed like it. Just like Stone cold,Hogan before him once were and Cena is now. To hate him for it just makes no sense at all IMO
Booker T, Scott Steiner, DDP, Goldberg and etc? I didn't say that they would have gone over Triple H. But Triple H certainly made them look terrible. They could have been so much more than they were. Also, Sting didn't sign because of how WWE was burying the WCW talents. If not, we would have Sting vs Taker and many other great feuds out of Sting. Just a food for thought.

1. Your first mistake was putting DDP in there since he came when HHH was out injured.

2. Scott Steiner was shit for a while and Vince should have known that before he signed him. Steiner would gas out five minutes into a match and got so bad the crowd cheered for HHH during their matches.

3. Given the storyline and build, I would have liked Booker to win at Wrestlemania 19. I'm not going to jump up and down and complain because he didn't.

4. WWE screwed Goldberg up from day one. Goldberg is all about short matches and no talking. They didn't play to his strengths like they should have and he was hurt far too much for someone of his character.
That is laughable, i will stake my life on it, 90% of the locker room would line up to be in a high profile story line with Brock Lesner.

Uh, did you even see what "The Next Big Psycho" did to the face of the WWE? The next Raw Lesnar appeared on after returning, Cena slapped him in the face and Lesnar proceeded, with one punch, to nearly knock Cena's teeth down his throat. At the PPV, he bloodied Cena in under 30 seconds. Only a handful want a piece of that sociopath right now.
The Triple H haters see what they wanna see. No matter what Triple H does they find fault in it. But when their favorites do it, it's okay. As follows....

Personally I disliked him when he was a full timer and sometimes he took an extra step to bury new up and comers. When he was dissing Shelton Benjamin and group for not understanding how to cut a "promo", Pedigrees on Brian Kendrick and Paul London unnecessarily when they came to help him, even last year's Wrestlemania build up when he commented on Zack Ryder's fanbase as "How many people? you mean the 100 fans on the internet?" Things like these are just unnecessary and he comes off as arrogant and egoistic because of them.

To others, what he did Punk last year and Sheamus dominating the World title scene this year are the main reasons that people still hate Triple H to this day. Can you blame them? CM Punk's momentum was destroyed because of him, Sheamus is regarded as Triple H's buddy and the reason he got pushed so hard.

I appreciate some of the contributions he has done for the business in overall, also lately such as the new NXT and the signing of great talents such as Sara Del Rey. But don't kid yourself here and think he is some saint and did nothing terrible. He did bury some of the best talents and that includes half of WCW signings they had. He did massive politicking with Shawn Michaels back in the day, and while being with Steph didn't contribute entirely to his rise as he had the talents to get there eventually, but it did speed up the process by a whole lot.

I don't think any of the community would hate him out of nowhere, there are reasons and I think they are justified with their opinion, such as you with yours.

Kinda like the time Randy Orton RKO'ed The Usos , Curt Hawkins, Trent Barretta, & Tyler Reks for trying to help him on Smackdown?

But we'll just go ahead and ignore that since it ruins your unbiased post.

Triple H wasn't suppose to wrestle Punk. It was suppose to be Nash. But when Nash couldn't go they had to fill the spot so Punk didn't miss a PPV. And to add some storyline to a throw together match they threw Hunter's COO position on the line. So of coarse Hunter had to go over. But it wasn't like he went in and wiped the floor with Punk. It took outside interference and three Pedigrees.

And Sheamus has been having some great matches lately. And it's a disservice to act like he only got there cause Triple H works out with him occasionally.
I haven't joined a forum fight in a while but now that I'm here and the stupid marks aka smarks are here time to diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie.

High my name is Mark and I'm pretty smart I enjoy going on Lords of Hurt and bashing Triple H. He buried Shelton's promo skills,what that's the fucking best you morons can come up with here are a few facts about Shelton's promo skills.

FACT: HBK's Sweet Chin Music to Shelton off the spring board put Shelton over more than his promo skills.

FACT: Mama Benjamin put Shelton over more than his promo skills.

He stole Punks thunder. If you where to tell Punk that he'll probably laugh in your face like he makes fun of you stupid marks on twitter. Oh yeah he did he did steal his thunder, last time I checked Punk has been champ for how many days now. They still chant CM Punk at nausium did he or did he not have a two five star title defenses in the last 3 months, his Merch is still selling high isn't it but according to Smarky Smark And The Funky Bunch CM Punk is buried.

He buried Ryder by giving him the pedigree. Well I guess Randy Orton buried him as well giving him the RKO, which if you watched his show that RKO was awesome being that Ryder was filming and you got to see what taking a RKO looks like but lets not mention Orton it's HHH hate time.

Time To Hate The Gaaaaaaaame ah!

Now let's talk about Stephanie and you fuckwads who still complain that he fucked his way to the top. SO FUCKING WHAT!

Do not sit at your computer trolling the boards while your mom is calling you telling you that the pizza rolls are ready and say you would not fuck your boss's solid 7 daughter. Tell your mom to put the rolls in the wave and you'll nuke them later because your a FUCKING LIAR!

So what he beat out a bunch of guys looking to do the same thing. You Jealous Bro? And in this entire time frame he has put on some of the best matches and been involved in some of the best feuds but that's not enough for you smarks ehh Mark. Same goes for Cena no matter how much he does no matter who he puts over ya gotta hate for the most bullshit of reasons even when he puts someone over " He didn't lose clean " you get your wish but yet you want more you want him humiliated, yeah that's going to over well the face of the company humiliated because the smarks want it that way, the heir to the throne humiated yeah that's going to be the WWE's focus.

Now go nuke your pizza rolls Marks who aren't smart.
I'm tired of some of the IWC saying that Triple H hogs the spotlight, buries talent, and been shoved down our throats. Just exactly who has Triple H buried? Triple didn't bury Shelton Benjamin. Benjamin can't cut promos although he has improved in his promo work a little bit over the years. CM Punk? Today, CM Punk is WWE Champion, and held the title for a long time, plus I don't see how Punk's loss at NoC correlates to him being placed behind Cena as the number 2 guy. The Triple H hate is unnecessary, and it's foolish.
Triple H is the best opponent for Brock Lesnar right now. They brought in Lesnar to make money NOT put people over.
Triple H vs Lesnar will make more money than Lesnar vs anyone other than CM Punk, Cena, Orton, or Undertaker.
In past anti H topics, I have kept it kinda vague and not went into much detail. I've defended Triple H because I do believe some of his intentions are good. He is smart enough to know when to use the political card, which is simply good judgement on his part. I can see both sides of this arguement which is why I don't really go too in-depth on what I respond with. So for the sake of both sides, I will give more here to explain my whole overview of the H controversy.

On one hand, you have a guy in a position of power who can freely insert himself wherever and whenever he chooses. For that reason alone, Trips shouldn't have full creative over his own outcomes. Too much personal reasoning enters the equation which leads to questionable results to say the least. Look at what happened with Triple H being substituted for Kevin Nash against CM Punk @ Night of Champions 2011. Although Trips was mentioned by Punk in his infamous shoot promo, it made little to no sense to put him in a match in which the better scenario was having the payoff for Kevin Nash attacking CM Punk and Jacknifing him. At some point, I'm sure Nash would've done the right thing and put Punk over. It made sense to do it. People wanted to see it. What happened? Triple H was a last minute sub and he actually won. And how long did he stick around afterwards? So winning was effectively just for the sake of winning and not to achieve any advancement for Punk's cred or any future storylines. I pinpoint this loss at the hands of Triple H as the singular moment at which Punk's breakout was halted greatly. It didn't change him being a main eventer, but, it did show that WWE must not have faith in Punk. Or maybe it was just H needing to prove he could still put himself into anything and win at any point. I dunno. But with moves like he's made such as these[too numerous to list them all], I can really understand why people think he went into business for himself. Do you honestly think he would've pulled the same shit on The Undertaker? Hell no. Because Taker could've turned around and buried him without a second thought, even in losing. Taker was a much bigger star and Trips knows which people to pull that on and which ones to avoid.

I can also see why people relate to H's plight. He is in a tough position. And all such political manuevering could've been halted by anytime by McMahon or others. They just chose to let him do as he wanted because it is the path of least resistance. Still, management is as much to blame as Trips himself. Do you honestly think H could hold someone down if they were good enough to force it into existence? If someone is great, it'll eventually be theirs whether he inserts himself into a storyline or not. The problem with Triple H is that more often that not, he halts people from becoming stars much sooner because of ego. Every action he's made against halting people from the top has proven that there is definetely some sort of issue with him being insecure.

To sum it up, I respect Triple H's accomplishments and his business sense with some of the behind the scenes stuff. Some of his choices about helping or hurting others during his career is the questionable issue here. This Brock Lesnar storyline will either go towards proving the ego theory completely wrong or simply reenforcing what most have suspected all along. Either way I don't expect the controversy over Triple H's tendencies to ever be let go of. People will either think this guy is the best of all time because of merit or because of political manuevering[with both holding a certain degree of truth]. Are we done hating Triple H yet? Probably not. Not until he does something to prove beyond all doubt that he's truly willing to help others without the ego factor being motivation for even winning or losing. He's a big name but it is time for others to start being established. Until he can do that consistently, I doubt this debate will ever be truly settled.
It's been said how Triple H burried Shelton Benjamin... ? Really burried Shelton. If my memory serves me correctly in 2004 alone Triple H put over Shelton 4 times. That doesn't count in tag matches or anything and Triple H said once in an interview a few yrs back that Shelton's the future of the company... Yeah burried him. Triple H is the only one able to bring Wrestling back and make the WWE cool again. His old school mentality is what we fans want to see. Vince McMahon was a genius now he's just a damn old timer who needs to quit. Triple H will make the WWE cool again one day just watch.
For me I don't like Triple H. But then again, I don't like Cena, Hornswoggle, Zack Ryder, Santino, Great Khali, Rey Mysterio, The Miz and Christian either.

I've never understood why Triple H is so popular with the casual fans when his greatest claim to fame was being a dastardly bad guy. I understand why Rey Mysterio is loved by the little kids though...

In any case I've been on wrestling forums for years and I guess it's kind of like great memories of the past at the time you thought it was absolute shit but now you look back and think it's not so bad. In 2002 I saw countless of funny little signatures that people would have that would have Triple H burying the entire roster, that included guys like Booker T and RVD. He got a lot of hate back then, but now it seems he isn't so bad. Over the years it seems that he really goes out of his way to shoot on guys and try and step on them. From his little quips about Cena pumping up his shoes as his only move, to how Chris Masters lost 50 pounds. Then there is him beating guys like Orton and Umaga in one night. There is his match with Sheamus at WM where he was attacked brutally with a iron pipe but still came back and had to be hit several times with the Brogue kick to lose. Or when he came back he just put Sheamus through an announce table. On Raw he defeated the #1 contender John Cena clean for some unknown reason.

I'm not sure if it is him burying people as such, or he just refusing to be beaten clean or his actual gimmick or personality or promo style, but I don't like him and I think it is ok for me to do so.

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