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Are you enjoying The Miz?


The Show himself
Yes, a thread about The Miz of all people! And why not? He is the reigning IC champion. For me, he's been fantastic since becoming the IC champion. He's the perfect foil for faces like Cesaro and Zayn while also putting them over. His matches with Cesaro, Zayn and Owens was the best part of the last PPV and frankly, he has been amazing in his current role. Throw in Maryse and it's been great TV.

I think this is the best use of Miz. He is great at playing that chickenshit heel who talks smack and somehow comes on top in the important matches. I didn't believe he'd remain champion for almost 2 months when he won it the night after Mania, but here we are, and this has been his best title reign by far (considering every other title reign he had). Not only that, this has been a great program for IC title in some time. I really think Miz is not as bad as some believe he is. He is good enough in the ring and decent on mic as a heel, and most importantly, plays his character to perfection. This is the most I've ever enjoyed him.

What do ya'll think? Are you enjoying The Miz, especially this run?
I cannot agree more with you. i was planning on making a thread about the Miz really soon.
I think The Miz is one of the best heels in the company, because he is so easy to hate. He has that smug face that you just wanna punch and the fact that you can imagine that the character he plays on TV, is how he is in real life is an added incentive to hate him. Add in the fact that his wife is ridiculously hot and we are constantly being reminded now makes me hate him even more.

He is one of the better individuals on the mic and is decent enough in the ring to carry a pretty good match, as the op said, and as much as I would love to see the belt on Cesaro or KO, i am enjoying Miz's run as champion.

The fact that they gave the figure 4 to the Miz and not Dolph at that time still boggles my mind but that's beside the point.

Miz is the perfect IC Champion right now
I've always been a fan of Miz as a heel. His face turn wasn't so good but his current run as Intercontinental Champion is really awesome. Maryse is great as his manager as well. Good things for these two. His mic skills have been on point and his matches are better than ever. I can say that I am enjoying the Miz
I soured heavily on the Miz during his face run and the bit of time that followed, but he's really come back strong with this run as IC champ IMO. Everything stated above is true. He has a smug face, smug hot wife, a natural air of entitlement around him, and the whole "I'm an A lister" shtick just adds to it.

He gets a lot of hate for his run as WWE champion, which I guess is understandable, but he's been a staple in the mid card and odds are this is gonna be his last run in the spotlight and he's executing it brilliantly. By the end, whoever beats him for that title is gonna hit the ground running fast right away, because he's going to do what he's always been good at, and that's put his opponent over while maintaining strong heat on himself.
I have to admit that I wasn't overly interested in the idea of Miz having yet another Intercontinental Championship reign, but I do have to say that I've enjoyed his latest run with Maryse at his side. Miz comes off as an arrogant and cocky heel, maybe with just a touch of sleaze to him, but he doesn't come off as the same sort of clown he has been in recent years. I also like the fact that they haven't been going over the top with Maryse's presence or have the two of them fawn over each other to such a degree that the audience just wants them to go away. They've been together for a long time, so there's a natural chemistry between them that really negates the need to go so over the top with them that it's almost like some sort of relationship parody. Maryse's influence outside the ring also hasn't been over the top; she doesn't jump up on the ring apron half a dozen times during the matches, she doesn't try to grab an opponent's foot under the ropes a bunch of times during the match, etc. She may get on the ring apron once and she might try to help Miz reach the ropes if he's in a submission hold but that's really the extent of her interference.
The Miz is one of the few good things left in WWE. He's a phenomenal heel, a great worker, and a veteran talent who will be in the WWE Hall of Fame one day. The Miz needs to be put back in the main event scene, where he belongs.
I enjoy the miz's attitude, and how he holds himself in promos and the ring.

what I don't like is spamming Twitter, Facebook and other social medias, which he embodies.
A good (sometimes great) mid card heel. He's definitely doing his best work right now with the I.C title and Maryse as his props. He just had the match of his career to boot, against three other amazing talents.
Miz is great, now that we've had time to forget 90% of his career.

I've mentioned this, like a bajillion times, before; Miz is starting to strongly resemble Tully Blanchard. If the WWE plays their cards right, they can recreate the epic cage match between Tully and Magnum by having Miz mix it up with Cesaro.
This his best run since his time as Mr Money in the Bank. I've always liked The Miz and I'd go as far as saying he's currently the only REAL heel in WWE right now. What I mean by that is, is he naturally can garner heat. He is literally that guy you just want to punch in the face. Somebody said put him back in the main event scene, I wouldn't go that far. I think a lot of people haven't noticed how much he has also improved in the ring. I remember his face run and when they were testing the waters with perhaps having him being managed by Flair and he could barely manage to do the figure four. His match with AJ Styles on SmackDown a few months back is one of his best and I highly recommend people go back and watch it. It's also one of AJ's best in WWE so far, so that speaks volumes.

I hope they continue to push this Miz character, keep Maryse as his valet and build on how entertaining he is. I would love to see him feud with Sami Zayn next.
I hated the Miz when he was WWE CHAMP. Then, after he lost the title and began feuding w/A-Ri I began to appreciate him. Been a fan ever since. I thought the face run was needed at the time, but they made him a really LAME Face. He should have kept his same attitude w/o sucking up to the fans. I was happy when he turned heel. I loved his stuff w/Mizdow. He kind of got lost in the shuffle in 2015, but 2016 has been a renaissance for the Miz. Maryse has been a great addition and i'm glad she's back. The presentation of this Hollywood Miz character has been much better and more serious which is what I wanted in the first place when he started down the A-list path. Miz if anything isn't just AWESOME he's underrated.
The Miz is...awwwwwwwesome!!!! (Sorry had to)
I would rank him as the 3rd best heel in wwe, behind Jericho and Owens. (I will probably get people that say he's not better than Rollins, but Rollins isn't on Miz/Y2J/Owens level, imo)

I agree with the last guy, Miz isn't just Awesome, he's underrated. He's one of the very few guys on the wwe roster that is entertaining(/can carry a segment) on the mic for more than 2 minutes.
He's done an exceptional job as of late in his matches. I've said this a while ago, but IMO he had better matches against Jericho and AJ than AJ and Jericho did with themselves. The fatal four way was great as well.

Miz really should get more respect from the IWC than he does. The IWC usually respect/get behind "hard workers". Well Miz may not have worked up from the indys, but he's worked extremely hard to get better in wwe.
The Miz is seriously an underrated heel. He isn't given the credit he deserves and I don't why.

He knows how to get heel heat. I still remember when AJ was in initial days in WWE, he appeared at Smackdown and nobody was cheering him. Miz made the crowd boo him and then cheer AJ very much.

Much like Cena, he can easily work an crowd. The fatal four way match was just great.

Yupp, I an enjoying The Miz's run as the InterContinental Champion. Pretty anxious to know who would dethrone him? :confused:
Other than Owens the Miz is the most natural heel on the roster today. He can get nuclear heat without even trying. That being said, I'm not really a fan of his, never was. Always found him to be a bit too smug and smarmy, but I guess that's your classic heel.

A friend of mine met him at a show about a year ago and did say he's one of the nicest guys he's ever met. Took time to sign autographs, take pictures and talk to the fans. Wasn't what he was expecting at all, he was expecting him to blow everyone off. So I'm sure I would like him if I ever met him, but his on screen character is a turn off, so I guess it's working.
I am, I do. I have been a MizFit since the RW days, I always hoped he would make it and he did. The only time I wasn't a fan is the whole ric flair good guy figure four crap. But now that he is the heel he was destined to become I am loving it.

it takes work to make people hate you, unless you are being pushed as the world champ no one wants to see. Just like the Miz was. Oh well he is doing well as a heel and in the WWE where heels are pathetic, the Miz fits the bill perfectly
The Miz is hands down one of the best heels this company has. He pulls off his character better than most people in the company. The addition of Maryse has made him a near perfect act to watch. He is perfect right where he is on the card as a viable secondary title contender. He's definitely pulling off some of the best work of his career at the moment.
Seems I'm in the minority but I have still not gotten over how garbage his early career was and how undeserving he was of the spot he was given. I stopped watching the product for a while when he was WWE champ, he has improved quite a bit in the ring but I still change the channel during his promos. I can watch him in the ring but anything else is still unwatchable to me, and I don't care how blonde or how hot people think his wife his, she is fucking brutal on the mic.
The Miz is one of the best heels in WWE and one of the most underrated wrestlers. He plays the cowardly heel role to perfection. He's also gold on the mic and good in the ring. Oh yeah and he has a great manager in Maryse. I am definitely enjoying the Miz's current run with the IC Title.

A thread about The Miz, and not one single post is ripping on him the way he's been universally panned in the past. Kinda shocking how quickly WWE can turn everyone's head, and no one notices.

That being said, I'm definetly enjoying this rejuvenation of his character. While he's always been great on the mic, he's still middle of the road in the ring (for me, anyway). I hope WWE keep adding to this fresh take on his character, which is quickly dragging him away from Generic WWE Superstar territory (ala Jack Swagger).

A thread about The Miz, and not one single post is ripping on him the way he's been universally panned in the past. Kinda shocking how quickly WWE can turn everyone's head, and no one notices.

That being said, I'm definetly enjoying this rejuvenation of his character. While he's always been great on the mic, he's still middle of the road in the ring (for me, anyway). I hope WWE keep adding to this fresh take on his character, which is quickly dragging him away from Generic WWE Superstar territory (ala Jack Swagger).

Hey pal you missed my post, I did say he has improved in the ring but that doesn't change the fact that the only heat he has with me is go away heat. His run as WWE champ was so painful that the entire show became unwatchable for me. I don't care if he could outwork Steamboat (obviously will never happen), to me Miz is and always will be the kiss ass dingleberry who would do ANYTHING to pad his resume and diversify his "acting" portfolio.

Miz makes me think of the old Dutch Mantell saying, wrestling was better when the marks where behind the barricade not in the ring.
Seems I'm in the minority but I have still not gotten over how garbage his early career was and how undeserving he was of the spot he was given. I stopped watching the product for a while when he was WWE champ, he has improved quite a bit in the ring but I still change the channel during his promos. I can watch him in the ring but anything else is still unwatchable to me, and I don't care how blonde or how hot people think his wife his, she is fucking brutal on the mic.
Are we the same person because I feel exactly the same way.

There's also the fact that we have our Intercontinental Champion off shooting a movie that shouldn't even be made and will probably be shit instead of being on TV and defending said title after having multiple chances to give the title to someone that will elevate the title and actually fucking deserves it.

All of this added together gives me a person I can't stand and avoid whenever possible.
Miz really reminds me of Y2J. Just like Y2J, he had his moment at the top (WM 27 Main Event - beating Austin and The Rock in one night).

Then both of them failed down the card and became strong mid carders. Both are great heels and great on the mic. I think Miz himself also built himself like Chris Jericho (the suit, talking slowly, rubbing his biggest achievement in people's faces).

It wouldn't surprise me if in 2-3 years Miz would become a World Champion once again. A more mature Miz in the ring and as a performer.

What Miz needs in order to break into the main event scene again are 2 things:
a) some time away and b) one great feud.

Jericho left in 2005 as a mid-carder and came back in 2007 as a main eventer. But what really put him at the top? His feud with Shawn Michaels. That's what The Miz needs. One great feud in order to remind the world how trully great he really can be, when given a mic.

One thing Miz lacks though compared to Y2J, is in-ring ability. But I have to give it to him, he has really improved since the last time he was a WWE Champ.
He's been great. Dude stay reinventing himself. Adding Maryse makes him even better. Sucks he's probably going to be out for a month. I was surprised they didn't have Cesaro beat him but whoever beats him will definitely get a boost. I could see a guy like Zayn beat him for the title.
Are we the same person because I feel exactly the same way.

There's also the fact that we have our Intercontinental Champion off shooting a movie that shouldn't even be made and will probably be shit instead of being on TV and defending said title after having multiple chances to give the title to someone that will elevate the title and actually fucking deserves it.

All of this added together gives me a person I can't stand and avoid whenever possible.

I have no problem with you not liking the Miz because it's your opinion. But I'd really like to understand the highlighted part. What makes Miz any less deserving than someone else? How is Miz not elevating the title? How him being off to shooting a movie has anything to do with his IC title reign?
I have no problem with you not liking the Miz because it's your opinion. But I'd really like to understand the highlighted part. What makes Miz any less deserving than someone else? How is Miz not elevating the title? How him being off to shooting a movie has anything to do with his IC title reign?
Less deserving than others. Zayn & Cesaro to name a couple get more of a reaction than Miz does and are more deserving because let's be serious without his obnoxiously annoying wife he still be getting cricket noises.

His movie has everything to do with his title reign. He's not on TV fucking defending it. Every other champion from Reigns to Charlotte is on TV making their championship mean something but where is Miz as Intercontinental Champion? Off shooting The Marine 5, a movie that never should have been made as 2-4 were complete dog shit.

If he was on TV doing his job as champion I may have been nicer.

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