Are we still suffering from the Lesnar affect?


With the safety off!!
Last year at Summerslam John Cena had his ass handed to him, as Brock Lesnar suplexed him to hell and back winning the WWE title. From then, right through to Mania we rarely saw him, or the title. After Rollins won the title at this year's Mania we haven't seen him at all, well except for the night he went nuts and got himself suspended.

Since then Rollins has been holding on tight and running away from every challenger he's faced. Yes I know he's supposed to do that. Everyone keeps saying that he'll hold on till Summerslam in a couple of months until he faces Lesnar again. This time it will be Lesnar's rematch.

This is leaving a lot of wrestler's in limbo in a way. Reigns, Orton, Show, Kane, Ambrose and Wyatt have just been middling around, feuding with each other here and there, and it appears everyone is in a holding pattern. Now Ambrose will fight Rollins in the upcoming EC PPV, he's not expected to win. We have the MITB, which I do expect him to win.

But where does that leave Reigns, Orton and the rest? They don't seem to have anything to do, or anyone to feud with. Reigns just finished a program with Show, thank God, and next he's supposed to meet up with Kane. That makes no sense to me, as the natural feud that should be happening right now is Kane/Rollins. These two have been literally at each other's throats for the last month or so. So if Kane and Rollins start up, where does that leave Reigns? He's not even in the EC PPV nor is Orton.

Are we still suffering from Brock Lesnar and his absence from the scene? It would appear to me that everyone is just waiting around for him to come back. Don't get me wrong I like Lesnar, I just wish that with Summerslam coming we'd be getting some feuds underway, or have they waited too long?
Tough call. So much depends on how much the company wants to stress Brock when he does return. Most folks seem to feel he'll come back by Summerslam ....but do we know that for sure?

I'll agree with your contention that Seth Rollins is in a holding pattern while waiting for Brock to return. Yes, it's a holding pattern at a very high elevation, but many fans (including me) have been growing tired of Seth's ways of holding on to his world title with the help of his mini-Army.

Now, though, I'm thinking it's going to be that way until Lesnar gets back. I believe the company plans to make Brock a good guy.....even though that seems incongruous given his actions when he left.....and that the way his face turn will occur is simply by the announcement he'll be opposing Rollins, whose evil title-retaining ways will surely be detested by the time Summer arrives .....turning Brock into an instant fan favorite.

I suppose one could say guys like Reigns, Orton and Ambrose are also in a holding pattern because of Brock Lesnar's absence.....but that's only by extension in regard to Seth Rollin's path. If those other guys are wanting a title shot at Rollins....and he's scheduled to hold the belt until Brock gets back.....then yes, the others are forced to wait, too.

Then again, if Seth loses the title before Brock returns, the entire main event picture changes....and won't it be interesting to see how that affects our speculation as to what they'll have Brock doing?
It's hard to say though, a kneejerk reaction is to think so because Lesnar tends to work only the biggest shows of the year and SummerSlam is up next. I've no real issue with Rollins facing guys like Reigns, Orton and Ambrose even if the plan is for Lesnar to retake the title, nor do I have any problem with Rollins cheating his nuts off; my problem is the constant overuse of outside interference that Vince seems to relish. Vince prefers heels who aren't 275 pound mountains of muscle to look vulnerable and constantly needing help to win, which I think is more detrimental than helpful. In the case of Lesnar, you know that The Authority is going to run as much interference as possible and the result is that it could potentially taint the match. I know Lesnar is built to be this human juggernaut and that's all well & good, but I'd like to see it dialed back some, especially if Vince insists on half the locker room emptying to help Rollins retain.

The problem for me isn't so much that Rollins SEEMS to be waiting for Lesnar, it's what happens if Lesnar regains the championship. One of the downsides of Lesnar's run as champion was the fact that he'd only defend the title every 3 to 4 months, which I always knew would dog him if he won the title because of how his deal is structured. However, there'd be a potential upside to Lesnar having another run with the title and that wasn't there before and which turned out to be something of a downside itself; based on how things look NOW, John Cena is nowhere in sight to challenge Lesnar. Three of Brock Lesnar's last four matches have featured John Cena, though the third was a triple threat bout featuring Rollins that completely stole the show at the Royal Rumble, and as has been said a thousand different times in a thousand different threads, a LOT of fans are burned out, bored and flat out tired of John Cena being in the WWE Championship picture. While there's as close to a guarantee as possible that Cena will be in the title picture and will win the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at least one more time, I'm personally hoping it isn't anytime soon. With Cena out of the picture, it opens up the potential for matches with Lesnar vs. Rollins, Lesnar vs. Reigns, maybe even Lesnar vs. Ambrose or Ryback, any of which feels more interesting and fresher to me than Cena vs. Lesnar at this time.
The only "Lesnar Effect" I'm suffering from is relief that he's not on TV, and the dread that eventually he'll be back. WWE is far better off without Brock Lesnar, and every time he shows up it's just a few months I can't stand watching the product for.
Tough call. So much depends on how much the company wants to stress Brock when he does return. Most folks seem to feel he'll come back by Summerslam ....but do we know that for sure?

Then again, if Seth loses the title before Brock returns, the entire main event picture changes....and won't it be interesting to see how that affects our speculation as to what they'll have Brock doing?

We don't know for sure when he'll be back, but all indications are as JH said, Lesnar only works the big shows, and Summerslam is the second biggest of the year. So it would only be natural to bring him back. Although I do think that Kane once he finally completes his face turn might just as Director of Operations, screw the Authority over one last time and reverse Stephanie's decision. That way it opens the door to see him back sooner.

I also don't think Rollins will drop the title before then. It would make no sense as the next champion's first opponent out of the gate would likely be Lesnar.

I've no real issue with Rollins facing guys like Reigns, Orton and Ambrose even if the plan is for Lesnar to retake the title, nor do I have any problem with Rollins cheating his nuts off; my problem is the constant overuse of outside interference that Vince seems to relish. Vince prefers heels who aren't 275 pound mountains of muscle to look vulnerable and constantly needing help to win, which I think is more detrimental than helpful. In the case of Lesnar, you know that The Authority is going to run as much interference as possible and the result is that it could potentially taint the match. I know Lesnar is built to be this human juggernaut and that's all well & good, but I'd like to see it dialed back some, especially if Vince insists on half the locker room emptying to help Rollins retain.

The problem for me isn't so much that Rollins SEEMS to be waiting for Lesnar, it's what happens if Lesnar regains the championship. One of the downsides of Lesnar's run as champion was the fact that he'd only defend the title every 3 to 4 months, which I always knew would dog him if he won the title because of how his deal is structured. However, there'd be a potential upside to Lesnar having another run with the title and that wasn't there before and which turned out to be something of a downside itself; based on how things look NOW, John Cena is nowhere in sight to challenge Lesnar. With Cena out of the picture, it opens up the potential for matches with Lesnar vs. Rollins, Lesnar vs. Reigns, maybe even Lesnar vs. Ambrose or Ryback, any of which feels more interesting and fresher to me than Cena vs. Lesnar at this time.

Yea I agree with you on the interference aspect of Rollins title run. It has been the most dominating factor, and quite honestly boring as well. And I'm sure it will be the same when Lesnar returns, only in this case Rollins just might need all the help he can get, and it could be rather interesting.

Also really don't want Lesnar to regain the title, and have another almost year wasted, like what we went through last year. That is a worry for me. He will never become a full time roster member, and again what's the point of the MITB, as he'll not be around for the winner to cash in on. Can't do the Mania thing next year, been done already. But am glad that they've kept Cena busy with his US title open challenges and kept him out of the picture.

I would love to see Lesnar against some of the other roster members, Sheamus or Wyatt strikes me as two I would love to see him wrestle.
I think the problem with Seth Rollins as champ right now is that his matches have all been incredibly predictable. We weren't sure whether Cena would beat Lesnar at NoC or the Rumble, if only because of Lesnar's part time status. We weren't sure whether Reigns would beat Lesnar due to a renewed contract and fans rejecting Reigns.

We weren't even completely sure whether Cena would get the belt after Bryan had to vacate it.

But did anyone think Orton would beat Rollins? Did you think Rollins would lose the belt in a fatal fourway like that? Does anyone think Ambrose stands a chance? It makes Seth seem unimportant as the champion, simply because we know he'll survive. It's also not helped by Seth fighting on a weekly basis. Championship matches should feel special, but we see Seth in action so much that they don't really feel that special- despite him being one of the best workers.
I think the problem with Seth Rollins as champ right now is that his matches have all been incredibly predictable. We weren't sure whether Cena would beat Lesnar at NoC or the Rumble, if only because of Lesnar's part time status. We weren't sure whether Reigns would beat Lesnar due to a renewed contract and fans rejecting Reigns.

We weren't even completely sure whether Cena would get the belt after Bryan had to vacate it.

But did anyone think Orton would beat Rollins? Did you think Rollins would lose the belt in a fatal fourway like that? Does anyone think Ambrose stands a chance? It makes Seth seem unimportant as the champion, simply because we know he'll survive. It's also not helped by Seth fighting on a weekly basis. Championship matches should feel special, but we see Seth in action so much that they don't really feel that special- despite him being one of the best workers.


People were angry that Brock rarely showed and fought but there is no doubt when he shows, it is special. Seth, on the other hand, practically works both SmackDown and RAW and as a result, there really is nothing to drive home the fact that he is the Current Champion.
I honestly thought we'd see more of what Seth did on the post-Mania RAW and have him duck out of matches, etc... but instead he has been pinned and beaten down quite often which sort of tempers the idea of him getting "comeupppance".
Ideally, Seth could have been positioned as being similar to a certain boxer named Floyd Mayweather.

Alas, we are in a holding pattern until Brock returns and frankly, it sucks to the point that I would dearly love if the WWE throws a huge swerve of some sort anytime soon... ntm, almost Seth's Entire Title Reign has neither centred around Him nor his Challengers, rather his Entire Title Reign has centred around F'n Kane!!! :banghead:
Seth seem unimportant as the champion, simply because we know he'll survive. It's also not helped by Seth fighting on a weekly basis. Championship matches should feel special, but we see Seth in action so much that they don't really feel that special- despite him being one of the best workers.

What makes this title reign seem unimportant is the fact as you said his matches are very predictable. We all know that either Noble, Mercury and Kane will get involved somehow, and screw over the challenger.

Now while it's a huge problem and makes Rollins look weak as hell, it still doesn't solve the problem of what to do with the other main event players. Reigns was in the title match at Mania, and doesn't look like he'll get his hands on the belt anytime soon. Lesnar is due a rematch, but isn't around. Ambrose has been moved up, but there are others in front of him. Orton I believe no one wants to see with the title again, and you have the ghost of John Cena always lurking in the background.

We have some great chances here to have some interesting feuds, but we're sitting here waiting for Lesnar because the WWE won't pull the trigger on anyone else.
What makes this title reign seem unimportant is the fact as you said his matches are very predictable. We all know that either Noble, Mercury and Kane will get involved somehow, and screw over the challenger.

I think this is the point you're really trying to drive home, no? I wouldn't necessarily call the main event scene in limbo at this point, just very, very predictable. Ambrose has moved into the main event scene, Orton himself has had 2 shots at the strap, and Reigns was involved in the Fatal 4 Way at Payback. These guys are still getting the chances to showcase themselves, it's just blatantly obvious that they're not going to win before Summerslam.

Now while it's a huge problem and makes Rollins look weak as hell, it still doesn't solve the problem of what to do with the other main event players. Reigns was in the title match at Mania, and doesn't look like he'll get his hands on the belt anytime soon. Lesnar is due a rematch, but isn't around. Ambrose has been moved up, but there are others in front of him. Orton I believe no one wants to see with the title again, and you have the ghost of John Cena always lurking in the background.

I think this is Creative's fault more than anything. Not everybody has to go for the title, why not put Orton and Ambrose in a feud? Or Reigns and Cena? It's very obvious that WWE is building towards Lesnar/Rollins so why not just feed Kane to Seth at MITB and Battleground? Sure it wouldn't be very interesting but it would allow the real contenders something to do until Lesnar's out of the title picture following Summerslam (I'm assuming that happens).
These guys are still getting the chances to showcase themselves, it's just blatantly obvious that they're not going to win before Summerslam.

Yes, that's the problem that's been broached in several topics lately.....the notion that the world title is in a state of limbo until Summerslam. In my opinion, that's putting too much emphasis on a performer who isn't even around....Brock Lesnar. At the same time, the 'showcasing' referred to above can still give us a lot of fine entertainment in the meantime; it's just the idea of the company putting the world title picture in a straitjacket for months at a time that seems to limit a lot of what is exciting about pro wrestling at it's highest level. Sure, Brock isn't the champion now and Seth could conceivably lose the belt to someone else before Lesnar gets back.....but I don't think he will, do you?

It reminds me too much of the MITB picture from the time Seth won the honor until WM31; he held the briefcase, yet had no champion-in-attendance on whom he could cash in.

And once again, who was the champion whose absence kept everything on hold for MITB? got it.

Still, the new contract signed by Brock right before WM31 is the clearest indication that this is the path WWE intends to follow.....unless they don't plan for him to win the world title as soon as he returns from his latest hiatus.

Yeah, I'd call it 'suffering from the Lesnar effect.'

But Brock is Brock.....and might makes right, I suppose.
I think that the main problem is that there is only one World Title to compete for now.

It would have been better if they still had both the WWE AND World Titles. This way, while Brock held one, the other could main-event PPVs in the interim, and would still give a title for people to chase, for MITB to be cashed in on etc.
IMO the WWE buried themselves with the Lesnar angle.
I used to hate Brock and since have become a major mark (mostly due to Heyman)
The problem with building an unstoppable monster that ended the Undertakers streak, demolished the then-face of the WWE John Cena, and could not conceivably lose one on one to anyone on the roster is that now he's gone. He's always been gone. He's just a part-timer. So now when he shows up they basically have no other choice but to put the strap back on him. Unless they wanna bury the Undertaker and John Cenas "images"

It was a big gamble by Vinny Mac and co.
And now we see the growing pains and downfall of it. A roster who is like the OP has stated in a "holding pattern" for the foreseeable future.
You obviously mean the Lesnar EFFECT. Don't they teach anything in school these days?

but to answer the question, I think its more that they're in a period of just waiting to give the belt back to Lesnar.
The real problem is that nothing has felt more important than Brock's matches in the last probably 15 years in the WWE. Even Cena v. Rock wasn't that special in comparison to the Brock matches.

Orton and Reigns are in holding patterns, and we get that, but really, creative has to step up and give everyone something to occupy their time with. We aren't far away from seeing a Shield Triple Threat, it's teased constantly. Otherwise, Ambrose is a little bit over the top. Bray Wyatt was unfortunately exposed as being overrated and pretty terrible in general, despite having one of the most unique characters in a while. Daniel Bryan is hurt, and Ziggler doesn't have the offense to be a top guy, his only credible trait is being able to flop like a dead fish from a drop kick.

Brock as champion was money. The belt felt prestigious again. The matches felt like REAL title fights. In no generation of wrestling was the WWE title defended twice a week on television, or twice a week in general. Until the last generation, that is, since around 2002.

The Lesnar effect is nothing more than "Post Incredible Run Blues". Rock stars get post-tour blues/depression. Athletes get post active season blues/depression. And WWE fans are going through post Brock blues/depression. Rollins is GREAT. But I think that the problem is that he's on TV twice a week more than the problem is that Brock wasn't.
The circumstances being what they are, Lesnar is what happened when the WWE wrote themselves into a corner.

It's my understanding that Daniel Bryan was supposed to get trounced by Lesnar, build momentum toward a few more losses and then get a big push by going over Lesnar at WrestleMania. John Cena stepped up and took the fall, which I think wasn't wise.

No matter how you feel about Cena, he had more accolades than anyone else on the roster. I don't think that Cena should have taken a squash loss to Lesnar, I think that it would have made a Hell of a lot more sense for Daniel Bryan to take that loss.

So now Brock Lesnar has obliterated John Cena, and in subsequent matches Lesnar wins less decisively. Then the WWE decides that they absolutely must put the WWE World Heavyweight Championship on Roman Reigns (I believe). So they up and scrap Cena's involvement in the feud, thus making it appear that John Cena GAVE UP in his quest to finally make Lesnar lay down.

After all of these circumstances, who in the Hell CAN beat Lesnar? Abso-fucking-lutely nobody. I believe that what happened next was a change of heart due to overwhelming angst toward the push of Roman Reigns from the crowd, and the decision was made to put the belt on someone who they were actually trying to push as a heel. So basically; a heel who's over as a face (Lesnar) has to work a match with a face who's over as a heel (Reigns) with the end result being a heel who's over as a heel (Cookie Monster) walking away with the belt.

Lesnar left that match without being pinned and having someone outside of the actual match use underhanded tactics to take his belt away. That result doesn't satisfy the fans' desire to see Lesnar rampage through another opponent. Now Lesnar HAS to lose to someone (Cookie Monster) and it likely won't be accepted by the fans given what kind of hype the WWE has invested in Lesnar.
After all of these circumstances, who in the Hell CAN beat Lesnar? Abso-fucking-lutely nobody. I believe that what happened next was a change of heart due to overwhelming angst toward the push of Roman Reigns from the crowd, and the decision was made to put the belt on someone who they were actually trying to push as a heel. So basically; a heel who's over as a face (Lesnar) has to work a match with a face who's over as a heel (Reigns) with the end result being a heel who's over as a heel (Cookie Monster) walking away with the belt.

This is the thing about Brock Lesnar I just don't understand. Why do so many people buy into this bull$h!t "mystique" of him? ANYONE can beat Brock Lesnar and it would make perfect sense. John Cena has already beaten him in a street fight, both Kurt Angle and [NAME REDACTED] made him tap out clean, Daniel Bryan or Dolph Ziggler could EASILY out-wrestle him, and Lesnar had to cheat to beat Edge the one time they squared off. At this point I'd have no problem with Hulk Hogan pinning him clean. The fact that Lesnar is viewed as this invincible god is the reason WWE is in so much trouble.
This is the thing about Brock Lesnar I just don't understand. Why do so many people buy into this bull$h!t "mystique" of him? ANYONE can beat Brock Lesnar and it would make perfect sense. John Cena has already beaten him in a street fight, both Kurt Angle and [NAME REDACTED] made him tap out clean, Daniel Bryan or Dolph Ziggler could EASILY out-wrestle him, and Lesnar had to cheat to beat Edge the one time they squared off. At this point I'd have no problem with Hulk Hogan pinning him clean. The fact that Lesnar is viewed as this invincible god is the reason WWE is in so much trouble.

So, professional wrestling isn't actually real fighting. There's a part of professional wrestling that's called "a work" in which the writers and talent conspire to tell a story through scripted and often choreographed matches. Think of it like a weekly episodic action adventure instead of a fighting program.

Now, part of this "work" is that since Brock Lesnar returned from the UFC, he's been a much tougher fighter than before. He was forced (written and told by creative writers) to lose a few matches on the front end, as punishment for leaving the company and as a way to "earn his way" back up to the top, but since then, the new character given to the actor Brock Lesnar has been written as unstoppable.
Can't speak for anyone else but I'm personally just waiting on Lesnar to return. This time of year is always the most boring to me, then it starts pick up when they build towards Summerslam. To me there's something missing when he's not around. He gives everything a much bigger feel. To those who he may not be back at Summerslam, if memory serves he's worked every Summerslam since coming back to WWE, so I don't see why this year will be any different.

I even hope they put the title back on Lesnar when he returns. I originally didn't like the idea of him having the title but there's no denying what he adds to the championship. More importantly, Vince has backed himself into a corner with the way he's booked Lesnar. Who can realistically beat him? Nobody. Cena is the only one on the roster right now that would make any sort of sense just because of his resume. But even that is a stretch and a very unpopular decision.

Putting the title back on Lesnar would be best for business.
More importantly, Vince has backed himself into a corner with the way he's booked Lesnar. Who can realistically beat him? Nobody.

Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler, Sheamus, Randy Orton, Triple H, King Barrett. I can see just about anyone on the roster as easily able to defeat Brock Lesnar, since I don't buy into WWE's "mystique" around him. He's not half the wrestler he was in 2003-2004. Hell, just about anyone on the roster could beat him and I wouldn't bat an eye.
Brock Lesnar is the best.

Everyone complaining that he's too unstoppable doesn't get it. In wrestling you need to have guys that are positioned above everybody to draw real money. That's why John Cena always overcomes the odds, that's why Austin stuns the entire locker room in one segment, that's why Goldberg won 500 matches in a row and why Taker is a guy that never lost at Mania and can survive literally being killed. All of those guys had or have mystique, and that's what draws money in wrestling. Period.

Brock Lesnar made Title matches matter, he made them feel exciting again. The phrase "big fight feel" is thrown around a lot, but Lesnar personified it. I'm glad that it sucks when he's gone, I'm glad he's hard to top as a performer. Because that mean's he's truly great. Lesnar is a legitimate star, it's not his fault everyone sucks in comparison. If they're smart about it going forward, they can still write interesting television when he's not there and they could still have Title changes if they wanted to. But when his does show up, it kicks the show into another gear and that's a powerful tool to have at your disposal as a wrestling company.

Seth Rollins has had a fine run as a heel, but he suffers from what everyone in modern wrestling suffers from. He's overexposed. He drops to many falls on free TV, he competes too often that it lessens the value of seeing the Champion in action. Having all the interference is fine because he's a heel, a real heel not a shit mdoern day heel that wants smart marks to cheer them, and he's gonna need that sort of thing to be believable against Lesnar. When Brock does come back, he should challenge Rollins at SummerSlam. The entire Authority can try to screw him but he should destroy everybody. Then Reigns can spear him from out of nowhere to get some revenge for WrestleMania, allowing Rollins to capitalize to hold onto the belt. From there we see Lesnar go after Reigns. After beating Reigns he enters the Rumble, where he fucking cleans house to get another shot at Rollins. To prevent any interference and so Rollins has no where to run, it's a Hell In A Cell Match. The chickenshit heel finally gets what's coming to him and Lesnar tears him apart to regain the belt at WrestleMania.
Brock Lesnar is the best.

Everyone complaining that he's too unstoppable doesn't get it. In wrestling you need to have guys that are positioned above everybody to draw real money. That's why John Cena always overcomes the odds, that's why Austin stuns the entire locker room in one segment, that's why Goldberg won 500 matches in a row and why Taker is a guy that never lost at Mania and can survive literally being killed. All of those guys had or have mystique, and that's what draws money in wrestling. Period.

Brock Lesnar made Title matches matter, he made them feel exciting again. The phrase "big fight feel" is thrown around a lot, but Lesnar personified it. I'm glad that it sucks when he's gone, I'm glad he's hard to top as a performer. Because that mean's he's truly great. Lesnar is a legitimate star, it's not his fault everyone sucks in comparison. If they're smart about it going forward, they can still write interesting television when he's not there and they could still have Title changes if they wanted to. But when his does show up, it kicks the show into another gear and that's a powerful tool to have at your disposal as a wrestling company.

Seth Rollins has had a fine run as a heel, but he suffers from what everyone in modern wrestling suffers from. He's overexposed. He drops to many falls on free TV, he competes too often that it lessens the value of seeing the Champion in action. Having all the interference is fine because he's a heel, a real heel not a shit mdoern day heel that wants smart marks to cheer them, and he's gonna need that sort of thing to be believable against Lesnar. When Brock does come back, he should challenge Rollins at SummerSlam. The entire Authority can try to screw him but he should destroy everybody. Then Reigns can spear him from out of nowhere to get some revenge for WrestleMania, allowing Rollins to capitalize to hold onto the belt. From there we see Lesnar go after Reigns. After beating Reigns he enters the Rumble, where he fucking cleans house to get another shot at Rollins. To prevent any interference and so Rollins has no where to run, it's a Hell In A Cell Match. The chickenshit heel finally gets what's coming to him and Lesnar tears him apart to regain the belt at WrestleMania.

No. Just no. Brock Lesnar should NEVER be anywhere NEAR the title again. The last thing we need is another months-long period of having no World Champion because Lesnar is never around to defend it. This isn't the territorial days where having an absent World Champion worked because he was defending it somewhere else. Lesnar just chooses not to defend it because he's a money-hungry scumbag with no respect for the business. The World Champion should ALWAYS be present in the company.
No. Just no. Brock Lesnar should NEVER be anywhere NEAR the title again. The last thing we need is another months-long period of having no World Champion because Lesnar is never around to defend it. This isn't the territorial days where having an absent World Champion worked because he was defending it somewhere else. Lesnar just chooses not to defend it because he's a money-hungry scumbag with no respect for the business. The World Champion should ALWAYS be present in the company.

Yeah if he didn't care about the business at all, Undertaker wouldn't have put him over at WrestleMania. At the end if the day, Taker makes that call, and his respect among his peers is well documented. So if Undertaker is willing to give that spot to Lesnar, it speaks to how Lesnar does business as well.

And yeah he loves money, because he's a big money star and not a mark. You know who else loves money, Vince McMahon, and he wouldn't pay Lesnar if he didn't bring value to the table. Your personal feelings about the kind of guy Lesnar is are completely irrelevant. He's the most over babyface in wrestling, he creates buzz, he creates excitement, and he brings a much needed edge of legitimacy to a fake sport. UFC fighters defend their Title only a handful of times a year, if that, same with boxers. By booking Lesnar as that kind of Champion it elevates the Title because it makes it seem more real. It also can elevate the Intercontinental Title and US Title, now that they seem committed more to those belts. I agree Lesnar shouldn't be absent for several months at a time, but defending the belt on every other PPV is absolutely fine. No World Champion should be constantly fighting for free on TV.
This is why only WrestleMania, SummerSlam and Royal Rumble really matter. Everything in between is just a holding pattern and has been since about 2012 when The Rock was coming back part-time.
Yeah if he didn't care about the business at all, Undertaker wouldn't have put him over at WrestleMania. At the end if the day, Taker makes that call, and his respect among his peers is well documented. So if Undertaker is willing to give that spot to Lesnar, it speaks to how Lesnar does business as well.

And yeah he loves money, because he's a big money star and not a mark. You know who else loves money, Vince McMahon, and he wouldn't pay Lesnar if he didn't bring value to the table. Your personal feelings about the kind of guy Lesnar is are completely irrelevant. He's the most over babyface in wrestling, he creates buzz, he creates excitement, and he brings a much needed edge of legitimacy to a fake sport. UFC fighters defend their Title only a handful of times a year, if that, same with boxers. By booking Lesnar as that kind of Champion it elevates the Title because it makes it seem more real. It also can elevate the Intercontinental Title and US Title, now that they seem committed more to those belts. I agree Lesnar shouldn't be absent for several months at a time, but defending the belt on every other PPV is absolutely fine. No World Champion should be constantly fighting for free on TV.

Responding to Aquaman is a waste of time, really. He doesn't understand that Brock Lesnar isn't actually beating people up.

But really, the most captivating that WWE TV has been in years was with Brock disappearing with the belt, and us speculating when he would return with it.

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