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Are we going to see the another Hogan-Rock type reaction at WM 28 with Rock-Cena?

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Dark Match Jobber
Let me clarify by what I mean here. I'm not sure who exactly was the face or heel during the buildup, but from what I read it seemed like Hogan and the nWo were the heels, correct me if I'm wrong.

Hollywood Hulk Hogan got a majority of the cheers at Wrestlemania 28, with "Hogan!" chants, "Rocky Sucks", etc. Hogan was cheered whenever he really did any offense on the Rock.

With the buildup that we've seen with Cena over the past year, including dueling "Let's go Cena, Cena sucks" chants, and the Rock coming back and calling out Cena, are we going to see another Rock-Hogan like match from the crowds involvement, by constantly booing Cena and cheering the Rock at WM28, even if both are faces?

Do you think that with the match at WM28, 10 years after Hogan/Rock, that this match will end up like the one at WM18, with the Rock getting the proverbial passing of the torch from Hogan, that the Rock will pass the torch, so to say with Cena?

Watching the match got me to thinking on this. Give me your thoughts.
Hell yeah it will have the same reaction. All kids & women will be raising the roof for Cena & all the adults will blowing the roof for The Rock. As far as passing the torch, yeah I think it will and it will be the perfect timing with Rock going into the HOF the day before. It will be like Ric Flair - HBK at WM 24 except there was no passing of the torch there.
no i do not think so, the rock and hogan were totally two different superstars, and i don't think it will be like that because it won't be face vs heel. Nobody wanted to see The Rock vs nwo hogan they wanted to see the rock vs hulkamania hogan.
If they weren'tin the Rock's hometown, I think it could be a change. I know I'll be rooting for Cena becuase I'm tired of The Rock.

Anyway, I think it'll be more like the Wrestlemania 22 match between Triple H vs. John Cena, but with a little bit more fan's for Cena.

It would be totally awesome though if the fans completely turned on The Rock and started to get fully behind Cena ala WM 18. But, WM 28 is in The Rock's hometown, and I highly doubt the fan's will turn on him.
This will have the ECW One Night Stand atmosphere. WM28 is in Miami Rocks home town the hate for Cena will be deafening and I bet disrespectful.
People seem to always neglect to mention the fact that Wrestlemania 18 was in Canada, which is the only reason the crowd was on Hogan's side. That being said, it's almost no question that the crowd will be on the Rock's side, but who knows maybe Cena can gain some support just from the overall magnitude of the match.
Some of you guys really believe the rhetoric tossed at you by Wrestling announcers. There is NO torch to pass. People like who they want to like. It doesnt matter who jobs to who! It may have mattered in 1985 when there was still some mystery surrounding wrestling but not in 2011. Everyone in the USA over the age of 12 knows wrestling is fake. No question. The public decides who they want to cheer for.

This will not be a Rock vs Hogan type deal because Cena is not Hogan. Not even close. He still gets booed! I cant remember the face Hogan getting booed and even heel hogan had people loving him. The Rock is huge and Cena is big but not Hogan big. People will cheer for Rock. If Cena turns heel people will boo- but I doubt they turn on Rock out of no where.
Really, it isn't.

That was a different time, the demographic was different, everything was different. Hogan and The Rock was a true meeting of two people who helped transcend an industry, The Rock in the Attitude Era and Hogan in The Hogan Era. That match will take so much to top, and kids won't get the whole deal with The Rock and John Cena come next March.
If Cena has the title at the time of mania it be a big deal " I think the rock will win the title and stay for a few months as a lost go round" but I think the rock will cost cena the belt at summerslam making the fued bigger makeing cena chase the belt till elimanation chamber right before mania. to let cena hold the belt till mania would kill the story line : And if a raw guy win the rumble like the miz witch I could see that happen that would make a 3 way to rebuild the story of MIZ
I think it's been said already. Hogan was huge and had headlined a WM at Skydome before vs. the Warrior and a number of events at the old Maple Leaf Gardens as well as many other events in Canada. He might have also appeared at some Canadian events while with WCW. So he had a solid Canadian (or Toronto at the very least) fanbase behind him. Any person who faced him might have been on the losing end of the battle to gain the arena's support. The other problem the Rock faced is he was transitioning into a film career. Many people for some reason or another resented that and thought (foolishly I believe) he was a sellout.

Now do I think Cena will get the same treatment vs. the Rock, that the Rock got vs. Hogan ? Well I'd have to say I think he will. I think absence makes the heart grow fonder and it is also in Miami which is Rock's home state. I think the fans in the arena will be mostly behind the Rock if not completely. Cena's a big boy though, he can handle it. I hope.

The thing I was at an event held at the Air Canada Centre in Toronto, Canada, where Cena was and half the fans were chanting Let's go Cena, and the other half were chanting Cena sucks. He also gets lousy reactions in a number of arenas and a lot of love in other places. I want to believe he has more fans than detractors (I hope), but I haven't seen such a split in fan approval for a face champion in all my life watching wrestling. I mean Rocky got the 'Rocky sucks' chants for a while but then he found a way to use that to make him a heel and build himself to a star status. If the match is a solid one where he actually pulls off a solid career defining performance, he might actually win some fans when the match between these two is over.
yes it will be the same reaction. they booed the rock against hogan when the rock was constantly being cheered before that. half the audience already hates cena and boos him. not to mention it will be in the rock's home town. the audience will be as anti-cena as one night stand against rvd possibly. he will be booed out of the building, but sadly he wont leave. lol
If they weren'tin the Rock's hometown, I think it could be a change. I know I'll be rooting for Cena becuase I'm tired of The Rock.

Anyway, I think it'll be more like the Wrestlemania 22 match between Triple H vs. John Cena, but with a little bit more fan's for Cena.

It would be totally awesome though if the fans completely turned on The Rock and started to get fully behind Cena ala WM 18. But, WM 28 is in The Rock's hometown, and I highly doubt the fan's will turn on him.

Im sorry but it would NEVER be a change. People will not turn on the rock to cheer for cena at a wrestlemania. It wouldnt even matter if Rock was the heel, since he plays that role even better then the face role. Just my opinion

Youll be rooting for cena because your tired of the rock? May i ask hows that possible and how its not possible that your not tired of cena being shoved down your throat for the past 7 years? Just a question

Anyways i think its going to be all pro rock with massive cena boos, but again it really has to do with how they end up building this fued, which im very interested in and cant wait to see..

One more thing that really bugs me is fans who say " Rock is going to pass the torch to Cena " .. First of all , Cena has had the torch for almost a decade and has main evented how many wrestlemanias the past few years? Even so , The rock has wrestled a match in so many years , what torch does he even have right now? None

When hogan and rock went at it , hogan wrestled all those years in wcw and rock was in WWE .. So theres no comparison between the 2.

Cant wait to see it though
I think it is possible, but I don't see it that way, it will be a passing of the torch match, despite the fact that Cena doesn't need it, he is already a 10 time world champion and is the face of the company, but yeah, anyways I don't see it that way for one reason. Back then everyone loved The Rock and everyone loved Hogan, but going into this only half of the crowed loves Cena, and I'm not sure about how much the younger viewers like The Rock, all they have seen of him is him taking out, and making fun of, John Cena, who is their hero. So I think that the crowed will be split between fans of the attitude era that loves The Rock, and kids and their most of their parents cheering for Cena, which will probably make this an even playing field, that is of course if the hometown effect that Rocky had doesn't make this completely one sided.
All the old school fans will be cheering for The Rock while all the little jimmys will be cheering for Super Cena.
It's difficult to say but, generally speaking, I'm gonna say no and for several reasons.

The reaction of Rock vs. Hogan wasn't something that was planned or prepared for. Sure, everybody knew it was a special happening but the reaction it got far and away exceeded everything the WWE was hoping for. The match had several huge factors going for it including the, sometimes, all important nostalgia factor. This was Hulk Hogan's first appearance at WrestleMania & his first WWE match in almost a decade. Hogan was still a relevant figure that was actually physically capable of performing a match without the risk of embarassing himself. Fans ate up the nostalgia surrounding it to such a degree that WWE gave Hogan a brief run as WWE Champion. On top of that, Hogan was in the ring with The Rock. The Rock was and still is a huge, legit star. You had the most charismatic of one generation vs. the most charismatic of another. Fans bought into it, they believed it and they wanted to see it. Everything just fell into place in exactly the perfect way, a way that I don't think you could just sit down and plan. Some of the best angles, storylines and generally special moments of wrestling history start out or come about by accident.

I don't think Cena vs. Rock will get that sort of reaction from the always cynical & critical IWC. For one thing, the IWC hates John Cena with a white hot passion that, in many cases, is downright unreasonable. He doesn't generate the warm & fuzzy feelings of nostalgia that Hulk Hogan did and many in the IWC will do whatever they can to avoid admitting that Cena is damn charismatic. As far as the match itself goes, I have little doubt that it'll be a much better match competitively speaking. Some internet fans will no doubt shit all over it even if it turns out to be absolutely incredible.
its rocks hometown. when justin roberts (assuming he does it) says "FROM MIAM FLORIDA" those people are gonna go crazy. Its the rocks peope (no pun intended) i think its going to have the same kind of ending though. with the older superstar losing to the current active top guy
Truthfully Inever seen a crowd reaction like that of Hogan-Rock before. That place was electric; Iwas in the living room with friend watching it on ppv and it was like we were there. It was like the best stand off in history. Will the Rock-Cena get the same hot crown all throught the match...NO!!!!! It's gonna be close though but not close enough. I love the Rock but he's not the legend Hogan was, and the same for Cena, he's no Rock not by a longshot. It's gonna be males in their upper teens and older cheering for the Rock and women and children for Cena. It will be a great reaction in it's own right, but not a time standing still effect that Hogan-Rock had.

the crowd (including me) will be pro rock without a shadow of a doubt. cena will get his usual jeers but 10xs bigger because it's rock's territory. cena doesnt need "The Torch" passed to him because he is already at the top and is the face of the entire company.
I'm gonna say no not even close to the same reaction. Will it be a split crowd? well yeah ofcourse it will but Super Cena character is not in the same league as the Hogan character was

and "wrestling" or even "sports entertainment" the way it was back then is on life support now!!!

also add that Rock isn't the same entertainer he was when he left, i dunno about others but this return started off big then fell flat really quick, doesn't help that he doesn't have the same attitude on the other side to feed off of like he did with those during the attitude era.

so in summary will it be a big match, well yeah, but only because it's a first and 2 leaders of there respective generations.

But it in no way will be in anywhere near the same league as Hogan vs Rock
Bottom line it's got the ability to be a great match and for us wrestling fans that's what should come first, granted it will be nice that it gets the same reaction and energy that WrestleMania 18 with the Rock and Hogan had but time will only tell on that one. It will be great to see some of the fans who know the Rock as they see him in the movies cross over for WM 28 and of course old fans that stopped watching after the Attitude Era ended also can contribute to the buzz if they come back to view this match.

I have good expectations for this match to be up there with all time classic Mania moments.
A Hogan-Rock type of reaction would imply Rock going into the match as a heel and getting a huge face reaction that was somewhat unexpected. That is not going to happen because everyone expects Cena to get booed and Rock is not going to go into the match as a heel.

Of course Cena is going to get booed out of his skin. This is The Rock's hometown, he is going to step into the ring after seven freaking years possibly after the night he gets inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. This has nothing really to do with the hate that Cena gets, it's just that he is going to go up against one of the most charismatic personas of all time.

I think that even Cena knows and expects this to happen. Cena has a chance of getting cheered against The Rock if he cuts a funny promo against him. Actually, it has already happened so there isn't much disputing the fact. The Rock still would not get booed but Cena can get cheered. However that's the case when we are talking about promos. In the ring it's a completely different story. Just the nostalgia of seeing Rock again inside a WWE ring is going to be too big a deal for Cena to compete against. He will get an intensely negative reaction and if he is as smart as some people claim he will try to expect and possibly even try to work on magnifying that reaction.
No, I don't think so. Especially since it'll be in the Rock's hometown. Cena will be heavily boo'd. Don't get me wrong, it'll probably be a loud match, but with mixed cheers. Mostly boos for Cena. If the match will be for the WWE Championship, and The Rock wins, I'm interested in seeing if The Rock stays around and defends it. If that happens, wehooo! Wrestlemania 28 is gonna be exciting.
no i do not think so, the rock and hogan were totally two different superstars, and i don't think it will be like that because it won't be face vs heel. Nobody wanted to see The Rock vs nwo hogan they wanted to see the rock vs hulkamania hogan.

And how are Cena and Rock the same? They are on completely different sides of the spectrum. Cena is a goody goody and Rock is a shit talking, bad ass.

I think it will be explosive (reaction wise). The arena will be roaring with "Rocky Rocky" chants and "Let's go Cena! Cena sucks!". Like a poster said before me about being like ONS 2006, oh I bet it will. Just not as blunt like the ECW crowd was.
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