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Are These Guys Working Or Are They Really This Hypocritical?


Getting Noticed By Management
How dare these guys bury Dwayne Johnson? He is a very big part of why they still have jobs. He was from an era when it was cool to watch sports entertainment and these guys were everywhere. Austin was on "Nash Bridges," Dwayne was on "Star Trek: Voyager," "That '70's Show," and, let's not forget, SNL where he was the host and wasn't outshone buy the actual cast and was really good. Everyone wanted to be a part of it and these guys were actually giving the rub to legit Hollywood. So what if he left to act, didn't Piper do the same thing? Or is it just because Dwayne was actually accepted by Hollywood that he gets the heat for jumping ship? Who wouldn't trade acting the bad theatre these guys are subjected to now for decent theatre with less bumps and bruises and for more money? John Cena is a fuckin liar if he says that he wouldn't have left if his acting career would've taken off after "The Marine" and "12 Rounds" aka Die Hard With A Little Vengeance. CM Punk just may be the best the WWE has to offer but that is saying very little given the talent pool he currently wading through. I really can't believe Orton seeing as Dwayne and Mick Foley put he and Evolution over at Wrestlemania XX, Dwayne's last match at this point mind you. Hypocrisy to this level can't be serious, this has to be one giant work or something. Dwayne Johnson put much more into the wrestling business than he ever got out of it and actually still gives them a rub from Hollywood whenever someone mentions his WWE past and they should be kissing his ass whenever he steps through the curtain. Like Dwayne said to CM Punk, it's simple business, The Rock in Wrestlemania will draw more in one night than he ever will. If he wasn't needed, he wouldn't have been there or again next year. Once again, he was a big part of the reason that Sports Entertainment became mainstream, it's not his fault that the talent that came behind him squandered it. Look at the guys he put over during his last few years in wrestling.

Brock Lesnar: Left.

Goldberg: Left.

Batista(with Foley): Left and was never that interesting on his own until he left.

Randy Orton(with Foley): Smaller version of Batista.

Ric Flair(with Foley): was actually working with Dwayne and Foley in that match to help get Batista and Orton over by giving them the rub.

The Hurricane: Well, you get the picture.

He put those guys over, they fucked it up.
I can see why they have some beef. Rock is a legend and a huge draw for the WWE, but he DID leave for 7 years without as much as a guest appearance here and there. Then BAM he's back in the main event WM booked a year ahead like he never fucking left. Them saying he's not as good as he is is bullshit but I can still see why the hard working guys who wrestle week in and week out might be a little bitter.
God are you wrestling fan ever self righteous.
"How dare these guys bury Dwayne Johnson?"

Lets just go this route and say it was scripted and he said it to spite Rock fans for heat because of the love they have for him for the very reasons you mentioned. Then he attained your attention, and hate just like any other Rock fans, so far seems ok to me. You know why, because he is a fucking heel.

Lets go a different route, and go with he said that because it is truly how he feels. Ok so in order to cut a genuine heartfelt promo that is declared the bets in ages you cant step on any ones toes? Gotchya, did not know that. Punk has every rite to feel the way he does, wrong or not.
How dare these guys bury Dwayne Johnson? He is a very big part of why they still have jobs. He was from an era when it was cool to watch sports entertainment and these guys were everywhere. Austin was on "Nash Bridges," Dwayne was on "Star Trek: Voyager," "That '70's Show," and, let's not forget, SNL where he was the host and wasn't outshone buy the actual cast and was really good. Everyone wanted to be a part of it and these guys were actually giving the rub to legit Hollywood. So what if he left to act, didn't Piper do the same thing? Or is it just because Dwayne was actually accepted by Hollywood that he gets the heat for jumping ship? Who wouldn't trade acting the bad theatre these guys are subjected to now for decent theatre with less bumps and bruises and for more money? John Cena is a fuckin liar if he says that he wouldn't have left if his acting career would've taken off after "The Marine" and "12 Rounds" aka Die Hard With A Little Vengeance. CM Punk just may be the best the WWE has to offer but that is saying very little given the talent pool he currently wading through. I really can't believe Orton seeing as Dwayne and Mick Foley put he and Evolution over at Wrestlemania XX, Dwayne's last match at this point mind you. Hypocrisy to this level can't be serious, this has to be one giant work or something. Dwayne Johnson put much more into the wrestling business than he ever got out of it and actually still gives them a rub from Hollywood whenever someone mentions his WWE past and they should be kissing his ass whenever he steps through the curtain. Like Dwayne said to CM Punk, it's simple business, The Rock in Wrestlemania will draw more in one night than he ever will. If he wasn't needed, he wouldn't have been there or again next year. Once again, he was a big part of the reason that Sports Entertainment became mainstream, it's not his fault that the talent that came behind him squandered it. Look at the guys he put over during his last few years in wrestling.

Brock Lesnar: Left.

Goldberg: Left.

Batista(with Foley): Left and was never that interesting on his own until he left.

Randy Orton(with Foley): Smaller version of Batista.

Ric Flair(with Foley): was actually working with Dwayne and Foley in that match to help get Batista and Orton over by giving them the rub.

The Hurricane: Well, you get the picture.

He put those guys over, they fucked it up.

you could not be more spot on, if CM Punk or any of these other guys that try to bury the Rock got the chance to be a Hollywood Star you can bet your ass that they would take it, no one is as successful as Rock, it's that simple, they cant hack it that he's so much more popular then they are, The Rock made his character work from pure hard work, he busted his ass in the ring day in and day out, made a name for him self and then realized that he's 30, he's got a wife and kids that he wants to see more often, but i guess The needs to pay more respect to us then he does to his own family.

i find it sad that grown men who have families themselves are so hypocritical when writing BS on wrestlezone
Well a few diffent things with this. First is something seems not alot of people seem to think of when they think of The Rock being gone for that amount of time. He was working for Disney for a big bulk of the time he was gone from WWE. Which some people that have worked for Disney came out and said that much like Vince McMahon and WWE that Disney likes to own you if you work for them. So it wouldn't at all suprise me if it was in his contract that he had to distance himself from wrestling until the contract was over. If you look at the time line around when he was doing those movies is when he dropped The Rock from his game and kind of wanted to not talk about it in interveiws saying he is an actor now. Then goes back to making rated R movies and he is back working with WWE. Just a thought.

As for the wrestlers named most of them you can't blame on them squandering it. More of it is backstage politics and the writers not knowing how to get people over anymore besides the ones that did just take off.

Brock did take off to go try out for football which didn't work out too well. There were reports that he wanted to try and come back to WWE before going MMA but Vince didn't want him.

Goldberg it was more backstage Politics by the reports out there. Was one of the biggest things going in WCW. Comes to WWE and gets a good push and run but back stage being kept down by Vince and HHH because he was a WCW guy and an outsider. Then there were reports that Vince and HHH butted heads with Goldberg when it was time to renew the contract so they couldn't come to an agreement.

Batista went to go out for MMA but like Brock and football didn't pan out. Which now it's coming out he dosn't want to come back until PG is gone becuase it's like your hands are tied and con't get away with what you could when he was with HHH and Flair.

Randy is about the hottest thing going right now in the company. He is getting better reactions then Cena most of the time.

Flair left but he was big before The Rock put him over. Plus most people thought it was time that he was going to retire.

The Hurricane once again back stage politics. He was the fall guy after a drunkin night out with a few other wrestlers. Which is a shame, the superhero thing should of worked great with the whole PG thing and kids.

But for the most part you can't blame the talent for messing it up. More on backstage politics and writers. Which another point of this is that Christian a fan favorite put the title on him for a whole two days then take it off of him. Which The Miz which is hated by most people gets a huge push because he gets them on TMZ and knows how to kiss Vinces butt. To take it even deeper so Vince wouldn't have to hear the cheers for Christin they turn their number two face on smackdown heel.

More on the backstage Politics point is Cena. There was an artical way back when Cena was getting big about the reason HHH seemed to bury everyone but Cena is that Cena got really tight with Vince so was untouchable by HHH.

So all in all like I said can't take it all out on the talent have to take most of it out on the ones backstage for crappy writing and backstage politics.

Just some thoughts based on articals that have been out and around.
you wanna know why? because he left for 7 years, didn't even come back to say hi in that time and told everyone to stop calling him "The Rock" and call him by his real name and now he comes back, says he's back for good and that he'll never leave again and then BAM he's gone again. Should I count his twitter war with Cena as him being back? how many live Raw appearances did he have anyway? 2? and 2 more via satellite. That's all.
And then he's in the main even of next year's WM because he's a big name and Cena's the biggest name in the company right now...mind you, he hasn't wrestled in such a long time that it's funny but come on, he's a Hollywood superstar and since nobody in the E are wrestlers anymore then it makes sense.

All in all, I think it's a dick move by Dwayne to come back like he never left, and give those cheesy promos about him being back for good and "the people's that" and the "people's this". He doesn't even seem like he's trying, he just looks like he goes on the mic, does his routine and then collects a paycheck and he's off. I love the Rock he's one of my very favorite wrestlers ever but come on...the guy deserves some of the heat

To be fair though, the reason he's getting so much heat is also because he's part of the (in almost everyone's mind) the best era in pro wrestling and the guys that are wrestling now for the 'E are regarded as being part of the SHIT era. Of course they're going to be jealous and try to bury Rock and put themselves over.
It's not about putting themselves over because Cena,Punk and Orton where already over before they ever mentioned his name. I can't blame some guys for being pissed.

Yes the Rock brings in money like duh! But when these guys see Steve Austin who like the Rock did movies and tv shows but we see Austin and not via satellite you can't blame them for being pissed off especially when he said he would never leave them (the fans) again. Uh Uh Uh where is he and yes he has filmed movies in the past and showed up for the fans up until 7 years ago.

I do think Punk needs to come to this realization that Cena is the Hogan and he is the Savage of this generation and that's not a bad thing.

I said it once and I'll say it again. This has nothing to do with Cena vs Rock this is Rock vs Austin. They don't respect Rock as much as they respect Austin.
Rock said he was back and would never leave...since then, what, two appearances on Raw, one being a birthday party in his honor? Who is it that is hypocritical? These guys can feel however they want. Plus most of what you are taking at face value is a work anyway. Lighten up and enjoy the show, these guys are grown men, they can defend themselves if they feel the need.
Guys, the whole thing is a work based on what is psychologically plausible.

The Rock SHOULD be in the main event of mania because he can draw the most money. Punk is smart enough and professional enough to realize that.

However, it makes sense that wrestlers who have been working all year long might feel a little irked by the fact that the biggest draw in the company is a movie star who no longer actually wrestles anymore.

Calling the rock an ass-kisser makes sense, and does his drawing power no harm whatsoever. It plants the roots for a potential feud between the Rock and CM Punk should they ever choose to exploit it.

Trust me, CM Punk has no real beef with the Rock and the Rock is cool with CM Punk saying whatever he wants.

These are two great entertainers doing what they do best: improvising based on what makes sense psychologically and blurring the lines between shoot and work.

The insults are based on real criticisms, but they don't actually hurt anyone. If you think he's being "buried" YOU'RE BEING WORKED...pure and simple.
I can agree with some of what your saying. But at the same time, I can see it the other way too. I can see why WWE wants the Rock in the main event at Mania. That's a huge money draw. I can see why some wrestlers, especially Punk would be mad about that. Honestly, there is no hotter storyline than Punk and he has built it up on his own. I do want to see Rock vs Cena at Mania to be honest, and I would love to see Punk vs Stone Cold. I think it could satisfy everyone involved.

As for Rock "putting over" people. Don't kid yourself. Brock was the biggest thing in wrestling before his match with the Rock. Goldberg? Everyone knew who Bill Goldberg was before he came to the E. He didn't put over Orton, Batista, or Flair. Flair, like Brock and Goldberg needed no rub, and Orton and Batista got their rub from being in Evolution and leaving by defeating HHH in the manner that they did. The Hurricane squandered away every opportunity he was given and that was sad. But please stop giving Rock credit for things he didn't really do. He had wrestling matches with those individuals. It wasn't in any way shooting them into the main event. They would have been there with or without him.
On Punk's end, I think it was just to get some heat. I really doubt he meant what he said Rock and about the people cheering him being just as bad as Vince and Laurinitas.

And with Cena and Orton, you've got a case of two guys who think they're a lot better than they actually are. Especially listening to that interview Orton gave, he's high off the smell of his own turd. I'm with Mark Madden when he says Orton is more over with Vince than he is the crowd.

I don;t know where everyone got this sense of entitlement towards The Rock, why did he have to show up during those seven years? Why does he have to keep going by "The Rock." I may have misunderstood the situation, was he under contract those seven years? (<-- sarcasm) Rock got his start in wrestling, but he's more than paid that back.
Well lets say you work at a little corner store. There was a guy who used to work there but when a big compay moved in next door and the little corner store needed him the most he decided to leave. Now your little corner store is doing fine, you guys have more exposure, more territory, and you're up for a promotion. Now the guy who left years ago comes back and the first thing they do is give him the promotion you were working hard to obtain. They give him the promotion because he was a good employee BACK THEN when you've been working there nonstop for a while. Thats how the guys in the WWE feel. They feel that its another opportunity robbed from them. Come on, how may guys in the WWE right now have nothing going for them and could use a Cena match to boost interest. Look what it did for the Miz. Ohh and what Rock did to Orton was downright childish, calling the office and telling on him because he was giving his personal opinion. Hes lucky Orton stopped it at a verbal confrontation.
I can see why they have some beef. Rock is a legend and a huge draw for the WWE, but he DID leave for 7 years without as much as a guest appearance here and there. Then BAM he's back in the main event WM booked a year ahead like he never fucking left. Them saying he's not as good as he is is bullshit but I can still see why the hard working guys who wrestle week in and week out might be a little bitter.

Yeah, I can see the embitterment but there's still a level of respect that should be shown for a man that helped keep the company that they work for afloat and eventually take over the industry. Austin's angles with McMahon would only go so far without an in-ring foil and that was The Rock.

God are you wrestling fan ever self righteous.
"How dare these guys bury Dwayne Johnson?"

Why can't people on the internet just answer the fuckin question?

Lets just go this route and say it was scripted and he said it to spite Rock fans for heat because of the love they have for him for the very reasons you mentioned. Then he attained your attention, and hate just like any other Rock fans, so far seems ok to me. You know why, because he is a fucking heel.

Lets go a different route, and go with he said that because it is truly how he feels. Ok so in order to cut a genuine heartfelt promo that is declared the bets in ages you cant step on any ones toes? Gotchya, did not know that. Punk has every rite to feel the way he does, wrong or not.

He had my attention the moment he cut the promo, the jab at Dwayne was just unnecessary and made him sound bitter that someone could comeback after seven years of not working and still be hotter than he is.

you could not be more spot on, if CM Punk or any of these other guys that try to bury the Rock got the chance to be a Hollywood Star you can bet your ass that they would take it, no one is as successful as Rock, it's that simple, they cant hack it that he's so much more popular then they are, The Rock made his character work from pure hard work, he busted his ass in the ring day in and day out, made a name for him self and then realized that he's 30, he's got a wife and kids that he wants to see more often, but i guess The needs to pay more respect to us then he does to his own family.

i find it sad that grown men who have families themselves are so hypocritical when writing BS on wrestlezone

Exactly, the guy found something that he was good at and was a challenge that meant more time with his family and doesn't have to kill himself every week. No man in his right mind would turn that down.

So what if he left for 7 years? Everyone keeps saying Austin this and Austin that, I remember when The Rock was taking the lead in the company whenever Austin would "take his ball and go home." The only top star that probably showed more dedication to the WWE is HHH and The Rock did it without the politics backstage. He owes us nothing, he left when his contract was up and his obligations were fulfilled. Also, he has a career, he's not sitting around waiting for the WWE to call him like a lot of retired guys so it's understandable that he doesn't have time to appear.

A similar situation to his is the heat between Trish Stratus in regards to Melina and John Morrison due to Trish taking their spot at the past Wrestlemania. I saw a shoot video of Sean Morley's where he said don't get upset that she can come and take your spot, you should ask yourself why can she come and take your spot. It's the same with these guys, they need to focus on becoming better than The Rock at what they do. The Rock at his physical biggest was still way more athletic that Orton, he was more popular than Cena with kids and was popular with everyone and pretty much trumps CM Punk in everyway despite the fact that I like CM Punk. Maybe Cena should worry about learning how to work a match and make his victories believeable after getting beaten for 29 out of 30 minutes, maybe Orton should learn how to cut a promo, and maybe Punk should look at how to improve his mass appeal.

Well lets say you work at a little corner store. There was a guy who used to work there but when a big compay moved in next door and the little corner store needed him the most he decided to leave. Now your little corner store is doing fine, you guys have more exposure, more territory, and you're up for a promotion. Now the guy who left years ago comes back and the first thing they do is give him the promotion you were working hard to obtain. They give him the promotion because he was a good employee BACK THEN when you've been working there nonstop for a while. Thats how the guys in the WWE feel. They feel that its another opportunity robbed from them. Come on, how may guys in the WWE right now have nothing going for them and could use a Cena match to boost interest. Look what it did for the Miz. Ohh and what Rock did to Orton was downright childish, calling the office and telling on him because he was giving his personal opinion. Hes lucky Orton stopped it at a verbal confrontation.

When did they need The Rock? I don't ever remember TNA breathing down their necks like WCW was. Also, do you believe everything Orton says? Besides, who says Orton could beat him in a fight? I put my money on Dwayne.
They have absolutely every right to bad mouth the Rock. We are talking about the man who is Main Eventing Wrestlemania. But wait until that time he is Dwayne Johnson? If wrestlers feel screwed out of a Mania Spot because of the Rock then I say let them speak their mind. There was the idea of a youth movement right? Should the youth be thrilled that a guy who appears twice in a seven year period get a ME spot at Mania when they might not make the card. I would? You can look at past accomplishments but we are in a world of the now and the now is saying Bury a legend so I can succeed. And I think that it is absolutely okay to say that.
They have absolutely every right to bad mouth the Rock. We are talking about the man who is Main Eventing Wrestlemania. But wait until that time he is Dwayne Johnson? If wrestlers feel screwed out of a Mania Spot because of the Rock then I say let them speak their mind. There was the idea of a youth movement right? Should the youth be thrilled that a guy who appears twice in a seven year period get a ME spot at Mania when they might not make the card. I would? You can look at past accomplishments but we are in a world of the now and the now is saying Bury a legend so I can succeed. And I think that it is absolutely okay to say that.

Isn't the guy in charge of the youth movement also the guy in charge of bringing The Rock back? Isn't Vince still running his business the way he sees fit to generate the most money and interest?

Rock headlining WM doesn't mean there wont be any young guys on the cards. People will buy the PPV for the main event in most cases, but no-one can buy JUST the main event. There are always complaints that the PPVs are so expensive etc, so how likely is it that people are going to buy it and then only watch one match? The younger guys on the card will get amazing exposure because of The Rock, in what is probably his final ever match, then after that it's up to them to keep the fans coming back.

If viewers of WrestleMania don't like what they see from the other guys on the card, that's not Rock's fault. He's been gone 7 years and in that time only one guy has gotten within reach of his popularity. Again, that isn't Rock's fault at all. Vince wanted Rock, he got Rock. The buyrates proved the people still want Rock, despite his "broken promises" and all that crap.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder, and the people's wallets will open for The Rock. Smart and easy choice for Vince really.
Well lets say you work at a little corner store. There was a guy who used to work there but when a big compay moved in next door and the little corner store needed him the most he decided to leave. Now your little corner store is doing fine, you guys have more exposure, more territory, and you're up for a promotion. Now the guy who left years ago comes back and the first thing they do is give him the promotion you were working hard to obtain. They give him the promotion because he was a good employee BACK THEN when you've been working there nonstop for a while. Thats how the guys in the WWE feel. They feel that its another opportunity robbed from them. Come on, how may guys in the WWE right now have nothing going for them and could use a Cena match to boost interest. Look what it did for the Miz. Ohh and what Rock did to Orton was downright childish, calling the office and telling on him because he was giving his personal opinion. Hes lucky Orton stopped it at a verbal confrontation.

I highly doubt that whole story Orton's putting out is true. Orton, regardless of how good of a wrestler he is, has history of being a priss in backstage matters. Remember that whole "Miz didn't take the RKO right" report?

And Orton of all people shouldn't be complaining about snitching and tattletales. Orton did the same damn thing to Kennedy and made him lose his job. Orton also did the same damn thing to Kofi and killed his pushed. I almost wish Rock did say something, just to show Randy that karma's a bitch

I don't think people should be pissed. I could understand if they are, but you have to think of it in a "business is business" matter. Rock = $$$ which means that YOUR company will benefit. Besides, I doubt Punk was serious, he did what a heel is supposed to do and bashed a face of the company.
When did they need The Rock? I don't ever remember TNA breathing down their necks like WCW was. Also, do you believe everything Orton says? Besides, who says Orton could beat him in a fight? I put my money on Dwayne.

When did WWE need him? WWE's been going downhill for a while now. I dont mean that they were at risk of losing to TNA but from a fans standpoint, and I know I'm not the only one who feels this way, their programing has become more and more stale. And I have no reason to not believe Orton. Its not an outlandish claim he's making, his story seems like something that would happen backstage given the attitudes we're so used to. And no, theres no way Orton could beat The Rock in a fight, well actually Jericho beat Goldberg so never say never, but I'm saying some guys would've had a worse reaction than "Are you really doing this to me, man?" and walking away.

I highly doubt that whole story Orton's putting out is true. Orton, regardless of how good of a wrestler he is, has history of being a priss in backstage matters. Remember that whole "Miz didn't take the RKO right" report?

And Orton of all people shouldn't be complaining about snitching and tattletales. Orton did the same damn thing to Kennedy and made him lose his job. Orton also did the same damn thing to Kofi and killed his pushed. I almost wish Rock did say something, just to show Randy that karma's a bitch

I almost hate defending Orton for some of the stuff hes done but the examples you've pointed out are justifiable. First of all, the Kofi and Miz incidents would've been picked up by management anyway regardless of what Orton would've done. I think anyone in Orton's shoes during the Kennedy thing would've been pissed. When you get in the ring you trust your body with the person across from you, and if they screw up I think anyone has the right to speak up.

On to the Rock incident, theres a difference between he says, she says in the ring, things can go wrong and maybe you wouldnt react like Orton did but its downright childish to call into the WWE office because Orton was speaking his mind. As far as I know he has freedom of speech just like everyone else. The Rock felt burried, boo hoo, I think just about everyone in the wrestling business, no matter how big of a star they are, has been talked bad about at one point or another by another star. Theres no point of him even putting in the call since WWE cant control what Orton or any other superstar says or doesnt say. I mean what are they gonna do, fire him?
Nobody's being hypocritical.

Fans were upset with him in 2003 and chanting that he sold out for going Hollywood and now years later, he actually wants to help put wrestlers and WWE over in an era where the company is stale and full of generic jobbers with one or two actual standouts so this time WWE is turning it around on the fans.

This time it's the fans wanting Rock and WWE taking the stance that fans in 2003 had by saying "how dare he come back, others worked hard without him, blah blah blah".

It's all part of the plan to make the newer, younger and more stupid members of the "Universe" who weren't around when Rock was here last time hate Rock so that the WM28 crowd has the same 50/50 split as WM18 did with Rock/Hogan.
1)Why can't people on the internet just answer the fuckin question?
2)He had my attention the moment he cut the promo, the jab at Dwayne was just unnecessary and made him sound bitter that someone could comeback after seven years of not working and still be hotter than he is.

1) I did actually.. two ways.
2) So everyone that feels the way you do, and now are mad at Punk giving him even more heat, and he is a heel. Seems like he is on the rite track. Oh but it does not count because it was low of him to mention his opinion? He did not take a cheap shot at a tragedy, he voiced his opinion during an impassioned speech. Think about it.
I don't understand why people dump on the Rock the way they do. He followed a dream and he accomplished his goals. That's something we should all strive to do. He has put more guys over than any main eventer during this era. He's tried to give a rub to mid carders during his career yet we still have a problem with him. On person said earlier that SCSA always stopped by and said hi, but SCSA isn't as big of a hollywood star as the Rock. Many stars in the WWE would've done the same thing and many people trashing him on this thread would've done the same thing for less. I can understand if a wrestler feels slight if they've worked hard, but the Rock draws money at the end of the day. I love CM Punk and the Rock is nowhere as good of wrestler as he but he has the pulse of pop culture.
Damn I can't believe some people are so dense.

Two reasons why the young guys attack The Rock...
1- He's over. I don't need to go any further here.
2- He responds back. VERY and I mean VERY few guys have heat with Dwayne. Dwayne is liked by just about everybody except Hunter Hearst McMahon. But we know why he doesn't care for him.

You are being worked. Start putting two and two together. Austin and The Rock come back. Foley leaves TNA and reports are he's coming back. The younger generation start taking shots at The Rock. Punk's interview.

Can you see the theme of Wrestlemania yet.....
jealousy is a sickness!!!!!!! get well you so called "superstars"

the funny thing is if you listen to ortons interview he said he would sell out for 10 million dollars to wear a tootoo atleast he kept it semi real haha wrestling business has only produced a handful of people outside of wrestling one is the rock the other is jesse venture,jbl and brock lesnar these guys were very smart and followed there dreams.. the "superstars/circus performers" need to worry about there own career becoming superstars and get the rocks name out of there mouth!!!!!!!!!! jealousy is a SICKNESS
Woah? Exactly who's burying Dwayne Johnson? Orton and Punk? Are they headlining Wrestlemania 28? No they are not. It's called "stirring the pot". It creates controversy. And it gets people talking. Positive or negative, it breeds attention. The claims that The Rock is being buried are simply laughable. You can't bury what's not there. The Rock is not being made to look like a fool on a major public forum. Someone is trying to throw him under the bus in a small time broadcast. Only IWC fans are gonna catch wind of it and it will probably be as serious as the Warrior/Hogan issue. Non-threat.
jealousy is a sickness!!!!!!! get well you so called "superstars"

the funny thing is if you listen to ortons interview he said he would sell out for 10 million dollars to wear a tootoo atleast he kept it semi real haha wrestling business has only produced a handful of people outside of wrestling one is the rock the other is jesse venture,jbl and brock lesnar these guys were very smart and followed there dreams.. the "superstars/circus performers" need to worry about there own career becoming superstars and get the rocks name out of there mouth!!!!!!!!!! jealousy is a SICKNESS
I highly doubt that Orton is jealous of The Rock. He doesnt have a reason to be, hes made a name for himself in his own right. Second, I'm pretty sure he was joking about the tutu thing, most of the interview was him joking around. He also said he wouldnt mind it if one of the guys went and serviced him while he did his pose of the turnbuckle at Wrestlemania. Just pointing out the kind of ridiculous stuff he said he'd be okay with during that interview. One thing he was serious about was how Rock treated him. I dont think Orton would sell out if he was just complaining about The Rock selling out. Rock messed up, thats it. If it was anyone else calling in the WWE Offices because Orton said something bad about him then people wouldnt care. And Orton IS worrying about his own career, so is Punk and any other guy who could've missed out on the opportunity to face Cena because the Rock suddenly decided that its cool for people to call him The Rock again. They have the right to feel disrespected, by the Rock and the WWE.
1) I did actually.. two ways.
2) So everyone that feels the way you do, and now are mad at Punk giving him even more heat, and he is a heel. Seems like he is on the rite track. Oh but it does not count because it was low of him to mention his opinion? He did not take a cheap shot at a tragedy, he voiced his opinion during an impassioned speech. Think about it.

I didn't say that you didn't answer the question, I asked why couldn't people on the internet just answer it. We didn't need you calling me self righteous like you fuckin know who I am. Also, listening to the way you speak, you're more of a sanctimonious delta bravo than CM Punk is.

Also, the promo wasn't benefited at all by his words against Dwayne and, let's be clear, he called him out by his given name not his ring name. That is a personal attack.

When did WWE need him? WWE's been going downhill for a while now. I dont mean that they were at risk of losing to TNA but from a fans standpoint, and I know I'm not the only one who feels this way, their programing has become more and more stale. And I have no reason to not believe Orton. Its not an outlandish claim he's making, his story seems like something that would happen backstage given the attitudes we're so used to. And no, theres no way Orton could beat The Rock in a fight, well actually Jericho beat Goldberg so never say never, but I'm saying some guys would've had a worse reaction than "Are you really doing this to me, man?" and walking away.

I understand but it wouldn't have done any good anyway. He comes back for an appearance here and there but they'll still be left with the same circumstances and that's a bunch of performers who don't draw.

On the subject of Goldberg vs. Jericho and, by extension, the Booker T/Batista incident, those big guys would actually be the worst fighters. For one, they're too stiff and assume from their size that they can beat anyone. I never really considered The Rock to be a "big guy" and I believe that he'd win off of pure rage. From what I understand, Dwayne Johnson has a horrible temper and Orton is just a jackass.

The fact of the matter is that all three of these guys, because it seems as if everyone forgot that I named Cena as well, need to look within themselves as to why he could get a spot over them or is more well liked by the fans. Also, The Rock doesn't call the shots, Vince McMahon does, why don't they go after Vince for wanting The Rock back?

Also, everyone that defends CM Punk, you do know that he attacked you too, right? I mean, when he referred to everyone that was cheering for him, that was only the people that are on the internet as the casual fan doesn't know who John Lauranitis and Colt Cabana is? He was really talking about internet fans as he made that comment before.

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