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Are Hogan intentions for TNA legit?

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There were rumors that Vince wanted Hogan back for a Wrestlemania recently but Hogan wanted a ridiculous amount of money and wouldn't budge. Hogan had a reality show get cancelled. He's involved in a messy divorce. One of his kids has legal trouble. He's financing his daughters mostly failed singing career. He did a shows with the Big Show that didn't do all that great and apparently hasn't been doing that great with Hulkamania tour sales...and all of the sudden he joins TNA because he wants to get back into wrestling and put over young guy?

Sorry not buying it. Hogan is notorious for looking out for himself and doing anything for money. I'm sorry but I think this is a pure money grab on Hogans part. Now, when Hogan comes out in the Impact Zone, regardless of how old he he and what he can do...I will be excited. Hulk Hogan is not Terry Bollea. I think the character is great, but the man, he's out for himself.
Now like some, I must admit, with him writing his book and the Hulkamania tour and all, his intentions are probably more self motivated more than anything...

But, screw it! Hogan is one of the few wrestlers that is a household name in this business and truly established himself as an important member of pop culture.

With that said, there is no dount in my mind that TNA will attract some new viewers and draw some money. Granted I'm not sure how much he's being paid and that could result in TNA going out of business if they overpaid him, but Hogan being there definitily gives your product credibility. You cannot say that having one of the two biggest wresting draws of all time can hurt you.

I'm not a fan of Hogan's work nor do I like the way he attempts to conduct business, but you cannot deny that he has already gotten TNA more exposure in the past few days than they have in months by themself!

I know this may be a short term thing, and thats great, especially given the fact that Hogan could become a plague after awhile, but the arrival of Hogan in TNA is absolutely a good thing. I just wish they hyped it up a little more before giving it to us so soon. Either way, genius move by TNA.
The only reason Hogan is doing this is for money. Bottom line. Hogan didn't really want anything to do with TNA until his bank account got low. He doesn't care about Styles, Joe, TNA, Dixie Carter, or wrestling..

He will play nice for a while until he gets what he wants. Once that happens he will dump TNA. There's no doubt that he is the most well known wrestler and that he HELPED put wrestling on the map. But there's is also no doubt that he is a parasite and will suck his host dry if allowed to.

The guy is having problems with his own tour which is the only reason why he's with TNA now.
I'm sure he means well, in his own warped mind it's going to start off this way 'Oh I'm going to help all the young guys, they are gonna get the rub from old Hulk Hogan, I'm gonna make TNA big.

Hogan starts off with good intentions but eventually the temptation will become to much.

-'Hey Eric, imagine the ratings if Hulk Hogan was the TNA champion'
-'Dixie, imagine 50,000 fans cheering for Hulkamania if I squashedt Angle in a battle for America'
-'Think of the cheers Styles will get if he almost beats Hulk damn Hogan, i'll make him the next John Cena!'
Well first off lets look at what Hogan did to WWE when he pretty much had full power. He took the Hogan vs Flair feud and made it a joke by destroying Flair everytime they faced. This should have been the biggest feud ever. Next he brought in The Giant dont get me wrong I love the Giant but anyone rember how he was brought in? The Giant was Andres son which was quickly forgotten but anyway he ripped off Hogans cross and shirt just like Andre did back in the day. Their feud included such memorable moments as Hogan vs Giant in monster trucks on PPV, cant wait to see what an A.J. Styles truck looks like lol. He then brought in Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Brutus Beefcake, The Nastys, Jimmy Hart, and started having them run over everyone. Remember Brutus main eventing man that was awful. Rember Hogan losing his powers because half his mustache got shaved off lol. He even went so far as to bring the Renegade in and pretty much destroy this young mans life. In his time we got to see the Mega Powers reunite and destroy everyone, Hogan vs Warrior, etc.

So I cant wait to see what he does in TNA we already got Black Machismo, maybe A.J. can become the new barber, then Beer Money can turn into Nasty Money, Im guessing Samoa Joe will job to Hogan only he will go by Samoa Earthquake or Bossman Joe, Matt Morgan will probably be the new Warrior. They cant use the NWO name but I see Hogan and nash reuniting at some point. For anyone that thinks Bischoff will help all he was ever good at is stealing. he stole the NWO and messed it up, how the hell do you mess up the greatest angle ever? The only star he created was Goldberg and he was basically a 1 man Road Warriors gimmick. Hell maybe we will even get to see nash as Oz again.

One last thing though, to the thread poster who said it would be great to see A.J. cleanly pin Hogan. I love A.J. and all but I think that would be so gay. I mean even in his 60s Hogan has still got to be pushing around 260lbs, still 6,5, and basically the biggest draw ever. A.J. just wouldnt look right cleanly pinning the man. Plus A.J. is already a star why do you guys keep needing to build him? It would be better served giving someone like Matt Morgan a win over Hogan. Also I wonder if this hurts Nigel because everyone has suddenly forgot him since Hogans announcment.
First of all, you guys haven't really been mentioning too much on TNA's product. Have you guys seen it? The ratings say you haven't. And I'll tell you why (I do watch it), IT'S GARBAGE. Even if you had the entire TNA roster job to hogan in one night of squash matches, it'd still be more entertaining than their current product (not that a Hogan match is entertaining).

And really, Hogan if used properly could be a good lasting draw. I don't know how long he'll be there for, as I'm sure this is a ploy for him to sell tickets on his Hulkamania tour. But think of the possibilities with an old Hulk Hogan. His in-ring abilities probably wont diminish much from his "glory days." I'm sure the average 90 year old man can manage to wrestle a Hulk Hogan match. But he's an actual celebrity that people who don't like wrestling can identify. And in trying to draw mainstream viewers that is important.

Also I wonder if Hogan's doing this to get his son in the business. I remember hearing that when Hogan jr got out of the slammer he wanted to get in to wrestling.

Bottomline is TNA needs somebody with good vision. The thing that would work with having a Hogan there is if TNA stops trying to be a clone of the wwe. The WWE switching to PG programming gives them full access to the teens and adult demographic. Eventually Hogan will have to hand the torch to someone else. I see Matt Morgan as that guy. Although I don't really think he has that much charisma.
Honestly, i dont think his intentions are helping out TNA.... With him being in charge of booking... i think he just wants to be a champion and live in glory days when he was in his glory days

I couldn't agree more. Hogans time has come and gone. Now, IF he puts himself over for a little bit, then fades into the back thats fine. But this is Hogan after all, he NEEDS the spotlight.
Notice the post above me? This is the perfect example of the cancer that is killing wrestling. This man's problem is the exact same problem as Dixie Carter: They are that big a mark for Hogan(In Dixie's case, just a mark, plain and simply a full-out mark) that they believe that because this man was an I.C.O.N IN THE RING that he'll live up to that level OUTSIDE THE RING. Fuck me, Carter's that much of a mark that she'd hand Hogan the company on a silver platter.

I see now how Bischoff came in. He's there to try and clean up the mess that Hogan will inevitability make.

Expect to see guys like Styles, Joe and most of the X Division try and jump ship in the space of a year (which is a shame cause we all know how kindly the E take "strangers" in their hood).

Hogan and Bischoff are just there to suck the company of any money they have.

LOL. Just think, a week ago we were talking about how TNA were finally pushing young blood into the future. Now we'll have to put up with Hogan as the champ for a year with Flair being his jobbing boys.

Don't we wrestling fans have all the luck?

I love how this clown completely bashes my post with zero facts and talks about the cancer of the wrestling business and the psyche of Dixie Carter like he wrote the book on everything that ever had to do with wrestling and everybody ever involved in it. It's hilarious. I spoke with words and phrases like "I believe" and "I truly think" but this goon comes in here KNOWING all Bischoff and Hogan want to do is ruin TNA and take their money. They KNOW that AJ, Joe, Daniels, and the X-Division stars are going to jump ship. It's utterly hilarious.

Slyfox hit the skank in the vagina (or nail on the head... i like my way) when he said everything Hogan touches becomes marketable. It is Hulk fucking Hogan. Whether you like it or not, the man's name is still Hogan. Always will be Hogan. And the name Hogan will forever be synonymous with an icon of the business and one of the most bankable and marketable names in the business. If Hogan touches it, it will have drawing power. He could have been the spokesman for the Foreman Grill but wasn't home or something at the time. He had success with his reality show until the family fell apart. He was even a good host for American Gladiators. This is one man whose age doesn't make a monkeys hand full of shit of a difference how old he is, people still want to see him. Maybe Hogan and Bischoff do have some ideas rolling around that will help out TNA. Oh... that's right...of course they don't because this guy above me here KNOWS they don't.
I love how this clown completely bashes my post with zero facts and talks about the cancer of the wrestling business and the psyche of Dixie Carter like he wrote the book on everything that ever had to do with wrestling and everybody ever involved in it. It's hilarious. I spoke with words and phrases like "I believe" and "I truly think" but this goon comes in here KNOWING all Bischoff and Hogan want to do is ruin TNA and take their money. They KNOW that AJ, Joe, Daniels, and the X-Division stars are going to jump ship. It's utterly hilarious.

Slyfox hit the skank in the vagina (or nail on the head... i like my way) when he said everything Hogan touches becomes marketable. It is Hulk fucking Hogan. Whether you like it or not, the man's name is still Hogan. Always will be Hogan. And the name Hogan will forever be synonymous with an icon of the business and one of the most bankable and marketable names in the business. If Hogan touches it, it will have drawing power. He could have been the spokesman for the Foreman Grill but wasn't home or something at the time. He had success with his reality show until the family fell apart. He was even a good host for American Gladiators. This is one man whose age doesn't make a monkeys hand full of shit of a difference how old he is, people still want to see him. Maybe Hogan and Bischoff do have some ideas rolling around that will help out TNA. Oh... that's right...of course they don't because this guy above me here KNOWS they don't.

You have blinders on. No offense, but you're speaking for a fan's perspective and not a realist's perspective. Hogan's name stinks right now because of the Graziano situation. I haven't forgotten the scumbaginess of his actions and things he's said. Even if I were to forget that whole Hogan family fiasco and the fact that the reality shows "while being successful" simultaneously rendering him a laughing stock, Hogan is not the guy to build a company around. You say "how do you KNOW he'll do that". Uh, common sense, reliance on history, and a decent bit of reasoning.

He says Vince McMahon wants to put him out to pasture. Vince isn't going to destroy his creation if he thinks there's life left in it. Read between the lines. Vince wants to stop feeding his young stars to Hogan. It's a wise idea, quite frankly. Hogan doesn't get that nobody believes he can beat a guy like Randy Orton or even Matt Morgan.

Let's say he doesn't wrestle. Do you think he'll pop buyrates so large that it's worth the money? Honestly?

Let's say he DOES wrestle (and you know he will). Whose he gonna put over? At the end of the day that's ALL that really matters. The only guy I remember Hogan putting over of his own volition are arguably Goldberg and Ultimate Warrior. Arguably. He couldn't even let Brock Lesnar choke him out clean. People argue about who was the bigger deal, Flair or Hogan, but while Hogan was bigger, Flair contributed to the longevity of wrestling in ways that are so numerous it can't all be charted.

Nobody's being negative just for the sake of being negative. We've just seen it all before too many times.
You have blinders on. No offense, but you're speaking for a fan's perspective and not a realist's perspective. Hogan's name stinks right now because of the Graziano situation. I haven't forgotten the scumbaginess of his actions and things he's said. Even if I were to forget that whole Hogan family fiasco and the fact that the reality shows "while being successful" simultaneously rendering him a laughing stock, Hogan is not the guy to build a company around. You say "how do you KNOW he'll do that". Uh, common sense, reliance on history, and a decent bit of reasoning.

He says Vince McMahon wants to put him out to pasture. Vince isn't going to destroy his creation if he thinks there's life left in it. Read between the lines. Vince wants to stop feeding his young stars to Hogan. It's a wise idea, quite frankly. Hogan doesn't get that nobody believes he can beat a guy like Randy Orton or even Matt Morgan.

Let's say he doesn't wrestle. Do you think he'll pop buyrates so large that it's worth the money? Honestly?

Let's say he DOES wrestle (and you know he will). Whose he gonna put over? At the end of the day that's ALL that really matters. The only guy I remember Hogan putting over of his own volition are arguably Goldberg and Ultimate Warrior. Arguably. He couldn't even let Brock Lesnar choke him out clean. People argue about who was the bigger deal, Flair or Hogan, but while Hogan was bigger, Flair contributed to the longevity of wrestling in ways that are so numerous it can't all be charted.

Nobody's being negative just for the sake of being negative. We've just seen it all before too many times.

A significant portion of what TNA has to be hoping comes from this partnership with Hulk Hogan is increased visibility for the company because he is there. Certainly the IWC is abuzz about his addition to the TNA roster, but how much does the general populace know about Hogan's "comeback"? Did he talk about his big TNA debut on this week's Impact while he was on Jimmy Fallon or Howard Stern yesterday? From what I understand, no, and that is a tremendous blow to TNA. Think of the increased number of viewers who might have tuned in for that "historic moment."

In all honesty, Hogan's biggest short-term value to TNA comes in his current round of PR appearances on shows like Howard Stern, Larry King, Jimmy Fallon, etc., shows TNA has not yet had the star-power to penetrate. Unfortunately, from the perspective of a media relations professional (that's what I do, folks), Hogan's not doing his job at the moment. In addition to hocking his book, he should be telling anyone who listens what a great company TNA is, how he wants to try his hand at competing against the best up-and-coming talent in the wrestling industry, how he wants to step inside the six-sided ring, etc. Unfortunately, he's barely touching on those points.

As someone who spent a portion of my career booking people to make these type of TV/radio appearances and preparing talking points for those individuals, Hogan's really failing TNA at the moment. Once he's done "the rounds," it'll be a good long time before he's asked back. By that time, his connection with TNA, if he's even still with the company, will be old news.

Hogan needs to strike while the iron's hot and gain maximum exposure for his association with TNA while he can. Yet, unfortunately, Hogan thus far has proved much more concerned about using these appearances to plug his book. I think this could well be an indication of the kind of attention Hogan pays to his end of the bargain of lifting TNA from its current state.

Hogan is undoubtedly a great marketing asset to TNA, bringing with him the "sport's" single most instantly-recognizable name. As a result, I have little doubt Hogan is being paid handsomely in this venture. And it could be argued that he deserves the payday. However, hearing that he also has 100-percent control of how he is used makes me more than a little uneasy. Does this indicate nobody is on-hand to remind him of what is expected of him during his TNA tenure? In fairness, does TNA even know what it expects of him?

With the kind of financial payout I assume TNA made in Hogan, my suggestion is that someone needs to be hands-on in making sure the company's best interest is always at the fore-front of the Hulkster's mind, especially now when everything is still new and extremely marketable. Since Hogan's almost unquestionably being "paid" like an investment in TNA's future, he should be managed like one.

Now that he's on-board, it's time he earns his keep.
You have blinders on. No offense, but you're speaking for a fan's perspective and not a realist's perspective. Hogan's name stinks right now because of the Graziano situation. I haven't forgotten the scumbaginess of his actions and things he's said. Even if I were to forget that whole Hogan family fiasco and the fact that the reality shows "while being successful" simultaneously rendering him a laughing stock, Hogan is not the guy to build a company around. You say "how do you KNOW he'll do that". Uh, common sense, reliance on history, and a decent bit of reasoning.

He says Vince McMahon wants to put him out to pasture. Vince isn't going to destroy his creation if he thinks there's life left in it. Read between the lines. Vince wants to stop feeding his young stars to Hogan. It's a wise idea, quite frankly. Hogan doesn't get that nobody believes he can beat a guy like Randy Orton or even Matt Morgan.

Let's say he doesn't wrestle. Do you think he'll pop buyrates so large that it's worth the money? Honestly?

Let's say he DOES wrestle (and you know he will). Whose he gonna put over? At the end of the day that's ALL that really matters. The only guy I remember Hogan putting over of his own volition are arguably Goldberg and Ultimate Warrior. Arguably. He couldn't even let Brock Lesnar choke him out clean. People argue about who was the bigger deal, Flair or Hogan, but while Hogan was bigger, Flair contributed to the longevity of wrestling in ways that are so numerous it can't all be charted.

Nobody's being negative just for the sake of being negative. We've just seen it all before too many times.

I do see your points. But TNA is getting Hulk Hogan... the entertainer, the wrestler, the pop culture icon. TNA is not getting the Terry Bollea that said Graziano had bad karma or whatever he said about him and how he must have deserved to end up the way he did. Nobody is doubting the man said some pretty terrible shit. But that's his personal life. Not his professional life. Yes I understand the line there is very fine because it was Hulk Hogan who hosted American Gladiators. It was Hulk Hogan who had the show "Hogan Knows Best." It was Hulk Hogan who had the chance to endorse the Foreman Grill. Nobody wanted Terry Bollea, the man who said that horrible shit. Again, I understand the fact that Hulk Hogan is just the name, but Hulk Hogan is a brand. That is the brand that TNA wants to take a chance with and you can't fault them for it.

TNA signing Hogan like the above poster said, increases their visibility immediately. Everybody is talking about it. Since everybody is talking about Hogan, they're talking about TNA. Simple as that. It would be like if somehow the Pittsburgh Pirates went out and could sign the ghosts of Mickey Mantle, Babe Ruth, and Joe DiMaggio. In increases their visibility right there and then. Which is what TNA did with Hogan.
After watching the majorly edited press conference, I have to say "yes". I know it's the mark in me talking, but I can't help but hope it's for real. I don't want to see TNA fall off the track they're on, and this could definitely do just that.

If Hogan and Bischoff work their way in slowly, then things can keep moving forward without slowing down. If they force themselves into the product, things could get ugly fast, and no one really wants that.

Here's to hoping TNA isn't falling apart in front of our eyes...
At that press conference Hogan barely even mentioned TNA. He kept mentioning Dixie Carter as his new business partner and then Spike TV talking about how they're going to develop new content with Hogan and his partners. I think they only mentioned TNA two or three times. The focus wasn't really on Hogan joining TNA...it was just on Hogan and that he's a known name.

As mentioned PEP3, Hogan was on Larry King, Jimmy Fallon, and Howard Stern, and again barely mentioned TNA.

Judging from what we've seen so far it, I stick by my original statement that Hogan is doing this 100% for the money and not the fans or the industry.
I've also been disappointed in the lack of TNA talk by Hogan in his media appearances. Has he even mentioned that Impact was on Thursdays on Spike TV. I wouldn't be happy if I were Dixie or a Spike TV exec at the lack of mention by Hogan.

I think everyone realizes that Hogan is only in this for the money and exposure he would get by being on tv every week. However, as a TNA fan, I'm excited about this, but I'm cautiously optimistic and hope Hogan and Bischoff don't end up destroying TNA.
I've also been disappointed in the lack of TNA talk by Hogan in his media appearances. Has he even mentioned that Impact was on Thursdays on Spike TV. I wouldn't be happy if I were Dixie or a Spike TV exec at the lack of mention by Hogan.

I think everyone realizes that Hogan is only in this for the money and exposure he would get by being on tv every week. However, as a TNA fan, I'm excited about this, but I'm cautiously optimistic and hope Hogan and Bischoff don't end up destroying TNA.

When I made these points earlier, someone responded that Hogan is not on these programs to promote TNA, he's on these shows to discuss his book. That's very true. But, if the roles were reversed and he was on the shows to promote TNA, you KNOW he'd slip in a plug for the book.

The point of my statement is that it's really all about how committed he is to putting TNA over. Hogan is quickly blowing any chance he has to make a big deal of his signing with TNA. Had he worked in the fact that he was making his TNA debut Thurs. on SPIKE TV when he spoke to Stern a couple days ago, or if he'd have pushed that last night on Fallon, that would have equalled millions of audience impressions capable of tuning in. He missed both opportunities.

As it stands, Hogan/Carter/TNA are relegated to inciting discussion/conversation/enthusiasm on the wrestling boards and among others already aware of their product. Rest assured, that not TNA was looking for when they hired Hogan on. While it certainly can't hurt for Hogan's new role to increase excitement within the IWC, potentially attracting a few new viewers through this means, the whole idea of adding Hogan is to attract new audiences unfamiliar with their product. Where better to do so than during his current media rounds?

Again, Hogan won't be getting too many more high-profile chances to plug this book, his joining TNA or anything else for a while. [Once you've done the rounds, you're done until they deem it acceptable to bring you back.] He needs to make the most of what he's been given. As it stands, from a marketing perspective for TNA, Hogan's dropping the ball already. I just hope that going forward he picks it up and runs with it. Otherwise, what's the point of having him at all?
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