Are Hogan intentions for TNA legit?

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History beckons the Macho Man!
Jimmy mentions Hulk's return to wrestling. Hulk says that he wants to put the yellow boots on again and see what he's got. Hulk says there's really only one company right now and he wants to help put TNA out there to give people a new choice. Hulk says he doesn't know what's going to happen with it, but it's going to be cool to help out the young guys.

That's from Hogan on Jimmy Fallon.

Now while I am still a little sceptical if Hogan has learned his lesson, but if these comments are any indication on what his true intentions for what he plans to do for the company then I am very excited to see how much Hogan helps TNA. The part that I really hope is true is where he said "it would be cool to help out the young guys."

That would be awsome and huge if Hogan put over AJ Styles, especially if it was a clean victory.

Do you guys think the Hulksters intentions are legit, and he really wants to help out TNA and the young guys?
I'm thinking that Hogan has had a bit of a falling out with Vince over the Hulkamania Tour, and this is a way to stick it to the man, so to speak. I hope that he's speaking the truth, and wants to keep TNA on the forward path, but only time will tell. He could come in and take it down the same path he took WCW, or he could really have his heart and mind in this, and give us continuous progress, like we've seen lately.
Want to know how bad TNA is at this point. Having Hulk Hogan coming in actually HELPS them. Yea, I said it. Despite Hogan being a shell of his former self, he draws. No matter how old he gets, he draws money. Everything he touches turns into drawing capability. With him, Bischoff, Taylor, and Russo calling the shots, it'll be interesting to see where the company goes once Hogan puts his touches on everything.

If this were a company on an upswing, I'd say bringing Hogan in is a desperate ploy. With TNA, it's actually sound strategy. If you're going to live off of name recognition, may as well get the most recognizable name in the business in Hulk Hogan. Ric Flair may join in as well. If they bring Schiavone back, this could get interesting and relevant again. But as far as Hogan's intentions being legitimate? I think he's at a point where he wants to leave a lasting mark on wrestling by actually helping the younger stars. Hogan's not able to wrestle like he used to and he knows that. Plus over the past few months, with his wife leaving him, it's brought a sense of well-being and may have put a jolt into Hogan that maybe he should be able to give back to the sport he's made so much money off of. Or he just wants a title. It's one of the two.
I just don't think Hogan is the answer for TNA, regardless of his intentions.

The wrestling/sports entertainment world isn't looking for Hogan.

TNA focuses more on in-ring combat.

WWE focuses on entertainment. And the young fans of WWE never got to see him wrestler. He's like Lou Thesz to my generation.

Both companies have begun to focus on creating new stars.

I predict Impact's rating will not exceed a 1.5 for at least 6 more months.
Honestly, i dont think his intentions are helping out TNA.... With him being in charge of booking... i think he just wants to be a champion and live in glory days when he was in his glory days
For the past several years, Hogan and Bischoff have been promising/threatening (depending on your perspective and who you are) to start their own promotion. They've even had repeated false starts in this venture. TNA offers Hogan an already established organization in which to wage his game of human chess.

Like many others have said before, I'm skeptical about Hogan's intentions regarding TNA. While I invariably think he and Bischoff will be able to lead the company to a fairly decent ratings boost -- I'd go so far as to guess a jump to 1.2-1.3 for Hogan's debut this week alone -- I'm still afraid of how he's going to impact IMPACT.

Giving the guy the benefit of the doubt, I hope he DOESN'T immediately come in and rip apart the storylines which are already underway. I hope he DOESN'T immediately begin booking himself in the main event. I'm hoping he DOESN'T stall the forward momentum of several of TNA's home-grown talents.

What I think is far more likely, though, is TNA becomes just the first stop on Hogan's "Hulkamania" tour. We all know he's scheduled to travel the world as the headlining act on that tour, so this could very well be his first step, picking up the TNA World Title to take with him.

Sure, having their belt travel the world and get defended around the globe could prove good for TNA's visibility. On the flip side, how beneficial is it having a 56-year-old with limited mobility, a man best known for his title run 25 year ago, hold your title?

That says plenty of things to me, but "the future of pro wrestling" isn't one of them.
IMO, Hulk Hogan is only out for himself....I seriously doubt he gives damn about TNA or putting over the younger stars. If we don't learn from history, it’s doomed to repeat itself.... This stint is likely to be nothing more than a means to an end, i.e. making Hogan more $. He might temporarily spike (no pun intended) ratings, but that’s likely to be short lived....I mean, how long can a guy possibly draw flies when his least worst match was more than 20 years ago? Hogan's antics and roles in story lines were the only thing memorable about his time in WCW and most of those were re-hashed WWF feuds…..let’s face it, by that point his marketability had already begun to decline and his matches were a sure cure for insomnia. “Hulkamania” is a bit too dated to bring in new fans or maintain the interests of TNA’s base. After the nostalgia fog begins to lift, reality will present itself....we'll be left with a partially crippled senior citizen in yellow spandex. Welcome to the desert of the real.
Are you people serious? You actually think Hogan wants to help TNA?!?! Thats insane. Vince dosn't want Hogan in the WWE. He tried to come back. He had to go to TNA. Why would he choose tna over wwe if he had the choice? He wants to make money. Thats always his underlying motivation. This won't make TNA any better. They won't compete with vince like people think. I give it two weeks of people being semiinterested. That's it. Hogan can't wrestle worth shit. His promos are stale and the same old "Brother". To put this in simplest terms, when hogan appears on impact for the first time, we will all witness the final death of Hulkomania. FINALLY!!!!!
I hope he DOESN'T immediately come in and rip apart the storylines which are already underway....... I'm hoping he DOESN'T stall the forward momentum of several of TNA's home-grown talents.

I think you'll get your wish. Despite the stuff about Hogan being in charge of everything, it's hard to believe he will concern himself with anything except the storylines that involve him. Certainly, there's never been any evidence that he has ever cared about anything else.

But this is good because he will probably let the creative staff handle all the other storylines and will leave them alone. On the other hand, if he truly has control over the whole company, it will be interesting to see how royally he can screw something up if he decides to mess around with areas that have nothing to do with him.

Incidentally, the Bischoff signing will be significant, too. Many people in this forum have anointed him a savior for what he did in WCW. The way I see it, though, is that he was noted for throwing mega-bucks at wrestlers and production costs, ultimately losing tens of millions of dollars in excess of what WCW was taking in. If Eric is great at running a successful wrestling promotion, I've yet to see evidence of it. This time, he'll be working with a company that doesn't have the resources of Time-Warner behind him.


Oh, and one more thing. If the reports are true that everything is being turned over to Hogan and Bischoff, doesn't that mean that TNA has essentially given up on their way of running things? Is this Dixie Carter's way of saying; "Well, we might as well try this because our old way isn't working?"
I love how so many people speak on how they KNOW what Hogan is concerned about, as if they actually know the man. It's unbelievable. The fact is you have NO idea how this will all play out...I doubt even they and TNA knows how this will all play out.

But here is what I DO know. TNA, for the last year or two, has prominently featured guys like Angle, Sting, Nash, Booker T, Mick Foley, Scott Steiner, etc., guys who are all WAY past their prime...and were never HALF the draw that Hulk Hogan was. So, while I have no idea if it's true or not, even if Hogan puts himself squarely in the thick of what? How would it be any different than what TNA has been doing for the last two years?

I'll tell you how it would be different. They would actually have a guy in the thick of things who has, and still can, actually draw money. Angle has never been a draw, neither has Booker, Nash, Sting, Steiner or Foley. They've never been proven fact, Booker, Nash, Sting, and Steiner's best years of drawing came when they were associated with Hogan.

I mean, really people. Do you think TNA hired Hulk Hogan with the intention to keep him behind the curtain?
I love how so many people speak on how they KNOW what Hogan is concerned about, as if they actually know the man. It's unbelievable.

We don't know the guy personally. But there is a large body of testimony about how Hogan obtained and used political power in WCW and on his negotiations with WWE afterwards. Maybe more of that is a "work" than the consensus believes.

Maybe in TNA Hogan will be completely and totally different than he's been for pretty much his entire career. But chances are he will still follow the same patterns that he has followed in the past.

The fact is you have NO idea how this will all play out...I doubt even they and TNA knows how this will all play out.

To put that another way, TNA literally has no flipping idea what they're doing with Hogan. That's always a promising business plan. The phrase "If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there" comes to mind. In this case, on the back of a red and yellow Harley to the Land of Stroking Hogan's Ego.

But here is what I DO know. TNA, for the last year or two, has prominently featured guys like Angle, Sting, Nash, Booker T, Mick Foley, Scott Steiner, etc., guys who are all WAY past their prime...and were never HALF the draw that Hulk Hogan was.

And in the opinion of many, including me, it has sucked major donkey balls. So instead of changing from 40-year old hasbeens as the focus of the promotion, focus on 50 something hasbeens. How much life do you think there is in a Hulkamania nostalgia tour? Six weeks? Six months? What then?

I'll tell you how it would be different. They would actually have a guy in the thick of things who has, and still can, actually draw money.

Can he still draw money in 2009? How much money did he draw for VH1 with "Hogan Knows Best" or CMT with "Celebrity Championship Wrestling"?

Or does he have just enough fame and aura left to sucker corporate types who don't follow wrestling into cutting him a fat check and giving him a playground?

Do you think TNA hired Hulk Hogan with the intention to keep him behind the curtain?

I think they hired Hulk Hogan for the same reason they went after Jenna Morasca and Pacman Jones and Danny Bonaduce--the Carters are suckers for celebrities and think that celebrities have some magic pixie dust that attracts money.
Hogan says he needs money and he says he ways to help the young talent. If he's really gonna do this, I hope he keeps in mind that the product evolves. If he invests in the younger talent, he'll make a lot more money and also invest for the future. But I really doubt Hogan would be the one idiot to go all WCW on us. I mean Kevin Nash, Vince Russo and the others have stayed in line. If Hogan thinks only for himself, he's gonna screw himself up. I just hope that if anything starts to go bad, Eric Bishoff will pull the leash.
I love how so many people speak on how they KNOW what Hogan is concerned about, as if they actually know the man. It's unbelievable.
*Cue sound of cash register*

I think it's insane to believe that people know what Hogan is thinking. It's batshit nuts. I'm still curious to know how the name HULK HOGAN is going to hurt TNA like some "know it is going to." I mean did anybody catch Hogan on Jimmy Fallon last night? The crowd went apeshit for the man. He is/was/always will be a pop culture ICON. YES. I.C.O.N. As Jimmy Fallon said, Hogan is on the wrestling Mount Rushmore. I personally believe Hogan should have his own Mount Rushmore. 4 faces, all Hogan. This TNA signing will be the 4th face of Hogan. Preceeded by Final Run in WWE Hogan, NWO Hogan, and original red and yellow Hogan.

But to the topic at hand, how can Hogan's intentions for TNA not be somewhat... if not totally legit? If Hogan biffs TNA, he's got nothing left. Literally nothing. He and Eric Bischoff want to do with TNA what nobody has been able to do. Raise their bar. I believe we're going to see a lot of Hogan on the air, but I don't believe a ton of it is going to be in the ring. Will he hold the TNA Title? I'm sure he will once a la Foley. Just to hold it. But at 56 and reality hitting Hogan hard, I think the reality is setting in for the man. In no way could he realistically book himself in the middle of everything and running with the title. Here come the "Hogan's ego" fireballs being thrown at me. At 56 and damn near the end of his rope, I honestly truly believe even Hogan knows his limitations at this point after his life basically has fallen apart the last couple years. Call it a strange underdog story. But even if you hate Hogan, you don't want TNA to fail. TNA failing would be a terrible blow to the wrestling business. Whether you want to believe it or not, Hogan knows his shit. Hogan has been in and around this business for damn near the last 30 years. He knows something about it. Whether he took it to heart in the past or not is irrelevant. This is now. Hogan and TNA can only get better from here.
We don't know the guy personally. But there is a large body of testimony about how Hogan obtained and used political power in WCW and on his negotiations with WWE afterwards. Maybe more of that is a "work" than the consensus believes.

Maybe in TNA Hogan will be completely and totally different than he's been for pretty much his entire career. But chances are he will still follow the same patterns that he has followed in the past.
What did Hogan do that was so wrong though? Are you unaware of how the wrestling game is played? In the wrestling business, and there are numerous testimonials (since we're using testimonials) of wrestlers stabbing each other in the back, promoters screwing talent (Bret Hart anyone?), money being shortchanged and just flat out lied about, wrestlers buried for no reason other than they did something the boss didn't like.

In the wrestling business, you look out for #1, and #1 only. And just because Hogan understood that, and was more successful than anyone else doesn't mean he was anything but doing the best for himself.

To put that another way, TNA literally has no flipping idea what they're doing with Hogan. That's always a promising business plan. The phrase "If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there" comes to mind. In this case, on the back of a red and yellow Harley to the Land of Stroking Hogan's Ego.
Who cares if you know two days in how it will all play out? You don't sign a Hulk Hogan to think 5 years down the road. You sign a Hulk Hogan with the idea that with a talent as great as he is, something will work itself out.

Hogan has ALWAYS been guaranteed lightening in a bottle. First in the AWA, then in Japan, then in the WWF with Hulkamania, the nWo, and even Hogan's return to the WWE in 2002, the one thing Hogan has always proven is that exciting things happen when he's around.

THAT is what TNA has planned.

And in the opinion of many, including me, it has sucked major donkey balls. So instead of changing from 40-year old hasbeens as the focus of the promotion, focus on 50 something hasbeens. How much life do you think there is in a Hulkamania nostalgia tour? Six weeks? Six months? What then?
Who cares what then? Do you really think that bringing in Hogan, no matter what may happen, will actually hurt your product? That's ridiculous. Hogan has never been the reason harm has come to promotions, who are smart enough to handle him. The AWA wasn't smart enough to handle him, so he put them out of business. Vince McMahon was smart enough to handle him, and he made the WWF the undisputed number 1. The WCW smartly handled him from '94-'98, and it put THEM at the number one.

If you work Hogan smartly, he's going to make good things happen to your least, he always has before.

Can he still draw money in 2009? How much money did he draw for VH1 with "Hogan Knows Best" or CMT with "Celebrity Championship Wrestling"?
Well, Hogan Knows Best is still on the air as far as I'm aware in the "spin-off" of Brooke Knows Best. Hogan Knows Best obviously did well enough to put CCW on the air. Hogan still is in the mainstream media, still making money and apparently was on the Jimmy Fallon show last night.

Can he? We'll see. But I definitely think there is enough evidence to suggest he has a good chance if used properly.

I think they hired Hulk Hogan for the same reason they went after Jenna Morasca and Pacman Jones and Danny Bonaduce--the Carters are suckers for celebrities and think that celebrities have some magic pixie dust that attracts money.
The difference here is that Hogan DOES seem to have the pixie dust that attracts money. It seems to follow him in every wrestling promotion he works.
I'm glad to finally see Hogan talk a little more about TNA on Fallon. He didn't really give TNA much of a mention on Larry King or Stern. I know he's pushing a book, but he's got to realize that for the TNA venture to be successful, he's got to draw in viewers. Otherwise it's just a big waste of money on Dixie's part.

I think Hogan is all about Hogan and TNA is a way for him to get him more publicity and more money. However, TNA has to use Hogan the way Hogan is using them. Market the crap out of him, something I'm sure Bischoff and Hogan have no problem with, but they have to have him put over TNA. They have to try to make it that in the short-trem, when people think of Hogan, they are thinking TNA.
Are his intentions legit? Yes if you believe his intentions are to make as much money as possible as quickly as possible. If Hogan wanted to help elevate a company to compete with Vince, he would have created one himself. This is nothing {in Hogans eyes} but a ploy to promote his book, tour , and probably his Hogan Grill or some other crap. TNA hopefully knows that and realizes that he is just out for himself. If they dont, it could be bad news for the company.
*Cue sound of cash register*

I think it's insane to believe that people know what Hogan is thinking. It's batshit nuts. I'm still curious to know how the name HULK HOGAN is going to hurt TNA like some "know it is going to." I mean did anybody catch Hogan on Jimmy Fallon last night? The crowd went apeshit for the man. He is/was/always will be a pop culture ICON. YES. I.C.O.N. As Jimmy Fallon said, Hogan is on the wrestling Mount Rushmore. I personally believe Hogan should have his own Mount Rushmore. 4 faces, all Hogan. This TNA signing will be the 4th face of Hogan. Preceeded by Final Run in WWE Hogan, NWO Hogan, and original red and yellow Hogan.

But to the topic at hand, how can Hogan's intentions for TNA not be somewhat... if not totally legit? If Hogan biffs TNA, he's got nothing left. Literally nothing. He and Eric Bischoff want to do with TNA what nobody has been able to do. Raise their bar. I believe we're going to see a lot of Hogan on the air, but I don't believe a ton of it is going to be in the ring. Will he hold the TNA Title? I'm sure he will once a la Foley. Just to hold it. But at 56 and reality hitting Hogan hard, I think the reality is setting in for the man. In no way could he realistically book himself in the middle of everything and running with the title. Here come the "Hogan's ego" fireballs being thrown at me. At 56 and damn near the end of his rope, I honestly truly believe even Hogan knows his limitations at this point after his life basically has fallen apart the last couple years. Call it a strange underdog story. But even if you hate Hogan, you don't want TNA to fail. TNA failing would be a terrible blow to the wrestling business. Whether you want to believe it or not, Hogan knows his shit. Hogan has been in and around this business for damn near the last 30 years. He knows something about it. Whether he took it to heart in the past or not is irrelevant. This is now. Hogan and TNA can only get better from here.

Notice the post above me? This is the perfect example of the cancer that is killing wrestling. This man's problem is the exact same problem as Dixie Carter: They are that big a mark for Hogan(In Dixie's case, just a mark, plain and simply a full-out mark) that they believe that because this man was an I.C.O.N IN THE RING that he'll live up to that level OUTSIDE THE RING. Fuck me, Carter's that much of a mark that she'd hand Hogan the company on a silver platter.

I see now how Bischoff came in. He's there to try and clean up the mess that Hogan will inevitability make.

Expect to see guys like Styles, Joe and most of the X Division try and jump ship in the space of a year (which is a shame cause we all know how kindly the E take "strangers" in their hood).

Hogan and Bischoff are just there to suck the company of any money they have.

LOL. Just think, a week ago we were talking about how TNA were finally pushing young blood into the future. Now we'll have to put up with Hogan as the champ for a year with Flair being his jobbing boys.

Don't we wrestling fans have all the luck?
What did Hogan do that was so wrong though? Are you unaware of how the wrestling game is played? In the wrestling business, and there are numerous testimonials (since we're using testimonials) of wrestlers stabbing each other in the back, promoters screwing talent (Bret Hart anyone?), money being shortchanged and just flat out lied about, wrestlers buried for no reason other than they did something the boss didn't like.

In the wrestling business, you look out for #1, and #1 only. And just because Hogan understood that, and was more successful than anyone else doesn't mean he was anything but doing the best for himself.

as for the Bret comment, its questionable in that scenario who was right & who was wrong.

as far as people talking as if they know the man, I think you're off the mark. It sounds to me they are skeptical of Hulk Hogan's intentions due to his track record throughout his career. I can give you a short list.

  • Financially bleeds dry the WCW

  • Refused to return the favor for getting the win at Summer Slam over Shawn Michaels (HBK's Larry King Spoof was the highlight of the feud)

  • Refused to return the favor for getting the win at Summer Slam over Randy Orton

  • Screw over every up & comer he ever worked with in the last 25+ years

  • Listen to him on the Roddy Piper DVD...he Thinks him & Vince are the only ones who deserve credit for the success of WWE(WWF) & WrestleMania, while stating that Piper being not an integral part of said success

hope TNA survives the Hulk Hogan Experiement
I think that whatever Hogan's intentions are TNA need to ensure that they gain the exposure that that they are no doubt looking for by hiring him. Hogan could just be there just to spite Vince and WWE but this is irrelevant as long as he is used correctly.
If Hogan is looking to help TNA achieve success to rub it in the face of Vince then this shouldn't really matter, it is a gain for TNA either way. I think that whatever Hogan's intentions are TNA need to ensure that they gain the exposure that that they are no doubt looking for by hiring him. Hogan could just be there just to spite Vince and WWE but this is irrelevant as long as he is used correctly.
It is understandable that people will be skeptical as to whether Hogan has the best interests of the younger talent in his mind, especially with his past history, but if someone tunes in to TNA to see Hulk Hogan and sees AJ Styles then TNA as a whole is bound to benefit as a whole. That seemed to be the plan of TNA to some extent originally before it became warped, to have people tune in to see a Boker T or Scott Steiner and stumble upon a fantastic MCMG match. The acquisition of Hulk Hogan could take this plan and multiply it many times over, as the fast paced TNA product is currently very eye catching in my opinion.
Hogan could be coming in to get a payday and feed his ego once again, but as long as he is not given Carte Blanche to do what he likes then TNA should be able to curb his actions and ensure that he does not damage their image or stop the momentum that their younger superstars were supposed to be gaining at this time It is understandable that people will be skeptical as to whether Hogan has the best interests of the younger talent in his mind, especially with his past history, but if someone tunes in to TNA to see Hulk Hogan and sees AJ Styles then TNA as a whole is bound to benefit as a whole. While Hogan may not care about TNA as much as his personal legacy this could end up irrelevant as his mere presence could be the boost that TNA at this time seems it could sorely use.
The fact is while Hogan can say these things and what hes going to do its completley different from actually doing them. None of us actually know what Hogan is going to do until it happens. If Hogan was legit about putting over the young guys it would be good thing for him to do as it falls in with what TNA are always saying they want to do and build new stars but only time will tell.

I know this information should be used for a different thread but i have seen an advert for TNA Impact over here in the UK and it says TNA will now be airing at 9:00pm on Virgin on Friday nights where WWE Smackdown airs at 10:00pm on Sky Sports on Friday Nights so i'm guessing TNA are trying to see how their Flagship show goes up against the first hour of Smackdown.
What did Hogan do that was so wrong though?
"Wrong" and "bad for his company" are not synonyms. Part of the problem I expect is that Hogan will follow his natural human tendency to assume that all success is due to him and that therefore he should remain the focus of the promotion at the expense of the younger stars.

Now, the right financial move for Hogan is to be a genius and develop TNA so as to keep the golden goose laying eggs for as long as possible. But how many people can be that genius? How many wrestlers are able to step away from the spotlight voluntarily when they could still make themselves the center of the promotion? Very, very few.

You don't sign a Hulk Hogan to think 5 years down the road.
Vince McMahon does, actually. He signs Hogan when he knows who he wants Hogan to job to eventually and how much that is worth to Vince. Then, hopefully, five years later, that guy has moved from special attraction matches to Wrestlemania main events.

"Six weeks? Six months? What then?" Who cares what then?
Anyone who wants the company to still be standing should care what then. Remember the XFL? It didn't die because it got bad ratings or because the games sucked or because the stadiums were empty. The ratings were great for UPN and TNN. It died because NBC and Vince McMahon overpromised, and those promises were not fulfilled.

What kind of expectations do you think that Bob Carter has out of this project?
What kind of expectations do you think that Spike TV has out of Hulk Hogan's Impact?

I can pretty much guarantee you that they're expecting better than 1.5 ratings and 50,000 pay per view buys. They're expecting TNA to challenge WWE and to make WWE style money.

What happens when those expectations fall short--way short? They cut their losses. Spike TV could decide that they could make money by re-running two more CSI episodes instead of losing money on TNA. PAnda Energy could decide that if it can't work with Hogan, it can't work, and pull the plug.

The AWA wasn't smart enough to handle him, so he put them out of business. Vince McMahon was smart enough to handle him, and he made the WWF the undisputed number 1.

And which promotion does TNA 2002-2009 resemble more, AWA or the Rock'N'Wrestling WWF?
let me be the first to say i was shocked shit-less when i heared hulk was going to tna......... considering he has dismiss them in the past in any event it was a coo to pull hogan in along with eric bishoff, as for all of the negative bullshit that's coming from tna lovers as well as others GET THE FUCK OVER IT ALREADY!! do you really believe dixie would have taken a chance on hogan if it meant that her company would suffer?
I don't doubt for one second that Hogan may actually believe in his own mind and heart that his intentions are legitimate. However looking at past history, it seems apparent to me that Hogan is looking out for Hogan first and foremost, and I'm not sure there's really anything wrong with this, I'm sure most of us, if in his situation, would do the very same thing.

Of course it's all about the money. Between his messy divorce and the fortune that must be costing him, the accident involving his son and the fortune this too must be costing him, the upcoming book he's promoting, and the lack of any other plausible sources of income on the horizon, I'm sure he's looking for an influx of cash and fast. Make no bones about it, he's looking for a quick and easy buck, and how else is he going to get it? WWE were not knocking on his door, with the exception of guest hosting one episode of Raw. Gladiators is over, that celebrity wrestling fiasco is over, what else does he have to help him weather the financial storm?

It remains to be seen whether this bodes well or poorly for TNA. On one hand, he may be looking to get a quick buck at whatever cost, then get the hell out and what's left of TNA be damned, that's one possibility. That would, or course, be devastating for TNA. Or he could be looking long term, and see TNA being built as a serious alternative to WWE as a long term financial windfall for himself, so he may stick around and really do the right thing to promote TNA to the best of his ability, and reap the rewards in the process. I guess we won't know which until the situation develops and plays out.

Unfortunately, I fear it's scenario #1, and we'll see Hogan doing what's best for Hogan in the short term, followed by a hasty exit shortly thereafter. Pushing his buddies and himself to the moon. Squashing younger developing talent in the process. Forcing us to endure Hogan vs Sting, Hogan vs Flair, etc., all over again. Burying guys like Angle, Styles, and Joe. Sure, no one can pretend to read his mind and know what he'll do, but it's been a long and ongoing tradition for Hogan to let his ego take over, and the end result will likely be seriously negative for TNA.

Having said all of this, it's a no-lose situation for TNA when it comes right down to it. They've been floundering along for years and making no tangible progress with regards to ratings and numbers. Christian, Angle, Tazz, Lashley, Foley, Booker, etc., have all come along as the saviours to TNA, the ones who will finally get TNA over the top. And none of them have done squat in terms of numbers. Sure the product has been getting better I guess, but they're still struggling to break 1.0 in the ratings. So let's give Hogan and Bischoff a shot. At least we'll see a short-term spike in ratings which their presence will definitely generate. And if things don't work out, or if they leave, TNA will revert back to being a distant second place blip on the radar of WWE, struggling to stay afloat and struggling to crack the 1.0 barrier. Nothing ventured nothing gained, but I personally am not too encouraged about the long-term viability of TNA as a threat to WWE.
Alright let me set a few facts straight that people don't understand:
1. Hogan helped put wrestling in the mainstream on the map as an iconic sport. This is one of the few ventures where you have one guy or one team to focus on. Think of it when you buy a jersey of your favorite sports team you either customize one cause you like the team or you buy one based on your top guy? Its like Jordan with the bulls I didn't know who scotty pippen was but everyone knew Michael Jordan. People may not know who Somoa Joe or AJ Styles are but everyone knows Hulk Hogan. People will watch TNA for Hogan like people did for MJ for the Bulls.

2. Sure I will admit Hogan has a track record of not losing a lot or atleast he still had to look good when he lost, but think about it this way your entire career you have been plugged as larger than life, you beat all the biggest names in history, but do you have Hogan lose to someone no one knows real well or someone who doesn't have staying power? No remember when Billy Kidman beat Hogan? HUGE, but Kidman wasn't strong talent, atleast not main event talent.

Hogan may have had creative control, but again if you are an icon of the business aren't you going to be afraid of looking weak? Look at all the other guys who have pulled weight on everything in the business: Triple H is the WWE, HBK in his first title run, Bret Hart before the screwjob (wrestling with shadows), Sullivan when he booked, Nash when he booked, Foley, Booker, Angle now in TNA. Hogan just always did it better and it may have rubbed certain guys like Jarrett wrong with the infamous lay down, but that is how this business is.

I worked on the independent scene I see no names who are only big in my state and in Northern Indiana who have booking power, and complain about how things are worked until they are champion, or the finish is changed and you have to eat it.

Now in terms of Hogan being in TNA it doesn't matter what Hogan is doing here the fact of the matter is that Hogan is the only guy on TNA's roster who has the star power right now to go on talk shows (I mean TV shows not stern and bubba) and can promote TNA the way it needs to be, but in time he will help show these guys are stars and then guys like AJ, Daniels, Joe can go out like Cena, Edge, Show, Triple H and be able to promote.

Hogan will eventually put atleast three guys over I garuntee one is Matt Morgan because of the interactions between the two before Gladiators disappeared. Hogan knows he will have to pass the torch otherwise TNA could can him and in term bury Hogan.

You do have to love the irony of picking this time to go to TNA, he has the book and the WWE is "suppose" to release a Hogan DVD next month, if WWE ends up doing it people will go Hogan he wrestles still and they will tune into TNA anyways just for a glimpse of one of the most recognizable names of all time.
1. Its like Jordan with the bulls I didn't know who scotty pippen was but everyone knew Michael Jordan. People may not know who Somoa Joe or AJ Styles are but everyone knows Hulk Hogan. People will watch TNA for Hogan like people did for MJ for the Bulls.

No, this is like Hogan with the Washington Wizards. Actually, no, that would have been his 2002 WWE run, a few flashes of old glory from a faded megastar. This is like Jordan's role as part-owner of the Charlotte Bobcats. How well is that drawing.
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