Are fans or "Phil" the problem?

Calling him "Phil" was the problem. That fan doesn't know him like that!

And knowing that Punk has a rep for being standoffish, it might've been a better move to ask AJ for a picture. She's a celebrity took and less likely to be a jerk about it.
Being famous doesn't make you a God. If you really feel you're above being spoken to in public, you're not worth meeting. If I saw him out and about, I wouldn't bother, so I get the whole you should expect it argument.

And as someone brought up a few days back, wasn't Talking Dead his last television appearance and he chose to go by Phil over CM Punk?
Being famous doesn't make you a God. If you really feel you're above being spoken to in public, you're not worth meeting. If I saw him out and about, I wouldn't bother, so I get the whole you should expect it argument.

And as someone brought up a few days back, wasn't Talking Dead his last television appearance and he chose to go by Phil over CM Punk?

Completely agree with you Nick, and Punk's bedside manner frankly sucks, but don't you think the fan was equally out of line on this one?

His request was refused (or rather, unacknowledged) but he took what he wanted anyway. That sort of behaviour has undertones ...
To be fair CM Punk has been addressed as "Phil" on more than 1 occasion in the media (Talking Dead for instance) so the fan calling him Phil shouldn't be an issue at this point. That being said Punk did nothing wrong, its not exactly how I would have handled the situation but he's not in the wrong.

I get the feeling he's the type of personality that isn't too friendly so whatever, let him brood and be miserable, its his prerogative.
I don't mind people not wanting attention or to be bothered, but when you become a millionaire due to people paying attention to you, saying hello shouldn't be a huge issue.
Well, its not obligational to take a photo with fans unless its maybe some promotional stuff when you have to be polite and do that stuff. So Punk had every right to ignore request especially when on private stuff with his wife. So in this case, its tha fans problem with rejection. Sure, Punk can be very rude, but its his right wheather he should be friendly or rude to someone who aproaches him. Its not his job to sign authograms or even to be polite.

Now, fan should off tryed it with Aj Lee. Not only he would have a pic with beautifull girl but I am sure she is much more friendly. :)
I don't mind people not wanting attention or to be bothered, but when you become a millionaire due to people paying attention to you, saying hello shouldn't be a huge issue.

It's like Lynyrd Skynyrd getting a gig at Madison Square Garden and refusing to play Freebird.
It was calling him "Phil".

Look, he's under no obligation to do fuck all for any fan. Fans, likewise, have no obligation to throw money his way.
I don't see the problem in calling him "Phil", it's his fucking name. You wouldn't go up to Sly Stallone and say "Hi Rocky, can I have a photo?" or go up to Arnie and call him "Terminator". Punk's name is Phil, so why whinge.

By all accounts Punk is a massive dick off screen. I can appreciate that "celebrities" must get fed up with constantly being pestered by fans and sometimes want to be left alone to live their own lives and do the things that regular folk do, sometimes it must get annoying.

However, CM Punk isn't exactly the biggest star in the world- it's not like he's Di Caprio, or Justin Bieber, Beyonce or The Rock etc who will get HUGE attention wherever they go. 95% of people won't know who the hell he is, so signing a few autographs or posing for a pic will only take a few mins out of his day, especially when support of the fans is a big reason why he became such a star in wrestling. It's the price you pay for becoming famous, just like every other famous person does.

But if he did decide to say no to the fan, then the guy should just have walked off. There's no point in pestering if Punk was clearly uninterested in signing/posing for a pic.
I don't see the problem in calling him "Phil", it's his fucking name. You wouldn't go up to Sly Stallone and say "Hi Rocky, can I have a photo?" or go up to Arnie and call him "Terminator". Punk's name is Phil, so why whinge.

Actually, a lot of actors use a different name because of screen actor guild rules or personal preference. Would you have gone up to John Wayne and called him Marion Morrison? That was his real name too.
Actually, a lot of actors use a different name because of screen actor guild rules or personal preference. Would you have gone up to John Wayne and called him Marion Morrison? That was his real name too.


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