Are 2nd WWE stints usually better than the first?

"Cool Guy" Jensen

Undertaker for Champ!
Over the years, we've seen people come and go. Some people who are released from WWE were later re-hired sometime down the road. Others, not so much.

Is your second stint in WWE proven to be better than the first? I'm not saying it's 100% true or 100% wrong, but let me elaborate...

Chris Jericho(1): Was hired in WWE in 1999. He instantly became very well-known for his fabulous promo with The Rock. Although he was a heel at the time, he was actually getting many cheers. He won the Intercontinental Championship a number of seven times, breaking Jeff Jarrett and Rob Van Dam's record of 6 apiece. He won the European Championship, Hardcore Championship, he won the Tag Team Championship three times, and become the first ever Undisputed Champion, by defeating The Rock and Stone Cold on the same night. He then left WWE in 2005, after saying he was ''mentally burnt out, and did everything he wanted to do in the business.''
Chris Jericho(2): He returned to WWE in November 2007, interrupting WWE Champion, Randy Orton, reminiscent of his inaugural debut in '99. He has since won the World Heavyweight Championship twice and the Intercontinental Championship twice, breaking his own record once again. He is now one of the most entertaining superstars in the WWE today. Who agrees?

Jeff Hardy(1): Debuted in WWE in 1998, but as a singles star in 2002. Besides his six tag team title reigns with his brother, Matt, Jeff won the European Championship, the Hardcore Championship three times, became the youngest Intercontinental Championship of all time, and also won the Light Heavyweight Championship. Not to mention challenging WWE Champion The Undertaker is a ''breath-taking'' ladder match. This is when he became known as the ''High-flying and Charismatic Enigma'' that he is today. He was fired in 2003, for his ''erratic behavior'', drug use, refusal to go to rehab, no-showing, etc.
Jeff Hardy(2): Rehired in 2006. Defeated WWE Champion Edge by DQ on his debut. He won the World Tag Team Championship once again with his brother, Matt. He won the Intercontinental Championship a total of three more times. Challenged for the WWE Championship at Royal Rumble 2008, winning it at Armageddon 2008, becoming a Triple Crown and Grand Slam Champion in the process. Since then he won the World Heavyweight Championship two times. During his 1st stint in WWE, he was a ZERO time World Champion, now a 3-time World Champion. However, if he leaves WWE again, and if there is a 3rd WWE stint, I'm not sure if he'll find remotely as much success.

Matt Hardy(1): Hired in 1998, with his brother, Jeff. As a singles star (also in 2002), he's won the European Championship, the Hardcore Championship, and the Cruiserweight Championship. Not too impressive, although I do think his Matt Hardy: V1 and ''Sensei of Mattitude'' gimmick was awesome. He was fired in 2005, for reasons that I'm not too sure, although I do know that he was fired along with his buddy, Rhyno.
Matt Hardy(2): Rehired just a few months later. Got involved in a great fued with Edge. Became the first person to pin Mr. Kennedy. Won the WWE Tag Team Championship with rival M.V.P., then won the United States Championship. Shortly after losing it, he would win the ECW Championship. Couple months after losing it, defeated Jeff Hardy at Wrestlemania 25. Matt was on top of the world, until he was drafted on Raw that is. I'm glad he's back on Smackdown where he belongs.

Christian(1): Hired in 1998. Winning the Light Heavyweight Championship in his debut match. Besides his seven World Tag Team Championship reigns with Edge, as a singles superstar, he's also won the European Championship, the Hardcore Championship, the Intercontinental Championship three times, and the Tag Team Championship two more times, with Lance Storm and Chris Jericho. He left WWE in 2005, after saying that things just weren't going his way.
Christian(2): Rehired in 2009. Made his WWECW debut on February 10, 2009. Since then winning the ECW Championship two times. He is now classified as a top star in the WWE, albeit, on the number three brand, but still. Christian has already done more on ECW in 6 months than some have done in years. If and when he moves to Raw or Smackdown, who knows how successful he will or will not be?

Those are some prime examples of superstars who found more success during their 2nd stint in WWE. The Big Show is being associated with Chris Jericho now, so that should really help bring up some credibility that he may have lost. Chris Masters is in his 2nd stint, maybe he'll win a title, something his didn't do in his first. Gail Kim won the Women's Championship on her debut in 2003, but did nothing significant since. Since returning in 2009, she hasn't done much, but could possibly become the first ever diva to win the Women's, Knockouts, and Diva's Championships. Cryme Tyme, if they win the Tag Team Championships, they would atleast win titles, something they didn't do the first time. R-Truth. Let's see where he goes.

So, are 2nd stints better than the first? Or was I just lucky to find Jericho, the Hardys, and Christian to have more success?
I think you have to divide them into two categories: those that left on their own and those that were released.

I can only think of four that left on their own and then returned: Hogan, Jericho, Big Show and Christian. All four had success in the WWE before they left, each capturing a major title (Christian's being the tag titles.) Upon returning they were all given another title run.

Those that have been future endeavored and return have not fared nearly as well. Sure both of the Hardys captured a major title, but what about Test, Palumbo, Boogeyman, D'Lo and Umaga? These guys didn't do much, if anything when they returned. Test achieved the most by feuding for the ECW title. There has not been a high success rate for "Second Chance Superstars".

It's still too soon to tell what's going to happen with Masters or Gail Kim, but it doesn't look good for R-Truth. Cryme Tyme have a tag title match at Summerslam but I don't see them walking away with the titles.

It looks like those that leave on their own have a better chance at a successful second run and that makes sense. They probably have a better relationship with management and were less likely to bad mouth the company. WWE let these guys go for a reason, and sure, everyone deserves a second chance, but it seems that history mostly repeats itself in the WWE.
I'd say there's something to the theory simply because I assume they wouldn't be brought back unless someone had an idea of what to do with them. At that point it's not a matter of bringing someone in with the chance to prove themselves, because they've already had that chance. It's more a matter of "we know what you can do, now here's the situation in which we're going to have you do it."

*edit* Fixed a typo.
2nd stints suck. person is usually better before they leave. Example: Sable. She was the female version of Stone Cold. She was a strong women and recieved the loudest pops. 2nd stint: She was made a heel which was dumb as you could see in bikini contests fans would have chose her over torrie. Vince basically rehired her and made her do things she refused to do the first time such as lesbian storylines. She went from a strong independant woman to vinces tramp.

How about sunny? her two recent returns were stupidly handeled, She did nothing at Raw 15th anniversary and at the WM 25 battle royal

Christain and Chris jerichos returns were stupidly handeled as well. Christain became a legit main eventer in TNA and was hot when they got him. he should have went straight to smackdown and challenged edge for the belt. No he went to ECW the C show got his butt kicked by swagger and is now trading the ECW title back and forth. people can give 2 shits about him now. The return promos for jericho were hot and could have done lots with him yet right after challenging orton for the belt they depromote him to a second rate feud with the Smackdown color commentator retired JBL. Whoopdy doo. The fever pitch of his return went down the tiolet

How about Goldusts 2nd stint? He must love the push hes getting with Hornswoggle
Christain became a legit main eventer in TNA and was hot when they got him. he should have went straight to smackdown and challenged edge for the belt. No he went to ECW the C show got his butt kicked by swagger and is now trading the ECW title back and forth. people can give 2 shits about him now.

Good post overall but I think you're selling Christian short here. He lends some credibility to an otherwise hit or miss show in ECW. I love the new superstar initiative but it's nice to see someone I recognize on the show now and then, and he's involved in a feud with Tommy Dreamer. Dreamer is a sentimental favorite and Christian is just damned entertaining, so it makes for a fun face vs face storyline.

I agree with you in that he'd make a big splash on Smackdown, but for right now, I like him where he is.
Well, jokeboy624, I see where you are coming from with the superstars having to be split into three categories. It does seem that superstars that left on their own are likely to find more success during their 2nd stint, but that's not 100% true. Look at Eddie Guerrero.

He was hired in WWE in 2000, had a pretty solid year, winning the European Championship twice and the Intercontinental Championship before he was RELEASED in 2001, due to connections with his drunk driving arrest. He was rehired in 2002, which is where he found most of his success. He shortly won the Intercontinental Championship for the second time, won the WWE Tag Team Championship a total of 4 times, became the first-ever WWE United States Champion, and won the WWE Championship becoming a Triple Crown and Grand Slam Champion in the process. If he were alive today, who knows how much more success he'd find.
Unless you absolutely destroy your relationship with Vince like Hogan did, he will do what's best for business. He will forget the past and look to the future and what's best for the company. For starters, bringing back Jeff Hardy was a great move for business because of his extreme popularity with the fans. Vince can't ignore that. Now Hardy's the World Champion. Bringing back Y2J was another good move for business because Vince needed another guy who was great at selling a story and cutting a promo and Y2J is one of the best, especially when he's a heel. I was a little puzzled, though, that he brought back Christian because Vince has never been high on him. However, I believe that Vince has him in the right place in ECW and he gave Christian the chance to be a champion and he is certainly taking advantage of the opportunity that many people, maybe even himself, wouldn't think he would get. In the end, 2nd chances in WWE can be good. If Vince didn't think so, he wouldn't take the time.
This is my first time replying to a forum so in my opioion if Masters gets a good push this time around maybe he'll get some gold around his waist and Matt Hardy maybe can be a future World Heavyweight Champ but who knows what will happen
See the problem is those who get released, more than likely won't have a good second stint with exception of the Hardy Boyz(and quite possibly Chris Masters but we don't know yet). Jericho and Christian both left the WWE on their own terms and came back a couple years later; Same goes for the Big Show even though he's not listed, but I would say that is first stint was way better than his second stint.
To me it's all about the circumstances with the WWE at the current time Jeff Hardy is a luck guy there was a vast need for a new babyface on Raw and Jeff seized his opportunity although he did get suspended his talent was shown. Let's not be shy about it VKM's ego plays a huge role Christian may be the top in ring worker right now but VKM is predictably leaving him on the "C" brand because he can't let a guy who got over in another wrestling company go over in his. Basically if the WWE lets you go your in good shape if not and you left on your own terms well being a mid carder is the best you can hope for.

I'd be very interested to see what VKM would do if Kurt Angle decided to return he'd really have no choice but to push him to the top of the card.
The return promos for jericho were hot and could have done lots with him yet right after challenging orton for the belt they depromote him to a second rate feud with the Smackdown color commentator retired JBL. Whoopdy doo. The fever pitch of his return went down the tiolet

How about Goldusts 2nd stint? He must love the push hes getting with Hornswoggle

Dude Jericho and won 6 titles in the less than 2 years he has been back, everybody has the pointless feuds.

btw goldust is on like his 5th stint and is on ECW now and has nothing to do withc Horny douchebag
To me it's all about the circumstances with the WWE at the current time Jeff Hardy is a luck guy there was a vast need for a new babyface on Raw and Jeff seized his opportunity although he did get suspended his talent was shown. Let's not be shy about it VKM's ego plays a huge role Christian may be the top in ring worker right now but VKM is predictably leaving him on the "C" brand because he can't let a guy who got over in another wrestling company go over in his. Basically if the WWE lets you go your in good shape if not and you left on your own terms well being a mid carder is the best you can hope for.

I'd be very interested to see what VKM would do if Kurt Angle decided to return he'd really have no choice but to push him to the top of the card.

That's hardly the case. Christian is the FACE of ECW and its current champion, I'd say he is hardly languishing there. More workers that leave on their terms come back and have a better run than those that are released. Hogan, Jericho, Big Show and Christian have all returned to great success. D'Lo, Goldust, R-Truth and Boogeyman were all released and brought back to do nothing. Verdict is still out on Masters, Kim and MAYBE R-Truth, but the Hardys and Eddie are the only ones to be released, come back and do anything with their second stint.
Chris Jericho and Jeff Hardy are the only two on that original list that have really made a difference since returning this second time.

Jericho has always been amazing, but under utilized in the WWE. Thankfully this time he's had more control over his character and stories he's been involved with. His work is second to none, he is the best thing the WWE has going right now.

Jeff has always been the better Hardy, and neither of them are out right amazing in the ring or on the Mic, but Jeff has that "It" factor that gets the crowd to love him. He's got a good build up and push to become a world champion.

Matt is still boring. I just cannot find him entertaining, he was growing on me, but then he got injured again........

Christian is still a middle card jobber, and will always be a middle card jobber. I don't think (at least I hope he never) gets a main event title due to him being boring in the ring and on the mic. They loved him in TNA, because its TNA and they love any WWE cast off. He was the TNA Champion, which lost all credibility after NWA split, so it's not like he's held a title worth holding. Sorry but Christian will never be a big star in my eyes.
You may not like Christian, and that's fine, but to say he's done nothing is simply biased. He's won two ECW championships which are the ME prize on ECW so they do mean something. You also can't win a championship by losing, so a jobber? I disagree. Now your mid card argument? Well I guess that depends on your opinion of ECW, and as I've seen former ECW champs jump to the "big" shows only to remain in the mid card, I may have to agree with you on this point. I'd say that Christian has done something since his return and once the new crop of talent has been built up, will move to Smackdown! to try his hand at the WWE ME.
The ECW title is a glorified mid card title Christian is feuding with Tommy Dreamer who was once pretty good but now is a washed up shell of his former self. Y2J and Jeff Hardy have won the two major titles in the WWE Christian has not if there was a WWE ladder so to speak Christian left at 5 and is now at 6 he's made little to no improvements in VKM's eyes since he left.

Plus I don't hate Christian quite the contrary I'm a huge fan of his which is why I'm so dumbfounded that the "E" won't push him to the top of the card on Smackdown or Raw.

Point is when Jericho and Hardy left they were pure mid carders when they came back they were world champions Christian will have his time if VKM's ego ever lets it happen but I have my doubts.
Well, now I think it would be fairly safe to say that Eugene's 2nd WWE stint was a complete bust. Unless of course, Nick Dinsmore returns with a brand new character. but most likely, he'll just be a trainer, which is really a shame since I know that he is a very great wrestler.
It all depends really on what you classify as "success" in the WWE.

Chris Jericho the first time round gained the record for the most IC title reigns ever, became the first undisputed champion ever & was considered one of the best in the business. His second WWE stint involved him winning a couple of WHC titles, a couple IC titles & one tag title run. Concerning titles, Jericho's first stint > 2nd stint. However, it is all a matter or circumstance & situation. Whilst Jericho was performing, how many main eventers were there? In his second run of today, the amount of main eventers have severely decreased. Jericho has been for the most part I believe to be single-handedly keeping the WWE afloat. He has brang prestige back to the IC title & is restoring thr tag division. He has been giving credibility back to the talent that deserves the rub. Why? The only reason isn't because Y2J is that damn good... its because he is one of few left on the roster that is in the main event, over with the crowd, believable in his role & full-time active that can help out the WWE in every way. So I would Jericho's first run as a wrestler was better than the 2nd but on the business side, the 2nd stint has done a lot more for the company than it has done for him.

The same reasons are given to the likes of Christian. He has doing a lot for the company by keeping the ECW brand alive, helping out talent along the way that sorely experience. Sure, he won the ECW title twice... but compare that to his first stint... the greatest tag matches in the WWE of all time, IC reigns, tag reigns, shots at the WWE title.

As for the Jeff Hardy, I will say that his second stint is better. Sure, Hardy had numerous title reigns, single & tag, & competed in the greatest tag matches of all time as apart of one of the greatest tag teams of all time... but now he is considered to be one of the faces of three who draws the kid-friendly audience big time. He puts more asses in seats than he used to, he has had world title runs [despite their short length] & is now a legit main eventer. He is carrying the brand by himself as the sole full-time uninjured main eventer.

For Matt, Im going to say for one great wrestler that he is, the poor guy cannot get over. His pushes are always cut short & never sees the main event light. His first stint is more memorable than the first as he was apart of the greatest tag matches & one of the greatest tag teams when he started. What has he done recently? US title & an ECW title. He doesn't draw all that well either his second time round. The only time Matt does well, its with Jeff. And that is sad.

So really, it all depends. But from the examples given by cool_guy_12... 75% of superstars do better with their first stint than their second wrestling wise. For the business success, its a completely different story.
[115]FalKon;1302890 said:
It all depends really on what you classify as "success" in the WWE.

The amount of money one draws, title reigns, the amount of time each reign last, etc. Not too hard, is it?

Chris Jericho the first time round gained the record for the most IC title reigns ever

Yet he broke this record, twice in his second stint. Granted it was his own record he broke, he still broke it. They wouldn't leave a man that lifted 3000 pounds out of Gen World Record book, even if last year he set the record at 2995.

became the first undisputed champion ever

It was a terrible reign, which nothing really came out of. I hardly call that suceeding, if you do, then I'm really sorry for your expectations. The women you date must look aweful.

& was considered one of the best in the business.

Show me a quote by someone who legitimately said that, during his first reign. It wasn't all that great.

His second WWE stint involved him winning a couple of WHC titles, a couple IC titles & one tag title run.

A very long IC title reign, 2 mediocrly (Sp?) long WHC title reigns, and one tag title stint still going to this day. As well as being awarded with Superstar of the Year. Obviously, that means something.

Concerning titles, Jericho's first stint > 2nd stint.

Incorrect, the World Heavyweight championship is what matters the most. He only had one very short title reign during his first run with the company. During his second run hes had 2, that together he reigned around 4-7 months.

Whilst Jericho was performing, how many main eventers were there? In his second run of today, the amount of main eventers have severely decreased.

Whats your point? They still don't just hand out the title of Main Event. Each and every star that is in the Main Event, has earned it. They're over with the croud be that as a face, or heel. They still work hard, just because they aren't Hulk Hogan, or Steve Austin, doesn't mean they aren't good. It just means they arn't the greatest.

Jericho has been for the most part I believe to be single-handedly keeping the WWE afloat.

:wtf: No hes not. John Cena, Randy Orton, Edge, Jeff Hardy, Triple H, Undertaker, and HBK are nothing now?

He has brang prestige back to the IC title & is restoring thr tag division.

Not necassarily, it takes two to tango, and four to tango in the tag scene. The WWE actually making Tag Titles, and having 1 team on two seperate shows is what brought life back to the Tag Title reigns. When it comes to the IC title, Rey Mysterio and Chris Jericho helped eachother a great deal in order to "revive" that title. Or it could have been the title was misused on RAW. Just look at how little importance the US championship has now, compared to what it had on SmackDown.

He has been giving credibility back to the talent that deserves the rub.

Who has he rubbed?

Why? The only reason isn't because Y2J is that damn good...

He is fairly good, but hes not as good as you make him out to be.

its because he is one of few left on the roster that is in the main event, over with the crowd, believable in his role & full-time active that can help out the WWE in every way.

Hes not "over" with the croud as a face. Outside of in Canada. Chris is just a great heel, getting lots of time on camera because of his Tag Title run right now.

So I would Jericho's first run as a wrestler was better than the 2nd but on the business side, the 2nd stint has done a lot more for the company than it has done for him.

Sigh, a wrestler doesn't wrestle to put himself over. Hogan is so great because of how much he did for the business, not how much he did for Hulk Hogan. Chris has helped himself, and the business more in his second run, than his first. By all means.

The same reasons are given to the likes of Christian. He has doing a lot for the company by keeping the ECW brand alive, helping out talent along the way that sorely experience. Sure, he won the ECW title twice... but compare that to his first stint...

Playing second fiddle to Edge, while putting on great matches with the Hardy's? How is that any better than what hes doing now? Chris is a champion, and is the sole reason an entire brand is alive.

the greatest tag matches in the WWE of all time, IC reigns, tag reigns, shots at the WWE title.

Hes done more for the business now, and is slowly becoming a huge face for the business, and ECW. Anyone that says otherwise, I question their mentality. I said this in another thread, the reason Christian is on ECW is to groom him into becoming a HUGE star. Possibly a mega star.

For Matt, Im going to say for one great wrestler that he is, the poor guy cannot get over.

We watching the same Matt Hardy? The guy that got one of the biggest pops of the night, and had everyone talking on SmackDown this past Friday when he saved his brother?

His pushes are always cut short & never sees the main event light.

Well, on RAW his push was cut short because of his hand injury. On SmackDown it was cut short because of his move to RAW.

What has he done recently? US title & an ECW title. He doesn't draw all that well either his second time round.

Hmm, defeated Jeff in one of the best fueds hes ever been in? Slowly became a legitimate main eventor, just waiting to finnally get the time he deserves cut short by an injury? Seems fairly good to me.

The only time Matt does well, its with Jeff. And that is sad.

I disagree. The only time Jeff does well, is with Matt. Thats whats sad, the fact that the WWE pushes Jeff over Matt. I've said this once and I'm sure I'll say it manyatime. I don't understand the appeal of Jeff Hardy, and never will.
The amount of money one draws, title reigns, the amount of time each reign last, etc. Not too hard, is it?

Some people classify success differently. Its alsow how I start my posts with a generalised theme so I know what to post.

Yet he broke this record, twice in his second stint. Granted it was his own record he broke, he still broke it. They wouldn't leave a man that lifted 3000 pounds out of Gen World Record book, even if last year he set the record at 2995.

Of course that is true, but breaking your own record is kind of a dull achievement. Unless somebody comes along & breaks your record, then you break it again... then there really is nothing special, just an added bonus in my opinion.

It was a terrible reign, which nothing really came out of. I hardly call that suceeding, if you do, then I'm really sorry for your expectations. The women you date must look aweful.

With this logic, the first ever Ladder match sucked then? Not the HBK one, but with JYD [if memory serves me correct]. It was a stepping stone for Jericho, seeing if the WWE could trust him with the top tier title. Many people have been through the same process & succeeded. Randy Orton, CM Punk & Jeff Hardy. Granted they haven't had the best of runs but they still have a lot of gas in the tank.

BTW, why do you have to take a shot at me? What did I do to anger you?

Show me a quote by someone who legitimately said that, during his first reign. It wasn't all that great.

Its called commentary. You might want to turn up the audio on your TV set to hear it. Apparently its pretty good in the day from what I have heard.

A very long IC title reign, 2 mediocrly (Sp?) long WHC title reigns, and one tag title stint still going to this day. As well as being awarded with Superstar of the Year. Obviously, that means something

Of course, but wouldnt YOU put the strap on Jericho with the way the main event scene is now? Back in his first stint, there were so much more worthy contenders for being awarded these titles & achievements that Jericho getting as many as he did has more of a legitimate feeling to it. Today, who is there that is reliable to put the strap on? There are quite a few but not as many as the first stint.

Incorrect, the World Heavyweight championship is what matters the most. He only had one very short title reign during his first run with the company. During his second run hes had 2, that together he reigned around 4-7 months.

Point taken. The majority of the time of holding the title was in his second stint. But the WHC is not the greatest thing in a company. Undertaker & HBK havent held the title for all that long & are considered to be instant legends. Why? Work ethic & ring ability. Go watch the WM25 match to see for youself. DOnt get me started on Tommy Dreamer.

Whats your point? They still don't just hand out the title of Main Event. Each and every star that is in the Main Event, has earned it. They're over with the croud be that as a face, or heel. They still work hard, just because they aren't Hulk Hogan, or Steve Austin, doesn't mean they aren't good. It just means they arn't the greatest.

Im not naiive to think they would hand off the title to anyone. But the WWE give the strap to the person for a reason. Others have deserved the strap in the main event scene more than Jericho for some reasons. Why put one of the best workers in the business the main strap when you can give him a lesser worthy strap to bring its prestige back?

:wtf: No hes not. John Cena, Randy Orton, Edge, Jeff Hardy, Triple H, Undertaker, and HBK are nothing now?

Not at all, but without Jericho the state of SmackDown & the tag division would be in complete jeoparody due to the fact he contributes so much to brand in terms of getting the younger guys over. Like JTG pinning Jericho in a one on one match.

Not necassarily, it takes two to tango, and four to tango in the tag scene. The WWE actually making Tag Titles, and having 1 team on two seperate shows is what brought life back to the Tag Title reigns. When it comes to the IC title, Rey Mysterio and Chris Jericho helped eachother a great deal in order to "revive" that title. Or it could have been the title was misused on RAW. Just look at how little importance the US championship has now, compared to what it had on SmackDown.

Yes that is true, but Jericho in every endeavour he has done since has done the exact same thing by helping out those who is tangoing with.

Who has he rubbed?

Everybody he has had a match with? Idk, JTG on SmackDown, Lance Cade as his protege... I can go on.

He is fairly good, but hes not as good as you make him out to be.

He is not God's gift to wrestling by any means. But he is a great professional wrestler who has the gift of having & properly utilising the complete package that he has developed over the years.

Hes not "over" with the croud as a face. Outside of in Canada. Chris is just a great heel, getting lots of time on camera because of his Tag Title run right now.

This is complete bullshit Milky. I thought you were better. He is getting camera time because he is a main eventer. He is one of the best in the business in working & is actively participating full-time in matches every week in order to help build up the superstars of the future. He has one of the biggest followings in the business & is over with the crowd at any point as he knows how to work an audience.

Sigh, a wrestler doesn't wrestle to put himself over. Hogan is so great because of how much he did for the business, not how much he did for Hulk Hogan. Chris has helped himself, and the business more in his second run, than his first. By all means.

That is what I said about Jericho. He helped the business more so than him, for the right reasons.

Playing second fiddle to Edge, while putting on great matches with the Hardy's? How is that any better than what hes doing now? Chris is a champion, and is the sole reason an entire brand is alive.

Didn't I just say that in my post?

Hes done more for the business now, and is slowly becoming a huge face for the business, and ECW. Anyone that says otherwise, I question their mentality. I said this in another thread, the reason Christian is on ECW is to groom him into becoming a HUGE star. Possibly a mega star.

Well, as of now I am saying that his first stint is better than his current one. Only time will tell to see if his second will become better. However, he has done a lot for the business during his second run by grooming the ECW wrestlers. I remember reading that Christian helped Zack Ryder during their match where Zack was pulling an atrocious performance. Due to Christian, the match was saved.

We watching the same Matt Hardy? The guy that got one of the biggest pops of the night, and had everyone talking on SmackDown this past Friday when he saved his brother?

Like I said, everything that Matt has done that has gotten over with the crowd is with his brother.

Well, on RAW his push was cut short because of his hand injury. On SmackDown it was cut short because of his move to RAW.

Point taken, thats what I mentioned before.

Hmm, defeated Jeff in one of the best fueds hes ever been in? Slowly became a legitimate main eventor, just waiting to finnally get the time he deserves cut short by an injury? Seems fairly good to me.

Yes, the foundations for his future status are on the drawing boards & the blue print designs... but as of yet, there is really nothing that much to go off. Jeff's feud & the tag team matches... I believe that I would go with the fact that the tag matches were much better than the brother feud.

I disagree. The only time Jeff does well, is with Matt. Thats whats sad, the fact that the WWE pushes Jeff over Matt. I've said this once and I'm sure I'll say it manyatime. I don't understand the appeal of Jeff Hardy, and never will.

Did you miss the part where Jeff was on the road to winning the top tier titles... when Matt was nowhere near Jeff? I do believe Jeff did very well in succeeding here. Or how about Jeff's return to RAW? He won a couple of IC titles & had some great feuds with Morrison, Benjamin & the like. Where was Matt Hardy?

The appeal of Jeff Hardy is a mysterious one at the very least. I do enjoy Jeff wrestling as it brings a unique style of wrestling that I have dubbed as cannonball wrestling. Basically, it involves throwing your body around & letting the laws of phsyics do the rest. Hmmm... I should trademark the cannonball wrestling?

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