Apocalypse: The Beard versus Vee A.D.Z

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Vee ADZ has shocked the world the past two weeks. He has defeated two World Champions back to back and now he faces the returning Beard. The Beard returned as a fan favourite and has been put up against stiff competition with Vee who has been on a roll. Many question if The Beard will have some rust on him after being away from the fed for nearly an entire year. Vee looks to add another World Champion to his list of defeated superstars and prove to the world that when opportunity knocks, Vee always answers the call.

Miracles don’t just happen by itself; for a miracle to happen, one ought to believe in it. But what happened when Vee rolled-up the former World Champion and the #1 Contender Garth Black in the middle of the ring, certainly was not a Miracle.


The fragrance of the beautiful flowers near the window filled the entire room by the soft breeze. That sweet smell slowly reached the king sized bed in the room where Vee was laying down with a soft white quilt covered up to his torso. That fragrance brings a pleasant smile to his face; he rolled around to reach Sara who was sleeping calmly next to him. He softly planted a kiss on her forehead, for which she groaned and opened her beautiful eyes. Her smile widened when she noticed Vee starring deep into her eyes.

Sara: Goooood Morning

She said with a bit of tardiness in her voice. She groaned again and frantically pulled Vee towards her by his neck.

Sara: You’re up early. Stay with me a little more. I want to cuddle down with you and sleep a little more.

She giggled and playfully pecked his lips.

Vee: I’d love to but I’ve to go for training.

Sara: Hmmmm Yeah

She stretched her arms and hugs around him again. Vee moved his face close to her whilst looking deep in her eyes but their beautiful little moment was distracted by the calling bell. Vee sighs and gets out of bed.

Vee: I’ll look who it is. You better cover yourself with something more than a robe.

He planted a kiss on her forehead and walked to the door. He opened the door to see a man around 40 years old, wearing a black suit standing in his doorway. It was the sort of face Vee never had seen before. With a quizzical look on his face, Vee inquired the gentleman.

Vee: How may I help you?

???: I’m Detective Abigail.

The man pulled out his detective badge and proceeded to walk inside the room.

Detective: Do you mind if I ask you a few question?

Vee: About what?

Detective: Can we sit and talk?

Vee blinked his eyes with a blunt expression on his face. He smiled a little animatedly and gestured the Detective to the nearby sofa.

Vee: What was I thinking… Please sit down.

Both men comfortably sat down on the sofa. The detective adjusted his shoulder and unbuttoned his suit before he looked up at Vee. An agnostic expression adorned the face of the detective when he proceeded to talk.

Detective: See Mr. Adzenhan, a couple of professional wrestlers disappeared in the last couple of weeks. They seem to be unrelated each other except for the fact that you might’ve been the last person to see them. In the turn of events, they returned back to their workplaces… but rather in a quite distress state. They’ve been acting like they’ve lost their mind. Do you know anything about this?

Vee was a little baffled hearing that.

Vee: This doesn’t make sense at all. How could I be the last person to see them if they’ve returned from their absence? And who’re those two men?

Detective: One of them is Jacob Johnston, who wrestles by the name JJ. The case is quite intriguing and we can’t find any clue. The only thing that we can relate is, you. So I thought, I could get something from you.

Vee: Jacob? Yeah I heard that name, I reckon I might even know that person but I have never met him before. Sorry, Detective but I don’t have any useful information for you. But may I know what leads you to me on this case?

The detective pulled out a folded paper from his pocket and handed it to Vee.


Detective: Do you recognize this?

Vee: Of course, I do. I’m not a poster boy but I look good in that, don’t I? Anyhow, how does this event that happened in England can be related to this weird case in Philadelphia.

Detective: We, policemen, don’t believe in coincidences. Right after your match with El Saito, he disappeared for nearly a month. No one could find his whereabouts and most imagined it was because of the humiliation he had at your hands after that defeat. But he returned back last week… in a distressed mental state. And last week at Philadelphia, Jacob disappeared and returned back last night. When we ran through the case of Jacob Johnston, we couldn’t just simply ignore the similarity that it had with El Saito case.

Vee: I don’t understand any of this, Detective. I wish I could help you.

The Detective let out a sigh; arched his head back in exhaust and looked at Vee again.

Detective: Sorry to bother you, though. But if you know anything please let me know. This case is such a mess and whoever did this had completely erased their trail. I’m sorry again. I’m just searching for leverage in every possible way.

Vee: It’s alright. If you need anything, you can always call me.

Detective: Likewise. Thanks for your time.

The Detective, rather disappointed, stood off the sofa and left the room. Vee turned around to see Sara standing there with a sceptical look. She looked more confused than Vee was. They both couldn’t understand how the disappearance and reappearance of two professional wrestlers can be related to Vee.

Sara: I remember now. When we were about to leave that old gym in Philadelphia, didn’t you go to the locker room to search a guy named Jacob. Is that the Jacob this detective had been talking about?

Vee: Could be. But this is so much confusing.

She walked over to him and crawled up his lap and gently caresses his forehead.

Sara: Don’t confuse yourself. It might be really two unrelated things. The detective looked desperate. He doesn’t know where to start so I guess he’s just throwing stones in every direction to see if he can hit the target. But you my darling, you’ve bigger things to focus on.

She ran her palm down his cheek to his chin and grabbed the subtle goatee on his chin.

Sara: Beard! That’s what you need to focus on right now.

He lets out a small laugh out of his lips and nodded his head at her.

Sara: We both need to get ready. I’ll go and meet Ida and bring her to Apocalypse and you go and train well!

Vee: Affirmative!


Three days later…

Vee took a match stick and looked at the flame that grows in it, he lit the stove with that. Then he blew off the fire and dropped the match stick down. Then he placed a fry pan over the stove and went to the refrigerator to pick some eggs. Whilst he was pouring the oil, he heard the doorbell calling. Humming some songs in his throat, he walked out of the kitchen to open his room door.

???: Surprise, motherfucker!

A bald guy lunged forward at him as soon as Vee opened the door and made him trip over a small desk. Vee fell back on his back to look at the bald guy who was fuming in rage.

Vee: Who the fuck are you!?

Vee jumped to his feet and takes down the bald guy with a tackle. They both tries to overpower each other, resulting Vee to slam him against the wall.

Vee: Who are you! What do you even want??

???: You ruined my life and now look at me! I’m going to sue your ass! Then I thought, I should ruin your life in return!

Vee: You entered my place and attacked me! How the fuck are you going to sue me, you bloody bastard!

???: You beat me all over the world! You beat me in England! You ripped off my mask! You tortured me for 20 days in a dark room!

Vee was a little rattled to hear that. He was perplexed; he looked in the eyes of the bald guy whose eyes had turned red in anger.

Vee: Wait! You must’ve mistaken me for someone else. Who are you?

???: EL SAITO! Remember my name? Without my mask, I feel naked now!

Vee relaxed his hands off Saito. He had battled this guy all over England, even had his last match at the United Kingdom against this person but never had seen him off the mask. But he started to comprehend the situation, he realised that the disappearances of Wrestlers are not related to Vee but to Vlad, his doppelganger.

But before he could realise, Saito pulled out gun and pushed Vee down. Vee fell on his bum and looked up to see the barrel of the gun targeted his forehead. For a moment, fear creeped up his spine and it surged all through his brain. He started to sweat profusely.

Saito: You’re dead, motherfucker.

???: Don’t light the fires that you can’t put out.

Vlad walked out of the kitchen holding a burnt fry pan in his hand. He tossed the pan down at Vee who looked back and freaked out a little.

Vee: FUCK!

Saito: It’s you… I must’ve known… I should’ve seen the difference. I thought… I’m sorry man…

Saito was terribly frightened to see Vlad. His voice started to stutter and his lips were shaking and so was his limbs.

Vlad: What did I tell you?!

Saito: I’m sorry….!

Vlad: That’s not the answer. When I ask a question, you must answer!

Saito: I know… I’m sorry! I’m sorry… You told me not to search for you anymore. You told me to disappear.

Vlad: OH! RIGHT! I told you to disappear. Look at you. Here you are! Pointing a gun at me?!

But Saito was pointing the gun at Vee. Vlad glared right into the eyes of El Saito. He dropped his gun and goes on his knees as if he was begging. Vee was more frightened now; he bluntly looked at both of them and slowly climbed up on his feet.

Saito: I swear I felt like the God had given me the power of resurrection. So I… I’m sorry.

Vlad: Do you believe in God or do you believe in what I can do?!

Vlad had his eyebrows frown in anger. He starred at Saito which seemingly terrified him. He was startled and he literally ran out of the door, slamming it down.

Vlad turned to the direction of Vee. He gusted out his breath and walked towards him. He spread his arms as he walked towards him.

Vlad: I owe you an apology.

Vee was still a little frightened to look at Vlad.

Vee: You owe me answers.

Vlad: I do. But I want to hear the questions. Let it be interesting.

Vee: I should ask you about how you appeared here in thin air or about the timeline swaps or about the crimes you had done or you’re going to do. But…

Vee walked to the sofa and sat down, Vlad followed. Vee, with an incredulous look, starred at Vlad.

Vee: I want to ask you how intimidating you could be?

Vlad: Care to elaborate your question?

Vee: Saito was holding a gun and he was confronting me in such a horrific way but when you appeared, he was terrified. Despite our physical similarity, at one minute he was trying to kill me but the next moment he begged and ran away for his life. What did you do to him? What makes you more fearful? I had beaten him countless of time but what did you do?

Vlad let out a huge laugh that echoed the room. Even Vee got a little rattled by that.

Vlad: I’m not fearful, my boy. But the actions I do define me. That defines what I am. Before you could question more, I’ll tell you. Saito, Jacob and Denver had seen me jump out of the time-loop. I can’t afford anyone to see that. So I just intimidated them a little to keep my secrets intact.

Vee: I sort of figured out why you had done that. Secrets are supposed to be intact at any cost. But the question is, how can you really be that intimidating.

Vlad: It’s simple. You must touch a nerve in them. Of all people, you shouldn’t ask that. You’ve done that very recently.

Vee: Me? Ha! I hadn’t intimidated anyone in that way.

Vlad: No. I mean you had touched a nerve in someone.

He paused for a while before his perpetual grin creeped to the corner of his lips.

Vlad: When the Beard issued an open challenge you weren’t the first one to answer him. But do you know why he accepted your challenge amid all those competitors?

Vee: Because I beat two Heavyweight Champions on consecutive weeks?

Vlad chucked at the direction of Vee.

Vlad: You should be smarter than that. It was because of the way you answered his call.

Vee: How?

Vlad: You grabbed him by his arm and pulled him to you and you starred right in his eyes and demanded a match. You touched a nerve in that guy. You teased his pride with a sword. What do you know about the Beard? He is a former WZCW Heavyweight Champion of course! But he is someone who grabbed hold of an opportunity ages back, when he had one. He needed the help of Showtime Cougar, Amber Warren, Dr Zeus and Fallout to win his first and only WZCW championship.

Vee was a little fascinated by that. He moved to the edge of the sofa seat and keenly looked at Vlad.

Vlad: He had that opportunity on that night and with the aid of those other men, he grabbed hold of it. He did whatever it takes to get what he wants. When you grabbed him by his arm and answered his open challenge, he would’ve figured that you are a person that would do anything to get what you want.

Vee: No. I am not what you think I am.

Vlad: Oh I do… or you should be. You should be the man you think you are not. You must really know why Saito was so afraid of me. When I took him to an isolated place and kept him as my guest on those days, I made him very desperate. Only a desperate man reveals his true self. I have seen his true self and that’s why he is a little terrified to look in my eyes and had accepted his defeat unconditionally.

Vee: By that you’re saying, I must beat the Beard mercilessly to not just defeat him but to make him desperate? Is that how you think I should beat him at the Apocalypse?

Vlad: Boy, the name of the event defines what you should do, doesn’t it?

Vee: I beat people to earn their respect.

Vlad: That’s bullshit! Garth Black and Justin Cooper doesn’t have even a bit of respect for you. There are only two ways in the world to earn respect. One, through money and two, by making you the most fearful. You and I know we don’t enjoy the money so you only have one option to beat The Beard. You should be the man you think you are not. You must be Ruthless and you must be an Abysmal.

Vee: I don’t know

Vlad stood off the sofa and without saying anything more, he just walked pass Vee to the door. He held the knob but before opening it, he turned to Vee.

Vlad: You will know what to do when you face the Beard at the Apocalypse. Please don’t lose another Pay-Per-View match.

Vee just smirked at his doppelganger. He lifted his head up, a little impudently and looked at him.

Vee: I will not lose this time. One more thing, you better be not make people disappear again. I still have my morals and I had crossed a plenty of my rules for you.

Vlad: I owe you a lot.

He opened the door and walked out of it. He walked down the aisle to the elevator. He entered the elevator and pressed a button.

Vlad: I owe you a lot but you’re only going to pay. Oh, my father! I have seen a plenty of myself in him already. He talked about morals but doesn’t bother what I had done to Jacob and Saito. He's more fascinated about what I did than what I CAN DO. Curious little fool! It’s only a matter of time…

The elevator door closed.
A company limo pulls up, well out of place to a dive bar in the middle of nowhere. A shadow of a man is seen in the distant, propped up against the bar. As the limo door opens, the man begins to approach. Out of the limo steps Leon Kensworth.

You must be the infamous Mr. Banks. It’s a pleasure sir.

The mysterious man flings his toothpick to the ground as he outstretches his hand for a shake as Kensworth looks on confused.

I think you have me confused for someone else sir.

My apologies, Mr. Bateman I presume.


Alright then. Johnny Clamor, in the flesh and blood. How do you do?

Wrong again. I’m-

Miss Hardwood. I thought you’d be much prettier in person. Your phone voice is out of this world. I must say I’m a bit disappointed. But I’d still stick it-

Umm...no no no no no. Do I look like a Miss Hardwood? My name is Leon. Leon Kensworth. I am the one (unfortunately) representing WZCW on this secret mission.

Pardon me Mr. Kensworth. I’ve never heard you mentioned before. I assume you are just a minion of the company. Alright then. I’ll take the cash and you can be on your way.

Mr. Banks stated you’ll get the cash once the deal is complete. Just leave me with your routing information and we’ll be all set.

’Fraid not there Leon. That wasn’t the deal. I was promised commission for this here deal and I want a portion of my share up front. Can’t guarantee your Guinea pig will bite on your offer. He’s not the man you’re familiar with anymore.

I have no cash on me sir, so I’m afraid-

Give me your watch.

Excuse me?

You heard me. Fork it over and you can see your man.


Kensworth wriggles his wrist from his watch and hands it to the mysterious man. The man observes the watch and after a brief moment he sends Kensworth on his way.

Let us take a moment and break from the scene for a second. Banks sends Kensworth out to this bar in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, right? Looking to bring in some sort of deal. With who? With me obviously. He works some shady deal with this mysterious man, who I have no affiliation with whatsoever and that lands Kensworth where he is right now. Standing in front of a run down bar that I’m not sure I’d even go to. And that’s saying something considering I’m inside the bar as we speak. However I’m not a patron of said bar. But let us continue on our quest shall we? We shall.

Kensworth approaches the front of the bar. The dust brings a storm of sand and small rocks through the air as Kensworth brushes his shirt and pushes open the old timey swinging doors. Only to realize that it leads to a lobby with an actual door. Kensworth pulls the door open and is met with darkness. The bar is very dimly lit as a lady sits at the corner, growling at herself as she drinks down a brewski. In the distant two older gentlemen in denim vest and denim jeans play poker as they chase down a shot of whiskey with another shot of whiskey. Kensworth approaches the bar. The bartender has his back turned as Kensworth tries to get a look at him, but to no avail. The awkward silence is broken as the bartender breaks the peace.

Not many city folk like you travel to these parts of town. You got balls boy. What’s your drink?

I’m actually not here for a drink sir.

Well if that’s the case I reckon you get to steppin’. Not exactly a hangout place we got here. People are gonna start talkin’ and I’m not one that likes much talkin’.

I’m actually here to see you.

Well ain’t that funny. I’m not expecting company and I ain’t got no friends, so I don’t think you have much of a case.

I know it’s you, Beard.

He was right. I had escaped the public eye for a long time. I wasn’t exactly thrilled with who I became. Emily and I separated. She took the kids. I didn’t want to fight as they were better off with her anyways. It was civil. I see them when I can but I try not to be too much of an influence on them. She met a better man. A man I should’ve been. But that sad story is for a different time. I made a deal with the owner of the bar. I run the bar and make sure things go smoothly there and he allows me to live outback in the trailer. It’s not perfect but it is rent free. Plus it has a shower. No toilet though, but I have the bar keys. However I do prefer using the outhouse. Great place to get lost in your thoughts while taking a masterful dump. Little did I know and certainly little did Leon know that things at the bar were about to get messy.

That man, “The Beard”...he ain’t around no more. He left a long time ago.

Beard, please.

Name’s Jay. If you wanna talk, buy a lager. Then we’ll talk.

Kensworth pulls his credit card from his pocket as he sets it on the counter. Jay pours him a lager. He turns around and Kensworth nearly falls from his stool. Jay’s face doesn’t resemble that of The Beard. His face is mangled, dirty, and scarred. The bags under his eyes are deep like canyons engraved in his face. His eyes bloodshot, his soul seemingly broken. A crooked smile appears as he sets the lager down.

It’s good to see you Leon. You haven’t changed.

Neither have you Beard. I mean Jay.

Jay sips from his coffee mug as he runs his calloused hands through his ragged hair.

Now I know you be lyin’ boy. I ain’t that man. The Beard? He’s a myth. A figment of our imagination. If word got out that he’s not some fairy tale star, there’ll be trouble a brewin’.

What do you mean?

These folk ain’t about that life. Ain’t no celebrity an idol out here. Only an enemy. And if they find out, we’re goners. We’re dead. Just like him.

Beard, you can’t be serious.

You remember those men from earlier in denim on denim? Well, they heard Kensworth. They heard the tales of The Beard. Things were about to get as ugly as their outfits. Neither of us were safe, but I need to protect the boy.

Jay throws his hand over Kensworth mouth as he struggles for air. Beard glares deep into Kensworth horrified eyes as commotion rises towards the back of the bar.

You get yourself out of here. Get into that company car that brought you and drive. Drive as fast and as far away as possible. Never come back, you hear?

(Muffle sounds)

What are you trying to say boy?

Jay removes his hand as Kensworth gasps for air. Banting heavily he addresses the issue.

I can’t. They left and they won’t come back until I give them the signal.

Then give them the damn signal Leon!

I can’t Jay. You are the signal.

Jay quickly devises a plan as the two gentlemen approach the bar as Kensworth scurries off, horrified. The gentleman remove their denim vest, crack their necks and slam down their fists. Jay stares at them, showing no emotion as he removes his jacket.

And here’s where things get a little too graphic for our viewing audience. So I’ll give you the spark notes. Spoiler alert: Jay is The Beard. For I am Jay and I am The Beard. I just wanted to clear that up.

Needless to say, things got a bit extreme. The fight broke out between the Denim Duo and myself. I got my ass kicked pretty hard. Busted up my nose pretty good, but the Denim Duo probably won’t be starting any bar fights this side of the next decade. See I mangled their fingers, I gouged their eyes, I ripped things out of sockets, and I rearranged some parts. They weren’t very handsome when I was through with them. Though I’m pretty sure the lady with the beer from the beginning of the story still would’ve went home with them. Anyways, I promised to keep this bar clean, to keep this bar safe. I broke that promise. I needed to go. I had nowhere to live. I had no friends, I had no family. My only choice was to go back to the only place that’s ever made me feel at home. I needed to go back to WZCW. Funny thing is, my ride home was waiting right outside.

Leon….fire up that Beard Signal!

That was a fun little story, don’t you think? Maybe fun isn’t the word. It was touching. But we need to get to the real story. For I have a match with Vee A.D.Z at Apocalypse. So after I made my grand return last week on Ascension, I did a little radio interview to discuss said match. I’ll fast forward to the good part.

Welcome back to Satellite Radio Station 27! The 27th best Satellite Station...out of 28. Hey we’re not last! You’re listening to everyone’s favorite C-List radio show, Doug in the Middle of the Night. We are joined by the very rugged Beard. Such a man of the ladies, this guy is. Let’s talk about that big match at Apocalypse Beard. Madison Square Garden and you are making your return to WZCW and you’re facing an upstart of sorts in Vee A.D.Z. Lets dive into that mind of yours.

A few weeks back Vee was looked at as an afterthought, just a dude on the roster. I’ve been there before and it can mess you up real good. Unlike me however, he has risen to the occasion and has defeated two former world champions in consecutive weeks. That’s no small feat Doug.

And does that worry you my dude?

Not really. You see Vee is building that confidence. He’s inflating his own ego. He told me he doesn’t let opportunity knock twice. He shouldn’t let opportunity knock at all. You kick that sumbitch down. And he says when he defeats me, that’s three in a row. Three in a row, tic tac toe and ain’t nobody ever got tic tac toe on The Beard. True story. And homeboy, you ain’t going to be the first.

You see at Apocalypse, two things are going to happen Vee. You and I are going to blow the roof off MSG. And the other is people are going to remember Apocalypse being the day The Beard starts to take back his throne. For I am much like you Vee. I have a lot to prove and a lot riding on this here return. You see, I’m tired of people looking at me like I’m the Baha Men, like I’m Hanson, like I’m Milli Vanilli. I ain’t no one hit wonder. I’m a freaking headlining act. At Apocalypse, it will be you who will be the one hit wonder. Beard out.
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