Anyone seen Bray Wyatt


Getting Noticed By Management
So I tried for a about a month to avoid this site, because you kill to much of the wow factor for wrestling. Everything behind the scenes is such a spoiler alert even when you're not trying.

But of course I can't stay away the site has to much good information.....and some crap about TNA.

One thing I haven't seen is the death of Bray Wyatt and the Wyatt Family. Left off the PPV, getting smashed in matches vs Dumb and Dumber. Wyatts got the whole WWE U-verse in their hands obviously Bray put on one of the best shows but instead WWE has decided to put Brock "My brain is tiny as hell so i can't speak for myself" Lesnar. ....

What happened to the the days of hey this guy can flat out wrestle but can't talk on the mic so we cut him ( John Morrison)?

Can Brock Wrestle....Nope. His Matches look like a modified/Fake version of a UFC fight. It is nice to see John Cena carry a match.

So if anyone has seen Bray Wyatt and the rest of the WWE talent, please let us know.
Dude, what an uneducated wrestling fan you are? 12 years old? Lesnar a bad wrestler? Cena carry a match? Jeez.
As much as I am not a fan of Lesnar he is a wrestler. He's not an entertainer. Lesnar could go through any era probably and still be successful. Based on his look and ability.

I'm not sure where Bray is. I know Harper and Rowan have been doing house shows because there's pictures of Harper with an eye patch.

I haven't seen much mentioned about Bray though. His absence on the show has been pretty noticeable.
You said John Morrison could "flat out wrestle".

Then you said Lesnar can't wrestle.

Then you lost all credibility and everyone stopped reading.

Oh and BTW... Wyatt time's will come soon enough, being left off the shitfest that was NOC was a blessing in disguise.
If the storyline isn't right, I'm glad the likes of the Wyatts are being kept off tv. You know it will only be temporary, as they are too hot a commodity to leave off for months at a time, but keeping then on tv, rehashing the same storylines or even worse, with no set storyline would make them go stale VERY quickly.
As I said in another thread, the entire Wyatt "family" storyline is at a crossroads. You've built them up as a cult that is "changing and corrupting minds" and a "dominant" one at that.

And yet, they've all never won anything... Bray a big match here or there.. but no championships and no "whoa" moments except for when Daniel Bryan joined them only to turn on them a week later.

Something needs to happen here for a decent storyline. Either have the "cult" recruit a new member and start attacking someone (maybe a member of the authority? orton? and a very minor face turn for someone?) or let the 2 big oafs turn on bray and blow it all up
Was wondering what happened to the Wyatt's as well, then realized that there isn't enough faces around for them to really have a feud with.

All the top faces are already involved. Cena is having a go at both Lesnar and Rollins, Ambrose is fighting with the Authority/Rollins. Sheamus and Cesaro are involved and if the rumour mill is correct, Rusev will get involved with Sheamus for the US Title. And Ziggler and Cesaro will be feuding for the IC title.

That doesn't really leave anyone on Bray's level for him to have any sort of a story line with. Jericho and RVD are gone and don't know when they'll be back. Hell even some of the top heels are just sort of doing nothing. Since Orton's feud with Reigns ended, he's had nothing to do as well, Kane is Rollins bitch, it's kind of a disaster right now.

I never thought that having Reigns and Bryan out at the same time would cause such a problem. The only solution I can see is to start turning some of the heels just to get them on TV. I'm sick of Orton/Kane/Rollins on every show interfering and not doing anything of substance. You have three of the top heels in the company and all they do the same thing week in and week out.

Until someone comes back or they turn someone face, I have no idea what they will do with Bray Wyatt. Since the Dust brothers won the tag titles that doesn't even leave room for Harper and Rowan to get into the title picture.

The Wyatts booking has been abysmal to say the least right from the start. They booked them to be this mysterious kind of cult leader and his followers, out to rule the world. Well that was a miserable failure, as he hasn't recruited anyone, and failed in every endeavor he's tried. No titles and no new members, the gimmick is going stale quickly. It will be a miracle if they can even get it back on track. The coolest thing about Bray Wyatt is his entrance and that's about it.
Dude, what an uneducated wrestling fan you are? 12 years old? Lesnar a bad wrestler? Cena carry a match? Jeez.

I think if you pull your head out of your ass for a few seconds you might understand....

Is Brock a great wrestler? YES, when it comes to NCAA and actual ground and pound wrestling....But jackass we are not watching NCAA or the Olymics we are watching World wrestling ENTERTAINMENT....everyone knows these outcomes are scripted, but the point is to make them look like they are not.....I give you Bret hart, Chris "kid killer" Benoit, Dean Malenko and the Late great Eddie Guerrero. Those are who I think of as "Wrestlers" what Brock "Boring ass" Lesnar is a mix of 3-5 moves and bounce around the ring like a kangaroo. John Cena looks entertaining and he has never entertained me until he wrestled brock.
You said John Morrison could "flat out wrestle".

Then you said Lesnar can't wrestle.

Then you lost all credibility and everyone stopped reading.

Oh and BTW... Wyatt time's will come soon enough, being left off the shitfest that was NOC was a blessing in disguise.

There is far to many clown shoes that don't get it. First off we are not on a Olympic wrestling site, UFC site or even and NCAA wrestling site. This is Wrestling as entertainment site, you and so many other clown shoes are putting to much emphasises on the word wrestling.

If I say football do you think Soccer or a American football see the difference? If I was on Espn soccer link you should know, same if I was at

Stop using Semantics to try and fight your case. Outside of "Shitfest" you comment are just pointless.

John Morrison the Entertainer is far better than Brock....Brock just looks like a typical wrestler, But 99% of the wrestling oops Entertaining community ( must be specific you might get confused) is cheering for Bryan who is far from the typical look.

If Brock came out and stopped looking like this steroid injected power clown with 3-5 moves and more like a Rick Steiner he might get more support, Because if he did that it would look 100% better, because that is what he does.
lesnar can't wrestle? I recently watched WM 19 for only 9.99 and I would beg to differ.

Yeah that was only how long ago. I am starting to understand why wrestling/entertaining has been going downhill, Look how stupid the fans are getting.

11 years ago...Here are a few things from so far back

at least 50% of the current wrestling fans were not even born yet, Cena wasn't even a thought
Chris Benoit had not murdered his wife and Kids.
Booker T was a legit wrestler/Entertainer
There is far to many clown shoes that don't get it. First off we are not on a Olympic wrestling site, UFC site or even and NCAA wrestling site. This is Wrestling as entertainment site, you and so many other clown shoes are putting to much emphasises on the word wrestling.

If I say football do you think Soccer or a American football see the difference? If I was on Espn soccer link you should know, same if I was at

Stop using Semantics to try and fight your case. Outside of "Shitfest" you comment are just pointless.

John Morrison the Entertainer is far better than Brock....Brock just looks like a typical wrestler, But 99% of the wrestling oops Entertaining community ( must be specific you might get confused) is cheering for Bryan who is far from the typical look.

If Brock came out and stopped looking like this steroid injected power clown with 3-5 moves and more like a Rick Steiner he might get more support, Because if he did that it would look 100% better, because that is what he does.
With the exception of the Big Show match(which was more of an angle), and the Taker match(due to the concussion) I could argue that every match since Brock's return is superior to any match Morrison has ever had(and that's not even counting the classics Lesnar had prior to his hiatus).

Morrison is not a great "entertainer", in fact nothing about his time in WWE was even more than a hair better than adequate.

Please tell us what it was that made Morrison so entertaining to you. The fact is Brock is far better and far more over than your boy Johnny could ever have dreamed of being.

No one is confusing any opinions or using any semantics, Lesnar is worlds better as a pro wrestler or sports entertainer than Morrison.
No one is confusing any opinions or using any semantics, Lesnar is worlds better as a pro wrestler or sports entertainer than Morrison.

Since people seem to be CONFUSED or Just can't read, I will repost and put it in caps, Bold and underline maybe then reading will become easier.


Alright now PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE show me where in that sentence I mention at any point where Morrison is better than Lesnar, Where in that sentence or any of the post did I mention Morrison is a better entertainer/wrestler/ANYTHING?

There isn't and you will never find it, why because I am not a mental midget who reads a sentence then ASSumes what it means. Brock was a main eventer since the day he joined the WWE, he was the youngest champion. However he has never been good on the mic at all, and for everyone NOT named Brock Lesnar you have to have good mic skills. That was the question.

Where the hell all the 1/2 assed Mental midgets got this idea that I at any point said Morrison trumps Lesnar just prove why WWE doesn't want to listen to fans. They make no sense at all.

The reason it was linked to Bray Wyatt question is because Bray was left of the NOC card and is a far better mic talent and wrestling talent than many ( for the love of wrestling I said MANY NOT ALL)

Hopefully that helps clear it up....if not I have a easier version.....

Brock be goode, Morrison be bade, both no worky the microphone good.

Lesnar has an ace in the hole known as Paul Heyman. If you can have a guy like him on the mic saying what you want to get across, then you don't need to be good on the mic to portray your character. Just show up, be the monster that Heyman is selling to the audience, rinse, and repeat. Even if he didn't have Heyman, he can get by on his freakishly big size, uncanny athletic ability, and his legit background in amateur wrestling and mixed martial arts. He wouldn't have been the first main eventer who wasn't a great mic guy and he won't be the last. That's just how it is when you have a talent like Brock Lesnar.

The reason it was linked to the Bray Wyatt question is because Bray was left of the NOC card and is a far better mic talent and wrestling talent than many ( for the love of wrestling I said MANY NOT ALL)

Unfortunately for Bray, WWE creative had nothing for him to do at NOC. He wrapped up his feud with Jericho in the steel cage and I would guess that throwing a guy like him into a random match at a pay per view for no good reason wouldn't do him any good.
Since people seem to be CONFUSED or Just can't read, I will repost and put it in caps, Bold and underline maybe then reading will become easier.


Alright now PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE show me where in that sentence I mention at any point where Morrison is better than Lesnar, Where in that sentence or any of the post did I mention Morrison is a better entertainer/wrestler/ANYTHING?

There isn't and you will never find it, why because I am not a mental midget who reads a sentence then ASSumes what it means.
You are completely correct sir, you didn't say it in that sentence, but in this sentence:
John Morrison the Entertainer is far better than Brock...
It seems to me like, in this quote, you said Morrison was a better entertainer. But maybe I read too much into it ;).

Now, to stay on the intended(I think) topic...
The reason it was linked to Bray Wyatt question is because Bray was left of the NOC card and is a far better mic talent and wrestling talent than many ( for the love of wrestling I said MANY NOT ALL)
You're right. Bray is much better than most on the mic, he's got a great grasp of ring psychology for a younger worker, and his character work is awesome. And currently creative seems clueless as to how to use him correctly, probably because the gimmick is so unique.

But being left off of this last ill-conceived PPV is probably ultimately a plus for now, its better than just throwing him onto the show(possibly to job) for no reason. People aren't going to forget about Bray, once they find the right program his momentum will pick right back up.
Problem with the Wyatts is there's no direction or purpose for them being in WWE. Bray just cuts rambling promos that make no sense coming from someone that competes in a wrestling ring. He comes across as merely a screwball that happens to be a pro wrestler. Kinda like Waylon Mercy or Gangrel.
Bray and the boys wrestled at a house show last night. You guys all have some good points but here it is, WWE needs to change Randy or Bray into a good guy. Randy would be easier since the fans want to cheer him and there is good material to be used to do this. He has not gotten his title rematch and he could be Brock's next opponent. Randy could say he is tired of fighting for Seth and I heard someone say picture this Brock and Paul in the ring talking about Undertaker and John and how that makes Brock a Legend, Randy comes out and RKO I am the legend killer. If you change Bray start with him and Rusev so you can build him up again, the boys can turn on him that might work. Bray vs. Rusev in a cage at Hell in a cell and than at Survivor Series or TLC Bray vs. Brock.

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