Paul Heyman VS Bray Wyatt


So after watching Monday Night Raw and after Paul Heyman dropped yet another fantastic promo as the voice of Brock Lesnar it got me thinking ahead to the lead up to Wrestlemania. Brock Lesnar and Bray Wyatt is pretty much a lock for the event and it will be a great match no doubt but the weeks leading up to the match...Paul Heyman vs. Bray Wyatt on the mic. Imagine the quality promos between these two men. It will be fantastic. Mr.Wyatt and Mr.Heyman will be a must watch in March.
So after watching Monday Night Raw and after Paul Heyman dropped yet another fantastic promo as the voice of Brock Lesnar it got me thinking ahead to the lead up to Wrestlemania. Brock Lesnar and Bray Wyatt is pretty much a lock for the event and it will be a great match no doubt but the weeks leading up to the match...Paul Heyman vs. Bray Wyatt on the mic. Imagine the quality promos between these two men. It will be fantastic. Mr.Wyatt and Mr.Heyman will be a must watch in March.

I'm not so sure it's going to be as great as others do. On their own they are both fantastic on the mic, but all I see happening is we're going to get a great lot of noise about how Lesnar will kill everyone, and how the Wyatt's will take his soul.

Sometimes too much of a good thing turns into a bad thing. It remains to be seen.
I agree with Navi. I'm not that pumped for Lesnar vs Bray and I've been a big fan since he first debuted. I think it be more interesting if you had the Wyatt's either kidnap or play mind games leading up to the match since there is no way Lesnar should lose to Bray at Wrestle Mania.
I'll agree with the above. Heyman is of course to going sell this feud, he's going to make it a big deal like he always does.

Bray needs more than word in this. Bray has always had the ability to talk himself up, but his actions always pale in comparison to what he preaches. He needs to do more than talk during all of this, beat-downs, aren't going to work in this situation, there needs to be something more put into this.
I don't get this.

They tease it at the Royal Rumble, great way to do it, but then nothing after to follow it up. Lesnar is in the main event at Fastlane.

Assuming the Wyatt's cost him again, why have they left him alone for a month? And why would WWE only give the build just over a month when they could have done it all the way from the Rumble.

Not convinced they have handled this the right way
It's rather odd booking, because if you want to be technical, neither Reigns or Brock should be there considering they were both eliminated, Ambrose being their makes sense, he's the runner up after all. I suppose a case could be made for Reigns, if you want to get technically, since he was "taken out", but he still came back and was eliminated.

The situation should have probably been Ambrose/HHH for the title, and then have a #1 Contenders between Reigns/Brock. But if they mean to make both of them look strong walking out, there needs to be the third man in Ambrose fits the bill and makes the most sense in the match.

Hard to say though, something could happen in the upcoming weeks. Generally the whole of Brock/Bray was treated oddly the moment that Brock simply walked away from the ring rather than going in the ring and flat-out destroying everyone.

Generally though, the position calls for it. If the idea is to place obstacles in front of Reigns, there isn't much better an option than Brock, and Ambrose's performance in the Rumble and connection to Reigns is a good enough reason to include him as well. With the main event scene at the moment, needing some work (which if all goes well, they should have a pretty good scene once WrestleMania passes), it's probably best to throw Brock into the mix.

Hopefully though, they do something before it happens (if it does), even if it means hinting at something happening, rather than just having it happen.
It's true; having Heyman at Brock's side will spice up the Wyatt-Lesnar feud. Hell, Brock doesn't even have to be there for it to happen.

One caveat: Bray doesn't really have conversations with anyone; he gives speeches. To that end, it would be interesting to actually see him exchange words with the best speaker in the business. That, I'd like to see.

It also reminds me of one other important fact: Brock Lesnar has the best job in pro wrestling history. Show up a few times a year.....stand in the ring, jiggling in place as he listens to his 'advocate' extol his virtues......and get paid a boatload of money.

Oh, yes.....and once in a while, he actually has to wrestle.

Best gig.....hands down.
Yeah people are overrating this one.

Let's put aside the fact that Wyatt's promos are generally rambling nonsense and very repetitive. Let's say you actually like them. Even so, he rarely cuts a promo directly to or against anyone. He just says his peace in the ring or on the tron and that's it. Even when he does come out to talk to others, it's generally brief and ends with his dogs attacking. That's not a formula for a great back and forth, even if Heyman is the other person.
The build for this match could be key to pulling it off and there's probably no two better mic workers in the WWE than Paul Heyman and Bray Wyatt. The reasons why they excel on the mic has more to do with them not being as limited as most others are. While they obviously have to have approval over what they go out there and say, Heyman can't go on some profanity laced rant nor will Wyatt be allowed to say he's going to rip someone open so he can bathe in their blood before he eats their soul.

Wyatt writes his own stuff and Heyman doing a scripted promo just doesn't work. I have a feeling Heyman is given bullet points to talk about, but he's clearly using his own words with the intelligence to know what he can and can't get away with.

I don't want to overestimate this match but it just feels like this may well be Bray Wyatt's last best chance to be elevated to another level. He's ultimately come out on the losing end of feuds with Cena and Taker without any singular, definitive win that could help cement him; Vince ultimately used the Wyatt Family to reestablish John Cena as Superman due to paranoia of fans stopping "believing" in him due to his lopsided loss to Lesnar. Wyatt's match with Taker at WrestleMania last year felt more like a way to reestablish Taker a bit rather than elevate Wyatt. The problem is that neither was necessary because both Cena and Taker are far too established to have to worry about their legacies being tarnished.

If this match does go down and Wyatt does lose, I could be satisfied if it looks like he gave Lesnar all he could possibly handle; if Lesnar comes out "looking" like he's been in a fight, if Wyatt looks like a star in defeat, I think that'd be okay. What won't be okay is what I think many of us are worried will happen: Lesnar obliterating Wyatt in a similar way to we saw with Seth Rollins and, for shits & giggles, decimating the rest of the Family if they try to help.
Brock Lesnar vs. Bray Wyatt could turn into a Wyatt Family Gauntlet match for a Brock Lesnar. I can't wait for the back and forth promos between Paul Heyman and Bray Wyatt. Brock's gonna need some friends to watch his back...maybe more Paul Heyman guys.
Brock Lesnar vs. Bray Wyatt could turn into a Wyatt Family Gauntlet match for a Brock Lesnar. I can't wait for the back and forth promos between Paul Heyman and Bray Wyatt. Brock's gonna need some friends to watch his back...maybe more Paul Heyman guys.

I'm hoping it does turn into some sort of gauntlet match and not a beat down as we've seen recently.

But as Bill said earlier, the back and forth that everyone is hoping for just might not happen. Paul Heyman is gold, but he's at his best when he's playing up Lesnar to the crowd. Wyatt geez I can't remember the last time he actually had a back and forth with another wrestler. He's better when he's going on and on and on about what he and his family will do. Now if it was Jericho or Cena against Lesnar, I could see a some sort of a back and forth with Heyman, Wyatt I'm not so sure.

As good as Wyatt and Heyman are they come from two different platforms in the way they get their points across. Part of it is they are the only two who can do the job. Lesnar rarely says anything, and you hardly ever hear any of the other Wyatt's speak, so it will be up to Wyatt and Heyman to really sell this to the crowd. I just hope that the actual match will live up to all the hype that everyone is expecting.
Unlike others, I really believe Bray Wyatt's feud with Lesnar would be good enough. We all know that Wyatt and Heyman are great mic-talkers. And I am really interested in the way Paul and Bray fight the talking battle. As someone mentioned earlier, Bray hasnot been in a back and forth segments so it would be interesting how he does it with Paul. Bray and Paul can really sell this feud in a good way and I am expecting this feud to be good enough to restrain me from disappointment about Bray's losing streak. And most importantly, I hope Bray goes over at Wrestlemania.

I agree with Navi. I'm not that pumped for Lesnar vs Bray and I've been a big fan since he first debuted. I think it be more interesting if you had the Wyatt's either kidnap or play mind games leading up to the match since there is no way Lesnar should lose to Bray at Wrestle Mania.

Yeah true. Last thing we need is a main event caliber feud be weeks of promos back and forth. It gets old after a while. Bray going over Brock would be huge. He could afford a loss. Bray needs a win bad.

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