Anyone Else Annoyed By This?


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Just a simple question here.

Am I the only one who is annoyed by those fake cheers on Smackdown? I mean, it's pretty obvious that there are fake cheers, and you can tell the difference between a RAW and SD! crowd. Why do they have the fake cheers in the first place? Maybe WWE has to step it up on SD! in order to get more reactions from the crowd. But, I never noticed any fake booing.

So is anyone else annoyed by those stupid cheers?
I am. Because it doesn't let you know whose really over and whose not. Raw is now the only place whee you can hear how much the crowd is into somebody, for example, someone like Michael Mcgillicutty, he's not in any storylines right now. so if he were to go on Raw this Monday and run a 3 minute long promo, there would be crickets in the audience, but if he went to Smackdown this Friday and cut the same promo, then he would be booed out of the arena leaving all of us at home thinking that he is a great heel.
I am. Because it doesn't let you know whose really over and whose not. Raw is now the only place whee you can hear how much the crowd is into somebody, for example, someone like Michael Mcgillicutty, he's not in any storylines right now. so if he were to go on Raw this Monday and run a 3 minute long promo, there would be crickets in the audience, but if he went to Smackdown this Friday and cut the same promo, then he would be booed out of the arena leaving all of us at home thinking that he is a great heel.

Totally agree with you here.

Plus, for example in MSG, Cody Rhodes got one of the top pops of the night. People like Cody. Now on SD!, if it was back in MSG, if they cheered him again, the WWE would put in boos and not cheers. You don't know who the crowd loves or hates, it's who the WWE wants to you like or hate.
I am. Because it doesn't let you know whose really over and whose not. Raw is now the only place whee you can hear how much the crowd is into somebody, for example, someone like Michael Mcgillicutty, he's not in any storylines right now. so if he were to go on Raw this Monday and run a 3 minute long promo, there would be crickets in the audience, but if he went to Smackdown this Friday and cut the same promo, then he would be booed out of the arena leaving all of us at home thinking that he is a great heel.

100% right! I think ADR proved this. On smackdown he looked like a heel because there were alot of boos but now on raw people just dont care.
Example: this promo
100% agreed. Do they really think they are fooling anyone when Heath Slater walks out and for a split second delay all you hear is his music, then a chorus of boos? I mean nothing against Slater but there is no way he is getting booed out of the building, people simply don't care. And you've got to be joking editing in the boos for heels when they are clearly over with the crowd as a face. When Smackdown went to Calgary and Toronto you've got to be crazy to think the Canadian crowds are going to boo Christian, so the edited heat is pointless. Let the reactions be what the crowd actually thinks, don't change them.
I agree that changing background noise from cheers to boo's is stupid, but the sad part is most of that canned noise needs to be used on smackdown!??!?! Look at the crowd for most of smackdown and only for a very small number of superstars do they actually react... Would you rather have a show where you have a large portion of the audience completely silent, or do you pipe in cheers/boo's as appropriate to help further angles so that you the viewer know who at least wwe thinks is the heel/face.... yes its kind of cheesy to do it, but it's better than silence for 2 hours and does let you know if they want to turn someone...

frankly i don't mind it
Yes, Smackdown uses "canned effects" on a weekly basis to help enhance the crowd reaction for the televised product. This is something that WWE does as often as possible - constantly on NXT & Superstars, and in the case of a rare tapped episode of Raw. TNA also does this with episodes of Impact Wrestling to boost the sound of the Impact Zone. I have even caught both companies tailoring their audio for some of the newer DVD's that have come out.

My immediate reaction is to say "yes, it's incredibly annoying". Not only is it obvious to anyone that is paying attention that the reaction isn't natural, but it's an insult to the intelligence of the fans at home. I know they want me to react to Jindar Mahal, but nobody gives a crap! It's unbelievable when you turn on Smackdown and hear him getting heavy boo's...

On the other hand, you have to remember that these are TV shows. Number 1 goal: attracting viewers. If they DIDN'T have the canned effects, most of their shows would sound incredibly flat. You would be bored. People tuning in that have never watched wrestling would be bored. I think I would rather tune out the handful of times you hear the tweaked effects, and enjoy an exciting episode of Smackdown, rather than sit through 2 hours of Michael Cole commentary with a crowd that couldn't care less...

I will tell you, wrestling crowds need to STEP IT UP! The Impact Zone doesn't count, because it's a free audience. But I'm from Chicago, and no matter what the card looks like we get into our shows! I've never noticed doctoring of a show when it's coming from Chicago, and after being to over a dozen live WWE events in the city, I can tell you...big difference between Chi-town and most other wrestling cities. Same goes for Madison Square, anywhere in the UK, and to an extent Philly. You paid good money for those tickets, cheer for you favorites and boo the heck out of ANYBODY you don't like!
[Heel] Green Ranger;3640262 said:
Yes, Smackdown uses "canned effects" on a weekly basis to help enhance the crowd reaction for the televised product. This is something that WWE does as often as possible - constantly on NXT & Superstars, and in the case of a rare tapped episode of Raw. TNA also does this with episodes of Impact Wrestling to boost the sound of the Impact Zone. I have even caught both companies tailoring their audio for some of the newer DVD's that have come out.

My immediate reaction is to say "yes, it's incredibly annoying". Not only is it obvious to anyone that is paying attention that the reaction isn't natural, but it's an insult to the intelligence of the fans at home. I know they want me to react to Jindar Mahal, but nobody gives a crap! It's unbelievable when you turn on Smackdown and hear him getting heavy boo's...

On the other hand, you have to remember that these are TV shows. Number 1 goal: attracting viewers. If they DIDN'T have the canned effects, most of their shows would sound incredibly flat. You would be bored. People tuning in that have never watched wrestling would be bored. I think I would rather tune out the handful of times you hear the tweaked effects, and enjoy an exciting episode of Smackdown, rather than sit through 2 hours of Michael Cole commentary with a crowd that couldn't care less...

I will tell you, wrestling crowds need to STEP IT UP! The Impact Zone doesn't count, because it's a free audience. But I'm from Chicago, and no matter what the card looks like we get into our shows! I've never noticed doctoring of a show when it's coming from Chicago, and after being to over a dozen live WWE events in the city, I can tell you...big difference between Chi-town and most other wrestling cities. Same goes for Madison Square, anywhere in the UK, and to an extent Philly. You paid good money for those tickets, cheer for you favorites and boo the heck out of ANYBODY you don't like!

Pretty much agree with everything here, from the UK and we only get a couple of shows a year and we sure as hell dont need any extra noise on our tapings. Philly Chicago and MSG are the only places you are guaranteed to get a good live reaction, whats up with the rest of the USA? (apart from ability to hacksaw along a good U-S-A U-S-A chant when needed.....)
Yea its kinda stupid looking if you're going to point it out, but I don't mind it as much as I'd hate seeing most wrestlers entering with no crowd reaction.

Take last night for example. The Funkasaurus looked foolish during his entrance because no one made Amy noise (that's one of the reasons he looked foolish, anyway).

Unfortunately, live crowds aren't as reactionary as they used to be so they got "fix it in editing".
It adds to the product somewhat, it helps people get over with the audience at home, makes the show a bit more entertaining, etc.

But I do hate how much the taped cheers and boos insult our intelligence, why not get guys to hold up placards saying "Applause" and "Boo" whilst your at it?
Smackdown is taped on Tuesdays and airs on Friday. They are going to edit it.
It's common. Is is annoying? Heck yes! Hopefully Smackdown goes live this year and that problem will be solved.
I wouldn't care as much, since SD is pre-taped and it's inevitable that they'll do it, but that the use literally the same single sound effect every time, that is annoying.

That same sound effect is used in WWF No Mercy on the N64, for god's sake.
This is how WWE/WWF handled business before RAW went live. Whether it be Superstars of Wrestling or the home video version of ppvs there was always the use of canned heat. I think on Smackdown they're going overboard with it by giving everyone a huge pop, but it doesn't annoy me because it's nothing new. Plus if the crowd sucks then why should the show suffer? I can understand if a guy isn't over, but some of these crowds are just terrible.
This is how WWE/WWF handled business before RAW went live. Whether it be Superstars of Wrestling or the home video version of ppvs there was always the use of canned heat. I think on Smackdown they're going overboard with it by giving everyone a huge pop, but it doesn't annoy me because it's nothing new. Plus if the crowd sucks then why should the show suffer? I can understand if a guy isn't over, but some of these crowds are just terrible.

It's not so much the "booing" that bothers me because it's still much more believable than the loud pops and "cheers" that certain superstars get. For instance, seeing Justin Gabriel on Smackdown! coming out to a pop the likes of which of an over mid-carder comes out to on Raw is a little annoying. Whereas, with the booing, I know if I saw Heath Slater walk through the curtain I'd be booing just because he was taking up time at a live event that I paid money for. I'd be generally upset I had to see him whereas with the non-over faces I'd just react with indifference.

And the crowd sucking is another thing too. There's nothing worse than seeing two guys in the ring who can clearly go, who are putting on a good match get absolutely no reaction just because they aren't in the main event picture... THAT annoys me and if WWE wants to edit reactions in that case I'm all for it because the talent deserves better anyway.

More so than the Smackdown! thing and editing reactions, my bigger question is this and if anyone can explain it, please do... but I find in general on PPV's, a lot of superstars get NO pop compared to what they get on Raw, which is also live.

And this has bugged me for years because they're both live events! I remember Survivor Series '98 and Austin came out for the first time and his pop was almost non-existent in comparison to every pop he receives on Raw. This wasn't the only case. I notice this a lot, but this was one of the first times I truly noticed how PPV's haven't sounded quite as loud ever as a broadcast of Raw.

Different audio equipment? Anyone else notice this? What's the word?
To be fair some of the current smackdown wrestlers are more over at the smackdown shows than on the raw supershows. More people watch Raw than SD, so its not exactly the same audience.

Most taped wrestling shows have had canned noise thoughout the years. Its not exactly something new the WWE has been doing.

Lets face it some of these family friendly live pg crowd just suck. Their was a story how a while back Vince came out during a commercial break on Raw and basically told the audience to make more noise. :lmao:

Half of the SD roster are not really over with the crowd. Sometimes they just need to be a little more subtle. Heath Slater should not be drawing the same heat as Cody or Mark Henry. But for the most part I dont really have that much of a problem with the editing.
I read a all the replies here and it seems "no one cares / I don't care" seems to come up quite often through the thread.

Seems like that's the real problem in general. There is only about 3 or at a max 4 storylines worth actually watching at any one time on any WWE show. The rest seems like filler content to me.

The divas aren't relevant at all so that is about 5-10 minutes not worth watching. The tag teams are still not really getting anywhere, no real good storylines or anything worth watching. Another 10-15 minutes not worth watching.

They lose any hype they have built up with these kind of segments and it just kills the show(s) in general. If the crowd isn't reacting, don't try and make us think otherwise.

Sort your booking and writing teams out WWE!
I am. Because it doesn't let you know whose really over and whose not. Raw is now the only place whee you can hear how much the crowd is into somebody, for example, someone like Michael Mcgillicutty, he's not in any storylines right now. so if he were to go on Raw this Monday and run a 3 minute long promo, there would be crickets in the audience, but if he went to Smackdown this Friday and cut the same promo, then he would be booed out of the arena leaving all of us at home thinking that he is a great heel.

I agree, people simply don't care.
I read a all the replies here and it seems "no one cares / I don't care" seems to come up quite often through the thread.

Seems like that's the real problem in general. There is only about 3 or at a max 4 storylines worth actually watching at any one time on any WWE show. The rest seems like filler content to me.

The divas aren't relevant at all so that is about 5-10 minutes not worth watching. The tag teams are still not really getting anywhere, no real good storylines or anything worth watching. Another 10-15 minutes not worth watching.

They lose any hype they have built up with these kind of segments and it just kills the show(s) in general. If the crowd isn't reacting, don't try and make us think otherwise.

Sort your booking and writing teams out WWE!

Agree with you too man, Divas and tag team are not even relevant anymore, Primo and Epico are boring as hell, and divas, uh, I always change the channel for them. I did like when divas were actually interesting like Lita and Trish Stratus.
I think that this is a topic that I could lean either way. Crowds aren't what they used to be. A decent number of people used to passionately boo things in almost any almost any overwhelmingly negative scenario. Some may say that the lack of care is because of shitty storytelling. In a lot of cases I don't necessarily feel that the stories being told are boring. However I do feel that the people in attendance are not reacting with enthusiasm simply because they have yet to be won over by the talent. Majority of the wrestlers on Smackdown have not done much to warrant excessive cheers or boos at this point.

The canned reactions are obviously in place because of this. Making the product any better than it already is won't change the fact that Heath Slater or Hunico are an afterthought or that most people often forget why they're supposed to hate Cody Rhodes. The biggest complaint I'd have with the fake reactions is the obvious look of the lifeless crowds.

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