Anybody Miss the Spirit Squad?


Dark Match Jobber
I do. I miss RAW coming back from a commercial break and then hear "Kenny, Johnny, Mitch, Nicky, Mikey, And we are.... the Spirit Squad". They had hilarious in ring segments and drew some pretty good heel heat. But those are just my thoughts, I wanna hear yours. Do you think the WWE was stupid to break up this tag team and send them into singles competition? Do you think the WWE should ever consider bringing back that kind of gimmick?
S Prince, you can't start a thread because you need to have a certain number of posts (10 I think).

As for the OP, I enjoyed the Spirit Squad and thought they were a good heel team. Who doesn't love to hate male cheerleaders? I wish they had stuck around a little longer than they did, especially since Kenny Dykstra did nothing solo and Dolph Ziggler has yet to do anything. Eventually they would have broken up, but if they had stayed together longer they could have still had an impact while further building up the more talented ones like Kenny.
I still think they dropped the ball on the Spirit Squad...if they would have made them a group of jocks instead of cheerleaders, it could have worked...just a group of frat boy assholes...but by default, that would have made them babyfaces with most of the female audience...
I still think they dropped the ball on the Spirit Squad...if they would have made them a group of jocks instead of cheerleaders, it could have worked...just a group of frat boy assholes...but by default, that would have made them babyfaces with most of the female audience...

They had a group of frat boy assholes - The Mean Street Posse !! It didn't work too well.

And to answer the question, no, we don't need the Spirit Squad. It was sophmoric and worked well during the DX reunion tour, but it would be old and stale at this point.
I don't miss the Sissy Squad, and I doubt most people do. Their feud with DX was good, but they would have really sucked if they kept going after that feud ended. The only one in the group with any talent was Kenny Dykstra. Ziggler sucks and he's now the only one left if I remember correctly.

I call them the Sissy Squad for a reason. Come on, like anyone would have bought into the idea that male cheerleaders would be a tag team threat? It only worked because there were 5 of them, although 4 of the 5 sucked.


I thought I was one of the only who did. They mis used them a little bit and should have pushed all instead of just Dykstra. They won the tag team titles by defeating Kane & Big Show the night after Mania. PRICELESS!

Their spots were sick, entrance was great, and who cares if they were annoying. Great team.
The spirit squad was good and could have worked better if htey had been given stories that didnt ovlve DX shitting on them week in week out or Flair and hte legends beating them at every oppurtunity... they had a good gimik and good enough ring skills to passas a mid card faction

Lol... those guys were pretty funny. Mitch and Nicky (Dolph Ziggler) were shit though..... the rest were pretty good. Too bad they jobbed to DX and A bunch of washed up legends for their last couple of months.
I loved the Spirit Squad...they generated heat like crazy. Idk why people hated them so much. I mean come on...the spots in the ring, defending the tag titles under the 'Freebird Rule'...classic.

I think they could've stayed together a bit more, instead of being fed to the gaping maw that is Triple H.

They would've been split by now, but Kenny would've been able to branch out and shine at this point. Nicky (Zigs) probably would've broken off to.

WWE Creative is the problem Vince, not the internet, not Benoit's death, not the're writers, the people you pay.
Seriously the WWE screwed up with most of this group. Granted not all of them were going to be main event stars, or even upper mid card stars they could have been something decent in the ring. Nick, Johnny, and Kenny could have been solid mid-card stars.

Taking them the routed of cheerleaders made absolutely no sense to me. Also, there were way too many of them to start with. I would say just Nick, Kenny, and Johnny should have been the 3 to stick with. The other two could have been something else. I'm not sure what kind of stable to make them, but not cheerleaders.
Not really, I just thought they were annoying and a misuse of their talents. However, they are a great example of a stable that WWE should have.

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