Another Wrestling Match I've Wrote


One from earlier this year.



Safari Man is staring at Sky Drifter. Sky is walking around the ring, npt sure if he wants to engage in action with Safari yet, but Safari isn't going to give him much choice. Safari walks over and starts with a classic collar and elbow tie up. Safari Man goes in for a head lock, Sky pushes him into the ropes. Safari Man comes back and they lock up again, this time with Sky locking in a head lock. Sky does a Head Lock Take Down. From his angle he looked over to The crowd and smiled and winked then intensity in his eyes as he pushes Safari back to the turnbuckle. Safari Locks up and gets in a head lock. He wrenches the neck of Sky then powerfully slams him with a head lock take down. Safari Man is done playing around.From the head lock take down Sky locks in an arm bar and wrenches in the wrist of Safari Man. Safari with a kip up both men are back to a vertical base.

The warriors lock up again. Sly kicks Safari in the mid section then locks in a headlock once more. He pushes safari towards the ropes in what might of been a bad Idea. Safari Man bounces back from the rops and connects with a shoulder block. Safari Man runs to the ropes and comes back, Sky is to his feet Safari Man bounces back from the ropes again and hits a drop kick.

Sky shakes the cobwebs free and checks to see if he is bleeding he's not . He smirked still down on knee does Sky actually like pain? ... lets see boys and girls. Sky walks casually over and gets Safari's attention He wants a test of strength Safari reaches and Sky switches from right hand to left .... Again Safari reaches Sky switches from left to right ...
Safari is getting a little impatient. Sky puts both hands up and Safari hits Sky with a standing dropkick of his own! Sky rolls up to a knee Smiling .

Safari man rolls out of the ring, and walks half way around the ring. The crowd is against Safari Man right now, as they are seeing Safari getting beat at his own game, mat wrestling.Safari looks out into the crowd and finally walks up the steps.

Sky lets Safari Man get back in the ring, They lock up once again, Safari Man pushes him to the ground Sky gets up on one knee and safari runs and hits a flyling knee to the head, knocking Sky down.

Safari climps to the the top rope and get's ready to do something high risk, but Sky is back to his feet. He runs to the ropes causing Safari to loose his balance. Safari falls on his you know what. Sky climbs to the top rope with Safari and they are both standing up.

The crowd is chanting "We want action", "We want action".

Both competors seem to take a moment to acknowledge their fans, they both know that they need to impress both the fans and the people in the back, they can't be working dark cards the rest of there life.

Sky lands a few punches on Safari, not reall affecting him too much, but he sure feels it.

Sky puts his hand over Safari Man's head and grabs on to Safari Man's tights. Hoping for a Superplex from the top rope. Sky stuggles to get Safari Up, but he does! He has him in a vertical supplex position! Sky shows off his immense core strengh by being able to hold Safari in that veritcal position for what seemed like an internity.

Just as all in the arena thought Sky was going for a superplex, Sky jumps from the turn buckle! Top Rope Brain-Buster

Safari Man falls out of the ring, knocked out, while Sky takes a minutes to bask in his own greatness. Sky Dances around the ring, playing a little to the crowd. Safari is using the ring apron to get back to his feet. Safari is to his feet but falls back and in on one knee. He uses the announce table to get stable.

Sky sees the chance and runs to the ropes, then back and leaps over the rope, hitting a Suicide Dive! Awesome looking move, but it may of hurt both of them the same. Both men are laying on the out side of the ring.

The Referee is starting to count for a double count out, at the count of 5 Sky is to his feet, and Safari is on one knee. Sky rolls into the ring to break the count. Then rolls back out.

Safari grabs Sky around the waist, in a Spine buster type way. He drives Sky into the edge of the ring! Then again! Safari Let's go and forearms Sky. Safari grabs sky by the hair and walks him over the steel steps. He slams Sky's head into the hard steel. He does it again. He goes for it again, but Sky puts his leg on the steps. Safari tries it again but Sky uses the steps to jump up and wrap his legs around Safari's head. He hits a Frankensteiner.

Sky quickly gets to his feet. He see's that the referee is counting and is at 7. He quickly grabs Safari and rolls him into the ring right by the corner. Sky jumps up on the apron and walks to the turn buckle. Sky Climbs the turn buckle. He looks out to the crowd and points. Then he takes one giant Leap and hits a Shooting Star Splash.[/b. He quickly goes for the cover but Safari Man get's a shoulder up at the two count.

Sky takes a moment to catch his breath. He uses the ropes to assist him in getting up. He walks over and picks Safari Man up. He wrenches the wrist of Safari. Safari forearms Sky and Sky let's go. Safari and Sky lock up again and Safari gets a side head lock. Sky grabs a hold of Safari's tights and swings him around, but Safari won't let go. Safari shakes his head no, meaning he wont let go. Sky picks safari up for a back body drop, but can't get Safari all the way up, Safari wrenches it tighter, then Sky knees him in the ass and Safari loosens the grip. Sky pushes up against the ropes, then pushes him towards the other side of the ring. Both me run to the oppisite side of the ring and bounce back from the ropes, Safari goes for running clothsline but Sky ducks under Safari's arm. They both keep running. Safari comes back again, and looks like he's going for a running take down spear or tackle, but Sky jumps over him. They both keep running. This time when they meet the the middle, Sky does a baseball slide in-between Safari's legs. Sky hops back up and Safari turns around with a wild swing and misses, turning 180 degrees. Sky grabs the back of Safari and goes for a back body drop but Safari flips over and lands on his feet. Sky runs forward and Safari bounces off the ropes, Safari goes for another clothsline but sky ducks under again, They both keep running, this time Sky comes back with a flying forearm, ala Shawn Michaels.

The crowd really enjoys the athleticism being dissplayed by both competitors being shown in the ring tonight.

Both superstars are laying on there back in the middle of the ring. a few seconds go by when all of a sudden both men perform a kip up at the same time. The two are staring at each other in the middle of the ring. This last for several moments. Safari finnaly smiles and extends his hand.

Sky looks to the crowd, then at Safari's hand. Sky hesitates for a moment, but then smiles. Safari Man smiles to. They shake hands in the middle of the ring, both smiling. Then Safari has a dead strait face, only for a second before Safari jumps up and locks his legs around Sky's shoulder and extends his hips, flipping Sky over and locking in a Flying Armbar.

Both men are on the ground with Safari pulling and extending his hips, almost breaking the arm of sky. Sky is screaming in pain, not used to being in a position like this. Sky rolls over ontop of safari, keeping Safari from fully extending his hips. Sky is trying to free his arm. Sky gets the arm free, but Safari Man turns a little. Sky is now in Safari's guard. Sky has not a clue what to do in this position. Sky flops around like a fish out of water, trying to get out from in between Safari's legs. Safari grabs a hold of the back of Sky's neck, a grounded clinch you could say. Safari lets go of his grip around Sky's body and uses his feet to cirlce around and get to his knees. Still holding onto Sky's head, Safari steps up to his feet, then ushers two devestating knees to Sky's head, rending him slightly short of unconsciousness, Sky falls back to his back.

Safari takes a moment to look out to the crowd, there he see's his girl friend Daisy. She blows him a kiss and he smiles at her, it's not like a grown man is going to blow a kiss back to his wife on live, national telivision..... Atleast, not "The Jungle Warrior" Safari Man.

Safari picks Sky up, this time putting sky's head under his arm. Safari walks them over to the ropes, he lifts Sky's body up, resting Sky's legs on the second rope, with Safari holding on to Sky's head. Safari looks to the crowd to his left, then to the crowd to his right. Then drops back and hits a Rope DDT

Safari takes a second then rolls over and and onto one knee. He smirks at the crowd. Then gets up to his feet. He walks over to the ropes and plays with the crowd a little. Getting the crowd to boo him, the crowd is really heated. Safari gets up on the second rope and flips off the crowd. Getting even more heat. Safari steps in between the ropes and get's outside the ring. He walks around looking out into the crowd. Then turns around to the ring. He lifts up the skirt under the ring, and looks for a few seconds, he let's go of the skirt and smiles up at the crowd, he lifts of the skirt once more and pulls out a Kendo Stick. Keep in mind, this is not a Hardcore match, if safari uses the weapon on Sky or the official he will be disqualified.

Safari holds the stick up in the air, proud of it almost. Sky is trying to use the ropes to get up, but is stuggling to pull him self up to a vertical base.

Safari walks around the ring, when all of a sudden a man in the Audience grabs a hold of the stick. At first Safari just keeps walking, expecting the young man to just let go. But the mna must want to test his luck.Safari turns around and looks at the man, who appears to be in his late twenties or early thirties. Safari looks st the man and pulls back on the stick, the man still wont let go. Safari's eyes turn red, and you can virtually see the steam billowing from his ears. He grabs the man by the throat with his right hand, and holds on to the stick with the right. He whispers into he guys ear, only loud enough for the man to hear.

Sm: What's your man boy?

Man: Sam

SM: Sam, is that your name?

Sam: Yes, Yes that's my name

SM: Well, Sam. Do people call you Sammy?

Sam: No

SM: Alright, well I'm going to call you Sammy.

SM: Well Sammy, I have a match to get back to. I suggest you give me back this stick, or this stick, will be going so far up your as, you'll be using it as a tongue. You got that?

Sammy: Yes

SM: Yes Sir

Sammy: Yes Sir.

Safari Man yanks the stick out of the guys hand and turns around. Sky is recovered and on his feet in the ring. Safari starts to walk but the guy grabs a old of the Kendo stick again, this time Safari turns around and threatens to hit the man. Safari drops the stick, then turns around. Before he could think about it, Sky had Ran and hit a Flipping Plancha

Both men smash up against the barracade, with Safari's head landing strangly between the floor and the steel barracade.

Sky gets back to his feet and grabs the stick. He looks at Safari Man, who is laying on the ground in front of him. Then he looks at the stick its self. Sky breaks the stick over his knee. Then throws down the two pieces.

Sky steps up on the barracade and turns to face the fans. He claps his hands a few times to get the fans going, the fans clap there hands along with him. Sky nods his head along with the fans clap. The sound of the audience clapping there hands together simultaneously nearly shakes the arena. Sky looks over his shoulder one more time. Then jumps back and hits a Corkscrew moonsault off the Barricade onto Safari.

The reaction from the crowd is immense. As the sound of the crowd roars through out the building and pratically through out San Francisco. A move like the one they just wittnessed is very rare, and was executed with complete perfection in a way that can't be described by words, you had to be there.

Sky picks Safari Man up and walks him over the the announce tables. Sky smashes Safari's head into the table with such force that the people in the nose bleeds could hear the noise. Sky once more smashes Safari's head into the table, then Sky delivers several knife edge chops, all the while the official is at a count of 6.

Sky rolls Safari into the ring, then jumps up on the ring apron. Safari is
is back to his feet, Sky pulls himself up with the ropes and turns around. He jumps off the top rope a goes for a Springboard moonsault. But Safari catches Sky and hits him with The Jungle Driver

Both men are laying in the ring. All safari has to do is roll over on top of Sky and pin him, it only take 3 seconds..... Count it... 1. 2. 3.

But Sky has took virtually everything out of Safari's tank. Slowly, Safari rolls over and puts his arm across the chest of Sky.


Sky some how, some way manages to get a shoulder up. Safari has a look of shock on his face which quickly turns into a look of "what more do i have to do?" The crowd cheers as it's obvious that they want Sky to come out on top. Safari slowly gets to his feet. The runs to the ropes and comes back with a devastating Jungle Cutter.

Safari goes for the pin but again, One! Two! Two and A half! Sky kicks out with only s split second left before Safari would of had the match won. The crowd gasp, not being able to believe that Sky had kicked out of a move that had brought so much weight down across his throat. Safari lifts Sky up and irish whips him to the ropes, Sky comes back and tries to hit a cloths line but Safari sunks under and hooks the arm of Sky. Safari locks in a hold and goes for his big finsher, he hits the Jungle Suplex 2010This time Safari doesn't bother going for a pin, for fear Sky would just kick out. Safari grabs a hold of the legs of Sky, and steps his leg through the legs of Sky. Then he twist Sky's legs and goes for a sharp shooter. But Safari can't turn sky over. Safari stuggles and struggles to try and turn sky over, finally sky grabs the ropes and the forces Safari to break the hold.

Safari goes to pick Sky up but Safari lands a big right hand to Safari's jaw. Then a strong left to the same place. Safari takes a few stumbling steps backward as sky comes running with a Take Down Spear. Sky is on top of Safari and unleashes a explosion of punches until the referee pulls Sky off. Sky goes and waits in the corner, waiting until Safari gets to his feet. Safari takes several moments to get to feet, and when he does Sky comes running and hits A Monumental Busaiku Knee Kick Sky goes for the cover. 1. 2. Safari manges to get a shoulder up. Sky has a look of disbelief on his face, wondering how much more he has to do to put the Jungle Warrior away.

Sky picks Safari up and drapes his arm over Safari's head. He grabs a hold of Safari's tights and goes for a suplex, but Safari blocks it. Safari goes for a suplex of his own, holding Sky vertical for only a moment before Sky hits an amazing counter, A Dragon Stunner.

Sky Takes moment to take in the air, then get's to his feet, He slowly picks Safari up, thinking in his head about his next move. He grabs Safari and hits a devasting Spiked Belly To Belly Suplex. Sky walks over to the ropes, he steps through them, then Jumps up on the top rope and hits a Spingboard 450 Splash Fucking EPIC!

Sky rolls over on top of Safari and goes for the pin. The referee counts 1. 2. 3.! The crowd roars as Sky comes out the victor in this ever so epic bout.

Just as Sky gets to his feet, the referee walks to the edge of the ring and summons XWA ring announcer Justin Roberts. They talk for a brief moment. Everyone looks at Safari Man who has his foot on the rope..... Say What? Yeah, he had his foot on the rope!

Justin Roberts: Ladies and Gentlemen the referee has reversed his decission, Safari Man's foot was indeed on the rope. The match will continue.


Sky has a pissed off look on his face, as both men stare at each other. Safari and Sky Drifter lock up once again and Safari locks in a side head lock. Sky lifts Safari up for a back body drop. Safari flips over and lands on his feet, he grabs Sky at his knees from behind and trips him, then Safari Goes for a Muscular Bomb, but Sky counters it in to a roll over faceplant Pin

Safari Kicks out, must of been out of pure reflect. The corwd lets out a gasp of disbelief, as does Sky.

Sky quickly gets to his feet and you can sense the fustration. Sky tries to irish whip Safari to the corner, but Safari counter and whips him chest first into the corner. Sky clinches his chest as he takes several steps back from the rebound. Safari grabs him and drapes him over his shoulder in a reverse Fireman Carry position. He turns him around and slams him down hitting The Zebra Bomb

Safari rolls over and gets to his feet. He the grabs Sky's legs and looks like he's going to go for the Jungle Lock, but Sky kicks Safari in the face before his could lock anything in. Sky Kips up and gets to his feet, He kicks Safari Man in the gut and get's behind him, he locks his hands around Safari's waste and hits a German Suplex

The suplex nearly broke the neck of the Jungle Warrior. Sky gets to his feet and get's behind Safari Man, waiting for him to get to his feet. Safari does, Sky tries to lock in a sleeper but Safari elbows him. Safari turns around and locks in a Bear HugSafari squeezes the body of Sky, lifting Sky up in the air. Sky uses the palm of his hand to push back the head of Safari. Safari is forced to let go, and when he does Sky kicks him in the gut, and irish whips him to the corner. Sky then runs and hits An amazing Tidal Krush Safari falls stomach first onto the ring floor. Sky walks over Safari, grabs his arms and locks in a Camel Clutch Sky has it in for close to a minute, but he knows it wont finish Safari, so sky lets go, but grabs Safari's arms and places his leg on the back of Safari's head and hits a Curb Stomp

Sky steps in between the ropes. He jumps up on the ropes and goes for a Spirng board Leg dropto the back of Safari's head he hits Safari but only with his foot,doing little to no damage to Safari. Both men get to there feet. They go to lock up, but Safari dunks under Sky's attempt and grabs Sky's shoulders, and jumps and falls back and hits A Back Stabber. Safari goes for the pin, 1. 2. Sky grabs the ropes with his left hand. Most if not all the fans in the corwd jump out of there seats.Safari is furious. He madly grabs Sky's arm and drags him all the way to the corner, the picks him up and places him in the corner. Safari walks to the opposite corner and runs towards Sky going for a big boot, but Sky ducks out of the way and Safari's leg goes over the top rope, strecting Safari out and hurting, Safari Steps back and is limping, Sky comes running to Safari and hits a Swinging NeckbreakerSky goes for the pin once more, This time Safari's foot is under the rope, so the official refuses to count. Sky angerly hooks Safari's leg for the pin, 1. 2. Safari kicks out with little problem. Sky's face is red as he punches the mat out of pure "pissyness" Sky doesn't know what more he has to do. He grabs Safari by the arm and picks him up, he tries to Whip Safari to the ropes, but Safari Kicks him in the Gut, Then wildly smacks and hits Sky, then runs to the ropes and comes back with a knee kick. This ladies and gents was what Safari refers to as the Jungle Rush. Safari grabs Sky then turns him around, he bends him back and locks in a Dragon SleeperSafari has it locked in tight, it looks like Sky is going to tap, just as Sky's hand was coming down to tap, Safari liftes him up and hits an Impact Driver. Safari hooks the leg (as in the video) and the offical counts, 1. 2. 3!



(Later in the night, on telavised TV. Tyler Lawson and DC Hennig are talking by a water cooler backstage. Both men are wearing wrestling attire.)

Tyler: Yeah, back at ya, good luck.

DC: Do you think Team XWA has a fighting chance?

Tyler: Oh, for sure. It's going to be a hell of a battler out there. I'm glad Safari Man got kicked out of the match, it would have been weird wrestling my student.

DC: Safari, what?

Tyler: Safari Man!

DC: He wrestles for XWA?

Tyler: Yeah man, I'm his mentor, he was going to be in the match on Team XWA's side.

DC: Now, tell me his name one more time.

Tyler: Safari M...

-All of a sudden Safari Man comes into the view of the camer. He is shirtless and has on a pair of blue jeans with a chain around his neck. His belt buck is impressive. He looks at Tyler, then at DC. Then with a swipe of his arm he knocks down the water cooler. Then get's in DC's face. -

Safari: I'm Safari Man, and I'm coming for you, *****!

- DC and Tyler have a confused "WTF" kind of look on there face. Then Safari bends over and picks up the water cooler.-

Safari: I'm just playin dawg. Don't hate.

DC: You're comical attempts don't ammuse me, neither does your african american steriotype language. It doesn't ammuse me, infact it makes me sick, and that's the reason you'll never make it anywhere in XWA, unless you show some respect for your elders and your co workers. Right now, you don't even deserve to be on national telivision with the likes Tyler Lawson and myself. You have a lot of growing up and maturing to do before you can even think about stepping infront of me. I don't know what Tyler has been teaching you, but he needs to teach you some manners. You had no right, and I mean no right to do that when Tyler and I were trying to have a conversation like the adults that we are.

Safari: Wait, wait, are you trying to tell me that I'm not a man? That I'm not an adult. If you want to find out who's a man we can solve that problem right now.

DC: I'm more of a man, because I'm proud of who i am. I am at my peak, I respect people and they respect me, I respect each and every one of my fans, and they're what keeps me going. I don't have to fight you to prove myself to anyone,. I have a wife and a family, and make a living doing the thing I love to do 300 nights a year. That's what being a man is about.

Tyler: Safari, he's right, you have a lot of maturing to do, and you need to do it fast, before you can even think of challenging for a XWA championship.

Safari doesn't know what to say, he just stands there speechless as DC and Tyler excuse them selfs from the hallway. Safari rubs hyis hands over his head and sighs. Then kicks one of the boxes laying out in the hall way, as the camera turns to Jack Johnson, walking with a mike in his hand.

Jack: Safari can I get a word with you.

Safari: Can you have a word?

Jack: Yeah, can I get an interview?

Safari: Can I get an interview please?

Jack: What?

Safari: I just got a lecture from two of the top XWA stars about not having and manors, then you come in and demand a interview with me?

Jack: I'm not demanding an interview, I'm simply asking.

Safari: I'm going to "simply ask" you to get the hell out of my face. I'm not in the mood for skinny little interns like yourself.

Jack: What's your problem? and intern? I've worked for XWA for several years.

Safari: Get on with the interview.

Jack: Well, earlier tonight before the show you were involved in a match with Sky Drifter, in which you came out as a victor. Doing so, you showed off a whole new package of moves. Where did these come from?

Safari: I just figured it was time to unleash the wrestler, not the beast, I went out there, and put on a good show, entertained the crowd and won, and I feel good about it. Being a dick all the time doesn't help anyone, and I think DC just taught me that.

Jack: Where do you plan on going from here?

Safari: Well hopefully back to the hotel with my girl, Daisy. hop i get luck--

Jack: I mean in the company! where do you plan to go in the company?

Safari: Well, I hope to get off these dark cards, and once I do, I girl Daisy will be helping me. Speaking of Daisy, have you seen her?

Jack: Well, I don't even know her....

Safari: I'm going to go find her, take care Jack.

Safari slaps Jack on the shoulder and nods his head as he takes off in a light jog to go find Daisy.
Note alot of references of XWA.. No need to google it or anything I'm not advertising.... Just the fed I write for. Also I mention a few names that are other E-fedders. and a few names I just made up.

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