Another glorified Jobber to return to the WWE

Dr. Stinger A. Zoidberg

Stay in school and don't litter. said:
Nick 'Eugene' Dinsmore has re-signed with WWE. They want him to help groom young talent

I will seriously mark out for his return, I have always been a fan of Eugene and is gimmick, I can even see him getting a midcard or a tag team title run or two.
He is like the present day Brooklyn Brawler, Alot of potential, but still a great jobber that the fans love.

I like the Eugene gimmick but i want him to come back in a different better gimmick since theres enough commedy acts in WWE rite now Hornswoggle Goldust Santino Marella ETC
Did you guys even read the quote that you yourself posted HHH-Hogan?

It says nothing about Dinsmore returning to the ring, television, or the Eugene gimmick. What it does say is that they want to bring Dinsmore back to work with the young wrestlers. They want him as a trainer, not as a wrestler guys. You'll probably never see him on TV again, that part of his career is over.

That said, sure, why not. Dinsmore is actually a pretty talented wrestler, but anyone who gets saddled with a mentally handicapped person gimmick is fucking doomed. He could teach the kids some good stuff though.
I was about to say something, but X had that covered; it says nothing about him actually returning to television or (Dear God, I hope not) even returning as Eugene. Simply put, the gimmick needs to stay far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far..... Gasp...... far away from the ring. They've already trotted it out, and people shat all over it, as they deseved to. As a matter of fact, it's very possible you will see Eugene in my John Tenta Memorial for Terrible Gimmicks.

What I really don't get is why they're bringing in a relative jobber to teach kids. It just really doesn't make much sense to me; he's good in the ring, but even then, he was nowhere the best worker in the ring. It's the same thing that I'd argue about Billy Kidman taking over for John Lauranitis at some point... Neither of these wrestlers really drew a dime as wrestlers, and I can't really see these wrestlers helping young blood learn how to draw, either. He was never a real main event wrestler, and got by on a gimmick that is utter crap. If he's merely teaching the kids how to wrestle, well then sure, give him a spin, otherwise, I don't get it myself.

And a word of warning.... Those that find themselves in the John Tenta Memorial for Terrible Gimmicks rarely find a recovery point. Beware to any wrestler trained by Nick Dinsmore, or to Dinsmore himself...
Didn't he say in an interview that he made a mistake and being "Eugene" in the WWE is THE mistake?

So he's going to return with the same gimmick?


Tagging with Trips any luck?
Apparently the guy was very talented, but his gimmick obviously never let him show that. Anyway, this is only backstage stuff and he won't actually return on camera, unless the WWE get really desperate.

With that being said, if he can help the younger guys improve then it's always a good thing. He's quite highly rated, so I'm sure he'll do well backstage. Just don't expect him to be wrestling on TV, which I'm glad he won't be. That gimmick was just plain grim.
You don't have to be the best wrestler to be the best teacher of wrestling.

I think it is a good idea, as I have heard that Dinsmore is very good at this kind of thing.
The Eugene gimmick COULD have worked out but the WWE totally dropped the ball. For those who remember the storyline, you'll understand this, if not, Google some old results, but really - at his peak, Eugene should have turned heel and helped HHH keep the title over whomever: Orton, Benoit, or whoever. Then Dinsmore could have been showcased for his in-ring talents but instead well got ****** strength for 2 years then a "future endeavors" club membership.
I doubt he'll be on TV, he's gonna be training and helping build guys up in FCW or something. Very doubtful he'll be returning to TV let alone in the Eugene gimmick, the gimmick is old and gone. No point to rehiring him to be on television. He wouldnt get over now I dont think and there's already Santino etc to get laughs.
I liked Eugene back in the day when he was fueded with Evolution. But in all honesty Im scared in this age what WWE will do to Eugene. They may have him be just like another Hornswaggle or Goldust. Now I know Eugene was "special" as what his charactor was, but in a PG era, WWE will just make him out to be a "kids icon." So in all honesty, Im happy he's back, but at the same time, scared
I think the WWE is making a good decision by bringing back to train the new up and coming stars. From what I have heard, he's a good wrestler and he is very skillful. He can really help groom the young talent that the WWE has down here in FCW. Maybe and hopefully we'll see a change on the wrestlers that get called up to the main roster.

I hope the WWE doesn’t suddenly want to switch him from the role he is going to get to an on-air talent. I don’t think anyone can take him serious after him having the mentally challenged gimmick. And quite frankly I don’t want to see him back on TV because I would be scared to see what the WWE would have him do, especially after they had him parade around as a Superhero. I hope they keep him in the role they are going to give him because he should do well in that role.
Well since the WWE is a PG rating now, him coming back with his same gimmick would be the perfect fit....would it not?
hes hopefully not back to wrestle as the dreadfull eugene gimic. He is tallented yes, but that gimic was horiable, its demeaning, and just wrong. Yet it worked in an era where they had more leniacy then the pg era. Comming back in the PG era with the Eugene gimic i think will alinate more fans then bring them in. If they bring him to wrestle but do it as a hippy or a clown even then it will be cool, the people that remeber and like eugene will like it and his tallent will shine through. I will love to see Eugene as Doink the clowns son making him a legacy it will be funny but not a jobber funny like the hopefully soon to be released santino and hornny.
I could just imagine a legacy fued if he was the son of doink the clown. "Randy how come you never called me *honk honk* is it because I'm not god enough because I'm a clown *honk honk" is it because of my ruber nose. Lets face it I'm cooler then you Orton *honk honk honk honk honk*" This would be epic
". I hope they keep him in the role they are going to give him because he should do well in that role."

Nowhere did it say what role they are giving him. It said to help the younger guys....that could mean in FCW, some other training facility....or on air as well. He could possibly be put on ECW to "train young guys"

So don't jump the gun and assume you know what role exactly they are giving him.
package eugene and santino on raw week to week and you got your self some pretty funny comedy bits if you ask me. probably a whole lot more entertaining than watching trips vs orton vs cena part VIII
Well, it could be a good thing.

Dinsmore will teach them, and at the ending of each training session say:

"Everything I taught you today.....DON'T do it."
I think that if you brought Eugene back for a couple months, get him in good with the #1 face(Cena)...Then pull out a "Usual Suspects" turn. Make it all a act to get in close enough to strike. He would get crazy heat. If WWE did it right he would also get alot of fans. Dinsmore has real good ring skills and in OVW he had decent mic skills.

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