The Greatest Jobber Of All Time Is...

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I Am The One Who Knocks

I dare you to debate this. Mikey Whipwreck started out in the original ECW on the ring crew, the guy didnt even get paid to do it, he did it just so he could flop around the ring a bit. This effectively turned him into the greatest jobber of all time. The guy got NO offense in, none at all. He would flop around making his opponents look like superman. He would make people like Shane Douglas look like Hulk Hogan. The fans started reacting, and started to love the little guy. Then one day he teamed with Mick Foley (then known as Cactus Jack) and won the ECW world tag team titles from The Public Enemy with a roll up. That's all Whipwreck did, besides get his ass kicked.

Then all of a sudden this guy who was a major jobber started to get taken seriously. Hell, he even won the ECW World Title. Some people may say that the Brooklyn Brawler is the greatest, but nobody, and I mean nobody made his opponents look as good as Mikey Whipwreck.

Do you agree? Or do you disagree? Who do you think is the best jobber off all time?
Best Jobber of all time......? That's a good one. I can't go with Whipwreck though. He DID get tag titles, and he DID get a world title. That means that he wasn't a jobber forever, and I think that takes him out of the equation. Still though, that is a decent choice. I think the Brooklyn Brawler is one of the best jobbers of all time too, but I still believe there is someone who is well beyond him and Whipwreck.

THE BEST JOBBER OF ALL TIME IS.................(Drum Roll)..................................


Barry Horowitz.

Now if you look this guys history up, he did have some success in the Indy Circuit, but that doesn't really count now does it? He is famous for being a comedy jobber. He did it for a while, and continued it in a tag team as I read it which really takes the cake. It's one thing to job in singles, but to job in the tag division too??? That's pathetic. He was apparently a pretty good wrestler too. Whenever I think of a jobber, I think of Barry Horowitz. Seriously, this guys gimmick was that he was Jewish? What the Fuck? And then made to job out to everyone? That puts him up there for me as the best jobber of all time, or possibly the worst.
i have to agree wuth the guy above me barry horowitz simply because, you knew he wasnt going to win but, at the same time your brain is telling you that maybe just maybe this guy will finalley win this next next and when he finalley won everyone was so surprised
hmm. well Barry "Horrible-witz" did have a small push with a feud with Chris "Skip" Candido and actually upset Skip at Summerslam 95 (with a little distraction by Hakushi). He jerked the curtain in WWE's undercard for about a year after

Duane "Gillberg" Gill. He's jobbed to big stars since the early 90's and had a funny run as LH Champion with the J.O.B. Squad. He held the belt for 15 months despite lack of title defenses or appearances. I met him at an indy show in Oshawa 10 years ago as a ref, he's kind of a douche lol...I'd give the crown to Gill, since he is more memorable.
true but no offense but, gillberg was brought up for one reason, to take a shot at wcws best star at the time goldberg so if goldberg had never signed with wcw than gillberg would have faded into the backround just like barry
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