Angels Trade For Toronto's Wells


Big Papa Panty Droppa
This just in, I don't know how to copy url's on here or anything but I read it on the Angel's Website, that the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim traded C Mike Napoli and OF Juan Rivera for OF Vernon Wells.

Now I, being a long time Angels fan, think this is smart, we have Bobby Wilson, Hank Conger, and Jeff Mathis as our Catchers, and a plethora of OF's lead by Torii Hunter, Reggie Willits, and Bobby Abreu. So I think this is a very good trade for us. Wells in my eyes is just a stronger verson of Torii Hunter and a decent glove too. Napoli was getting expensive and Rivera was VASTLY overrated.

So folks what do you think this means for the Angels outlook on this upcoming season??? Are they better with him?????? Or No???
As a Jays fan, I can tell you this deal is good for both sides. Vernon Wells had a very productive year last season and him being a decent glove is an understatement, he is a 3x gold glover and is still a very solid fielder. Travis Snider will probably get a full time gig now that Wells is gone so I'm excited about that. Now Napoli should be interesting to have, I think he'll start since Buck left but he might split time with Molina as well so we'll see.
I was under speaking Wells cuz Toronto is a notorious hitter's park. But I will go as far as saying Rivera will get the starting spot b4 Travis Snider. Snider is still extremely young, he's 24, and Rivera is the crafty veteran, if anything I see a platoon between the two, expecially, since Snider hasn't learned how to hit lefties yet.
This trade is ridiculously stupid for the Angels, and is the best move in the entire offseason for Toronto. AJ Anthropoulos (Blue Jays GM) just won himself the entire offseason. And yes, I put this move on par with the Adrien Gonzalez steal in Boston, the Cliff Lee signing, Rafael Soriano signing (bias Yankee fan had to include this, but the move was excellent), and virtually every other move. The Vernon Wells contract was killing their team, and not only was he able to dump the contract on another team, but he was able to get back quality players, one of which (Napoli) is under their control until 2013.

Vernon Wells is coming off his best season in years, and it wasn't all that stupendous. In fact, Juan Rivera could be just as good (close to) as Vernon Wells now, and at MUCH, MUCH CHEAPER. Wells is making $23 Million this season, and $21 Million the next 3 seasons (unless he opts out, which is highly unlikely, unless he can have an MVP caliber season, which is again unlikely). That's a total of 86 Million Dollars for a guy who is now 32 years old and on the downswing of his career. Juan Rivera is making $5 Million and is not signed after this season. AND Los Angeles of Anaheim threw in Mike Napoli (a starting level catcher), AND Los Angeles of Anaheim didn't get much money at all back (Jon Heyman is saying Los Angeles of Anaheim got $5 Million back). I cannot for the life of me see how any Angel fan is happy with this deal. At all. Toronto, ont he other hand, should be jumping for joy and praising the Lord above, because they just drastically improved their potential.

Couple the Blue Jays getting rid of what might be the worst contract in all of baseball with them getting 2 solid pieces, and the Blue Jays are gonna be able to improve their team and compete in the AL East in the coming years.
I like the deal. It gives the Angels a DH or a third outfielder, and that's always a plus. Wells can be a very good player, and although he's getting older you have to keep in mind he was facing ridiculously good competition in the AL East, so I don't see how you can't think he'll have somewhat of a good year. Stormtrooper, a 32 year old Wells is a vastly better option than a 32 year old Rivera. Wells is a good fielder and a good hitter, whereas Rivera is fairly spotty. Anyway, Rivera started off TERRIBLE last year, and Wells looked great. They got All-Star and a Gold Glover in exchange for two role players, I don't see how that is bad.
I like the deal. It gives the Angels a DH or a third outfielder, and that's always a plus.
It's a plus to spend over $81 million (The Blue Jays paid $5M of his $86M remaining) over 4 years for a 3rd outfielder?!?!

And last year was the first time he did anything close to playing up to his contract (he still didn't play up to it, mind you). You don't pay 20 Million a year for newcomer decent all-around outfielder (which Wells is). You pay 20 Million annually for a perennial All-Star guy, or a guy that is of slightly less talent but who's importance to the franchise and fanbase is immeasurable and the team can afford to overpay (ie Jeter's current deal). Wells isn't either of that. Hence why I think the move is shit. Even the Yankees don't spend 20 Million annually on those types of players.

Wells can be a very good player, and although he's getting older you have to keep in mind he was facing ridiculously good competition in the AL East, so I don't see how you can't think he'll have somewhat of a good year.
1. Wells' numbers away from Rogers Centre this year? .227 Batting Average. .301 On Base. .407 Slugging. .708 OPS. He was only good this year when he was in the Rogers Center, and now he won't be there. But yes, it makes sense to think he'd be great in Los Angeles of Anaheim.

2. Toronto was one of the better hitting teams all year, so they obviously didn't have much trouble with the AL East pitching, which wasn't all that good to be honest (Yankees staff was down aside from CC, Sox staff wasn't good, Rays were pretty good especially Price). They led the league in Homers (40 more then the 2nd best team), 2nd in Doubles, 1st in Slugging, 1st in OPS, 2nd in Total Bases, 9th in Runs Scored and RBIs. Not a bad offense, I'd say.

Stormtrooper, a 32 year old Wells is a vastly better option than a 32 year old Rivera. Wells is a good fielder and a good hitter, whereas Rivera is fairly spotty. Anyway, Rivera started off TERRIBLE last year, and Wells looked great. They got All-Star and a Gold Glover in exchange for two role players, I don't see how that is bad.

Wells has played 576 more career games, which means a ton in terms of a guy wearing down. But yes, talent wise, it isn't the most terrible deal. Again, talent isn't the only thing to look at when making a trade of this magnitude. The next 3 years after 2011 are where they get killed, because you are overpaying for this guy when you could have kept Rivera, had an only slightly worse year out of him, then signed a top tier free agent in the following offseason with the $20 Million annually they now have locked up with Wells.

IF they talked to wells and have an agreement that Wells will opt-out of his contract after the season it's a pretty good deal. However, again, unless he has an MVP level season, he'd get less money on the open market, and likely wouldn't opt-out. And since an MVP caliber season isn't something you can fairly expect from Wells (who has never had such a season) they're likely stuck with him for 4 years at an exorbitant contract.

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