Angelina Love Released

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I think Angelina Love and Velvet Sky should leave TNA for WWE. They bring back Trish Status, Lita, Chyna and Mae Young for kicks. The new Beautiful People would be Trish, Angelina Love, Velvet Sky and Kelly Kelly (they need to work on her wrestling skills more, like Evolution did). They would have the all blonde thing going and it would be a great segment to watch that dominant women faction controls the divas on all 3 brands with both womens champions and if WWE gets women's tag titles this group would be so over with the crowd.
Sucks for tna. That's all there is to it. TNA should hope she gets the visa worked out and isn't lured to WWE. Never put it past them to swoop in on a talent like her and sign her. Even if they said she didn't have the right look in the past, times change, and gaining some fame in TNA surely doesn't hurt her chances with the WWE trying to sign her for more money. I hope she goes back to TNA as the knockout division is one of the only reasons i even watch parts of the show. She'd be wasted more than likely in WWE and TBP are awesome. It's just a shame something like this wasn't avoided. Maybe she let it go purposely? She does have ties to
It's worse for Angelina than it originally looked, at least that seems to be the case now.

The story now is that she's been working without a valid work visa for 2 years and that's a big no no. When she obtained her original work visa, she was working for the WWE in a developmental deal. When her job in the WWE ended, her work visa was automatically rendered invalid. That means that she should have applied for another one before signing her TNA contract, which she didn't do.

This could mean serious consequences for her. Since she's been working illegally in the United States for two years, she could potentially be deported, banned from entering the United States for ten years and potentially forced to pay back all the money she's made here while working illegally. There could also be some consequences for TNA as well, since they were negligent, apparently, in finding out what her status was prior to them signing her to a contract.

I think this was part of the reason why Gail Kim's return to the WWE happened so long after she left TNA, she had to apply for a new work visa. At any rate, this is bad news for Angelina Love. It's going to be a long time before, or even if, we see her wrestling for TNA again. If nothing else, she's going to be looking and months and months of red tape, paper work, immigration officials speaking to her, etc.
In my opinion, the Knockouts division is wayyyy better than the Divas division of the WWE. The Knockouts division got really good around 2007 with the purge of the new Knockouts such as Awesome Kong, Shelly Martinez (Ariel), ODB, the not so good Velvet Sky, and of course the Angel herself, Angelina Love. She may not be a Torrie Wilson, but she's pretty hot, and not to mention she's if not, the best women's wrestler out there today, you can argue that all you want, but the matter of the fact is that she's one of the women that built the Knockouts division from the ground. Solid heel, and probably a solid face, she's the whole package, not to mention looks great in TNA HD. I don't know much about visas either but perhaps she didn't know she had to get a new visa when her WWE contract ended? Perhaps...maybe? Either way, with her leaving, it's a huge blow to the Knockouts since she was one of the premiers. And because of this, I can't really see Velvet Sky going all that far. Angelina was the face of the Knockouts, Velvet is the (apologies for the language) ass quite litterally. She's definitely nowhere to being as good as Angelina. I can only see management turning her into a SoCal Val or a Traci Brooks, almost never wrestling, if not also getting released from TNA. As for WWE being interested, most likely they are interested, but as for Angelina signing with them...ehh, it's debateable but I don't think so. I just really hope she gets things sorted out, things blow by, nothing happens to her or TNA, and she'll be back in TNA in a year or so. Unlikely, but it's not out of the question. She will be greatly missed by me and TNA.
WrestleZone said: is reporting that according to a source close to the situation, recently released TNA star Angelina Love had been working for the company without a visa.

Love is a Canadian citizen, and it's being said that following her release from WWE back in 2007, she failed to obtain a new work visa when she signed with TNA. When a foreign citizen obtains a work visa, and is then fired from or leaves the company he or she is working for, that person must obtain a NEW work visa if and when he or she starts working for a new company in The U.S.

Legally, Angelina Love could face a stiff punishment, and it could be a ban from The United States for up to 10 years. Love did not have her visa issues taken care of prior to signing with TNA, and that puts both her and TNA in danger of punishment. Punishment to TNA for hiring an illegal alien without proper paper work, and Love for signing a contract with a company in the U.S. without applying for a work visa first.

Well, it appears this could be alot worse then many of us were expecting. I figured it would only be a few weeks or so before she could get a new Visa, but from the looks of it it's starting to look like she isn't going to be able to work in the US for a long time, which would kill both the Beautiful People and her wrestling career. I sincerely hope this isn't true, because otherwise I'm going to be one sad wrestling fan. The Beautiful People were one of my very favorite parts of TNA, and Angelina was a huge reason for that. I wonder what will happen with Velvet if Angelina can't sort out her visa issues?

It's a huge error in judgement on her part. How could you NOT know about having a work visa? Considering that the penalty is stiff for something like that, I figure it would be a high priority on someone's list. Hopefully, she'll end up getting something worked out where she can get her visa back and be able to wrestle in other parts of the United States. Working in Canada would be ok, but the money's not as good as it is in the US. Still has great titties though.
The main problem is that if it'S true the she forgot to renew a work visa after getting fired from WWE then will probably be take longer before she gets to work in the U.S. again. The other problem is that this will cause a lot of problem for TNA as they didn'T check if her work visa was valid before hiring her. TNA canoot afford another scandal like that, they already got the Kurt Angle stuff going on now with if this get out that they hired a illegal immigrant, that won't help TNA image and will probably cost them a lot of money. TNA should have done the necessary background check before hiring her 2 years ago, now they just look like stupid idiots that finally realise that Angelina was working with a expired visa.
What's with the love fest? There are other knocjouts I believe to be better than her. But, more to the point how the heck do you not keep tabs on your work visa?? and for two years? Come on. Loss for TNA? maybe. But that was just plain stupid on her part. I do hope things go her way getting sorted out though.
I am very saddened by this. TBP is truly the only reason I watch TNA. I love women's wrestling because i feel like it shows that women can be tough and kick ass just like men. I'll still watch TNA because I'm still interested in their Knockout division but I don't think I'll get the same giddyness I got from watching TBP.

That being said, Angelina and TNA should have paid more attention because they just lost one of their biggest stars in the company. Hopefully this will send a message to all the other foreign wrestlers to get all their paperwork in check so this never has to happen again.
All in all I think this is bullshit. More importantly this shows exactly how TNA isn't a 2nd place Company so much more than a 2nd rate Company that has no business being in Mainstream, currently.

They brought Angelina in under illegal acts, and more importantly the bigger question I have is would this fall under a form of "tax evasion" for the Company as well as Angel? Its a serious issue that unfortunately looks like Angelina is going to take the brunt of and TNA may just suffer nothing more than a fine and simple 'slap on the wrist'. Its honestly shit.

Angelina shouldn't be punished for merely trying to make a living. When she was released from the WWE way back when, TNA should have told her they could only bring her on when shes available to obtain a new work visa. Instead, TNA and its officials broke the law in allowing Williams to come on board early. That isn't Love's fault, its TNA's. So to punish Love for it, is pure nonsense.

In the end, this is such a shame if they ban Angel Williams from the United States for 10 years. It'll result in her career in all likelihood coming to an end, and worse, taking away one of the more popular Female wrestlers within the past 5 years.

In my opinion, I believe Love shouldn't gain that much of a punishment, but instead be fined or possibly suspended for maybe, at most, a year or two. For no other reason than once again SHE wasn't the one forcing TNA to break the law. TNA broke it. So Love shouldn't be punished for poor management decisions.
All in all I think this is bullshit. More importantly this shows exactly how TNA isn't a 2nd place Company so much more than a 2nd rate Company that has no business being in Mainstream, currently.

They brought Angelina in under illegal acts, and more importantly the bigger question I have is would this fall under a form of "tax evasion" for the Company as well as Angel? Its a serious issue that unfortunately looks like Angelina is going to take the brunt of and TNA may just suffer nothing more than a fine and simple 'slap on the wrist'. Its honestly shit.

Angelina shouldn't be punished for merely trying to make a living. When she was released from the WWE way back when, TNA should have told her they could only bring her on when shes available to obtain a new work visa. Instead, TNA and its officials broke the law in allowing Williams to come on board early. That isn't Love's fault, its TNA's. So to punish Love for it, is pure nonsense.

In the end, this is such a shame if they ban Angel Williams from the United States for 10 years. It'll result in her career in all likelihood coming to an end, and worse, taking away one of the more popular Female wrestlers within the past 5 years.

In my opinion, I believe Love shouldn't gain that much of a punishment, but instead be fined or possibly suspended for maybe, at most, a year or two. For no other reason than once again SHE wasn't the one forcing TNA to break the law. TNA broke it. So Love shouldn't be punished for poor management decisions.

I'm not going to stick up for TNA because they should have been more careful when they hired Angelina, but we don'T know the whole story. Maybe Angelina was looking for another job and when TNA contacted her and ask her if she had a work visa, she might not have known that her current work visa wasn't good (but i doubt it) and told them she had one and they never bother checking things out because they trusted her.

Sure TNA is in the wrong for not checking up on her paperwork but Angelina is the one that was responsible for not telling them about her work visa situation and accepting to sign with TNA even if she hadn't a valid work visa. So i agree That TNA should take part of the blame but Angelina should be the one getting punish since she's the one that broke the rules in the first place. If the story that i have read is true and she knew about she try to get a new work visa before signing with TNA and was refuse but still sign with TNA, then she should get the whole 10 years ban because she knew what the situation was and she lied to TNA management about it and they were stupid enough to not check it out.

So sure Angelina will be miss but it'S her fault she in the trouble she's in right now.
There is plenty of blame to go around on this. Angelina Love should have known about having to need to get a new visa once she was let go from the WWE. TNA should have known about her needing a new visa and followed up on it when she was hired. I'm surprised this wasn't addressed sooner. There are alot of Canadians who have been working with TNA since she signed in 2007. Wasn't the main agent for the knockouts when she signed Scott D'Amore. Isn't he Canadian?.

TNA had no choice, but to release her as they are facing potentially facing huge problems from the government for employing someone in the US illegally. Most likely this can be worked out with lawyers and alot of money to pay for fines and legal fees. The government has more important problems, but you never know how they may react. I don't know if TNA will help Angelina with the legal aspects or if she has to get her own lawyers. It would be smart for TNA to try to help to ensure that when it's settled, she comes back to the company.

Now if Vince wanted her, WWE has offices in Toronto and the corporate lawyers to help her. I don't know if he would want her other than to hurt TNA. He may be trying to build up the Divas division with actual wrestlers, but it's has never really been a priority.

This is a huge blow to the company. How can you say it isn't when the leader of the top female heel faction gets suddenly dropped. Like it or not, they're over with the fans. If TNA is working with Angelina to get her visa, then you can just write her out of the storyline for now. Say she's off in Canada, or Japan filming a movie, modeling, recruiting more talent, or anything. Have Madison and Velvet win the tag titles and when she comes back, evoke the infamous "Freebird Rule", re-naming it something else pertaining to TBP.

If TNA is not working with her to get this all straighten out and get a new visa, then she could potentially go to WWE. In that case, Velvet becomes the new leader of TBP and they could do another search "contest," like ODB and Kevin Nash to bring someone new in.
Looks like the statement released by her agent is very positive from a BP fans point of view, sounds like she has no intention of going to WWE and is looking to sort this all out and get back to TNA as soon as possible.

I really can't imagine her going to WWE, they didn't rate her in developmental for some reason (even though shes great in ring and on the mic). Plus there is nothing they'd give her creatively that would get over way the BP has, women's wrestling doesn't get enough attention in WWE and the whole division is worthless.
:( This is awful news. Angelina was by far my favorite knockout and personally I'll miss seeing her in TNA. Awful.

Now, I understand why TNA had to do it, but I think this is something that should have never happened. TNA is a company, they should have all this checked when hiring non-Americans, and Angelina has been in the business and most have known better.

Now this is a huge blow for the knockout division and TNA in general. TBP have proved to be a hot commoditiy and their segments usually bring in some of the highest viewer's per show. And nobody can deny Angelina was the star/leader of the group. Velvet is "hotter" but it was obvious that TNA looked at Angelina as being the better of the two.

And honestly I don't think TNA can just replace her. They have tried numerous times at adding a new member but the crowds just didn't react to them like they do Angelina & Velvet. While this isn't going to run TNA out of business and the ratings as a whole one take a huge dive, it's definitely a blow to the knockout division and a blow to fans of the beautiful people.

I can only hope that Angelina doesn't suffer any long term punishment from the goverment, and hopefully she can get everything in line, so that someday soon we'll see the return of the HBIC.
While I agree with Will's statement to some degree, I'm afraid that this is also partially Angelina's fault as well.

TNA definitely should have known better, this is a situation that doesn't speak highly at all of TNA management. At the same time, Angelia should have been watching out for her own cute little ass as well. It wouldn't have been any trouble on either her part or the company's to make a few phone calls and find out what the deal is regarding work visas. Since neither could be bothered to make such a call, it's mutually negligent fuck up in my view.

Overall, it's a shitty situation for Angelina Love. She's one of the only reasons, Velvet Sky being another, that I've watched TNA for so long. It's a shitty thing for TNA because BP segments are usually the highest rated part of Impact. In my opinion, the BP have been the most entertaining aspect of women's wrestling, perhaps ever, in the United States. I don't see how TNA can replace her in the BP, she and Velvet Sky have tremendous chemistry that really just comes along every so often. I suppose, however, it's always possible that TNA could find someone to step in and the BP could still be significant force in TNA's ratings.

I'm hoping that the authorities will be lenient with Angelina as it was a mistake. A completely stupid, fuck up of a mistake that could've been easily avoided, but a mistake nonetheless. I'll be surprised if they throw the book at her.
Angelina Love Rep Responds To Release Rumors, Talks TNA Future
Monday, September 7, 2009

By Brian Cantor

Michael Klyzub, the agent for Angelina Love (Lauren “Angel” Williams), attributes the entirety of her TNA departure to a miscommunication over her visa.

“This separation was purely based on a miscommunication of Angel Williams present Visa Status. This in no way has anything to do with Contract Disputes or trouble with the office as has been reported,” wrote Klyzub in a MySpace Blog.

He noted that Williams will be welcomed back to TNA “with open arms” when the visa issue is resolved.

Seemingly in response to online rumors that Williams is on WWE’s radar (she had previously worked under a developmental contract), especially given the fact that WWE heads to her native Canada next week, Klyzub said he “cannot and will not address” speculation. He did claim that “most of what is on the internet is inaccurate.”

I found this on Google. I figured it was worth posting here. Sounds like she'll no doubt be back once this visa issue is resolved.
There is NO WAY WWE would touch her. She push's the rated "R" symbol with her ring entrance alone. WWE has gone PG. If they did pick her up, it would be a bad move on her part. They would change her character over completly, give her a new name, more clothing, etc. It would be a shame really. Her best bet is to take care of her VISA issues and return to TNA as part of the Beautiful People. The Beautiful People are one of the reasons I watch TNA on a regular basis!
Wow, I have been watching TNA for about a year now. Angelina has been a HUGE spotlight hog. I don't think that many people have gotten much atention without fighting with/ or starting a rivalrie with Angelina Loves. If she is gone, think about the spotlight. It COULD and maybe would go to other Knockouts. ODB is Knockout champion. With her and Hamada or Kong in a battle for the title... THERE YOU GO A NEW FIGHT!!! I get tired of the same people in the spotlight. The knockout tag titles?? If the beautiful people stay, we are sure that since madison won't be there, so the Beautiful people will take over that title. (Unless tara comes to the rescue!!!) :)
Ladies and Gentlemen I introduce you to the overeaction thread championship of the world. This is not the major blow to TNA as some here are saying. Angel Williams to me is smoking hot and an amazing female heel wrestler but as far as TNA ratings go I would venture to say that the high rating comes from Velvets assets more than Angels. This will hurt the in ring product more than it will hurt the ratings.

No, no, no.

There are far hotter girls on WWE than Velvet; and maybe even Angelina Love. HOWEVER, she's got something about her that the other divas / knockouts lack; a big personality, great looks and the ability to work a match.

TNA is losing BIG TIME here. Angelina Love is the only reason I started watching TNA in the first place. I glimpsed at a show and thought it was alright but the only reason I kept watching was to see her. I'd fast forward through everything else. I was sick for a week and watched the other stuff before deleting it but if it wasn't for her I'd never have watched this program.

Gail Kim is gone, Velvet is average t 'n' a; I can get as good if not better on WWE. Love is different; if she goes WWE I doubt I'll even watch TNA anymore. I'm not alone in this, I know. It's a big deal. Maybe you don't prefer her (which is fine, a lot of the live crowd doesn't because they cheer the faces), but a lot of people prefer Love.
There is NO WAY WWE would touch her. She push's the rated "R" symbol with her ring entrance alone. WWE has gone PG. If they did pick her up, it would be a bad move on her part. They would change her character over completly, give her a new name, more clothing, etc. It would be a shame really. Her best bet is to take care of her VISA issues and return to TNA as part of the Beautiful People. The Beautiful People are one of the reasons I watch TNA on a regular basis!

Again, disagree.

Nothing she does is even almost rated R. Nothing she does is half as bad as a lot of the crap Randy Orton does. She shows a lot of skin but she's always mostly covered up. She doesn't even come out in a thong or anything; if she did that I could see your point.

Randy Orton KO'ing a woman and kissing her knocked out body in front of her husband who was tied up to the ropes ... that's WAY worse than anything Angelina has ever or will likely ever do.

Biggest problem with her going to WWE would be the loss in possiblity of her doing the Playboy gig that TNA set up.

As far as the wrestling, she could work great matches with Gail Kim; you know they'd let them wrestle. I'd also like to see her go face again.
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