Angelina Love Released

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i like the Beautiful People thing, just the characters and not the women themselves. Just because i'm not a fan of girls who have pictures of them getting cum facials on the internet.
OK...maybe she just gets her visa straight, TNA rehires her, and none of this happened? Ya?

Still...pretty stupid to risk Vince calling and breaking up DAT AZZ SQUARED right in the middle of the KO Tag Title push...then again, they did an angle *SPOILER ALERT* with Madison Rayne at the last Impact taping to reform DAT AZZ CUBED, so they may have already planned for Angelina's release.
Why i am deeply Saddened that Angelina didnt Renew Her Work Visa I dont think TNA should of just Out Right Released her what does this Mean for the Beautiful People and the Whole TNA KNOCKOUT TAG TITLE TOURNY i would have thought they would have TBP outright Win the Titles to Further that TBP are the Top Knockouts in All of the Divison now i dont know how many of you People actually follow Wrestling for the Matches or Just Seeing the Women every Week. Wether it Be WWE or TNA
To whoever said she don't have the look for WWE are you insane? Have you had your eyes checked? She's drop dead gorgeous! If she'd loose all that stupid makeup she'd be perfect. I'd say Kelly Kelly and Maria, and Eve that have her beat in the looks department, but she'll be back in tna
What if she allowed it to happen so that she could get out of her TNA contract? Sure she gets over there, but the paycheck at WWE is bigger. She can work indies in Canada for a few months while her visa is renewed and then sign with the WWE and get a much bigger paycheck and possibly get onto their PPVs where again the paycheck will be higher. Gail Kim may not be happy with how she's booked all the time, but then she gets her far larger paycheck and she deals with it.
Tna is stupid for this move . Angelina love was their Trish stratus she was going to be in the wwe sooner or later
I don't see how TNA could not have known her Visa was expiring. All they could have done was taken her off thier Next PPV or whatever till the situation resolved itself. I hope she does come to WWE,she would be great with Mickie James,Beth Phoenix,Gail Kim,Maryse,and Michelle.
ok i normally only read the post just to see whats going on or checking out opinions but this is one i just have to respond to.what is the big deal with angelina love getting all act like she is a goddess,,,she is not all that hot...velvet sky is way better,far more beautiful and angelinas in ring talent well thats not so great either.most of the tna knockouts really put her to shame in any match.they should have got rid of her along time ago.maybe now velvet sky can branch out and get away from this stupid beautiful people gimmick that has gone on far to long and as far as her going to wwe that wont happen they want divas that can actually wrestle so that would leave angelina out
First of all, I'm sure there is very strict legislation regarding paperwork of this nature. If what is being reported is accurate, I'm sure TNA had absolutely no choice but to release her, as she couldn't remain an employee of TNA without the proper paperwork in place. I'm sure she'll complete the appropriate documentation and then return to TNA and TBP very soon. So relax.

I can't help but wonder, though, if there may be more to the story than is being reported. Maybe she wants to end up in WWE where the dollars are. You can talk all you want about being over, respect, etc., but ultimately most pro wrestlers not named Sting will go to where the money is, and take all of the accompanying baggage with it. Better to be in a shit storyline, or no storyline at all but getting big bucks, rather than being all that in TNA and earning squat. Most of the disillusioned WWE "rejects" would disagree with this but they have their money made. Booker T, Angle, Taz, etc., can sit on their high horses and preach, but they are all set for life financially because of WWE and can afford to go dabble in obscurity for a while to seek whatever they felt they were lacking in WWE, but for someone like Angelina Love, she may feel that the life expectancy of a diva/knockout is short and she wants to make a few bucks while she still can.

One thing that I am absolutely shocked about and am surprised that no one else has mentioned is what this whole situation says about the TNA product as a whole. When the loss of one female wrestler is deemed to be so catastrophic that people will tune out, stop watching, and be so devastated. What does this say about Sting, Angle, all of the WWE "rejects," the TNA originals such as Joe or AJ, when many posters here have stated they'll stop watching all of these guys because of the loss of one female wrestler. If TNA's ratings are so utterly dependent upon the knockouts and will be hurt so badly by a change or loss within the knockouts, this speaks volumes about the state of TNA wrestling in general.

I cannot think of one diva in WWE whose loss would cause anyone to pause for longer than two seconds. Trish left, Lita left, and no one really cared in the grand scheme of things. Who else amongst the divas could leave and create any kind of a rift whatsoever in the WWE universe? Yet Angelina love can leave and TNA wrestling is devastated. Not to be sexist but I just cannot comprehend this.

I could understand if TNA lost or unexpectedly released Samoa Joe, or AJ Styles, or Kurt Angle, you know, one of the cornerstones of the organization. But if a female wrestler is one of your cornerstones, you're already on pretty shaky ground. Because while the Knockouts are supposedly so much better than the Divas (which could be debated, BTW), they're still just the window dressing on the organization, not an integral part of the machine. Even if you love female pro wrestling, it's still ultimately eye candy for the vast majority of the audience. I would expect even if she is as good as many of you have stated, she should be easily replaceable by another pretty face.
Considering TNA essentially lost three other females this week (Morsca released, Roxxi not being brought back, and we can all assume Rhaka Khan is gone), the loss of an actual on-screen talent is big, considering TNA is trying to bring in TAG TITLES for the KO's. Unless there's a Shimmer purging coming soon, these tag belts will be just as useless as the Legends Title.
But if a female wrestler is one of your cornerstones, you're already on pretty shaky ground. Because while the Knockouts are supposedly so much better than the Divas (which could be debated, BTW), they're still just the window dressing on the organization, not an integral part of the machine. Even if you love female pro wrestling, it's still ultimately eye candy for the vast majority of the audience.

But I think this is why TNA scores high with the casual TV viewer and TV ratings. Hot chick doing crap fighting is a + (WWE), hot chick doing good fighting is a ++ (TNA). To the casual viewer Diva may be hot but they make themselves look stupid fighting, Knockout's make themselves look better in the ring. That's where the ratings value of the division reside. It'll catch the eye of a general male viewer more than any male wrestler.
This is a pretty hard blow to TNA overall. While it's true that they still have Velvet Sky, Angelina Love is more skilled overall. She's better in the ring, mic work is pretty close and she does have more experience.

I know a few are getting on TNA's case for her release but they didn't really have a choice when you think about it. While I'm not really sure how she couldn't remember to renew her work visa, the fact is that she has and it's something that could take weeks and months to clear up. If it was something that could be remedied with a few phone calls, I'm pretty sure it already would be. There's a lot of bureacratic red tape that goes along with this sort of thing and if she tried to keep working in TNA without the visa, it could be legally disasterous for both her and the company.

Is there a chance she'll got to the WWE? There's always a chance, never say never. If the WWE offers her enough money, she'll go there. At the end of the day, she has to do what's best for her overall and the WWE can offer her a lot of financial stability that TNA can't.

This really puts a cramp in TNA. The Beautiful People segments are often the highest rated portion of TNA Impact, so I wonder what they're going to do with Velvet Sky during all this. They might well try to replace Angelina Love but she had great natural chemistry with Velvet Sky and that's difficult to come by no matter how much a company may try to ram someone else down the throats of the audience.
Tremendous blow for TNA without a doubt. She'll be back she's got it too good in TNA.
I hope she payed attention to what happened to Gail Kim, going from top of the Knockouts to place holder in the WWE. What's more money if they're not putting you on the air anyways? Right now she gets more air time than 80% of the total locker room.
Is there a chance she'll got to the WWE? There's always a chance, never say never. If the WWE offers her enough money, she'll go there. At the end of the day, she has to do what's best for her overall and the WWE can offer her a lot of financial stability that TNA can't.

Whilst I'm sure TNA will undoubtedly re-sign her as soon as they can do so legally (and her release in undoubtedly nothing more than a legal technicality) if the WWE were really interested in her they could more than afford to pay for lawyers to deal with and fast-tack her visa issues in return for her signing whilst at the same time guaranteeing that such an issue would never arise again whilst in their employment.
Am I the only one that thinks TNA overreacted to Angelina's Visa expiring ???

I can't imagine that it's a very difficult process to get it renewed, nor a very long process considering how many foreigners work in the US.

Why didn't TNA simply postpone any storyline involvement with Angelina until she got her paperwork taken care of ? An outright release sounds insanely crazy considering how much she meant to the Knockouts and the overall product.

This one sounds a bit fishy IMO, but then again, it's possible that TNA is simply this stupid.

I think its more tna be tight fisted, they seriously have issues if they cant ge tone simple visa for one of the companies biggest heels (yeah i said it), the fact is TBP where holding the knockouts division together, so now whos going to fill the void?.

Seriously Dixie needs to get a reality check here, how did TNA get most of their japanese talent on tv?, they must have paid for the Visa's themselves, I doubt new japan would have done it for them.

This situation is highly suspect and i believe that Angelina will eventually go to the WWE due to the fact that she is a hot property heel no matter how she looks, look at jillian for example, why is she even there and angelina has twice the look she has even though they are both plastic fantastic.
Whilst this is Angelina's fault for not keeping with her paperwork, it's also TNA's fault for not making sure she's not keeping up with her paperwork in regard to them. Being a national of another country, her work visa must have come up at some point in contract negotiations so there must be a paper trail within TNA that flags up the point that her work visa runs out at such a point. Yeah she should have known that, but TNA must have known that also.

If WWE do use this situation to sign Angelina, it shows massive failure in TNA management. If she doesn't sign with WWE it shows either her loyalty to TNA, or WWE's ineptness.
In my opinion Angelina Love could be just what WWE needs to get back to where it once was. The TNA Knockouts are running the Divas over in matters of talent and if Love were to join the WWE, on the Smackdown brand we could see some real improvements in the way things are going. All she needs to do is work out her work visa.
:wtf: all i can say is "simply ridiculous" the knockout division will die without the beautiful people,and i really hope that tna doesnt just try to replace her with someone els it just wont be the same......on the other hand i wouldnt mind seeing cheerleader melissa take over the reigns and becomenew leader of the beautiful people.then if love comes back they have a whole new story line to run with lol
I'm guessing that since the next edition of IMPACT or already tape that we will have to way until the PPV to find out the future of the beautiful people. Ŧhe best scenario would be that Angelina gets her work visa taken care of before the ppv but i doubt it will be possible.

This is a major blow for TNA because Angelina and the beautiful people were pretty much the only heels on the knockout roster. The beautiful people will probably continue to exist even without Angelina since all they have to do is put madison rayne back into the group but it won't be the same without her.

Has as Angelina going to the WWE, i don'T see that happening since she doesn'T have the look that the WWE is looking for. That what they told her when she got realease by them a couple of years ago so i doubt that suddenly they change there minds just because she got famous in TNA.


I think that there is a good chance that WWE would want Angelina Love. The difference last time was she wasn't famous then. Vince would sign her, ven if it is to hurt TNA. He did this before, when Matt Hardy returned to WWE after being fired, because he was negotiating with TNA at the time. I think it was a similar situation with Jeff Hardy too. So, yes, Vince is petty enough to sign her, just to screw TNA.
Honestly... Who Really Cares?!?! If a Grown Woman cannot take care of her visa. The most important thing you need to work in this country... then screw her. That shows you right there how committed she is to TNA. She got what she deserved.
ZOMFG! I am going to have a heart attack? How will the TNA KnockOut's do without the BP cleansing the world one beautiful person at a time? As Michael Cole would say, they are a vintage tag team. These were the best thing going for the division & I have to say that I am extremely depressed by this. Not only is the greatest womens faction gone... the introduction of the Tag Team KnockOut titles are now not going to be as greatly anticipated with the loss of the BP, unless they sign MsChif to team with Daffney & more diva teams.

However, I will have to say that out of the BP... I would say that getting rid of Angelina Love would probably be the best option for TNA. Although she played the bitch, leader role perfectly & was the one carrying the team in wrestling matches as Velvet is no in-ring technician... she is by far the inferior KnockOut between the two in terms of beauty. I can safely say then that this is the end of an era. Velvet by herself in TNA won't last long if she doesn't learn to wrestling fast.

Can anyone potentially say Angelina Love to the E, followed by the Velvet Sky if she doesn't keep up with the pace?
Angelina Love will be missed, sure, but this is all her fault, and none of TNA's. Angelina's profile has been removed from their page, but expect to see her on one or two more iMPACTs, as they tape them early. Still, I don't think it makes a difference if WWE picks up Love. Anyone remember Gail Kim? She was the first Knockout champ. She left, went to WWE. Everyone said it would put WWE's womens' division up there with TNA's. Well she didn't. WWE made her as show-offy and as prissy as every other Diva. Expect the same if Love is acquired.

But anywho, bottom line, it isn't the BIGGEST blow to TNA, just to the whole Beautiful People storyline. Ah well.
First of all, I'm sure there is very strict legislation regarding paperwork of this nature. If what is being reported is accurate, I'm sure TNA had absolutely no choice but to release her, as she couldn't remain an employee of TNA without the proper paperwork in place. I'm sure she'll complete the appropriate documentation and then return to TNA and TBP very soon. So relax.

I can't help but wonder, though, if there may be more to the story than is being reported. Maybe she wants to end up in WWE where the dollars are. You can talk all you want about being over, respect, etc., but ultimately most pro wrestlers not named Sting will go to where the money is, and take all of the accompanying baggage with it. Better to be in a shit storyline, or no storyline at all but getting big bucks, rather than being all that in TNA and earning squat. Most of the disillusioned WWE "rejects" would disagree with this but they have their money made. Booker T, Angle, Taz, etc., can sit on their high horses and preach, but they are all set for life financially because of WWE and can afford to go dabble in obscurity for a while to seek whatever they felt they were lacking in WWE, but for someone like Angelina Love, she may feel that the life expectancy of a diva/knockout is short and she wants to make a few bucks while she still can.

One thing that I am absolutely shocked about and am surprised that no one else has mentioned is what this whole situation says about the TNA product as a whole. When the loss of one female wrestler is deemed to be so catastrophic that people will tune out, stop watching, and be so devastated. What does this say about Sting, Angle, all of the WWE "rejects," the TNA originals such as Joe or AJ, when many posters here have stated they'll stop watching all of these guys because of the loss of one female wrestler. If TNA's ratings are so utterly dependent upon the knockouts and will be hurt so badly by a change or loss within the knockouts, this speaks volumes about the state of TNA wrestling in general.

I cannot think of one diva in WWE whose loss would cause anyone to pause for longer than two seconds. Trish left, Lita left, and no one really cared in the grand scheme of things. Who else amongst the divas could leave and create any kind of a rift whatsoever in the WWE universe? Yet Angelina love can leave and TNA wrestling is devastated. Not to be sexist but I just cannot comprehend this.

I could understand if TNA lost or unexpectedly released Samoa Joe, or AJ Styles, or Kurt Angle, you know, one of the cornerstones of the organization. But if a female wrestler is one of your cornerstones, you're already on pretty shaky ground. Because while the Knockouts are supposedly so much better than the Divas (which could be debated, BTW), they're still just the window dressing on the organization, not an integral part of the machine. Even if you love female pro wrestling, it's still ultimately eye candy for the vast majority of the audience. I would expect even if she is as good as many of you have stated, she should be easily replaceable by another pretty face.

What's sad is your way of thinking. You're programmed to think that a female talent leaving or being released isn't a big deal. Well in TNA, the women aren't just a sideshow. They're just as important as the men. This is the reaction you receive when your females wrestling division is actually important which is a testament that TNA's women's division is first class.
I think it's laughable to suggest that the women wrestlers in any division or organization are equally important as the men. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy female wrestling for what it is. I'm just saying it shouldn't be the death to a company like many posters here make it sound to lose one female wrestler, whoever she is.

Read the posts. People are saying she was the only reason they watch TNA. That they won't watch any more if she remains gone. That they are broken hearted and devastated by her departure. I can see being disappointed when a female wrestler leaves; I'd be very disappointed if Maryse left WWE as I'm a big fan of hers. But I can assure you, if she left, I wouldn't stop watching WWE because of it. I wouldn't be so utterly devastated by it. I'd be disappointed but watching Kelly Kelly or Melina would get me over it. There's still plenty of talent in WWE to keep me interested if one diva such as Maryse left. Apparently that's not the case for many people in TNA. Apparently Angle, Sting, Joe, Styles, Lashley don't have what it takes to keep some people interested (like HHH, HBK, Undertaker, etc., do in WWE), it takes some female wrestler who was released by WWE to keep people interested. And that's a sorry state of affairs for TNA if that's the case.

Imagine with Angle's ego, knowing that many of the posters here don't watch TNA for him, the only reason they watch is for Angelina Love. Jesus imagine the universe doesn't revolve around him after all. Shocking.
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