And the new WZ Admin is....


Excellence of Execution
Ladies and Gentleman, all the votes have been cast and tallied, and we have our winner. After two rounds in the Staff voting pool, the decision has been made. Without any further ado, the new WZ Admin is...

Congratulations! You have been successfully pranked by Slyfox696 and the Staff. A regular poster straight to could you people possibly think that would ever happen? I have done nothing but laugh non-stop at some of you, and the way you "campaigned" for the Administrator spot that you have zero chance of ever getting.

This whole prank has been great. First, from all the buzz the "announcement" made, then all the people publishing their "platforms" (as if half of the stuff people were saying could actually be done), to the final candidates list (how the fuck could people look at the list and not figure out the prank?), and finally to the thread that made everyone be nice to each other :)lmao:), this has been one special ride.

Special thanks for this prank go to many. First, to Slyfox696, for being so damned intelligent and awesome. Other thanks go to Luther for stepping down (that was legit, by the way), Razor and Mr. Lariato (who were both in on the joke), and all the Staff members who were playing the regular members like a fiddle.

There will be no third Administrator. I hope you have enjoyed your pranking experience, and please do not come back again, stupid gullible Bar Fly fucks.

Jane 4 Admin? Not a chance, mother fucker.
Yes, thank the Lord. Honestly, you had me going. I was shaking my head at the very thought of a regular poster being promoted to Admin right away. Thank you Slyfox and the WZ staff.
Oh yes.


Look how many people are in the thread. I was talking to INDYjon just a moment ago and he bought it hook, line, and sinker.

That was AFTER he told me he regretted not putting his name in for the running.
And now we watch as the people who really wanted to be admin conceal their anger and pretend they think this is funny.

It's the gift that keeps on giving.
I had mixed feelings about this. For some of you, I am sorry if you believed this to be true. If Jane actually fell for this, though, then it was all worth it.

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