An idea to increase TNA's ratings


Championship Contender
I was thinking what tna could do to get more people to view there product then i thought at this years Bound for Glory have an mma bout.Don't plan it out or anything make it a real mma fight.They should try to sign Batista and Bobby Lashley because these too are wrestlers that are now mma competitors so if these to had an actual mma fight on pay per view it would bring in a lot of buys.MMA is doing better than professional wrestling on ppv buys so if you advertise this fight wrestling fans and mma fans will order the ppv as long as the fight is real just like mma.Then tna could put on some classic matches and the mma fans and othher non tna fans who ordered the ppv will see the quality in these other matches and tune into tna every week.
What are your thoughts on this idea?I feel it would be great if tna did it right and not plan it just make it official a few months ahead of time and they can train and take itserious and it would be a real fight on ppv.What do you think?
Well, Strikeforce wouldn't let it happen - for a start. But that shouldn't mask what an awful idea this is. You don't attract people to Pro-Wrestling by giving them MMA.

As for whether aspects of MMA should be bought into TNA. Absolutely. But while Eric Bischoff considers the difference between MMA and Pro Wrestling to be "apples and bricks" that will never happen.

If Heyman came in, TNA would certainly have a little more of an MMA mix - but it certainly wouldn't show an MMA bout.
I dunno about this one. Whether they did it on purpose or not, WWE kind of did something like this way back with Shamrock and Sevren (and Steve Blackman, but I'm not sure he was a real martial artist). It was fresh at the time becuase MMA hadn't taken off yet. But with MMA's popularity now, I just dont see it working. I don't see MMA fans buying a pay-per-view (especially a TNA event) for just one fight.

Only possibilty I see is maybe creating a character with an MMA fighting style and have an MMA vs. Wrestling kind of deal. I remember TNA bringing in Frank Trigg, but, can't remember his role or anything other than him and Angle looking alike.
I actually like this idea in some ways. Unlike what JPK said earlier any smart businessman knows that if you have faith in your product, any way you can get them to try it or buy it is a plus. Major problems prevent this from happening but in theory I think it's a good idea. Spikes connection with UFC and TNA I think would be a problem for the guys you mentioned, and the current belief in TNA that wrestling and MMA are completely different is another deterrent.

I think that whether people like to believe it or not, and as different as the product might be. The fans that support pro wrestling are very similar and often the same as those who support MMA. If something like this happens you would have to put on a hell of a show though in order to keep the increase and not simply bum off of MMA. Not unheard of in TNA if you look at the way they have been riding ECW's coattails lately.
Having MMA fighters coming in to TNA would be a horrible idea. At least bringing ecw guys back was some what relevant because they were in the same industry. Offering MMA in a wrestling environment just wouldnt work because they are two different sports. Not to mention UFC and Strikeforce would run so far away from this idea.

I was a fan of the submission match Somoa Joe and Kurt Angle had. It almost appeared to be a MMA fight without actually being one. I would be open to seeing these types of matches between wrestlers (not MMA fighters) in TNA as long as they are done sparingly and not added to the list of gimmick matches that are constantly being used these days.
I always thought it would be cool if they went and sat in the Monday night raw front row and act like they want to challenge WWE guys. Seems like a move easy E would have tried to pull by now.

I guarantee wwe fans would turn on tna to see what they are trying to do.
I've just wasted 2 minutes of my life reading this crap. I don't watch TNA, and having them hold an MMA fight won't get me to watch. TNA is a wrestling promotion, not an MMA one. You don't just put on MMA matches, seriously, how ridiculous. Between two of their own wrestlers? Yeah maybe, although that has it's dangers, but you don't bring in outsiders. Also, it may increase ratings(assuming it isn't on PPV, if it is then it would increase buys) but for one night only, and none of those fans will stick around.
So if I am understanding the OP correctly, it is being suggested that TNA should attempt to boost their ratings with yet another gimmick match? And not only a gimmck match, but a gimmick match which would feature the one thing, over and above WWE, that kicks their butts in terms of PPV sales and purchases?

Not so sure I would be a big proponent of this idea. Giving potential TNA fans a taste of MMA is the last thing that they need to do. How's this for a novel idea? Have TNA attempt to improve their ratings by putting on a quality professional wrestling show, devoid of gimmicks, without recycled old and out-of-shape guys, featuring some of their young talent, being showcased in a manner which would provide a new and exciting alternative to the WWE, rather than a gimmicky poor man's imitation of the WWE.
I'd love to see more MMA aspects making their way into pro-wrestling, especially more of the MMA style submissions that have started to creep into the picture like the triangle choke, rear-naked choke (more prominent now) and the arm-bar, but a pure MMA bout just isn't a good idea – it doesn't translate. The differences between MMA and pro-wrestling may not be as polarized as Bischoff likes to make them out to be, or as similar as Heyman does, but the two are different, as are most of the fans of each.

The idea of having an MMA-style bout is one thing, but to have an outright fight just won't work, IMO.
It wouldn't work, too many conspiracy theorists will assume that because its on a wrestling show the MMA fight will never be real, if TNA wants higher ratings they need to present a product that keeps the fans interested, not turn them away
As long they don't do a lions den match I think this would be a sweet idea. Maybe not have Batista vs Lashley because that would just be a mess but they could get two top draws from the current MMA circut. The problem is that I don't see UFC or Strikeforce doing this but it would be a fantastic draw and help TNA.
Very bad idea.There is no room for straight up real fighting in the pro-wrestling business.And what you just suggested is just for shock value which TNA doesnt need right now.Like Heyman said they need to start building and look in the future; like ok we get 1-1.2 now and maybe same 2 years but maybe the third year when all that we have built up unfolds we get higher and higher.These shock stuff needs to be really cut down cause TNA is really exaggerating with this.
they should have an mma vs prowrestlers storyline, since tna is on spike tv this could work, have mma wrestlers come in and talk shit about wresters and just have a hole new storyline break out.... sign batista and have him as a wild card in the hole storyline now that would draw ratings...
From an MMA standpoint it would be cost prohibitive for them to do it. Throw in higher insurance, medical, bond to cover costs, and the athletic commission for just one fight isn't good.
Didn't they tap into this a bit at LockDown a few years back when Angle came out in MMA trunks and Joe and he did a little MMA-esque fight for a few mintues before the crowd turned on them and chanted "we want wretling". Those were not Impact Zone fans. Those were Boston fans who payed to get in and watch. Thy shat all over Joe and Angle's MMA exhibition for the first 5 mintes of the match. Bad idea all around.

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