Occasional Pre-Show
The problem with Brawl For All was it was a legit shoot that was meant to put over Steve Williams. Steve Williams pretty much got buried with this concept by not only losing, but losing to someone who was not due for a big push at that point in Bart Gunn. On top of that, when Bart preceded to win the damn tournament, they had him go in there with Butterbean (Who knew how to Box) and took his ass out in seconds.
Brawl For All was terrible because it buried WAY to many people, a lot of money was lost, injuries were at a high, and people were bitter against each other. If TNA were to go with an MMA/Boxing idea, it has to be predetermined. Otherwise, it'll be a huge failure like Brawl For All where stars could've been made, but weren't.
Brawl For All was terrible because it buried WAY to many people, a lot of money was lost, injuries were at a high, and people were bitter against each other. If TNA were to go with an MMA/Boxing idea, it has to be predetermined. Otherwise, it'll be a huge failure like Brawl For All where stars could've been made, but weren't.