An Idea For WWE House Shows


Pre-Show Stalwart
alright, please bear with me, and if you think its a bad/stupid idea, then please don't bash me.

I have been thinking lately about the wwe house shows. I have read people's posts about house show results and how awesome the show was compared to normal friday night smackdown or monday night raw supershow. I have attended house shows before, but have forgot what all went on. the last thing i remember seeing was CM Punk vs. Jeff Hardy in an extreme rules match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. The only thing i remember was Hardy doing his swanton bomb off the ladder to cm punk after punk had won the match. After seeing how i forget most things, I thought of how the WWE could possible have just a few cameras surrounding the ring and filming all the action, and then the people who would want a dvd of that event could pay so they can receive a copy of the dvd.

Do you think this would be a good idea?
WWE could profit off the dvd copies, but I think overall there are more negatives than positives in making dvds of house shows.
Way back in the 80's, WWF house shows regularly aired on MSG and other local cable networks. They also had a weekly show called Wrestling Spotlight that was all house show matches.

Around 1992, WWF stopped broadcasting house shows. Nowadays, house shows are mainly used more or less as dress rehearsals for the TV shows and pay-per-views where wrestlers can try out new things to see if they work in front of an audience.

Overall, I think there would be too much involved to make DVD's of house shows.
it's a good idea but it really would not work.

Im not a production and buissness genius but im guessing that they would have to edit the show as they go along as to sell the DVD at the end? Cant see them putting a DVD of every house show up for sale on WWE shop. This would be quite costly im guessing and it's money that they probably wouldn't make back on the DVD sales so it would be alot of hard work and money for basically nothing.
Wouldn't work in todays era.

In the 80s matches were pretty much all the same, styles have changed and nowadays House Shows commonly having a saying that says "whatever happens, never happened" meaning no cameras, no pics no nothing. I've been to 2 house shows, one WWE and one WCW and the WCW one was 200x better than the WWE one, pryo, current entrance songs (HHH used DX theme while he was in the Corp, Rock used his Vol 3 or SummerSlam 1998 theme) matches were all over the shop, none going along with current feuds, where as WCW's were all rehersals for their Mayhem or Havoc PPV.
I think it would cost them way to much to release a quality dvd and attendance probably wouldn't go up enough to justify it... It would be great for the fans though I don't think it'd be all that great for them. On a side note... wow jeff hardy did a swanton off a ladder at a house show!?! That is insane, if he's doing that all the time, it's a wonder he's not in worse shape than he is, Hogan really just did that leg drop every house show and it's left him damn near paralyzed.
The issue with this entire idea is that they usually use House Shows to test and plan matches out before they film them for Raw or Smackdown. If the WWE was to start recording these events and selling them they would be giving away many of their high profile matches that sell PPV's.
Everyone has pretty much covered everything. It's not the best idea because house shows are usually to test stuff and see if things work and if they do they'll use it on Raw, SD or a PPV so it would give many things away. Another thing is there is way too many house shows to have a dvd for them all so I don't think that would work, I think just pictures from house shows would work because it shows what happens at house shows and makes you want to go to one.

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