An All Face Stable


Pre-Show Stalwart

I wrote this blog post about what i thought would be a different way to create a stable, and wanted to see what you guys thought. There haven't been that man face stables or maybe I am just missing them. DX and Four Horsemen are the two that come straight to mind. Is there other face stables that you can think of? Or would an all face stable even work in today's WWE? Who would you put together if you were to create one? I know lots of questions, but these thoughts were spewing in my head, and I wanted to get the ball rolling and see what everyone wanted to add.

My stable would be Punk, Ryder, and Bryan. Obviously Punk and Ryder get a huge reaction and maybe that could help spotlight Bryan more. I know Punk probably doesn't want to work Smackdown at all, so that might hurt this idea bit. But these guys could work together to change the culture of WWE in my mind.

Let's hear your thoughts on this matter.
Well with the way today's wrestling goes, I don't think an all face stable would work unless there was an all heel stable for them to battle. Like in TNA we had Fortune and Immortal. It worked for a little while until the break up of Beer Money and Daniels turning heel. So It can work if there are enough faces and heels willing to be in a stable. But who in wwe or tna needs a stable to be sucessful. There is another question for another post.
I think that WWE could pull this off, however, it would need a heel stable to battle them. A leader for each team, in a perfect world, John Cena would be the leader of the heel stable.
i guess the hart foundation was a face stable at least sometimes ha. I think they made the jump to heel because of anti american feelings. But do you guys think there's been any other face stables other than DX and Four Horsemen?
what about Misfits in Action & The Filthy Animals were both face stables as well for WCW though we can argue about the success of those groups.

i don't know if it would work today or not. with the limited attention span of current wrestling fans and the want of instant satisfaction I don't think todays fans could stay interested in a storyline between to large groups, hence why Immortal, Nexus and most other stables in the last few years have come and gone so fast.
As far as stables go, I would like to see a battle between DX and the New Kliq. DX would be the good stable with Triple H, New Age Outlaws and X-Pac. The New Kliq would be Kevin Nash, Miz, R-Truth and Christian. They could have a 4 on 4 match at Mania 28 and HBK could be the ref. We would see who HBK's loyalty is with. Triple H. or Kevin Nash, two guys who were a big part of HBK`s career. But I doubt it will happen. Nash may be done with in ring action. Maybe HBK could lead the New Kilq if he came back for a little while.

The stable I would love to see the most would be Wade Barrett, Drew Mac, Mayson Ryan and Regal. Like Evolution, each person would have their role. Wade would be Triple H., the Leader, Regal would be Flair, the vetrain, Drew would be Orton, the cocky up and coming star, and Ryan would be Batista, the Muscle, and body guard of the group. They could feud with Sheamus, trying to get him to join and what not. Sorta like the Nexus and Cena. But this day and age I don`t know if a stable against one or two guys would be considered bullying which WWE seems to be riding the fence on. But I would love to see this angle happen. A possible name(s) for the stable could be, The U.K. Connection, The Barrage, or Global Warning, etc... I personally, like The Barrage!
Punk, Ryder and Bryan could work because they are going against the GM who is the most entertaining guy on tv lol. Lauranitis could keep trying to get the titles off each of them while they team up to help each other keep the titles while ticking off John. The more they drive him crazy the more the fans would love it.:lol:
I think the face stable with Punk, Ryder, & Bryan could work as a small little crew, but nothing serious. They wouldn't need to show up together, have a theme or anything other then a name, but just be eachothers ally in a sense. I would like to see a breath of fresh air and not the typical all the time.
I think the face stable with Punk, Ryder, & Bryan could work as a small little crew, but nothing serious. They wouldn't need to show up together, have a theme or anything other then a name, but just be eachothers ally in a sense. I would like to see a breath of fresh air and not the typical all the time.

Well they already did it and they looked right together,
3 underdogs who are smaller then average and if Ziggler ever went face you could add him in too.

They'd be like the "Next Big Things" or De-Evolution.
Stables overshadow people.

Punk has been a career killer in stables, it's one major flaw I always like to nitpick, nobody who he's lead has a career worth a damn right now.

I think them keeping it a loose affiliation, without being a formal stable would be better for all their careers, we also don't need to see both world titles being thrown into faction warfare, because it tends to kill mid-level pushes.

It also has a huge risk, that any of the 3 start bombing, it'll hurt all 3. I love Daniel Bryan, but he's still a risk of bombing because he's unique and doesn't fit well into WWE's main event picture as of yet, he's one of the best in the ring, average on the mic, but he actually looks like a weak champion until he defends, and unless they plan on giving him a couple high profile wins, I think he's not going to flourish, thus he could drag Ryder and Punk down a bit in the process.
I like the idea of Ryder, Punk, Bryan but as people have said, I think it needs to be a loose affiliation. It would work if the SD GM was heel as well, and have both of them trying to screw the champs, but helping each other out and retaining. This could work on Raw, but then Bryan doesn't really fit in, as I doubt they would have a WHC match on Raw.

I think them keeping it a loose affiliation, without being a formal stable would be better for all their careers, we also don't need to see both world titles being thrown into faction warfare, because it tends to kill mid-level pushes.

It also has a huge risk, that any of the 3 start bombing, it'll hurt all 3. I love Daniel Bryan, but he's still a risk of bombing because he's unique and doesn't fit well into WWE's main event picture as of yet, he's one of the best in the ring, average on the mic, but he actually looks like a weak champion until he defends, and unless they plan on giving him a couple high profile wins, I think he's not going to flourish, thus he could drag Ryder and Punk down a bit in the process.

I think Bryan would get more over as a result of this 'stable', rather than pulling Punk and Ryder down. The rub he would get off them would secure his main event status as Punk and Ryder are arguably the two most loved superstars in the WWE right now. Even if Bryan wasn't living up to expectations, then people may be inclined to overlook it if he was with Punk and Ryder. If he was a solo superstar, then there would be nowhere to hide, and he would probably get the WHC taken off him. But if he's with Punk and Ryder, he could improve his mic skills learning from one of the best, CM Punk. If he does that, he could be one of the best in the business and could actually, IMO, be worthy of the WHC he currently has.
I doubt the company wants Punk in a stable, whether he's its leader or not. He was terrific as head of Straight Edge Society, but the developments of this past Summer have put him beyond the need for stables. The company wants him pushed as an fact, as the ultimate individual. He'd have to turn bad again before leading a group.

This also applies to Daniel Bryan; they've spent all this effort promoting him as a singles wrestler; why would they want to change up and send him back to the pack? Personally, I think he'd be more effective in a stable, but the company apparently doesn't.

I do like the idea of a face stable, though......seeing it as a "good guy Nexus." Let's get some young, inexperienced faces together to fight for truth, justice and the American way, without turning them into comic book heroes. That would be a challenge, although Creative could probably manage it.

I'd take Danny Bryan, Alex Riley and Trent Barretta for starters. Then, I'd turn my hero Drew McIntyre into a good guy and have him join. Then, we'd add some other guys of the same vein.......and let 'em be joined by Layla when she gets back.

They'd be good guys, but would make plenty of noise while fighting the forces of evil. It could work.
what about Misfits in Action & The Filthy Animals were both face stables as well for WCW though we can argue about the success of those groups.

I hadn't even thought about those groups. Who were the guys in there? Was that when Mysterio went maskless? And all the other luchadors were without masks?
The nWo Wolfpack was a face stable and if I recall the original Ministry of Darkness was semi face because they battled the Corporation. Who can forget when Taker hung Bossman at WM 15 in Hell in a Cell?
Yea I mentioned in my blog about the Red and Black NWO. I remember those days of WCW, when it seemed like everyone was some member of NWO. Well there was also the Latino side haha. And I guess I hadn't thought about the Ministry, but do remember when the Ministry hooked up with the Corporation, maybe that's why I thought they were a heel group.
Erm, Fortune in TNA? They started off as a heel group but then turned face after severing ties with Ric Flair. It took until Roode turned on Storm for the group to finish. Daniels was on the periphery for a short while but I don't know if he was ever officially part of them.

They're the most recent example I can think of anyway.
Erm, Fortune in TNA? They started off as a heel group but then turned face after severing ties with Ric Flair. It took until Roode turned on Storm for the group to finish. Daniels was on the periphery for a short while but I don't know if he was ever officially part of them.

They're the most recent example I can think of anyway.

that's a good example of showcasing some different guys, but all working for a common goal in TNA. And they're all original TNA guys if my knowledge of TNA is correct.
Alright I read your blog stephenjpunk317.

First of all let me just say the font color kind of hurts my eyes. I'm sorry but just a little constructive criticism there buddy.

Ok with the whole face stable, I like the idea of the 3 underdogs against John Laurinitus as baldjedi has stated. The whole concept of a face stable trying to keep their titles against Johny Ace. Putting them in matches that would seem impossible to retain their belt.

This also could open up a chance for either of the three to turn heel! To join Johny Ace just to keep their belt or something like that whenever the stable needs to break.
Alright I read your blog stephenjpunk317.

First of all let me just say the font color kind of hurts my eyes. I'm sorry but just a little constructive criticism there buddy.

Ok with the whole face stable, I like the idea of the 3 underdogs against John Laurinitus as baldjedi has stated. The whole concept of a face stable trying to keep their titles against Johny Ace. Putting them in matches that would seem impossible to retain their belt.

This also could open up a chance for either of the three to turn heel! To join Johny Ace just to keep their belt or something like that whenever the stable needs to break.

Thanks for the piece of advice. It's hard to tell sometimes what works because in the preview, I have a white background, and that blue color looks all right. But I just changed it up, and it should be ok on the eyes now.

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