Ambrose the NEW face of the WWE???

That N Word

Actively evolving
Is it me or does it seems like WWE may be going the Dean Ambrose route. Roman Reigns is still being booked strong, but right now he is just Dean's manager/lackey.

Right now, Dean is being strong as hell, and is as over as he's ever been and may be even more over than Bryan was in his Authority feud. Instead of hijacking the show with CM Punk chants, it is now AM-BROSE!!! chants.

Right now, he is booked in the main event for MITB, for the third consecutive PPV. This is also about his fifth or six PPV main event as a singles competitor.

As it stands, it looks like his next feud will either be with a heel Roman Reigns or Triple H.

Some are looking at his not being in the MITB match a bad thing, but I don't.

Actually, I think it's the best thing for him right now. Because I would have him slow burn to the world title by earning it (kayfabe) and not by a briefcase.

In fact, I would handle Ambrose like this leading in to WrestleMania.

-At Money In the Bank, I would have Ambrose be screwed out of the title by Triple H.

Hunter would spend the next month dodging the challenge from Ambrose until he does something outrages that makes Triple H accepts his challenge for Summerslam.

-At Summerslam, I would have Ambrose vs Triple H in a No Holds Barred Match (If Triple H loses he loses power, If Ambrose loses he is fired) . Mid-Match, I would have H begin to try to leave but is stopped as the whole roster comes down and stops him. Triple H has know where to run and he get's back in the ring to Dirty Deeds. Dean wins and the whole roster celebrates with him.

Roman Reigns would feud cash in MITB that night to win the title right before Brock Lesnar,and Seth Rollins.

Rollins would "quit" the next night on Raw after losing a #1 contenders match to Lesnar. This would be to postpone his title rematch.

-At Night of Champion, he begins to feud with a returning heel Jericho. This would be an awesome feud here. As a heel, Jericho could easily return as a main eventer to feud with Ambrose in one of the top feuds.

-At Hell In A Cell, Dean Ambrose faces Chris Jericho in a HIAC match.

-At Survivor Series, Team Ambrose vs. Team Jericho

-At TLC, I would have Seth Rollins return and attack Ambrose saying this all started because of him. He ended The Authority and it took him off his game.

-At Royal Rumble, Rollins vs. Ambrose II (winner enters the RR match.) Ambrose goes over in this one.

Seth Rollins say's he doesn't need the Royal Rumble because he has an automatic title rematch and he is cashing it in at WrestleMania.

At WrestleMania, I would have Ambrose def. Reigns and Rollins to become champ and start the Age of Ambrose.

It's been said he was gong to get a push, and it appears to be happening doesn't it? I don't think they've ever really had to try with Ambrose quite honestly. He's always sort of buzzed around the upper midcard/main event scene, screwing things up for people, and getting away with murder. All the time he's been losing matches right, left and centre, and the crowd doesn't give a damm. They love him.

He has gotten himself the biggest pops of the night just by being himself, a little shit. He's so anti-Authority the fans buy into it. From stealing title belts and MITB contracts, he's made their and Rollins lives a living hell this year.

The WWE had to put Rollins over, they tried with Reigns and the fans said, "Thanks but no thanks", now they're coming around. Ambrose didn't need the help, it happened organically. His is the best character of all three Shield members, and while Reigns has a better look, and Rollins might be better in the ring, Ambrose is the complete package.

What I would have him do is continue on with what he's doing. Let Reigns win the MITB, then Ambrose gets the Rumble win. That sets up a three way Shield match at Mania.
Maybe Dean is the new face of WWE....and the previous two posters make good points, yet I'm not 100% sold that this is what the company is doing at this time.

I'm reminded too much of Ryback's aborted first go-around. He was inserted into world title matches after working on the midcard for a short while, and when he didn't burn down any bridges against Punk......well, you saw how fast he was demoted.

As for Ambrose, he's been doing the lunatic, anti-authority stuff since he split from the Shield; why is it only now the powers-that-be have decided he belongs at main event level? Is it the same as Ryback; they're short of title contenders and have elevated Dean to fill in? Could it be that after his series with Seth Rollins, Dean will go back to the midcard?

None of this is to say Ambrose doesn't belong at the top; the chances he's arrived for good are strong. I'm merely wondering what changed management's mind at this point.

I do take a bit of issue about Roman Reigns being Dean's lackey. Roman has rushed to the ring to support his buddy, just as Dean has done for him. But Roman's development is coming along just fine: last night, he wrestled three matches and wound up cleanly beating Bray Wyatt in the last one. No problems there.
Maybe Dean is the new face of WWE....and the previous two posters make good points, yet I'm not 100% sold that this is what the company is doing at this time.

I'm reminded too much of Ryback's aborted first go-around. He was inserted into world title matches after working on the midcard for a short while, and when he didn't burn down any bridges against Punk......well, you saw how fast he was demoted.

As for Ambrose, he's been doing the lunatic, anti-authority stuff since he split from the Shield; why is it only now the powers-that-be have decided he belongs at main event level? Is it the same as Ryback; they're short of title contenders and have elevated Dean to fill in? Could it be that after his series with Seth Rollins, Dean will go back to the midcard?

None of this is to say Ambrose doesn't belong at the top; the chances he's arrived for good are strong. I'm merely wondering what changed management's mind at this point.

I do take a bit of issue about Roman Reigns being Dean's lackey. Roman has rushed to the ring to support his buddy, just as Dean has done for him. But Roman's development is coming along just fine: last night, he wrestled three matches and wound up cleanly beating Bray Wyatt in the last one. No problems there.

Ambrose has been on a slow build for a long time now, just biding his time. It would have been too early to throw him into the main event scene earlier, it was a tag clogged. You had Lesnar, Rollins, Reigns, Cena, Orton, Bryan and Wyatt. Lesnar is gone but will return, Cena dropped down a notch but can go back up at any time, no one wants to see Orton with the title again, and Bryan is injured. Wyatt has done nothing since Mania, Rollins and Reigns are still up there, so now is the perfect time to insert Ambrose in.

Don't forget Reigns last go round either, it wasn't received well by fans. So now he's on a slow build, and it's working. As you say Ambrose has been the anti-Authority figure since the Shield broke up, and he's become the new Steve Austin, and getting Austin like pops from the crowd. The WWE would be foolish not to realize that and make the most of it.

His merchandise sales have been going like gang busters, and they don't want that gravy train to stop. Add in the fact he's earned the spot. This guy has worked his ass off, laid down for everyone and been handed nothing. He deserves everything that comes to him, and the whole arena of fans night after night agree.
Talk about counting your chickens before they hatch. Ambrose has a long way to go in regards to being a real top guy. Then again, so do the other Shield members.

Don't get me wrong, Ambrose is doing really well right now. He's connecting with the audience on quite a raw level. His character just wears his heart on his sleeve, and is just so energetic and passionate, and I think the audience loves that. The reaction to his false win at the Elimination Chamber was great, and the buzz before he saved Reigns on Raw was palpable.

But Dean Ambrose is still a work in progress. Like Roman Reigns, like Seth Rollins. All three guys need that one feud to really cement them as main eventers. Like what Batista had with the Undertaker, or what Edge had with Cena.

It's so rare for two younger guys to elevate each other in a feud, unless it's booked perfectly. Is Ambrose vs. Rollins doing that for both guys? Well, Ambrose is getting bigger and bigger reactions. Rollins is getting called Justin Bieber, which, hey, at least he's being treated like a heel. But the feud is going well for both guys. It's just a shame that it's a stopgap feud while we wait for Lesnar to return.

But my point is, let's not hop aboard the 'Ambrose is the next top guy 'train right now. Not only is it insanely premature in terms of Ambrose not being ready, but it's also disregarding the entire rest of the roster. What if Sami Zayn becomes the new face? Or Finn Balor? That's the beauty of pro wrestling; the next top star could come from anywhere.

Also, the longer it takes Ambrose to get to the top, the longer it'll take for people to turn on him because he's a top guy.

But for now, I'm just going to enjoy watching him grow, and root for him to win a World Title in the future.
I'm with Blade on this one. Way too early to call Dean Ambrose the face of the WWE, he's still got a long way to go. He reminds me of Chris Jericho circa 2000 in the sense that he's over, he's great in most aspects of the game, but he seems to be missing one tiny piece that's tough to put your finger on... once he finds that missing piece, he'll be set to start his real ascent to the WWEWHC.

Ambrose's star is definitely rising but I think he's yet to cement himself as a bonafide main eventer. I keep getting this bad feeling that once this feud is over WWE might relegate Ambrose to floating around the upper-midcard again with no real direction.

I love the guy, but even I wouldn't go as far as saying he's above Roman Reigns on the corporate "list". Make no doubt about it, Reigns is still WWE's #1 priority and I don't see that changing anytime soon.
All Dean Ambrose is doing is main-eventing PPV's at the moment against Seth Rollins. How is that being the next face of WWE? They've given no indication they want to go that route. It's all in your mind because you're an Ambrose fan.. There's no telling who the next top guy will be, honestly, he's probably not on the roster right now and might be down in NXT.. WWE changes their mind so frequently it could be anybody.

Dean Ambrose is not the next face of WWE unless he becomes insanely over like Daniel Bryan, even then WWE might go in a different direction..You can't assume he's the next face of WWE because he's feuding with Rollins, when there's a backstory behind their feud.
This whole face of WWE thing is being run into the ground harder than "best for business." I'd almost prefer a return to prominence of the "what" chant over ever hearing about who is or isn't the face of the company.

Please don't misconstrue this as an attack on the thread poster or Ambrose, I'm just tired of hearing about the face of the company. What good does the title really do for someone? A good wrestling company needs its top guy, it also needs its jobbers, its undercard to be filled with depth, and young charismatic guys honing their craft in developmental.

The face of the company thing seems to stem from recent storylines, not some actual need for one guy to come to mind when you think of he brand, or one guy to be in the main event at all times. If someone could explain to me how the company requires a person as the face, I'm all ears.

Yes, Ambrose is a top guy. Carrying the title around with him is better than having actually won it and coughing it up within two weeks of winning it. Ambrose will win the title. As a face, I don't see him as much more than a transitional champion. As a heel, he could have longer reigns. He's probably not winning it in 2015.

Reigns or Lesnar dethrone Rollins. I'm going with Reigns in a triple threat vs Rollins and Lesnar at Summerslam, winning the match he lost at Mania.

Ambrose has a ton of charisma and skill, more than making up for what he lacks in traditionally preferred look. He's main event, he's headlined three consecutive PPV main events, so there's no doubt. If you're expecting him to headline the WrestleMania main event next year and have the entire product circle around him, Reigns says hey.

I'd prefer Ambrose at the top, but I'm a realist. I'm enjoying the matches he's giving us, and seeing him with the strap (even though not holding it) gives me chills.

Let's cut this face of the company crap, it's WWE jargon born of recent Daniel Bryan storylines. Yes, WWE traditionally focuses on one guy, but that's a broken way of business with no tangible proof as being in of itself a factor to success.
As much as i hate to say this but reigns is the next face of wwe. Like him or not he's going to win the MITB and cash in before SS to fight the returning beast. I want to see them conclude their unfinished feud. As for dean he'll be the top guy may be after WM 32 but his current title shot is the same as ryback's shot. He's gonna job out or get screwed. He is ready, he has paid his dues more than everyone on the current roster but vince is not promoting him anytime soon. May be he wants him to go in the much anticipated shield triple threat title match as the underdog and that's a bad idea.
For sometime now WWE has finally learned from their mistakes. Either it is changing The New Day as a heel stable or Dean Ambrose the deserved push or the slow buildup for Roman Reigns. I really should appreciate WWE in this perspective.

Even when I don't like how some of the characters are going, Dean Ambrose can really be the face of the company for a while. I really love him, he got charisma and I never got bored by his match and we all know his mic skills.

Seth and Dean got a chemistry that we haven't seen between many in the recent years. They can keep on feuding till Brock Lesnar returns. Then Seth can focus on him instead. Even if Seth and Dean MainEvent for another two PPVs they can bring something new each time.

I'll say it again. WWE has learned from their mistakes.

Roman Reigns is great stronger Wrestler. May be he is the next face of wwe. He is in now wwe wrestling. Such a good wrestler no doubt.
As much as I am a Dean Ambrose fan, I don't think he'll be the "face" of WWE.

He's a great performer, experienced, great on the mic (especially as a heel) and really good in the ring, but I don't see him being THE guy, definitely A guy but not the overall face of the company. We all know Vince's preference for big "muscleheads" and Ambrose doesn't fit that mould.

It's likely that Roman Reigns is still the "Chosen One" for WWE, as on paper he's a perfect champion for Vince. I've no doubt that Reigns will get the belt soon, and while I' also pretty certain that Ambrose will win the World Heavweight Title on numerous occasions, he'll be more of a Chris Jericho/Kane level performer, alternating between main event and upper mid-card, while Reigns will be the guy the WWE go with to lead the company.
If your talking bout Good Guy wise kinda yah but when it comes to the Man whom takes Cena's Spot it's already been taken by SETH ROLLINS. Why would the WWE Hand Pick Colby Lopez while by the way he was Ring Of Honor World Champ when the WWE Signed him. So all Dean is, is playing The Orton Role for Rollins' Cena and Reigns is being the Batista. So Dean's not the Next FACE OF THE WWE as by Summerslam next year Seth will be the Top Face chasing Roman as Reigns will trun on both Rollins and Ambrose easily as I'm thinking they are gonna go back to the WM X-7 Finish if The SHIELD Triple Threat Happens where Reigns aligns w/ Hunter and Steph ala Austin/McMahon. But hopefully Seth breaks Punk Record of 434 Days to prove that Punk don't matter as Whinny lil ppl get Left Behind. So to answer the qustion nope Ambrose is not the next FACE OF THE WWE.
Ambrose is simply just being used to legitimise Rollins for when he defends against Lesnar at Summerslam. Ambrose has done well and is interesting to watch but just because he is booked strongly and gets a good crowd response doesnt mean he is the face. Cena is the face of the WWE and will be until someone, most likely Reigns takes the spot from him when he eases his schedule down and pursues other career opportunities

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