Amateur Wrestling Background - Does it help?

Kurt Angle. Brock Lesnar. Bobby Lashley. Jack Swagger.

When you hear of names like these, you think of wrestling. All of these men wrestled or still wrestle in the WWE, but before this, they all had a background in amateur wrestling. For some, such as Kurt Angle and Jack Swagger, it is a major part of their gimmick. For others like Lesnar it's just an extra detail to go along with the hulking physique and unstoppable strength. Pro Wrestling is often the next natural step for an Amateur wrestler, and whilst it's not "real", it is still very taxing on mind and body. As Kurt Angle once said, he thought it was a joke til he sat down and watched RAW and saw that these guys were serious.

We often get guys coming through WWE and the like with a background in amateur wrestling. My question is, how much does it help their career? The transition in terms of mat based work is obviously a lot easier on an amateur wrestler, but what about his connection with the fans? Do you feel one way or another when you watch an amateur wrestler in the ring? Personally, when you have someone like Angle in the ring or even Swagger you get a sense of intensity that is really unique. It's as if you KNOW these guys can really go, and with some wrestlers, it just makes me enjoy the match that much more. They know where they are in the ring, and it just clicks a lot better. It's not even the fact that they have great takedowns or great grappling technique, but more a part of the gimmick and mystique of being a legit threat.

What are your thoughts on Amateur Wrestlers in Pro Wrestling and do you think it helps their career?
I think it helps a lot. It's instant credibility for a guy and allows you to not have to break in. In my review of Angle's debut match I said something about his medals are his reputation. I mean how do you argue with I won a gold medal in wrestling? it makes you take notice and you know this isn't some rookie that's never done anything on a mat before. it may not mean a lot, but it offers something to hide behind until you can hold your own in a regular match. Yes it helps.
Coming from someone with a traditional wrestling background, I can tell you that it really DOES help. For those who haven't been privileged enough to gain a traditional wrestling background, you'd be unaware of the athleticism that's involved in the sport.

As you can see, experience in traditional wrestling is usually a vital characteristic of a modern-day MMA fighter. As we all know, professional MMA fighters are some of the most athletic, in-shape men and women in the world. In their sport, speed, agility, and quick-thinking are keys to victory. These factors are brought to the table in traditional wrestling.

From watch pro-wrestling on TV, it's easy to see how much these factors play into the sport. And since pro-wrestling is a spot heavily based on agility, speed, quick-thinking and coordination, having that kind of background only makes these guys catch onto the sport quicker and become better at it.

You already listed some successful stars that came from a traditional wrestling background, but here are some more that we shouldn't forget: Shelton Benjamin, Charlie Haas, Ric Flair... these names don't lie. Traditional wrestling backgrounds are key.
I think that having a background in amateur wrestling can help someone in pro wrestling because it teaches them skills that they need to know. An amateur background can never really hurt someone since the fans will know that this wrestler knows what he's doing in the ring. Guys like Angle or Swagger gain more credibility without having to rely on a gimmick as much since they have their amateur backgrounds. It doesn't always help someone get over or get pushed, some end up like Charlie Haas. However the amateur backgrounds can really help someone gain credibility and respect so it's a good thing for the wrestlers to have knowledge in.
I wouldn't go so far as to say as they are key, but it doesn't hurt. The last wrestler that I have seen a question about the Amateur wrestling helping in Pro Wrestling was Steve Corino and he said that it helps with timing immensely and that he wishes he did it at a young age. Colby Corino is great for a fairly young kind like 13/14 and I would put it down to Amateur wrestling helping with the timing. But it can't hurt for a wrestler to have a background in Amateur Wrestling, despite what some people on this site say about charisma being the most important thing to a wrestler.

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