Amateur Wrestler


Everyone around the globe has done some form of wrestling in their life, whether it be Amateur Wrestling in the schools, grappling your little brother until he says uncle, or power bombing your cousin onto the bed. Today I'm making this thread to discuss Amateur Wrestling with everyone around.

The Basics:

Amateur wrestling is based on a point system. You can earn points 4 diffrent ways in Folkstyle wrestling.

A) Takedown: A takedown is the technical term in which you gain full control over your oponents bodily functions.

B) Reversal: A reversal happens once your oponent gets a takedown on you, and you reverse him, to get full control over his bodily functions.

C) Backpoints: This isn't the technical term, as I don't know the technical term for it. We call it backpoints here in Tenessee though, I'm sure you can read the term and know just from looking at it, you get backpoints by having your oponent on his back for a certain amount of time without having both shoulderblades on the mat.

5 seconds = 3 points.
3 seconds = 2 points.

D) Escaping: Is when your oponent has full body control on you, and you manage to get out of his grip, to commence neutral stance once again.

E) Pins: Is when your oponent is on both his/her shoulderblades for 1.5-3 seconds (Its to the refs discression really, some call it immediately, others call it at the 3 second mark. I've never seen more than 3 seconds)

Awesome amateur wrestlers:

Cael Sanderson:


This is when Cael won the olympics in 2004, going undefeated through the olympics. Cael is also the only Amateur wrestler to ever go undefeated all throughout College. Going 39-0 his freshman year, 40-0 his sophmore year, 40-0 his junior year, and 39-0 his senior year.

Dan Gable:


This is one of the few times Dan Gable ever loses. But this is a really really great wrestling match.

Moon Eui-Jae:


I don't know much about moon, I've only seen him wrestler 10-12 times. The guy is really phenominal though.

Sara McMann:


Only woman I've ever been scared of.

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