Am I the Only Person on This Forum...

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Who isn't a total and complete whiny little sappy fucking pussy bitch? I'm seriously starting to think it. Jesus fucking Christ you guys get so butthurt everytime someone cracks a joke about one your fucking "e-friends", it's sad. Seriously, do you guys get misty eyed when the crowd starts calling Vince an asshole? "He doesn't deserve that!"

Sorry to rant, but it's just pissing me off lately with how butthurt everyone is getting everytime someone cracks a fucking joke.

In summation, take your morality, vomit all over your own sexual organs, and then kill yourself with a rusty meathook.

Oh go fuck yourself xfear. You think cause you're the almighty G-Mod on a fucked up forum that you're suddenly the most badass thing to ever hit the earth? I got news for ya. You're nothing. You're absolutely meaningless. Get back to fapping on 4chan, ya asshole.

This is what I mean. Razor, you realize you've emotionally scarred that young man, right? His life will never be the same. You fucking brute.

I mean, I literally said:

If you're such a veteran, why did you ask for a stream? Oh, that's right. Because you're an idiot.

Direct quote. Apparently I attacked him. Sure hope he continues to post in WZCW. :shrug:

The fuck does 4chan have to do with this, at all? I'm talking about people who burst into tears whenever someone insults one of their fucking e-friends on here. It's fucking pathetic.

I'm thinking Lee is going with the classic 4chan threads that start up "You guys are too emotional. Fuck you all. Let's ruin some lives." You know, like the ones that started up when the raids on Scientology were getting into gear.
I'm not a, err, whatever you said at the beginning.

I'd reckon I was a tad laid back.

It's okay Luther, you're cool. You don't burst into tears and start handing out infractions when Derf calls you a cunt.
I hope a relative's old college roommate shoves a closed bottle of Diet Coke and Mentos up your urethra.
sprry mr.ekko dont want no online verbal fight but didn't you get pissed off in that football vs football thread because of name jokes and shit?

Err, how do you figure? You mean when some Brits decided to take a shot at American football and I shot back with some barbs about soccer? Notice I didn't start crying because my poor little feelings got hurt.
Does that imply that the dude doing the Coke Bottle shoving is old? Because that just adds insult to injury right there.
yes i do mean that, i just thought it was similar to what you were asking because technically it was a joke and imo you did get pissed which imo is the same as crying over something
You know what? Fuck everyone. Everyone can suck my fucking dick I'm serious I hate you all you all can get a fucking life go fap to John Cena porn fuck this fucking shit I fucking hate life cause of this place this fucking place you're never gonna get laid people who make friends on the internet have no lives sex with bears fuck fuck cats are ******ed the worst power ranger was the orange one I hate The Office fuck country music is bullshit you're all ugly memes are stupid 4chan is for CP lovers pedobear is my hero go get raped by Chris Hanson down with Texas war in the Middle East Elvis is still alive you all had sexual experiences with your fathers as kids you don't know true love blast it with piss fuck Avatar Nirvana is overrated Hendrix can't play guitar worth a shit Queen is the best band that's ever existed you're an illiterate pussy JWO 4 LYFE Miko 4 poster of the year xfear for bant IC25 for bant Slyfox isn't a good poster dog porn is my porn can somebody link me to some lamps douchebags can stop fucking and get away from me penis vagina fucktards.

You know what? Fuck everyone. Everyone can suck my fucking dick I'm serious I hate you all you all can get a fucking life go fap to John Cena porn fuck this fucking shit I fucking hate life cause of this place this fucking place you're never gonna get laid people who make friends on the internet have no lives sex with bears fuck fuck cats are ******ed the worst power ranger was the orange one I hate The Office fuck country music is bullshit you're all ugly memes are stupid 4chan is for CP lovers pedobear is my hero go get raped by Chris Hanson down with Texas war in the Middle East Elvis is still alive you all had sexual experiences with your fathers as kids you don't know true love blast it with piss fuck Avatar Nirvana is overrated Hendrix can't play guitar worth a shit Queen is the best band that's ever existed you're an illiterate pussy JWO 4 LYFE Miko 4 poster of the year xfear for bant IC25 for bant Slyfox isn't a good poster dog porn is my porn can somebody link me to some lamps douchebags can stop fucking and get away from me penis vagina fucktards.


yes i do mean that, i just thought it was similar to what you were asking because technically it was a joke and imo you did get pissed which imo is the same as crying over something

Yeah, no, it wasn't a joke, it was the 12 billionth time some British poster has decided to go "Hurr durr, why doez they calls it footsball if dey don't use dere feetz? DERPITY DERP!". And I responded by saying that soccer is fucking awful. This is "crying" how?

Oh, and you're clearly an alternate account.
You know what? Fuck everyone. Everyone can suck my fucking dick I'm serious I hate you all you all can get a fucking life go fap to John Cena porn fuck this fucking shit I fucking hate life cause of this place this fucking place you're never gonna get laid people who make friends on the internet have no lives sex with bears fuck fuck cats are ******ed the worst power ranger was the orange one I hate The Office fuck country music is bullshit you're all ugly memes are stupid 4chan is for CP lovers pedobear is my hero go get raped by Chris Hanson down with Texas war in the Middle East Elvis is still alive you all had sexual experiences with your fathers as kids you don't know true love blast it with piss fuck Avatar Nirvana is overrated Hendrix can't play guitar worth a shit Queen is the best band that's ever existed you're an illiterate pussy JWO 4 LYFE Miko 4 poster of the year xfear for bant IC25 for bant Slyfox isn't a good poster dog porn is my porn can somebody link me to some lamps douchebags can stop fucking and get away from me penis vagina fucktards.

Is this one of Hamlet's soliloquies?

I, for one, am glad to see that the fine arts are making an appearance in the bar room.
well i think the main reason for that thread was to tell people that football and yes im talking about soccer beat football(nfl) and then i dont know who started the
"why the hell do they call it football" thing but whatever i said i dont want online fighting so peace and no im not an alternate account whatever that is.
I have lost so much oxygen in this thread that my life probably got shortened by three years. Thanks you guys. Particularly Doc and Jane. You guys are awesome.

In response to the original post:

Yes Mr. Eko. You are the only one who isn't a pussy. Does it comfort you to know you are truly alone in this world? That there will never be another to meet your standards? That you are the last of a dying breed?

You are alone, Mr. Eko.


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