Am I the Only Person on This Forum...

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That must be a pretty light lunch if he can pile all of those fat Americans on top of it.
I love how noobs come on here and try to make a splash, and once two or three other noobs jump on their bandwagon they think they're hot shit. This is usually followed by a faction thread, which is followed by ridicule and no one missing you when you're gone. Welcome to the world of F-5 monster and Deadman.

Actually, this is a one man band here. So that basicially derails your theory.

You're going to tell a mod what the rules are? Laughable.

The rules do need a major overhaul, while we're on the subject.

Well, the people that don't mind you are the ones who's opinions no one really gives a fuck about.

LOL, cause I forget how many people have come running to you in support of your opinion. You're a one-man army that can't get out of the trenches, simple as that. And your boring as fuck, too.

Right. You're going to end me....

Well, you have fun with that mission.

That's the plan. I'm King Dick, you're Tiny Vadge. Prepare to get rammed, no lube.
Actually, this is a one man band here. So that basicially derails your theory.

Much like your sex life.

The rules do need a major overhaul, while we're on the subject.

Like autobans for unfunny douchebags named Macca? I agree.

LOL, cause I forget how many people have come running to you in support of your opinion. You're a one-man army that can't get out of the trenches, simple as that. And your boring as fuck, too.

Just other staff. Who's come to your defense? Coco? :lmao:

That's the plan. I'm King Dick, you're Tiny Vadge. Prepare to get rammed, no lube.

So, you think you can win a flame war with me with one joke? There are only so many ways to make a dick joke. Hurry up and find a funny one. I'm already becoming bored with you.
Who's come to your defense? Coco? :lmao:.
Even I find it funny. Not so funny that I'd post a smiley or actually laugh. I'm not nearly that invested in either Macca or WZ. But I'm certainly amused that anyone thinks I'm strongly in his corner or that I carry any influence whatsoever.


Second, you're still a dick.

Oh, yeah, and Macca's a douche.

That is all.

I red repped you before I started liking you for the record. I may be a dick, actually, I am a dick, but that doesn't change the fact that you don't suck.

Macca, now he sucks.
Much like your sex life.

You're a mod at a forum...

With all respect to D-Man, your sex life must be florishing.

Stalking of the village slag in your backwater town doesnt count either, you self-righteous prick.

Like autobans for unfunny douchebags named Macca? I agree.

Yet here I stand, unafraid. See, this is why the kids beat your fat ass at school, cause you won't stop talking back.

Just other staff. Who's come to your defense? Coco? :lmao:

First off, Coco is a slightly respected member of this forum. I like the boy.

And the fact is, you can deny the Macca love, but the fact remains:


So, you think you can win a flame war with me with one joke? There are only so many ways to make a dick joke. Hurry up and find a funny one. I'm already becoming bored with you.

The real joke is they made you a mod, instead of you finally getting unglued from your computer, and going out and making friends with real people.

But I tell you what, you know better, so I'll let you have the benefit of the doubt.

What a gimp. This is too easy.
You're a mod at a forum...

With all respect to D-Man, your sex life must be florishing.

Stalking of the village slag in your backwater town doesnt count either, you self-righteous prick.

Yet here I stand, unafraid. See, this is why the kids beat your fat ass at school, cause you won't stop talking back.

First off, Coco is a slightly respected member of this forum. I like the boy.

And the fact is, you can deny the Macca love, but the fact remains:


The real joke is they made you a mod, instead of you finally getting unglued from your computer, and going out and making friends with real people.

But I tell you what, you know better, so I'll let you have the benefit of the doubt.

What a gimp. This is too easy.

Hey look, it's another internet tough guys who's proud of himself for making two unfunny jokes. Awesome.

How about I post pictures of me kissing girls and you do the same. We'll see who wins that one.

Second, you're still a dick.

Oh, yeah, and Macca's a douche.

That is all.

Im sorry, but who the fuck are you?

I'd slap you for trying to make a name off of my reputation, but it doesn't matter. I'll take it out on your sister later.
Beat my ass at school? We used to fuck guys like you up for fun. That was the joy of being all district at a 5A high school in Texas. You can do whatever the fuck you want.

Look, like I said, you'll be banned by the end of the day, so have your fun. I'm just waiting for what I want to do it over.
Hey look, it's another internet tough guys who's proud of himself for making two unfunny jokes. Awesome.

How about I post pictures of me kissing girls and you do the same. We'll see who wins that one.

I could, but then you'd have to deal with the possibility of your manhood popping off and running away in shame. So I'll save you the trouble of running after it.

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