Am I the only one who misses Rey Mysterio


While he should make a t shirt that says. ARRIVE, INJURE KNEE, LEAVE.
I want to see the short, cool costume, symbolic masked hero back in the ring. He always has great matches. And it dosent matter if he's facing a big guy. Its still believable because his gimmick aand moveset is perfect for daivid vs goliath matches that he always has for a reason. ( As a matter of fact, I made this disscusion bcuz I was watching Rey vs Kane at cybersuday which was great)

And what's with the retirement plans by the IWC. I mean I respect the concern for his health. But iv seen some people wright some nasty things for rey for no reason.

And Rey is one of the 3 guys that always puts people over(Rey, Jericho, Kane). Which prooves he's not selfish in the ring and understands his time is almost up.

I just wanted to say some good things about mysterio because I think he dosent get the credit he deserves.

Yes I do believe he should retire soon but he needs a big comeback and storyline to go out in a legendary way which he deserves.

Anyway, am I alone in this or does anyone else wanna see rey mysterio get a big storyline/feud going for him for a last run.
I respect the man for his talents and accomplishments, but personally I can only see so many 619s before I'm ready to shoot myself. I'm also not a big fan of his wrestling style and have been bored by the vast majority of his matches since maybe 2004.

When I first saw him, back in WCW, I was amazed by his agility and speed. This amazement has long since turned to boredom. Maybe I'm just much more jaded when it comes to the high flying lucha libre style and these days I'm much more attracted to high impact maneuvers and mat technicians.

Neither am I a fan of his character. Who is Rey Mysterio? He has a wife, a kid (or more) and he was close to Eddie. Beyond that I know little. His promos are atrocious.

Long story short (too late): I'm not a fan. Haven't been in close to 10 years. Injury prone or not, I wish he would just retire and go away.
I'd like to see him back. i was hopiong he could be the one to return and take the title from Del Rio. i want him to have one more meaningful title run with any of the titles before he goes. He deserves it even if he gets sidelined with injuries.
I would love to see Rey Mysterio back because I know he is not only loved but admired and respected by the whole WWE locker-room one of the greatest high-flyers of all time and he is the greatest little man in WWE history definite first ballot Hall of Famer for sure and if anyone deserves another run as champion he does
I was a fan of Rey but in his most recent appearances he became dull. The same has happened with the Big Show.

Rey is nowhere near the standard he was in ECW, WCW and his early days in WWE. He used to be one of the most exciting guys in wrestling and would have incredible matches. He isn't quite at that level and I think that, with all his injuries, he should retire. It is a shame to see but I don't think he can offer anything more. Maybe one last match in a retirement match but I think it is time he retires and enters the Hall of Fame.
Simply put - No. You are not. I'm sure plenty of fans miss the 619. I, however, am not one of them. I feel like Rey's best days are behind him. They've been behind him for years now, he just loves what he does and doesn't want to stop. I get that. But at the expense of not being able to walk later in life? He's accomplished enough. I'd like to see Rey hang it up and call it a successful career.
I don't miss him anymore. I missed him but no longer care for him like I use to. He doesn't bring anything interesting to the table and being officially a part timer (cause that's what he is now) I just don't see the appeal in him anymore Unlike other guys who come around here and there he's probably the least interesting. Guys Lesnar, Taker, Triple H to some extent all bring something interesting and unique to their returns. Mysterio however only really brings a new mask and that's about it. His David versus Goliath or best of Mexico feuds are alright, but I've lost my appeal.

Enjoy retirement Mysterio, you deserve it.
I miss Rey Mysterio deeply. I am an avid fan of lucha libre and latino wrestlers so seeing Rey back would be great. And yeah, Sin Cara in his RAW match against ADR, idk, that was fake.
Eh. I don't miss him all that much at this point. While he can still put on a good match, it's just that. Good. Compared to his WCW days, where his matches were some of the main reasons my friends and I ordered PPVs. I think injuries are catching up with him and I hope to see him have at least one more run.
Rey's better days may be behind him, but he can still put together some good matches when he is healthy. More importantly to the company, the kids love him and he sells merchandise. Getting parents to buy a Rey mask for their kids in hopes of Rey touching heads with their child (if they're in the front row) is kind of a brilliant marketing plan.
I don't really miss Rey anymore to be totally honest. I respect what Mysterio has done in pro wrestling and, even more so, I respect that he's someone that has really altered the perceptions many fans have regarding "little guys" in wrestling.

However, I've moved on as far as Mysterio goes because he's been out for such a long stretch of time, cumulatively, over the past several years. He's probably not going to be involved in wrestling as a wrestler for too much longer due to ongoing knee problems, and I've long since accepted that and have turned my attention to other wrestlers. Mysterio's last few returns have been fairly uninspired though, to be fair, he hasn't really been around long enough to generate any real momentum for himself before having to leave again due to knee issues.

I'm not a huge fan of the lucha libre style as a whole but Mysterio was unique and was the first guy I'd ever seen with that sort of style. I found myself enjoying him more later on when he incorporated more storytelling instead of one high spot after another. Mysterio has been wrestling since he was in his mid teens and his high flying style can really screw up the joints, muscles and connective tissues in your legs; as we've all seen with Rey over the past several years. On top of that, he turns 39 years old on December 11. Rey's not a particularly good talker, he doesn't have a great physical presence, he's not a big guy and he doesn't have the most captivating personality. Mysterio's biggest key to success has been his in-ring ability and at his age with his injury issues, it can't be too much longer.
I have got really bored of Rey over the last 2-3 Years
I think the last time I cared about anything he did was the feud with Punk (back in '10 I think)

The constant going for the 619 every 2 seconds just annoys the hell out of me.

I'd be more then happy for Rey to come back at the Rumble put in a good showing , then go on to have his last match at Mania
I used to be a huge fan of Rey's but im really tired of seeing the same old match.
15 x 619 attempts in a match is overkill.

IF he can come back and stay fit and have a decent run with the IC or US title before retiring, im all for it.
but if he isnt going to come back @100% health I think he should retire and spend time with his family!!
he would only be hurting his legacy if he comes back a shell of his former self.
Great for the kids though, so hopefully he is able to get fit and have one last run
I don't want to see Rey Mysterio back ever. At one time, he and the filthy animals were the only reason I watched WCW. I feel like when he debuted in the WWE, they made him juice up and have shitty matches to punish WCW fans. Now he's past his prime and his matches are even more depressing.

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