Am I the only one that thinks WWE has been booking Daniel Bryan properly?


Beast from the East
We live in this world of wanting everything now. We want things done quick, ASAP. What WWE has been doing since SummerSlam is (so far) genius! Many people claim WWE for their stupidity in booking (which can be backed up by their track record) but I honestly think there is no way WWE is missing the boat on this one.

WWE has all their fans in the palm of their hands right now. Thats right fans, Be Mad! Be Mad that your favorite superstar keeps getting pushed down and down. If you stay mad long enough, the Pay-off will be astonishing.

Lets track back to Summerslam. If DB was just slapped with the Title belt from there on out, wouldn't fans get tired of him really quick? WWE had made this mistake numerous times in the past by slapping on that belt too soon, which ultimately ends up failing.

Now, I will admit, I've been saying DB was going to go #1 in the Rumble and win it all. Looking back on that, Im glad he wasn't in the Rumble period. It makes the viewer more pissed off that he is not getting his chance. If DB won the Rumble, he would have nearly 2.5 months of already being known that he was in the main event at WM. Now that he is not, in-between this time, the WWE can keep putting him down making the fans angrier.

I admit, It would have been a feel good moment for DB to win the Rumble than win at Mania but booking it this way has been so much better. My main point here is Keep staying mad at the current product because WWE is ready to give you the best outcome we have seen in nearly 2 decades. It does look a little sloppy just to throw him in the match but he has all the right reasons to be in the main event. He has been screwed over numerous times that somehow they will put him in the match. I have seen someone say he should face HHH at WM and if he wins he can be added to the WWE title match later that night. DB has been showing he can wrestle two matches in a row. Imagine going over HHH, Batista, and Orton...All in one night?

The only way WWE truly screws this all up is if DB is not in the Main Event at WM. If that happens...well...all hope is lost.

Do you think WWE actually had this booked out like this for a long time or do you think they really screwed up the booking altogether?
You're assuming the payoff is Daniel Bryan winning the title at Wrestlemania when it's more likely he'll face either Kane or Triple H at the PPV in a grudge match. I know people really want to believe that this has been booked months in advance but the WWE did not bring back Batista on a huge contract to job out to Daniel Bryan at Wrestlemania. Could plans change? Sure they could but the initial plan was obviously for Batista to beat Orton at Mania so he could bring the WWE Title with him when he goes promoting the Guardians of the Galaxy on talk shows. It might change because the WWE, or Batista himself, might be fearful of the reaction his match with Orton will get at Mania but it wasn't the plan. Had it been the plan Batista wouldn't have come back as a face or he wouldn't have been inserted into the obvious Orton vs Bryan face off.

Even if we get Orton vs Batista vs Bryan now anyway (and I still don't think we will) it isn't the same as Bryan winning the Rumble and going on to facing Orton at Mania. There's something very old school and very easy in the story of an underdog upsetting all the odds to win the big one. However they would shoehorn Bryan in to the main event now wouldn't come close to getting that reaction. Or they might get the reaction on the night but it won't sustain itself in the months afterwards. For example, I see people saying that Vince could show up tonight and say he's sick of the Authority screwing Bryan over and just put him in the match. But how does that play in to him being the underdog exactly? He just gets handed a Wrestlemania title match without earning it? What does that do for the Royal Rumble stipulation going forward?

WWE screwed this up big time by either underestimating Bryan's popularity, overestimating Batista's popularity or both. They've backed themselves into a corner here and it will be interesting to see how they try to box themselves out of it. The sadistic part in me wants to see Orton vs Batista at Mania just to see & hear the crowd reaction but I honestly think both guys, and Bryan, deserve better than what Creative have served up to them.
For example, I see people saying that Vince could show up tonight and say he's sick of the Authority screwing Bryan over and just put him in the match. But how does that play in to him being the underdog exactly? He just gets handed a Wrestlemania title match without earning it? What does that do for the Royal Rumble stipulation going forward?

Thats Why I am saying DB can go through a series of matches or one big Match at Mania where he will be granted a shot at the title, which means he wouldn't be handed the opportunity.

Going off that Rumble stipulation, In 1999 Vince won the Rumble and never headlined WM. He wanted The Rock to have no opponent at WM but then Shawn Michaels (commish at the time) Declared Stone Cold the spot because he was the last one eliminated. Right there SCSA got handed the Main event, and this was at the Height of Wrestling!

Then the next year in 2000, The Rock won the rumble but then lost his title shot to Big Show at No Way Out. The main event was later changed into a match that featured a member of the McMahon family represent one of the wrestlers in that match. WWE Champion Triple H successfully defended his title at WrestleMania 2000 against the Rock, the Big Show, and Mick Foley.

In 2002, HHH won the rumble, lost his chance to Kurt Angle, but then gained it back and went on to face Jericho at Mania.

In 2006, Rey won the rumble then lost his title shot to Randy Orton at No Way Out. SmackDown GM Teddy Long decided to add Rey to the World Title match at WrestleMania 22. In that match, Rey Mysterio beat Randy Orton and Kurt Angle.

Lastly, in 2008 John decided to use his title shot early and has challenged Randy Orton to a WWE Championship at No Way Out. He won that match via DQ but not the title. At WrestleMania XXIV, John lost a triple-threat match against WWE Champion Randy Orton and Triple H.

So it just goes to show you that 5 times in the History of the Rumble where somehow a person wins it and doesn't necessarily go on to get that feel good moment at WM. You don't see many people complain about the outcomes either. This has happened in the past where shit gets thrown together and it all works out, so it is very likely this can be the same case with DB, Batista, and Orton
Four of those five times you posted produced garbage matches that most either quickly forgot or pull up as times Mania main events stunk up the joint. Not all of that was down to match quality, most of it was down to storytelling. Particularly at Wrestlemania 2000 which was such nonsense that it has dragged the WWE that year down from being considered the greatest year in a wrestling company's history to barely being remembered.

But back to the topic at hand. Do you believe that the long term booking for this was to bring back Batista on a huge contract as a face in the hope he would get booed out of the building so that they could book some sort of weekly Raw tournament to get Bryan into a triple threat match at Wrestlemania?
No,Your not .Bryan is being used properly.From the get he was automatically facing a legend at Wrestlemania.Let's be real he was either facing Triple H,Kane,Cena for the title or Batista and Orton in a triple threat match for the title or even HBK.You mean to tell me people seriously believe their not.Come on,like everyone say's it's storyline.Triple H and Vince McMahon were and are still very high on Bryan.In face Bryan is the 'temporary' face of the WWE right now.Bryan has main evented almost every Raw and Smackdown,a couple of PPV's,beaten Cena,and Orton,beat up Triple H and HBK.Dammit that's a push but people fail to realise it just like they fail to realise it's ENTERTAINMENT.Tonight we have Hulk Hogan,The Undertaker,HBK,Brett Hart I gurantee he will get praised by one of them legends tonight.Hell,we could still get a swerve of HBK coming out of retirement and facing him at Mania.No matter who wins at Mania between Orton and Batista. Bryan will beat them at Extreme Rules becoming the new WWE Champion chanting YES! YES! YES! but trust me their is a payoff.I have a feeling that their using the fans to get their huge Bryan chant.But to answer your question they are using him properly.They are just working the fans it's storyline.
Maybe I'm naïve, but I do believe there's been a plan in place all along. I'm not sure that Daniel Bryan winds up winning the title at WrestleMania XXX, but I do believe he'll be champion before this year is out. If WWE management disliked Bryan or hated him or was out to screw him over, as so many claim, he'd have been flat out buried a long time ago. Wrestlers who don't make money and who don't connect with fans don't get featured the way Daniel Bryan has over the course of the past 6 months. As a fan of the guy, I'd like nothing more than to see Bryan have a huge moment and I think it'll come. As I said, it might not come at WrestleMania, but I do think it'll come. As much as some people love to bash WWE management, they have to know that there's money in Bryan right now. Not saying he's the biggest money maker for the company, but he's among the top ones. Personally, I think if WWE ultimately shows that they're firmly behind him as a top guy, he'll make more money for the company.

I predicted, as many others have, that both Bryan & Cena would be screwed over last night and they were. The Wyatt Family interfered and caused Cena to lose and Kane interfered and caused Bryan to, eventually lose. What does that mean? It means that, on top of all the other stuff that's going down on Raw tonight, people are anxious to find out what the WrestleMania future holds for Daniel Bryan:

Will tonight be the night Bryan goes ape shit and gets medieval on Triple H?

Is there a possibility that returning legends like Hogan or Taker takes a stand with Bryan?

Will he challenge Triple H? Will he be added to the WWE WHC match to make it a triple threat?

Will he have to run the gauntlet again in order to prove that he's "worthy" of being added to the title match or to get his hands on Triple H? Will he have to face Kane 1 on 1 to prove he's "worthy?"

In other words, Bryan getting screwed over again by The Authority only serves to whet people's appetite for tonight's Raw all the more.

I read a few comments at yesterday from some of the sites writers stating that Bryan's popularity has faded and that it has been since SummerSlam. I honestly laughed a little bit because these are guys who claim to know what's what. The notion that Daniel Bryan's popularity has faded is one of the more ludicrous claims I've seen from any "wrestling journalist" in a while. And these are some of guys who like to casually toss around the claim that Vince McMahon is out of touch???? :confused: :confused: :confused:
Shawn Michaels should come out of retirement.

WrestleMania XXX: Shawn Michaels vs Daniel Bryan

WrestleMania 31: Shawn Michaels vs The Rock

WrestleMania 32: Shawn Michaels vs The Undertaker in the Cowboys / AT&T stadium in front of 100K people. HBK ends the streak, both these two legends retire.
I agree with you, Daniel Bryan as been booked amazingly, my problem is not with Daniel, but with the way Batista and Randy have been booked... Orton as been champion to many times, and fans dont want to see him anymore... Batista is plain awful, he just does not know how to wrestle, and it's sad that guy's are there busting there ass off, for this patetic man to come in at the royal rumble, win the intire thing and main event wrestlemania... Orton v.s Batista as a Main Event, i just think people will turn there tv's off when that match start's...
HHH vs Bryan at WM Bryan wins he gets a title shot against winner of Orton/Batisita. then Bryan wins the title at the next ppv.
I think it's a happy accident that they've got to the point where a Bryan win would send the crowd into a frenzy. This is a company that barely even plans for the next week until Raw has already aired and re-writes shows mere hours beforehand and I'm expected to believe that they've had this plan in place since August? They tried to turn Miz heel then turned him face again next week because they forgot he had a film coming out. That doesn't scraem 'long-term planning' to me.

I think he'll win at Extreme Rules but it should happen at Mania. It'll feel more special. Benoit winning the belt was amazing at the time, without the benefit of foresight, and that moment was intensified with it being at WM.

They'll have to do something though because at the moment they're looking at a heel/heel dynamic at Mania which would be disastrous. Batista isn't working as a face but they can't turn him heel without inserting another face into the mix. I suppose they could get Flair involved on Batista's side but even then I don't see the fans buying into him.

I believe that with Bryan they are reacting rather than acting but a lot of things in wrestling are reactive as things can change so quickly. I think they'll give us the payoff eventually but I doubt that's been the plan all along.
The only thing I believe the WWE has done right with Bryan is how they've booked him since the Royal Rumble. Everything before that was badly botched, and everything since is simply a means to save face. Let's look at all the screw-ups:

1) They initially booked Triple H as the heel in the feud, the puppet-master who was keeping Bryan from the title. The plan changed six weeks into the feud when Triple H decided he wanted to be more of a neutral character. If this was the plan all along, then why did Triple H change so suddenly ... and why wasn't the change ever shown on screen to help Bryan get over more?

2) They booked Bryan to lose at HIAC with interference from Shawn Michaels - a decision with no pay off as Michaels doesn't seem to want to wrestle another match again. If the decision was to build Bryan up, then how come he continually got screwed by non-wrestlers who he couldn't ever go over?

3) They turned Bryan heel - a move they were forced to reverse two weeks later. If the plan all along was to build Bryan up to 'Mania, then how would a late December heel turn accomplish this?

4) They sent out Rey Mysterio as the 30th entrant in the Royal Rumble. This is the most telling one to me. Regardless of his 'not being advertised for the match,' we all knew going into the Rumble that the crowd was going to demand Bryan be in the match. When 29 hit, and Bryan still hadn't entered, we all knew the crowd expected him to be the 30th entrant. When the final countdown began, we all knew the crowd would start the Yes chant, building it to a crescendo and hoping to greet Bryan to a thunderous ovation. And we all know that anyone other than Bryan as the 30th entrant was going to be such a disappointment that the fans would be pissed.

If the plan all along has been to 'make the WWE Universe' want Bryan more, then the WWE has done a bad job of reading just how badly the WWE Universe wants him. Sending out Mysterio said one of two things: 1) They didn't think the fans would react at all to Bryan's absence or 2) They thought Mysterio was enough to make the crowd forget about Bryan. Had they realized what most of us probably realized - that the fans would be pissed once they realized Bryan wasn't in the Rumble - then they would've sent out a heel to soak up the heat --- someone like Bad News Barrett would've at least acknowledged that they grasped the situation.

So no, I don't think this has been the plan all along. I do think that once the WWE saw the reactions Bryan and Batista received at the Rumble, they changed course. I think the past few weeks have been a way to set-up Bryan's inclusion into the main event at WrestleMania - a necessary inclusion if the WWE doesn't want 75,000 fans shitting all over the main event of their biggest show while the contender to their WWE Title gasps for air after two minutes in the ring.

I do think that the EC match was booked in such a fashion - with Kane screwing Bryan - so that Bryan has a legitimate gripe to being given a WWE Title match at WrestleMania. I believe the next few weeks will consist of Bryan demanding inclusion into the main event while Triple H rebuffs the demands. I think eventually, Triple H will cave on the caveat that Bryan has to go through him first --- that Bryan vs Triple H will happen earlier in the night, and if Bryan wins, he can then wrestler later in the main event (That's right. TWO matches for Bryan at 'Mania...)

But again, I don't think this was the plan all along. I think it has been booked on the fly since the day after the Rumble. Will it be interesting? Sure. Should it have a great pay off? Absolutely. But was it worth it? Well, putting Bryan into a program with Triple H heading into 'Mania is probably why CM Punk quit. So you tell me...
It's a two-pronged problem with folks who believe Daniel Bryan has been booked badly.

--First, the notion WWE is failing him by not having installed him as their heavyweight champion is flawed. Winning titles is important in a sport in which the players are actually in competition; in pro wrestling this isn't the case ....who wins or loses championships is the province of the writers, not the wrestlers. Of far more importance to the participants is the number of high-profile ring appearances and backstage activities in which they engage: the more they play, the more they earn.

Right now, Daniel is everywhere: on Raw, Smackdown and all PPVs. Last Friday, he fought two matches on Smackdown. He's paid by appearance, right? He most likely gets a downside guarantee plus compensation for all the on-air exposure he can handle, with the more he does equaling the more he earns. To Daniel, I would think that means far more than being handed a championship belt, even if some fans think he's being short-changed. These fans have been listening for so long to Daniel cry that he wants to be the champ that they've come to believe he's truly upset by being denied. It's all part of the act, folks.

--Which leads to the second point: Once he wins a major title, he's no longer an underdog, and while many in the arena would thrill to Daniel standing in the ring after winning the belt, the pop would be short in duration......Daniel needs to be an underdog to function as the darling of the crowd .....and once he wins the championship and has any sort of title reign, that advantage disappears.

We're always getting to watch him and talk about him. The booking of Daniel has been terrific.
The only thing I believe the WWE has done right with Bryan is how they've booked him since the Royal Rumble. Everything before that was badly botched, and everything since is simply a means to save face. Let's look at all the screw-ups:

1) They initially booked Triple H as the heel in the feud, the puppet-master who was keeping Bryan from the title. The plan changed six weeks into the feud when Triple H decided he wanted to be more of a neutral character. If this was the plan all along, then why did Triple H change so suddenly ... and why wasn't the change ever shown on screen to help Bryan get over more?

2) They booked Bryan to lose at HIAC with interference from Shawn Michaels - a decision with no pay off as Michaels doesn't seem to want to wrestle another match again. If the decision was to build Bryan up, then how come he continually got screwed by non-wrestlers who he couldn't ever go over?

3) They turned Bryan heel - a move they were forced to reverse two weeks later. If the plan all along was to build Bryan up to 'Mania, then how would a late December heel turn accomplish this?

4) They sent out Rey Mysterio as the 30th entrant in the Royal Rumble. This is the most telling one to me. Regardless of his 'not being advertised for the match,' we all knew going into the Rumble that the crowd was going to demand Bryan be in the match. When 29 hit, and Bryan still hadn't entered, we all knew the crowd expected him to be the 30th entrant. When the final countdown began, we all knew the crowd would start the Yes chant, building it to a crescendo and hoping to greet Bryan to a thunderous ovation. And we all know that anyone other than Bryan as the 30th entrant was going to be such a disappointment that the fans would be pissed.

If the plan all along has been to 'make the WWE Universe' want Bryan more, then the WWE has done a bad job of reading just how badly the WWE Universe wants him. Sending out Mysterio said one of two things: 1) They didn't think the fans would react at all to Bryan's absence or 2) They thought Mysterio was enough to make the crowd forget about Bryan. Had they realized what most of us probably realized - that the fans would be pissed once they realized Bryan wasn't in the Rumble - then they would've sent out a heel to soak up the heat --- someone like Bad News Barrett would've at least acknowledged that they grasped the situation.

1 &2, I feel there will be a payoff in a couple of weeks.

3, Why do u fail to understand that this bad booking was done to get Bryan more over.. Don't forget the huge reaction he got when he turned on Wyatt.

4.And this was WWE playing the fool.
If they would've sent out Barrett, it would've looked like planned. They sent out Rey instead seemed like they didn't foresee the reaction and botched up and would drive the crowd crazy.. This sent Bryan's popularity skyward..

So this has been the plan all along....
The only thing I believe the WWE has done right with Bryan is how they've booked him since the Royal Rumble. Everything before that was badly botched, and everything since is simply a means to save face. Let's look at all the screw-ups:

1) They initially booked Triple H as the heel in the feud, the puppet-master who was keeping Bryan from the title. The plan changed six weeks into the feud when Triple H decided he wanted to be more of a neutral character. If this was the plan all along, then why did Triple H change so suddenly ... and why wasn't the change ever shown on screen to help Bryan get over more?

2) They booked Bryan to lose at HIAC with interference from Shawn Michaels - a decision with no pay off as Michaels doesn't seem to want to wrestle another match again. If the decision was to build Bryan up, then how come he continually got screwed by non-wrestlers who he couldn't ever go over?

3) They turned Bryan heel - a move they were forced to reverse two weeks later. If the plan all along was to build Bryan up to 'Mania, then how would a late December heel turn accomplish this?

4) They sent out Rey Mysterio as the 30th entrant in the Royal Rumble. This is the most telling one to me. Regardless of his 'not being advertised for the match,' we all knew going into the Rumble that the crowd was going to demand Bryan be in the match. When 29 hit, and Bryan still hadn't entered, we all knew the crowd expected him to be the 30th entrant. When the final countdown began, we all knew the crowd would start the Yes chant, building it to a crescendo and hoping to greet Bryan to a thunderous ovation. And we all know that anyone other than Bryan as the 30th entrant was going to be such a disappointment that the fans would be pissed.

If the plan all along has been to 'make the WWE Universe' want Bryan more, then the WWE has done a bad job of reading just how badly the WWE Universe wants him. Sending out Mysterio said one of two things: 1) They didn't think the fans would react at all to Bryan's absence or 2) They thought Mysterio was enough to make the crowd forget about Bryan. Had they realized what most of us probably realized - that the fans would be pissed once they realized Bryan wasn't in the Rumble - then they would've sent out a heel to soak up the heat --- someone like Bad News Barrett would've at least acknowledged that they grasped the situation.

1 &2, I feel there will be a payoff in a couple of weeks.

3, Why do u fail to understand that this bad booking was done to get Bryan more over.. Don't forget the huge reaction he got when he turned on Wyatt.

4.And this was WWE playing the fool.
If they would've sent out Barrett, it would've looked like planned. They sent out Rey instead seemed like they didn't foresee the reaction and botched up and would drive the crowd crazy.. This sent Bryan's popularity skyward..

So this has been the plan all along....
Daniel Bryan's booking has been different from other "over" superstars but I believe it will work out for the best. I definitely don't think he's been buried at all. He's a 2 time wwe champ and a 1 time world heavyweight champ all in all. And now that he's more over than ever I think the route they are taking with him will work out. It's building and building so When he finally does win it will be huge. Just gotta be patient and enjoy it.
I think Hogan shows up tonight and make the stipulation that if Byran beats HHH at WM, he gets inserted that night into the triple threat match for the title.
1 &2, I feel there will be a payoff in a couple of weeks.

3, Why do u fail to understand that this bad booking was done to get Bryan more over.. Don't forget the huge reaction he got when he turned on Wyatt.

4.And this was WWE playing the fool.
If they would've sent out Barrett, it would've looked like planned. They sent out Rey instead seemed like they didn't foresee the reaction and botched up and would drive the crowd crazy.. This sent Bryan's popularity skyward..

So this has been the plan all along....

I refuse to "understand it" because it makes no sense. Faces get over because obstacles are placed in front of them by heels. The fans interest remains high because the hope remains that the face will overcome those obstacles. If the face doesn't overcome them this week, then surely he'll overcome them next week. And this cycle continues until the face ultimately overcomes those obstacles. That's story-telling 101.

Look at the obstacles in front of Bryan during his program with Randy Orton: Triple H, Orton, Shawn Michaels and The Shield. Not only did he not overcome those obstacles, but the obstacles - and his desire to even be champion - stopped being acknowledged all together! If the plan was to build Bryan into a star, then the WWE would have continued to give him obstacles on his path to the title to at least give the impression that he was closing in on the big pay-off. That they didn't is an indication that it either wasn't the plan or that the WWE simply has no idea how to tell a story properly. I'll let you decide for yourself which of the two it is.

Hell, look at the show since the fans nearly revolted at the Royal Rumble. Suddenly, Bryan is being given on-screen obstacles again from The Authority - suddenly we're back into storytelling 101 as it goes with Bryan and the WWE Title. So do you really think the WWE veered from basic storytelling methods with Bryan for THREE MONTHS only to return to them one night after the fans nearly revolted? Seems a little odd, doesn't it? More likely, the WWE realized what an Orton/Batista main event at WrestleMania would look like and figured out they needed to add Bryan into the mix just to keep 75,000 fans from revolting.

But you're right. All the botched aspects of this story have made Bryan a bigger star. Then again, so did Sheamus pinning him in 18 seconds at WrestleMania 28. I'm sure you think that was the plan, too.

As for the Wyatt angle. That was in reference to the OPs question as to this entire angle being a setup from the beginning to get Bryan/Orton in the main event of 'Mania. As big a payoff as Bryan got when he turned on Wyatt, it couldn't have been done properly at a later date and still given Bryan time to get into the main event of WrestleMania. If he turned on him at the Rumble, then he would've fought him at the EC. If he fought him at the EC, he'd have no way to get himself back into the title hunt in time for 'Mania. So yes, that one was done to get him more 'over,' but it wasn't done with the intention of getting him to the main event 'Mania. My guess is that the payoff to the heel turn was originally slated to come at 'Mania.
I guess the only way i can put it to us older folks out there,is Daniel Bryan is ROCKY BALBOA! A complete underdog,very popular,and hell who doesn't want the underdog to win i sure as shit do. The chants he gets in every venue are deafening.

It just isn't here and there its everywhere. Does Daniel Bryan need that title? He is so insanely over right now,its like he is the uncrowned champion. He gets paid by appearance i assume,he is on every Raw,Smackdown,PPV,his merch sales i assume are through the roof so he gets a cut of that.

I still think though,when he becomes champion the authority is,going to try at every opportunity to screw him out of the title,so even when he becomes champion he still will be the Underdog IMO! Look every other thread is dedicated to this guy,we all love to talk about him.

I mean no one in history has garnered this amount of attention,he is getting. People shitted on the Royal Rumble,when he didn't get his deserved entrance. We the fans,hi-jack the arenas,chant his name,chant YES YES YES im sure Daniel Bryan is thinking I had no idea how insane this was going to get. So after my long ramble is he being booked properly,YES YES YES
Of course he has. WWE has been building Bryan like a classic baby face, and the fans - especially the cynics - have been eating it up. While I'd love to see Bryan win the title at Mania, that really isn't the point. The point is to see Bryan's popularity rise higher than it already has. A victory over Triple H - or Authority in general - would accomplish that. Let Bryan win the title at the next PPV when he can have some proper buildup. I have faith that WWE knows what they're doing with him, and in Bryan's ability to become a huge star.

Really it's only the cynics that bitch and complain about his treatment. The casuals don't care either way. To them he might be a real up and comer, or he could just be another upper mid carder.
I wanna get this straight. We bitch if someone is hotshotted to the title. Anyone that gets it too soon after a push start has been gifted it and hasnt earned it and doesn't deserve it.

You don't hotshot the title on someone and build them properly, as an underdog character, for 6 months (and we need to remember, it's ONLY been 6 months since this build started!)'s not soon enough, we NEED to give him the title.

We the people. We'll apparently take any excuse to bitch, won't we.

Let's be honest. The build has been great. It's got people watching. People from EVERYWHERE are referencing WWE and now the public in general are wondering...who is this Daniel Bryan cat? Who's this guy that everyone keeps referencing and pointing to the sky while shouting yes towards? For the first time in WWE for the last 10 years, we have a pop culture figure who can bring in more viewers...why should WWE rush this build and spoil the attention they're getting?
You don't hotshot the title on someone and build them properly, as an underdog character, for 6 months (and we need to remember, it's ONLY been 6 months since this build started!)'s not soon enough, we NEED to give him the title.

Two things:

First. Bryan has been building for two years now. It started at WrestleMania 28 when the Yes chants started. But I'll digress into point 2...

The build stopped after Hell in a Cell when Bryan was completely pushed away from the championship picture. I don't understand why so many people fail to acknowledge that. Yes, Bryan was still a big part of the show. No one denies that. But his championship build was completely stopped for three months.

There are ways to keep a championship build alive without putting a guy in the championship match. For example, Bryan could've demanded another match at Survivor Series only for The Authority to say he's had his shots, and that he needs to move back in line. From there, the Authority could have continued to torment Bryan, creating obstacles that he needed to overcome in order to get another shot at the title. Doing it that way would've sufficed. People would have had reason to maintain the hope that Bryan would overcome the obstacles and win the championship.

But they couldn't do it that way because, in Triple H's WWE, heels don't exist! And doing those things would've been awfully heelish for a character that can't be a heel. So instead, the Authority simply forgot about him. Bryan, meanwhile, seemingly forgot about his WWE Title dream as he chased the Wyatts. And we went three months without Bryan mentioning that he wanted to be champion. Please, someone tell me how Bryan not acknowledging that goal indicates anything other than his complete removal from the title picture. It doesn't. But if you think this was the plan all along, then answer these two questions:

1) How does the WWE predict Bryan would come out of that looking stronger? Yes, it worked that way, but people need to stop acting like the WWE planned it that way. They didn't. It happened by accident. That has been known to happen. For further evidence of happy accidents, go re-watch WrestleMania 28 and defend the Bryan/Sheamus match under the premise that the WWE knew it would get Bryan over huge.

2) How does failing to build off the program for three months make any sense? There are ways to keep Bryan from the title while still acknowledging his vendetta with The Authority. Don't you think we'd have seen them go that route if the plan all along was to build this to WrestleMania?

You say the fans are 'impatient,' and I say GOOD. If the fans didn't shit all over the WWE Title match at the Royal Rumble - if they didn't boo Batista out of the building later that night - then we'd likely be headed for an Orton/Batista train wreck at WrestleMania. As it stands, the WWE appears to have gotten the message from the fans as - to no one's surprise - they finally started placing championship obstacles in front of Bryan the night after the Rumble. I do think this will ultimately lead to a triple threat match at 'Mania, but nothing I've heard so far from anyone convinces me that this was the plan until after the Royal Rumble.
The Royal Rumble was the only event that made me doubt this was the case. Surely the WWE weren't prepared for the sheer disgust emanating from the crowd.

Right from before Summerslam I thought that Bryan winning the belt at Mania would have been perfect. I personally thought they would have him face Triple H at a few PPV's (giving him a break from Orton) but what they did with The Wyatt Family was superb. The Wyatt Family were kinda just there: Bryan made them relevant.

The World Titles being unified and Batista returning are interesting points. That must have changed some existing plans but, on the whole, Bryan getting the belt at WM30 seems logical. Even during his feud with The Wyatt Family; he was ending Raw and Smackdown. The focus was on him.

I've doubted where they were heading in the last few weeks. Batista vs Orton seems like a good fit and I wouldn't be shocked to see them face off. Add the situation with Punk then Bryan not being in the World Title match is a possibility.

If Bryan wins the WWE WHC at Wrestlemania 30 then this has been an expertly booked run. Bryan has become even more popular and put over the Wyatt Family. If they pull a trigger then this has been fantastic. If not, then it is a bit of a waste.
That is NOT true..orginally the plan was to have him face Bray Wyatt. Hunter was facing Punk and Kane would have been off the card and Orton/Batista was set
And if they have him just face Kane its a may call him a legend but right now he is on par with Bryan facing Sgt Slaughter...

The only way they can have a Kane match work is if Bryan wants Hunter...Hunter says fine you can have a match at Mania...VS Kane...and if he wins then he faces Hunter
No,Your not .Bryan is being used properly.From the get he was automatically facing a legend at Wrestlemania.Let's be real he was either facing Triple H,Kane,Cena for the title or Batista and Orton in a triple threat match for the title or even HBK.You mean to tell me people seriously believe their not.Come on,like everyone say's it's storyline.Triple H and Vince McMahon were and are still very high on Bryan.In face Bryan is the 'temporary' face of the WWE right now.Bryan has main evented almost every Raw and Smackdown,a couple of PPV's,beaten Cena,and Orton,beat up Triple H and HBK.Dammit that's a push but people fail to realise it just like they fail to realise it's ENTERTAINMENT.Tonight we have Hulk Hogan,The Undertaker,HBK,Brett Hart I gurantee he will get praised by one of them legends tonight.Hell,we could still get a swerve of HBK coming out of retirement and facing him at Mania.No matter who wins at Mania between Orton and Batista. Bryan will beat them at Extreme Rules becoming the new WWE Champion chanting YES! YES! YES! but trust me their is a payoff.I have a feeling that their using the fans to get their huge Bryan chant.But to answer your question they are using him properly.They are just working the fans it's storyline.
Two things:

First. Bryan has been building for two years now. It started at WrestleMania 28 when the Yes chants started. But I'll digress into point 2...

1) How does the WWE predict Bryan would come out of that looking stronger? Yes, it worked that way, but people need to stop acting like the WWE planned it that way. They didn't. It happened by accident. That has been known to happen. For further evidence of happy accidents, go re-watch WrestleMania 28 and defend the Bryan/Sheamus match under the premise that the WWE knew it would get Bryan over huge.

2) How does failing to build off the program for three months make any sense? There are ways to keep Bryan from the title while still acknowledging his vendetta with The Authority. Don't you think we'd have seen them go that route if the plan all along was to build this to WrestleMania?

You say the fans are 'impatient,' and I say GOOD. If the fans didn't shit all over the WWE Title match at the Royal Rumble - if they didn't boo Batista out of the building later that night - then we'd likely be headed for an Orton/Batista train wreck at WrestleMania. As it stands, the WWE appears to have gotten the message from the fans as - to no one's surprise - they finally started placing championship obstacles in front of Bryan the night after the Rumble. I do think this will ultimately lead to a triple threat match at 'Mania, but nothing I've heard so far from anyone convinces me that this was the plan until after the Royal Rumble.

Alrighty. Cut that down because a lot of it wasn't important to the case im making. The rest though brings up interesting points that I am happy to look at.

First. Really if you wanna take the yes chants into effect, they started before that mania. But the chants and the yessing really only properly took effect, like really became a huge thing this year.

At summerslam, Bryan was put into the title mix for the main title so I count his mainstay into the main event and major push from here.

Fine at hiac he was taken from the title picture but that's from summerslam to hell in a cell where he's been the main focus. He can't be in every main event for every PPV. The idea of him leaving the title picture adds to the effect of him being screwed.

Your questions now good sir.

1) WWE have seen an organic growth and dealt with it. I have no doubt that at first they thought him bring destroyed in 18 seconds would end it. Then they see what it did and they think 'hey, we could do this longer term.' The idea to keep him away from the title picture has served Bryan perfectly and let's be honest, it was done because of the sheamus/Bryan debacle. WWE planned this push to go the way it has based on the fact that they've seen it work before.

2) So okay. For 3 months you put Bryan in a different feud to the WWE title, yet bryan , Steph and hhh had altercations throughout. The Wyatt thing took over but it kickstarted the whole 'kept down by the machine' story. That angle fed slyly into the title angle. They mentioned it several times throughout. It was done...deliberately. I wonder why they mentioned the machine and had that storyline born from that? was the plan all along.

Yes. Fans are impatient. But they're not. My argument was that we see anyone but their boy blue hotshotted to the title and they fight it. But they don't get what they want immediately and they shit on it. Its no wonder WWE barely listen to the fans and the moment Bryan holds that title for longer than 3 months, just watch. They'll get bored and soon there will be "Is Bryan being shoved down our throats" threads every where on this site. The same as there was with punk, and everyone else that holds that title.

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