All WWE Network Discussion

BluntedVillain i very sure you will not have to worry as it will be available on more then just the WWE Network . it just going to go on the network to tempt more people to subscribe i can maybe see something like buy 3months get WM free
I don't like them putting something big on day 1, because the first day will be the one full of kinks and hiccups, and having a bad first day experience with a Wrestlemania could make this network into XFL2 from the start.
there was a time people said espn a full sports channel wouldnt work when it launched now its the norm...wwe network can work. if a couple of the wrestlers have a reality shows where we see there lives behind the scenes i would watch. for instance if someone like doplh ziggler did a show like this or ted dibiasse it would be good.

wwe can even create new contracts for wrestlers to sign with the company for the sole purpose of doing a reality show.

i say they put the pre show on the network and exclusive stuff on wrestlemania there that would make sense. raw leaving usa network for the wwe network however is not smething i would like to see even smackdown shouldnt be on there.
It would be stupid of WWE to do this.
Mania is the biggest selling PPV of the Sports Entertainment calendar and even if its to promote the network as a one off, it is still not a good idea.

WWE network should be for old PPV's, WWE classics, Superstars, NXT, Re-runs,FCW and their very own WWE related shows like this Big Brother type thing they are apparently planning.
All PPV's should remain just as they are..... PPV's. WWE will loose money if they do otherwise.
Good question indeed!!! I have directv and with direct usaully we get all the goodies im hoping we get this channel too!! I dont see WM being given away for free at all but im excited for this new channel cant wait!! But where is thel link to this??? What companies are going to carry this?:shrug:
Haven't read the entire thread... But...

I think with paying for a subscription (Say, $15/month) the WWE should give you access to their PPVs for free (or a severely discounted rate, so that they can still pay their dues to the PPV station without losing money). Or at least their generic ones. The four big ones they could charge an extra fee for (Rumble, Mania, Summer Slam, Survivor Series).

I only order major PPVs nowadays. And it's not even a guarantee I order those. The only PPV I'm guaranteed to order is Mania. It would really make me think about paying extra for the WWE Network if I get all this bonus stuff (that I may or may not watch, but at least I have the opportunity to do so) and the possibility of discounted PPVs (even though I don't order a lot of them). At a reduced price, I may even order some of the obscure ones.

Just an idea.
Not sure if this has been said or not, so I apologize if it was mentioned. However, I was watching this video on a new WWE Video Game that will come out in 2012 called WWE Brawl. The video mentions that they are thinking about creating a Anime Series based on the video game. Sounds like a perfect show for WWE Network.
Haven't read the entire thread... But...

I think with paying for a subscription (Say, $15/month) the WWE should give you access to their PPVs for free (or a severely discounted rate, so that they can still pay their dues to the PPV station without losing money). Or at least their generic ones. The four big ones they could charge an extra fee for (Rumble, Mania, Summer Slam, Survivor Series).

I only order major PPVs nowadays. And it's not even a guarantee I order those. The only PPV I'm guaranteed to order is Mania. It would really make me think about paying extra for the WWE Network if I get all this bonus stuff (that I may or may not watch, but at least I have the opportunity to do so) and the possibility of discounted PPVs (even though I don't order a lot of them). At a reduced price, I may even order some of the obscure ones.

Just an idea.

i'm with you on the discount on the PPVs, honestly, I only go for the big 4, the others I usually watch a stream or come about them by other means. The network needs to give the subscribers extra perks, other wise I can just plug in my external HD and watch all the PPVs, old tv shows and such without subscribing to the network, but on the other hand to have a 24/7 channel with nothing but Wrestling is very tempting, and I feel it would be the only channel that would be viewed in my house.

About 10 minutes before Monday Night RAW started tonight, a commercial aired, promoting the WWE Network. I couln't help but notice that there was a new logo hovering above the word "Network".

Did anybody else see this? And do you think this logo will replace the current WWE logo, or be used only for the WWE Network?

Thank you.

ATTENTION: Sorry for not including a picture in my original post, here is a link,r:5,s:0&tx=76&ty=32

I think it's quite ugly, in my opinion.
I saw this and was wondering the same thing. I know they've had this continuous logo since the whole "Get the 'F' out" they did back with Paul Heyman. The new logo they are showing with the network was very clean and sleek...

I'm not sure if they are changing everything to it but I wouldn't be surprised.
When I first saw the new WWE logo I had to do a double take it might be new but to me it's just a redone version of the one they have now just a little different, what they need is a whole new logo not one with the red swoosh on the bottom of it the red swoosh is from the Attitude Era and that era has been dead since 2001 so why keep that part of the new logo it's just stupid and pointless.
Well if they're changing the logo, they have to change the logo on the belt. And I guess while they're already changing the belt......

Its slick but it reminds a me a bit of the TNA logo, or the last WCW logo. Not in design, its just kinda of modern themed. Sharp points, slightly futuristic. Its cool that the new generation has fresh logo, I'm just an old man that's not comfortable with change.
I saw that Logo a while ago online somewhere and at first I did not like it but it started to grow on me and I do not mind it now. It's kind of like how they simplified the old classic logo for the new generation. I am not sure if the WWE will use it as their new logo eventually but right now it looks like it's just for the network.
Each logo has kinda built off itself. This is because you can't totally rebrand the logo at once, that's shitty marketing. They took the W on top of W with an F from the classic look and scribbled it up, then simply took the F off, now they're sleeking up the scribble look with the same colors. It'll still be easily recognizeable as the WWE but with a new touch.

Donno how I feel about it, but it'll work. At least they didn't hire the Miami Marlin's design team.
I personally think this is what it should be. I like this one a lot. It's reminiscent of the old block letter logo but still brings it up to date.

I don't think this one we saw on RAW will be the new company logo, just one for the network. It also appears to me to be fashioned to kind of look like "air waves" as it's going to be a tv station. I like it though. Definitely not what I had thought or expected.
Looks fine to me. It's still similar enough to the current logo that people are going to know it's the same company. The colour fade reminds me of the pre-scratch WWF logo, which is a nice nod to their past.

To be honest, although some people may not initially take to it, I highly doubt it will make anyone stop watching or anything dramatic like that.
I feel like the marketing division at WWE is starting to lose its touch. The cover for Rivalries Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels is hideous. It looks like they put about 4 seconds worth of work into it. The 'I'll See You Next Year' match was pulling at straws. And this logo is pretty weak as well.

The thing I've always liked most about WWE is their production values. They rival or surpass every other media outlet, but I feel like their half assing things lately.
Totally random thought...

In the future, would WWE be open to having other promotion's content on their network?

I'm talking beyond their tape library.

Say TNA or ROH or NJPW or whichever brand of NWA needed a home, would Vince allow a wrestling product that he had absolutely no stake in or control over, onto his network?

I mean, you can't run a network and own EVERYTHING on it. Eventually there has to be some compromise to acquire new programming.
I hope it's nothing like the network logo. That looked horrid.

Companies always think that rebranding starts with changing the logo/look. In actual fact, branding involves the product in its entirety. If they are going to change the logo then they should also consider making some additional big changes to the WWE product itself
They have had the same logo since 2002. Making a new logo would make sense at this point. With that being said.... I hope it is not the one they showed with the WWE Network commercial because that is one ugly looking logo. It looks extremely stupid. I hope they either only use that for the channel or find another one to use long term. Debuting a new logo is fine but they shouldn't even bother if it's not going to look impressive. People associate logos with the products they represent, therefore it is crucial to have a logo people will enjoy.
Seeing that new logo reminded me of the time Jack in the Box had changed their logo: the first thing that came to my mind was, "Aww, what? This shit is fucking stupid."

Looking back at the new WWE logo, all I can think of is the old saying, "If it ain't broken, don't fix it." -- The logo the WWE has at the moment has worked tremendously for years; it has a good look, a nice feel, and, well, just plain awesome. But more importantly, it symbolizes all the WWE stands for; the trademark ever since it no longer carried the F. Now if something such as this has so much significance, why would anyone want to go and change it? -- It's pointless, really.

But in any case, if this new logo is to become the new official logo to the WWE, well, in all honesty it doesn't matter how ugly it is because in the end, we'll all get used to it and accept it for what it is... just like the Jack in the Box logo.
By showing all the PPVs on the Network except for the big four is excellent to fight piracy and streaming of PPVs. If the WWE Network is part of a normal cable package or a cheap monthly rate, a lot of the people who steal the PPVs will likely buy the network for much cheaper. Having a few ads between NON INTERRUPTED 20 min matches is a great trade-off for paying $40 a month for PPVs!
By showing all the PPVs on the Network except for the big four is excellent to fight piracy and streaming of PPVs. If the WWE Network is part of a normal cable package or a cheap monthly rate, a lot of the people who steal the PPVs will likely buy the network for much cheaper. Having a few ads between NON INTERRUPTED 20 min matches is a great trade-off for paying $40 a month for PPVs!

i agree with you on fighting piracy, I do watch streams or will download the ppv the following morning from whatever source just because it's expensive to buy each and every single ppv, to have 8 of the 12 on the network would not only benefit the company, but the fans as well.
I can give two shits about the way the logo looks for the network... As far as I'm concerned, it's just the old logo but fully colored in... which isn't bad at all.

What I'm more interested in, is the promise of two NEW "in-ring" shows to debut on the network. I'm wondering if they mean NEW new or if they mean retro new... like possibly bringing NXT and Superstars back to television. Hopefully, they mean NEW new and will put FCW's weekly show on the air for us to view. I personally would love nothing more than to be able to see Seth Rollins deliver God's Last Gift to someone in a WWE related environment. I also wouldn't mind seeing Audrey Marie's sexy body on my high def television, or in 3D for that matter.

Also, I'm pretty sure WWE will put on some of their featured films such as See No Evil and stuff like that... which is really not terrible at all. I personally find WWE movies to be enjoyable and would love to watch a few of them more often.

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