All the Small Things: Emotion

Rhonda Rousey's Sports Bra

Kinda Sorta Old School
All the small things in wrestling help me enjoy it so much more, from the different ring attire to the facial expressions during a match. Sheamus is great at showing what he's supposed to be feeling during a match. Last night at SummerSlam during his match with Orton you could see everything that was going on in his head. Last night I also had a problem with Cena's emotions that he was projecting after the win over Nexus, after I watched the replay I didn't have as big of a problem with it though.

Little things like this are what make me enjoy wrestling even more.

So what are your feelings on feelings in matches? Do they help you enjoy the match more or do you not even notice?
I like this. You bring up a great point. I think its hard to get into a match if you have someone who's (pardon my french) stone cold expression. What's the point of watching a match where no one does anything except a blank stare between the 2 parties and just throws each other back and forth? You may as well be sitting at home doing nothing. Orton and Sheamus by far had IT, they had IT the Monday night prior when RKO was trying to intimidate him into the corner acting like he was going to punt him. The physical/emotional/psychological game it becomes when you see RKO 'transform' into the Viper persona, the crawling on the ground, the shaking his head violently. His steely glare. Then Sheamus' frustrated looks. Another match where you saw someone with emotions, I personally, thought Melina was quite good, you could sense she was ready to be back, and the fear of being injured again had to have played a part in her determination to beat Alicia. That primal scream she does, has a story behind it, otherwise you would not hear the volume/guts behind it. Then, Cena, as much as I like him, I felt he was a bit lacking last night. Just like he was half-hearted. I know he is determined, but it still felt like he wasn't 'fully there' I didn't see very much until the very end when he had that STF on Barrett. Normaly I've seen lots of expressions on him, but I just felt like "Where were you? Just not the same Cena?" Unless that is something the creative is kinda banking on us to wonder a bit. Who knows, but I for one do dig matches where you see the emotion, and that is what drives people to remember those matches, that is what makes it all the more memorable.
I think people like Michaels,Sycho Sid and Flair had great ring manarisims.Just thinking back now there are so many defining moments over the years where you think of the persons expresions! ill always remember in the Rumble when Austin cheated and got back in.He was kickin ass and then Bret Harts music hit,Austins hands went up to his head and he looked guenuinly scared! Also remember Austin in Brets sharpshooter at WM13 when he passed out!How much pain and emotion did he pass through the TV screen that nite,i was literelly screaming with him at home!Great question,youve stirred up a million memories,thanks!:)

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