Aliosia Pulled Due To Erotic Photos


It's being reported that the reason Aliosia, real name Lindsay Hayward, was cut from this season of NXT due to some very recently discovered erotic pictures she took. The story of her not being ready appears to be a cover at this time.

A set of pictures under the title "Tall Amazon Erotica" show Hayward in a number of erotic poses in the nude and there are also shots of her doin' a little somethin' with a petite blonde. And no, there isn't a link.

Now, personally, I think this is a legitimate example of the PG rating being taken a little bit too far. As far as I can tell, these pictures were taken prior to the WWE signing her so how any reasonable person could plop any criticism in the WWE's lap is beyond me.

Speaking of Aliosia, I found this little article with some interesting comments from Dutch Mantel regarding the 6'9" 240 pound Amazon.

I have to admit that I was expecting some clumsy oaf but, according to Mantel, she's the exact opposite. Mantel does have a pretty good eye for talent so this does sound like some genuine high praise.
Who the hell would want to see erotic pics of her? But yes the PG thing has gone rather far, they didnt ban Maryse for it, nor did they do it to Tiffany, perhaps its due to her being on NXT, but who really knows?

Also she seemed like someone whom could have been a big draw due to her size, so the removing of her from NXT seems rather counter productive.
Who the hell would want to see erotic pics of her? But yes the PG thing has gone rather far, they didnt ban Maryse for it, nor did they do it to Tiffany, perhaps its due to her being on NXT, but who really knows?

Also she seemed like someone whom could have been a big draw due to her size, so the removing of her from NXT seems rather counter productive.

Granted I don't think that Aliosia has the traditional sexual appeal that Maryse or Tiffany has, but the fact that it's so unusual to see a woman of her size that actually looks fairly attractive is something of a novelty. Also, there are some guys that do just like really tall women.*shrugs*

And yeah, Aliosia's size alone was one reason I was going to tune into NXT tonight. I'll still check it out but the novelty of her size could've possibly drawn in viewers. As for why she was pulled, I can only guess that it may be due to the pictures coming to light so recently. If Aliosia had been on WWE television for some time already, the pics probably wouldn't have made such an impact. She hasn't been fired, however. She's still employed by WWE but it looks like they'll just be coming up with something different for her.
That's a bunch of bull... Aliosia is very talented and could be a big star. From what I've read and heard, it's more than likely because Vickie and she got into a debacle and of course WWE took Vickie's side... I'm sorry but Aliosia was WWE's only response to Kong... although we all know she would've been eliminated.
Aliosia was gonna take NXT in a storm. She's huge and very alented. She pretty much didn't had a competition on NXT, she was gonna win it no matter what.
I'm sorry but I find this utterly ridiculous. And not because I am a woman, because to be honest I really don't like the women's division or women's wrestling in general anyway. That being said however, I find it very hypocritical of the WWE to take her off the show, AFTER advertising her as being on it, because of some nude photos. First off, when were they taken? Was she under any sort of a developmental contract at the time that specifically had a written clause AGAINST doing those kind of photos? Remember all the ADVERTISING on WWE programming for the divas that did Playboy shoots? Maryse did Playboy a long time ago and she still has a job. Granted it seems all of the Playboy shoots were before this so-called PG rating but come on---are we stupid? Any of us who have watched WWE for any length of time know about the divas that were in Playboy and admit it , we've all seen the photos, me included. Has that changed our opinion of them? I really feel bad for Aloisia because I bet she would have been a huge draw because of her size and I bet she would have won NXT because all the other ladies are just cookie cutter divas just the way Vince likes them. People would have been intrigued and I know my fiance and I were looking forward to seeing her from the moment she was announced last week. I know they are trying to keep this PG rating but it seems they are taking it a little too far in my opinion. If anything, I bet that would generate MORE interest! Come on, if WWE only knew the HALF of what the divas (and superstars) on their roster do in their free time, there would BE NO WWE because everyone would be out of a job!!!
You do realise that this could all be another massive swerve from the WWE, just like they did with Daniel Bryan? I'm more leaning towards her still turning up on Nexus and just battering the shit out of all the other rookies tonight. Hell, I could even see them waiting a few weeks and have her turn up on the last episode of NXT and destroring everyone.
Something it doesn't look like anyone hear or anyone in the WWE thought of; how many 6'9" women are out there that don't have nude pictures? That aren't professional basketball players, of course. That's a straight up novelty act. Get her and a couple of 4'10" girls and you've got yourself a 20-page spread with the last 4 stuck together.

And before you go dissing porn as a novelty act, remember Chyna. Ugh. If you're bored and don't mind having a limp dick for the next week, look at her Playboy spread, then grab a bottle of Pepto and watch "1 Night in China". It truly is amazing what you can do with digital photography.
I'm sure that a lot of people are bummed out by this. Aliosia was probably going to be the main attraction on season three of NXT, and I'm sure plenty of people were looking forward to seeing this giant. Aliosia doesn't have your typical WWE diva look, and that was one of the main reasons why I became interested in her. I'll still watch tonight, but I was really looking forward to seeing how Aliosia's debut was going to go.
It's pretty stupid for them to do this. Hopefully IT IS some sort of swerve maneuver and she returns with some nice angle.

I for one think she could be a breath of fresh air for the division.

LOL @ Erotic Photos. One of the most beloved Divas ever, including the PG Era was Mickie James!

Has anyone seen what she did on camera? Worse than some nude pics that's for sure.

Not just still photos either, straight up video of her basically being pounded and giving head!
Gonna find me some 6'9 noodz, oooohhhhhhhhhh yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Damage this does to NXT is non-existent, yeah maybe I was gonna tune in for an episode or two for the freakshow. Probably still will tune in to see a bunch of hot chicks play fighting. No big loss imo, she was just gonna be a freak show wrestler as soon as she showed up.
This is ridiculous. They take this PG rating way to far. I was excited to see this huge monster of a woman Aliosia in the ring. She was going to be my favourite to win the competition. Hopefully the new diva that Vicki "chooses" Isn't going to be a complete joke. This would never happen but imagine if Aliosia joined Nexus. They could destroy both men and diva's division.
You do realise that this could all be another massive swerve from the WWE, just like they did with Daniel Bryan? I'm more leaning towards her still turning up on Nexus and just battering the shit out of all the other rookies tonight. Hell, I could even see them waiting a few weeks and have her turn up on the last episode of NXT and destroying everyone.

This is exactly what I was thinking. She is probably going to come back and destroy the winner or all of the NXT rookie divas at the same time.
In my opinion, i feel that Aloisia will return at the finale b'cos that Kaitlyn girl will be scripted to lose everything so Vickie gets mad & then Vickie 'rehires' Aloisia to attack all of the pros & rookies at the finale & it will show them 2 with their hands raised.
It is my sincere hope that this is just another example of the WWE playing the legitimate press in order to get across one of their story lines. I was disappointed that they pulled Aliosia for any reason. At first, the reason of being "too green" seemed legitimate and I was willing to let that slide. I've not seen much, if any, of her work, after all. However, when we hit the erotic photos bit...I had to shake my head.

As has been mentioned before, many of the WWE Divas have done such things, including many that have gotten major pushes. Way I see it, if its in their past it's in their past. Let it go. So far as I can tell, the erotic photos were just an added excuse because the "too green" excuse wasn't cutting it.

Here's the real reason she was pulled, in my humble opinion: Aliosia didn't fit the swimsuit model bimbo appearance that Vinnie Mac and his sponsors are trying to push, plain and simple. Aliosia was good as a promotional device simply because she was something different. The WWE used her unusually large size in order to drum up interest in the new season of NXT. Of course, once the public were duped into thinking they were going to actually get something different, the WWE pulled her. Bait and switch. They offer us something we might want, but they give us what they want us to have.

Personally, I was looking forward to NXT as it did look different and interesting. Now that I see that it's basically turned into a swimsuit based beauty pageant, I find myself not wanting to see any more. Seriously, I actually changed the channel a few minutes into NXT because I saw what was happening. I sincerely hope it actually gets better and that Aliosia does return to level the lot of them...but I doubt it will happen.

Eh, whatever. When I want to see decent female wrestling, there's always TNA.
I have actually seen the so called "erotic photos" on Alosia's blog web site. She posted them to show people that the pictures were really tame. That is exactly what they were. She isn't nude and the lingerie she wears covers most of her body. There really isn't anything scandalous about them. If you look at Maryse Playboy pics along with other diva's playboy pics, they are ten times more explicit then hers.

I understand if she was too green and needed to develop her skills, but don't fire her because she posed in lingerie years ago. Another reason why WWE takes the PG era way too serious. Its not like children haven't seen pics like this before or even worse from divas in the WWE. I wouldn't have even found the pictures if I didn't read Aloisia's blog.

If she is as good as everyone is saying she is in the ring, then it is a real shame that we can't see her perform due to politics as usual in WWE. Aloisia was the only real reason I wanted to watch NXT. Now that she is gone all of the NXT rookies seem bland and no one stands out.
A huge loss for the WWE and NXT?
She's 6'9 female wrestler, not great to look at it.
The only audience that the WWE is losing here are the creeps that are into watching erotic pics of giant chicks.
Am I the only person who thinks this is a big work?

WWE also "fired" Daniel Bryan and then had him back to a HUGE response at SummerSlam. Whether or not this whole situation was intended from the beginning to be a work doesn't matter, because the result was a huge fan response (at shows and the chatter on the internet) to the whole ordeal.

WWE also has a history of working major news outlets (much to the detriment of WWE's reputation, IMHO). Remember news outlets covering Vince McMahon's limo exploding?

However, could we be finally entering an age in which WWE begins working the fans from outside the boundaried of the show itself?

Think about the Aloisa situation. WWE literally built this show around Aloisia. She was to be the main attraction on the show. Then posts an article on (a character) Vickie Guerrero firing her. Then this pops up on her website (which used to be, but now uses her WWE character name in the domain...)

To say that this has been a rough week would be a huge understatement. First, my "no-talent" NXT Pro Vickie Guerrero fires me from NXT because she can't deal with the fact that I'm twice her size and not the least bit intimidated by her. I mean, did you see how she humiliated Kaitlyn on national TV last night? This is nothing against Kaitlyn...I think she's adorable, but EXCUSE ME...if Vickie had pulled that stunt with me, she would have found herself flat on her back, under my boot. Kaitlyn, you deserve better than some washed up middle-aged "Pro" who's been resting on her laurels for about the past 20 years or so.

Next, I find out that maybe the "real" reason I was fired was because of some ridiculous lingerie photo shoot I did when I was 18. Um, EXCUSE ME, but if what I did was so unforgivable then can someone please explain why my "favorite" person, VG, has a (censored) nude photo shoot posted on the website?

As if that weren't enough, new rumors subsequently popped up on various blogs that I was fired because I was "too green" for TV or didn't have enough experience in the ring. I can't wait to find out what the next rumor will be. I feel like I'm watching myself on the Truman Show, LOL!

Anyway, I'm not here to complain. I'm actually here to thank all my fans and supporters for having my back this past week. I want all of you to know that unlike Vickie Guerrero, I'm not sitting on the couch eating potato chips and watching Days of Our Lives. In fact, I've hired a new personal trainer and I have my first session tomorrow. I may be off NXT, but I intend to use this time to get even bigger and stronger and sculpt my 6'9" body into a veritable work of art. I'll be sure to post video of my training session, you can all see how hard I'm working for you, my loyal fans.

Mark my words...I WILL be back and when I return, Vickie Guerrero, you better pack your bags and run for the hills. And Beth Phoenix, honey...I've got you in my sights as well. Every time you look in your rear view mirror, that's me you see coming up behind you. And yes, I stole that line from Mad Men :)


I smell a work. Her photos are now worse than Kelly kelly's on Mickey James was in a porno before she was in WWE. A softcore porn of Maryse Oullet also exists. Where's the boot for them?

And the "Too Green" comment is just utter crap. You're telling me Alicia Fox was ready to carry the strap? She's awful. Besides, Aloisia is going to be in a string of squashes a la The Great Khali anyway.

And even after she's booted from NXT, she makes kayfabe-ish threats to both Vickie and Beth.

tl;dr - This is all a work.
After reading her blog postings, I have to concur that this is a work. She'll be back at some point, on Smackdown, with Beth Phoenix (since Beth is really the only diva they have that would stand half a chance against her) and will start chasing down Vickie and LayCool, you KNOW LayCool will have something ignorant to say about the giant woman and they'll wind up paying for it.

Frankly, I don't know why there's all this hate on the woman, sure she's HUGE, but she's not FAT, out of shape or entirely disgusting to look at. She may not be YOUR fantasy, but does she have to be? Or maybe there's a little intimidation or feeling of inadequacy from some of you guys. Personally, I can't wait to see her in the ring kicking the hell out of everyone in her way. You KNOW she'll be in some mixed-gender matches (ala Chyna) and will probably be the kick in the pants that the women's division needs to get interesting again.

Big Show, Khali, Mike Knox, Kane, Undertaker, all these guys are pushing or over 7 feet tall, they're massive, yet NOBODY says "God they're freaky looking, they don't get me aroused take them off T.V." Give the girl a chance. She doesn't have to give you wood to be worth having around.
o dear lord people. from what ive read, she didnt pose nude, she posed suggestively and that what she has been saying. she was stated as saying when i filled out a questionaire, i was asked if i had ever posed nude and i answered no. but if i was asked if i ever posed suggestively? i wouldve answered yes. as for the video of her with the other lady? from what ive seen of it. its no worse then what some people have done with their kids, the little blonde hanging off of her arm and swinging.
as for wwes plans for her? wait till after nxt3 is over and i can see her debuting by attacking the winner with a jealousy angle. maybe even taking out most of nxt3 in the process with the additude is shouldnt been me winning. maybe have her run shed through most of the female roster until........maybe a big set up to her against a soon retruning beth phenox. where im saying beth will be put over
After reading her blog postings, I have to concur that this is a work. She'll be back at some point, on Smackdown, with Beth Phoenix (since Beth is really the only diva they have that would stand half a chance against her) and will start chasing down Vickie and LayCool, you KNOW LayCool will have something ignorant to say about the giant woman and they'll wind up paying for it.

Frankly, I don't know why there's all this hate on the woman, sure she's HUGE, but she's not FAT, out of shape or entirely disgusting to look at. She may not be YOUR fantasy, but does she have to be? Or maybe there's a little intimidation or feeling of inadequacy from some of you guys. Personally, I can't wait to see her in the ring kicking the hell out of everyone in her way. You KNOW she'll be in some mixed-gender matches (ala Chyna) and will probably be the kick in the pants that the women's division needs to get interesting again.

Big Show, Khali, Mike Knox, Kane, Undertaker, all these guys are pushing or over 7 feet tall, they're massive, yet NOBODY says "God they're freaky looking, they don't get me aroused take them off T.V." Give the girl a chance. She doesn't have to give you wood to be worth having around.

Thanks, and while I agree with you that she shouldn't be pulled due to looks, I don't agree with your reasoning. There are certain divas there for eye-candy "Alicia Fox, Maryse, Laycool" and there are some there for their legitimate wrestling ability and ability to put over the eye candy most of the time (Gail Kim even though she's hot, Beth, Natalya, Tamina). Aloisha is neither, but will probably need to work a program with a Beth or a Natalya before she can work a match with an alisha fox, simply because the eye candy divas have little to no in ring ability.

In other words, Beth will need to come back and re-establish herself in the womens division (which shouldn't take long.) Then she can work a program to substantiate Aloisia. Useless to have her on NXT because she'll end up on Samckdown either way. Might as well get another diva out of the season.
Oh for Christ's sake, it's obvious that this is a work. If you looked at her updated blog posting, you can see that she threatened Vickie by knocking her on her ass, said all she does is sit on the couch and eat potato chips, etc. Despite how pissed I was, if I was still signed to a major company like WWE, I would not be running around saying that without getting fired.

Later in the season, or maybe on the final episode, Aliosia will appear and make a big impact. How, I am not sure. Possibly destroying the NXT Divas and continuing on to exact revenge on Vickie before setting her sights on Beth Phoenix and the Women's championship.

Let's add to this that her replacement Kaitlyn aka Celeste Bonin has even more risque photos out there. They probably just realized aloishia doesn't need NXT to be substantiated, but kaitlyn does (They are said to be very high on her.) My guess is Kaitlyn wins, Aloisha and her enter into a program after NXT is won by Kaitlyn.

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