Alicia Fox's use of "The Scissors Kick"...

Alicia fox sucks, she never fails to make me cringe whenever she does that damn move, last week she almost killed Gail kim by taking her head off. I don't why WWE chose to give her the divas title, she's nothing but a botch-machine who can't do anything in the ring except look like anorexic stick that hasn't eaten in years, just another example of WWE hiring on looks instead of talent. The axe kick she does is way above her level and she's going to end up hurting someone some day because of her inexperience to execute the move correctly(she already injured Gails jaw last week)

alicia fox....more like alicia fuxks.... as in fuxks up every move she does

Yes she did not do a great scissors kick on Gail, but to say she botches it every time is completely false, as she does the move pretty well for a diva, and her winning the title is completely irrelevant here, but I think she will do a good job as champ.
The fact that she is using this move deserves some credit, however she definitely needs to work on the move, as she does it rather poor.

This is much better then any diva's finisher in the WWE, as most don't even got a finisher. Divas needs to get their own finisher and not just use a DDT or a rollup to get the win, as the divas needs to make themseles standout.

If Alicia can work on this move, it can look pretty vicious and help her impress more people will the scissors kick.

But you must think of what they must go through to get approve of a finisher. Because if any finisher could be used, how many people would be doing the Stone Cold Stunner, the Rock Bottom, the Donimator, Chokeslam or even the Powerbomb. WWE limits it wrestlers to what they can and cannot do. You guys are complaining about a female that you guys do not like. She is one of the tallest diva in the game and the finisher is pretty awkward for her to make believable to on another. That is why it look good for Booker T. Whenever he tried the Scissor Kick on somebody small it looks horrible.
although i have never been a big Alicia fan, i think she does have the potential, she is pretty young still (just turned like 24 last week or something) give it a little time of her using it more and more, and i think she can make it look pretty bad ass looking. also i agree with everyone who said that the diva she's using it on is just as much at fault for it looking bad, put her against someone more her size, like Beth, or Michelle, and I'm betting it'll look pretty good.
I just had to weigh in on this one because I've seen it a few times and until now hadn't noticed anyone make mention of it, which was pretty astonishing to me to say the least. I though it was great, I love it, I can't wait to see her do it again. I think she is a Fox and those beautiful long legs look absolutely scintillating flying through the air to axe some bitch in the head. Add to it that it was originally Booker T's move and since I absolutely love Booker T as well at that point you've got me at "Hello". I admit she hasn't done it as gracefully as would have been preferred on an occasion or two but she does show promise for improvement.

I think this is a case of my "Superstars for Dummies" thread (which you should go read BTW). All the WWE has done is put her in the main event and have her win a few matches and from the opinions shared before mine show, their work is done, she's over. It wasn't really elaborately done, just POOF! new woman's champion, this is her finisher, enjoy, and the people are doing just that. Who saw her coming? Really? Not you, not me, and no ones really going to believe whoever says they did if they do, LOL. Nonetheless Alicia Fox has apparently arrived sporting a great finisher, solid ring skills in contrast to the rest of the division, and comparable talent to the other women of the WWE in other areas as well.

Something I noticed people mention about Alicia Fox doing the Scissor Kick was that it was nice to see one of the divas doing something besides a kick, a slap, or some version of a DDT or something. I agree 10 fold. The Scissor Kick is a visually stunning move so it works anyways no matter who is doing it to a degree. I'd say having all the other divas doing lame ass finishers(with exception to Beth Phoenix) is exactly the reason why the majority of people feel that TNA has a better womens division. No impact No response. EVERYBODY uses DDT's and shit, I am tired of that move, I get it! it's a good move! But damn, does everyone have to use it all the time. I bet none of us even get through TNA Impact tonight without seeing at least 1 DDT somewhere. Are the WWE divas just not capable of credibly pulling off more stunning moves? Speaking of stunning? Why not have one of them use a stunner or something if you really want to surprise us? I know I'd shit my pants, I just did thinking about it. Excuse me, I have to go shower and change now.
Ive never cared for Alicia didn't like her when she did the dance crap with whats his face and dont take her serious now WWE is doing this more often just giving ppl championships when someone else does the work.. but thats not what this is about.. her using the move from the start looks awkward even after i saw her use it for the first time i thought "booker t would just face palm if he saw her doing that" it looks like she hurts the person she uses it on almost every time... and if i recall dangerous moves was one of the reasons they took the belt away from Mickie J at one point yes? so she better be careful...
Yeah, I like it a lot.

To me, she is not trying something that is overly-elaborate and that is mostly because no one would think she could pull it off. However, a scissors kick is perfect for her. It literally requires no contact with the opponent until the impact and there is very little chance of her botching the move. The move has also looked really good since she debuted it and she is looking pretty dominant when she uses it.

For me, I think the Diva’s competition needed a shake up and I think Alicia Fox is the Diva to do that. She is agile and athletic and although she looks pretty green at times, her expanding move-set shows that she is willing to learn and that she can carry the belt for a while.

It’s an nice looking move and I say more power to her for using it. She executes her finisher better than a lot of Diva’s in the ring and I suppose that is commendable.
Yeah, I like it a lot.

To me, she is not trying something that is overly-elaborate and that is mostly because no one would think she could pull it off. However, a scissors kick is perfect for her. It literally requires no contact with the opponent until the impact and there is very little chance of her botching the move. The move has also looked really good since she debuted it and she is looking pretty dominant when she uses it.

For me, I think the Diva’s competition needed a shake up and I think Alicia Fox is the Diva to do that. She is agile and athletic and although she looks pretty green at times, her expanding move-set shows that she is willing to learn and that she can carry the belt for a while.

It’s an nice looking move and I say more power to her for using it. She executes her finisher better than a lot of Diva’s in the ring and I suppose that is commendable.

Exactly my point. She has been a fresh change to the divas division and she has done a good job so far in her short reign, and she looks credible with that finisher.

When Eve got her title most people were wondering why they gave it to her, and she had a good run, and people got to see what she actually has. With Melina on the injured list and Maryse heading in a seperate direction with DiBiase they need another credible diva in the division, and Alicia has done that.

The finisher looks natural, and she has done a good job with it and ultimately helps her out even as it does look painful, and will help her out in the long run.
a MUCH needed high point in the diva's division.. hasnt been the same since the Lita/Trish days, and really the last time i could say i was amazed by a diva's finisher was Lita.. but i actually seem to like the Axe kick, seems like it is more of a harsh finisher for a diva
I think Alicia needs the Scissors Kick more than anyone else wrestling for the WWE. Sure, R-Truth used it way before Fox started to perfect it and is much more impressive, but the fact that Truth has so many other moves that can be transitioned into a finisher that's just as impressive (like the Suplex Stunner) means that he can give it up to someone he needs it more. Guys like Booker T aren't wrestling for the E anymore so there's more of a reason to use the move.

Fox hitting it as stiff as she does with those long legs of hers looks pretty painful and makes the finisher that more outstanding. The Diva's really need to get people to think that they're worth watching, so getting previously used moves and adding their own flare to them isn't going to hurt. If so, why aren't people complaining about Maryse's DDT or Eve's Moonsault? They are pretty dangerous moves that can injure... where's the thread about it?

Alicia Fox can use the Scissors Kick.

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