Alicia Fox's use of "The Scissors Kick"...

"Cool Guy" Jensen

Undertaker for Champ!
Just a couple months ago, I saw Alicia Fox debut a brand new finisher. Now, it wasn't exactly brand new to the WWE, as it was used for many years by a certain former WWE superstar. "Can You Dig It?!"

Alicia Fox used that move again on Raw to help her retain her "Divas Championship" against Eve. I don't know, but I think the "Scissors Kick" fits Alicia Fox perfectly... she executes it so well! I haven't been so impressed with a diva's finisher since "The Widow's Peak."

What about you? What are your thoughts about Alicia Fox's use of the "Scissors Kick?"
I don't know, personally i don't really think it looks all that amazing unless the person that takes it sells it well enough. On the other hand, it beats some generic looking ddt or neck-breaker finisher or some crappy role-up pin finisher.
NO! NO NO NO! go back and watch her "hit" that move on Gail Kim a couple weeks ago... she nearly inured Gail... if she learns how to execute it without endangering her competitor then yes, I see this as a possible tool in her arsenal.
her use of it this past monday looked vicious...
she still needs to polish up other areas of her in-ring work...
i really do not understand why they are not pushing gail kim right now. she may botch a few moves here and there (and not always her botching the move), but she is the best diva in terms of wrestling ability and said botched moves look much more impressive than any other diva's entire repertoire...
her use of it this past monday looked vicious...
she still needs to polish up other areas of her in-ring work...
i really do not understand why they are not pushing gail kim right now. she may botch a few moves here and there (and not always her botching the move), but she is the best diva in terms of wrestling ability and said botched moves look much more impressive than any other diva's entire repertoire...

Lol, no she isnt. I don't see why people have this high opinion of Gail Kim. She has not improved one bit and has been wrestling for years. In terms of who is the best diva in terms of wrestling ability, then look no further than Nattie. Sooner or later, they'll push her (perhaps in the feud with the Uso's) and she can finally demostrate it on WWE programming. Honourable mention to Beth Phoenix here too.
I think once she perfects it it will be a deadly finisher among the divas I would say as far as current divas are concerned I would say hers is third in line compared to The GLAM SLAM and Michelle Mccools Faithbreaker. A while back when she did it on Mickie James (this was when she became # 1 contender for the Divas Title) it looked absolutely devastating and I thought it was perfect:) for her because it fits her and because of her height it worked well,as I was tired of seeing divas do Bulldogs,facebusters and neckbreakers as finishers.
Lol, no she isnt. I don't see why people have this high opinion of Gail Kim. She has not improved one bit and has been wrestling for years. In terms of who is the best diva in terms of wrestling ability, then look no further than Nattie. Sooner or later, they'll push her (perhaps in the feud with the Uso's) and she can finally demostrate it on WWE programming. Honourable mention to Beth Phoenix here too.

i'll agree with you on natty. beth phoenix doesn't impress me with her wrestling ability, but rather with her strength.

put gail in with someone who can put on a decent match (ie. natty) and she will shine. people have a high opinion of her because they know what she's capable of, but the lack of wrestling skills of the other divas limits her imo.
i think the kick alicia uses is good if she can perfect it. it is alot better than a lame roll up pin or a ddt that every other diva uses. thats my main problem with the divas is that wwe needs to use them better and give pushes to the ones that deserve it the top 4 who need to be at the top is. 1 natalia. 2. beth pheonix. 3. gail kim. 4. kelly kelly. the divas need better finishers but i think alicia has something going with it her long legs can make it work.
yeah dialect you are right. you cant have any wrestler who has great potential against someone who has little wrestling skills if you put kim with either natty or beth she would be alot better wwe just needs to do more with their divas
Alicia's scissor kick on this weeks Raw wasnt as bad as her last attempts at the move. I congratulate her on the fact that she is using a move that takes some talent to preform and not using the usual finisher of a diva which is a ddt or roll up. With some practice it could easily be compared to the glam slam and faith breaker in terms of being a credible finisher for a diva.

On a side note i dont like that Michelle McCool uses the Faith Breaker as it is a direct copy of "tna superstar" AJ Styles finisher called the Style Clasher. I feel that it is a way for the wwe to throw a cheap insult at one of tna's most recognized and glorified wrestlers. When a diva is able to preform the same move as your top wrestler, especially a finisher i just feel it lessens the credibility of that move for the male superstar.(I hope i dont sound anti feminist )

I know i might sound like im contradicting myself by liking Alicia's fox's Scissor Kick while hating the Michelle use of the Faith Breaker but since Booker T or no other top superstar is no longer using the move in any major company i find it acceptable to use.
I think her character has made some big improvements that last month. I don't think she should of got a quick win that way over Eve because that kind of killed the credibility she has built since she has showed up. But hey, Alicia is making a big move. I can see a decent run out her with that scissor kick.
First off I just wanna say that I think Alicia is underratted in so many areas. From Mic skills to wrestling abilities.

Anyway I think the scissors kick suits her really well. She really gets her leg up there (near her face most of the time) and brings it down with a lot of force. I think her dancing background helps her leg up that high.
A few reasons make this ok in my book. Considering it's a pretty common move (R-Truth uses it as well), coupled with the fact that Booker T no longer wrestles for any mainstream promotion, tripled with the fact that she's a woman so it isn't executed very well, adding onto the fact that she doesn't have any huge time on WWE TV anyways.

She can use the Scissors kick.
I like it to actually, better then a spinning clothesline and the lot of boring finishers cycling about in the WWE right now for Divas.
PS:Why do all black people use the Scissors Kick. Just saying.
Great thread guy! Simply because it's about the lovely Alicia.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Miss Fox is going to kill someone in the ring one day with that move... And I'm willing to pay cash money for that person to be me.

On a serious note though, yes she is getting better at making that kick look more vicious but imo I think she has been improving in the ring all around. On the mic as well. Hopefully a great reign is in store for our Diva's Champion.
I think it's the stiffness of her scissors kick that makes it look awesome, but like lots of people said someone's gonna get legitimately injured by it eventually. R-Truth and Alicia share the same show, perhaps he could give her some tips on how to make it safer considering the scissors kick, albeit with an added spin, used to be his finishing maneuver.
This week, she innovated it to look vicious yet safe. I must admit she had some close calls and one mistake can lead to a HUGE tragedy especially when wrestlers tend to get momentum.
I agree with you heavily, diva finishers nowadays ar horrible. I remember the day when the diva finishers were equal to or more powerful than the superstars. Examples are Victorias widows peak, Litas moonsault, Molly Holly's Molly Go Round (Spinning West Coast Pop from top rope) those finishers were awesome.

But onto Alicia Fox, I must say she has improved drastically over the few months. I remember a few months back how much she was botching the Axe Kick by going down across the rib or back instead of the neck and head.

Hopefully this run will get her over and that it be long and maybe gain a little more credibility for the extremely poor Womens Division the WWE is currently serving us.
Alicia needs to make it look less like it's going to kill her opponent and more of just knocking them out. Her match with Eve this past Monday is reason enough. She needs to work on that finisher. I like seeing a diva with is, but Booker T used his calf more often then his actual boot when hitting the Scissors Kick and that's something Alicia Fox should do. Still impressive none the less.
I like the fact the E is being different with the finisher instead of the generic diva finisher. Now Alicia receives a lot of flack for her ring skill or lack there of. But you can see she has improved and now she needs to work on executing the scissors kick that she doesn't seriously injure her opponent. With that said this week was the first time I can recall ever being impressed with Alicia. She showed personality on the mic and pulled off the classic heel "injury" shtick rather well. I still question the fact that they put the title on her, but I'll cut her some slack and hope for a decent run.
The ms. Booker T lmao..

I think it suits her very well...she does execute it very well and it has been proved as a great finisher...if she can get the move over now, maybe give it a girly name it could be really good for her!!

Also if the diva's who sometimes botch can sell the move well(fall flat on their face) then I think it could take her far!!
The fact that she is using this move deserves some credit, however she definitely needs to work on the move, as she does it rather poor.

This is much better then any diva's finisher in the WWE, as most don't even got a finisher. Divas needs to get their own finisher and not just use a DDT or a rollup to get the win, as the divas needs to make themseles standout.

If Alicia can work on this move, it can look pretty vicious and help her impress more people will the scissors kick.
There isn't really much to say about her use of the move. It's nice that she's been given an interesting finisher, and it seems to fit her character well. The move is unique, in that none of the other ladies are using it, and it makes a change from slams and DDTs and kicks that the divas often use for finishers.

She just needs to work on executing it better.
Alicia fox sucks, she never fails to make me cringe whenever she does that damn move, last week she almost killed Gail kim by taking her head off. I don't why WWE chose to give her the divas title, she's nothing but a botch-machine who can't do anything in the ring except look like a anorexic stick that hasn't eaten in years, just another example of WWE hiring on looks instead of talent. The axe kick she does is way above her level and she's going to end up hurting someone some day because of her inexperience to execute the move correctly(she already injured Gails jaw last week)

alicia fox....more like alicia fuxks.... as in fuxks up every move she does

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