Alex Shelley

The Dragon Saga

Whale in a Teardrop
Go back five years and I loved Alex Shelley, he was a class-act in Ring of Honor, he was doing his role in the Paparazzi Productions angle with Kevin Nash which brought forth some pretty funny moments, and he was showing that he had the potential to be a great wrestler.

Fast forward a year and he had formed the Motor City Machine Guns with Chris Sabin. This was when I seemed to begin a dislike, not for the Guns, but Shelley alone. It annoyed me that some people thought Sabin, whose a former four time TNA X-Division Champion and one of the best to grace that division, was in some way subsidiary in comparison to Shelley. Logical thinking would obviously understand why Shelley is fans favorite Gun.

Dude has the look, he has the personality, he has; and I hate saying this, the hairstyle - which coincides with looks I guess. But it pissed me off, because in-terms of being a wrestler Sabin trumps Shelley any day of the week.

Lately though, Alex Shelley has became one of my favorites within TNA. Since Sabin tore his ACL and MCL, Shelley has made sporadic appearances which have really caught my good side. The whole Gun Money thing I rated highly and last night his performance in the Ultimate-X compounded with the fact that I can actually stand him, I don't see why the guy isn't being pushed.

And before someone comes onto the thread, like I know someone will, saying, "Shelley should just be pushed in the X-Division, cause of his size," here's a fun fact. Did you know Shelley weighs the exact same as AJ Styles and is one inch shorter in size?

Alex Shelley will probably be pushed towards the X-Division Championship, and on a limb I see him making the transition into a heel due to Kendrick being built as a huge face and the saviour of the X-Division, but he should be pushed beyond that. He has the in-ring skills, he has an impressive look and physique especially for someone in the X-Div. His microphone skills are sharp, he is a face you could market because he has a ton of fans, as evident from the very loud, "Lets Go Shelley!" chants from last night.
Shelley is a fantastic talent. He's been my favorite wrestler in TNA since day one. Guy has it all — charisma, athleticism, body, talent, look, the works. Absolutely no reason why this guy needs to "only" be pushed in the X Division if guys like Chris Jericho, AJ Styles, Chris Benoit and many, many more have all been World Champions themselves, some numerous times.

Size is limiting, but size isn't something Shelly really lacks, and his muscle definition is enough to compensate for the lack of height IMO.
Shelley and Sabin are both very entertaining wrestlers, I never saw the need to think of one being better than the other. I'm glad he won the #1 contender match, putting him on the shelf with Sabin is just counterproductive. It will be nice to see a tag team have some individual success without splitting up, if they do keep them together as Sabin's appearance might indicate. IW is better with at least one of them in the mix.
Its mind boggling how much talent Alex Shelley has. For IW he's ideal, he's extremely talented, athletic and creative. An Alex Shelley match usually has a spot I've never seen and he's as crisp as anyone else on the roster. He certainly has one of the easiest looks to market for the promotion as well. He's very over with the crowd as dragon mentioned, despite any short periods of being off Impact. He would be fine in the X-Divison, however I wish that the T.V. title had actual competition and was hotly contested. If treated like the secondary title guys like the Pope, Joe, Rvd, Morgan, Roode, Gunner, Crimson or shelley could vie for the strap and make great match-ups with the ME being so crowded.
I am also a big Shelley supporter. Have been since the skits with Nash. Me and my friends still qoute some of those on a daily basis.

I would love to see Shelley get a major push, but, I don't think it will happen. TNA or IW or whatever seems to change their minds too often with who they are going to push. Plus, I could see the Guns making another run with the tag belts when Sabin is back 100%. Either that or possibly a feud over the X belt.
Turn him heel and give him a feud with Angle. He is such a talented guy that three matches with Kurt would push him to the top. Then move him onto RVD, TNA's other top face. He is this generation's Chris Jericho and can do any style. The man is an amazing talent and should be near the top.

He's ability on the mic and in the ring are being wasted but what else is new in TNA...
I would love to see Alex Shelley be pushed to the max and see what he's made of. He's been an eye-catcher for me, just seems to be having a hard time breaking through as a singles competitor.. hopefully Destination X was what he needed.

Original Poster.. you said him and Styles weigh the same? I highly doubt that.. I really do. Styles is a lot more built.. and an inch taller like you said.. Styles has to weigh at least 20 pounds more than Shelley.

Anyways.. hope Shelley gets a push...
Shelly is AWESOME one of the best talents TNA has on their roster, he is as smooth as butter in the ring, and has the type of personality that draws you to him and just makes it hard not to like the guy whether he is a face or heel.

Now that Sabin is on the self I hope they utilize him to help rebuild the x division. Personaly I would love to see him and AA double have a series of matches against eachother, hopefully for the x division title, that could be pure magic in the ring.
Shelley is the type of talent you can build almost any division around. He's equally solid as a heel or a face, and possesses natural charisma and mic skills that hold other wrestlers down. Its the few and far between that wrestle Shelley's style and get by solely on that, just ask Amazing Red about that. Shelley combines incredible athleticism with the ability to be both funny and credible on the mic, and would be a logical fit in any division. I was quite disapointed, especially with Sabin out, that he wasn't added as part of the Bound For Glory series.

If TNA is serious about relaunching the X-Division and this wasnt just a one-off show, Shelley and Aeries should be the ccenterpieces of it. Kendrick is a good fit in the short term for taking the title from Abyss, but his guru-like gimmick overshadows his wrestling ability. Shelley and Aeries both provide the most complete packages of X-Division wrestlers, Shelley working better as a face, and Aeries a heel. After winning the X-Division title from Kendrick, Id love to see a long feud between Aeries and Shelley, as they could truly put the division back on the map, with Shelley eventually dropping the title to Aeries to move on to other ventures, such as making the TNA TV Title relevant and not a walking joke, and eventually challenging for the TNA World Title. He's that good.

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